
Minera Alamos Provides Update on Cobre 4H and Copper Assets

Minera Alamos Provides Update on Cobre 4H and Copper Assets

Minera Alamos 提供了 Cobre 4H 和銅業資產的最新情況
newsfile ·  05/03 19:02

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - May 3, 2024) - Minera Alamos Inc. (TSXV: MAI) (the "Company" or "Minera Alamos", "Minera") is pleased to provide an update on its Cobre 4H Mexican subsidiary. In light of the limited information contained in recent Minera filings regarding its existing copper assets, the Company believes it is useful to provide some additional information on the Los Verdes and Potreritos projects which were owned by Virgin Metals prior to the company being restructured as Minera Alamos. These projects remain key components of the Company's plan to develop an independent copper entity in due course.

安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 5 月 3 日)- Minera Alamos Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:MAI)(“公司” 或 “Minera Alamos”,“Minera”) 很高興提供其Cobre 4H墨西哥子公司的最新情況。鑑於Minera最近提交的有關其現有銅資產的文件中包含的信息有限,該公司認爲,提供一些有關維珍金屬在重組爲Minera Alamos之前擁有的洛斯維德斯和波特雷託斯項目的額外信息很有用。這些項目仍然是公司計劃在適當時候建立獨立銅業實體的關鍵組成部分。

"While there have been obvious changes in costs since the Los Verdes PEA report was published this has been accompanied by recent strengthening of metal prices. The current environment provides an ideal opportunity to revisit the development of a potential copper production "hub" in southern Sonora where there exist a number of known but undeveloped copper deposits," stated Darren Koningen, CEO of Minera Alamos. "The metallurgical testwork and engineering completed for the Los Verdes project in the past was extensive and included mineral sorting studies that demonstrated a potential to upgrade the metal content of mined material to a level 2-3 times greater than that used in previous technical reports. This unique opportunity allows our technical team to evaluate additional development paths with significant CAPEX reductions along with the ability to source material from other deposits that may be defined in the surrounding region."

“儘管自洛斯維德斯PEA報告發布以來,成本發生了明顯的變化,但與此同時,最近金屬價格也有所走強。Minera Alamos首席執行官達倫·科寧根表示,當前的環境爲重新審視索諾拉州南部潛在銅生產 “中心” 的開發提供了理想的機會,那裏有許多已知但尚未開發的銅礦牀。“過去爲洛斯維德斯項目完成的冶金測試和工程工作非常廣泛,其中包括礦物分類研究,這些研究表明,有可能將開採材料的金屬含量提高到比先前技術報告中所用水平高2-3倍的水平。這個難得的機會使我們的技術團隊能夠評估其他開發路徑,從而顯著降低資本支出,同時能夠從周邊地區可能確定的其他礦牀中採購材料。”

The following sections contain highlights of the current NI43-101 compliant Preliminary Economic Assessment for the Los Verdes project as well as some discussion regarding additional upside potential provided by the nearby Potreritos acquisition. While there are no immediate plans to refile an updated PEA at this time, the Company is presenting the information along with the sensitivity analysis performed on the project economics to provide some background in advance of a restart of engineering and exploration activities related to the projects.

以下部分包含洛斯維德斯項目當前符合 NI43-101 標準的初步經濟評估的要點,以及有關附近收購波特雷託斯所帶來的額外上行潛力的一些討論。儘管目前尚無重新提交更新的PEA的計劃,但該公司正在提供這些信息以及對項目經濟學進行的靈敏度分析,以便在重啓與項目相關的工程和勘探活動之前提供一些背景信息。

Los Verdes PEA Economic Highlights

Los Verdes PEA 經濟亮點

Highlights from the current PEA for the Los Verdes project are contained in the table below. The PEA report for Los Verdes titled "Los Verdes Cu/Mo Project - Preliminary Economic Assessment was prepared by Golder Associates Ltd. for Virgin Metals Ltd" and dated May 2012, a copy of which is available under the Company's profile on SEDARplus (filed May 25, 2012).

下表包含了洛斯維德斯項目當前PEA的要點。洛斯維德斯的PEA報告題爲 “洛斯維德斯銅鉬項目——初步經濟評估” 由Golder Associates Ltd.爲維珍金屬有限公司編寫,日期爲2012年5月,其副本可在SEDARPlus的公司簡介下查閱(2012年5月25日提交)。

Los Verdes
Base Model1, 2
Mineable Resources 7,000,000 t
(0.67% Cu, 0.13% Mo, 0.07% W, 4.85 g/t Ag)
Pre-tax Net Cash Flow $163,000,000
Net Present Value (5%) $113,000,000
Internal Rate of Return 34%
Mine Life (years) 7
Payback (years) 2.7
可開採資源 7,000,000 噸
(0.67% 銅,0.13% 鉬,0.07% W,4.85 g/t Ag)
稅前淨現金流 163,000,000 美元
淨現值 (5%) 113,000,000 美元
內部回報率 34%
礦山壽命(年) 7
投資回報(年) 2.7
  1. Due to the location of the tungsten mineralization within the deposit, the economic model assumes it will be processed commencing in year 3 of the operation. Additional metallurgical analysis and process flow work remains outstanding in order to confirm the viability of tungsten recovery opportunities at the Los Verdes deposit. In the current model a recovery rate of 50% was assumed. The positive impact of tungsten recovery on the overall model pre-tax net cash flow equals $25.6 million. Removing the tungsten component from the economic model results in an internal rate of return of 32%.
  2. Metal prices used: Copper $2.50/lb; Molybdenum $15.00/lb; Silver $20.00/oz; Tungsten $7.20/lb
  1. 由於鎢礦化區在礦牀內的位置,經濟模型假設將從運營的第三年開始對其進行加工。爲了確認洛斯維德斯礦牀鎢回收機會的可行性,其他冶金分析和工藝流程工作仍有待完成。在當前模型中,假設恢復率爲50%。鎢回收對整個模型的稅前淨現金流的積極影響相當於2560萬美元。從經濟模型中刪除鎢成分會使內部回報率爲32%。
  2. 使用的金屬價格:銅2.50美元/磅;鉬15.00美元/磅;白銀20.00美元/盎司;鎢7.20美元/磅

Note: The PEA is preliminary in nature. It includes indicated and inferred mineral resources, which are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability; there is no certainty that the preliminary economic assessment will be realized

注意:PEA 本質上是初步的。它包括已表明和推斷的礦產資源,這些資源不是礦產儲量,也沒有顯示出經濟可行性;不確定初步經濟評估能否實現

In September 2011, Minera Alamos (ex. Virgin Metals) also acquired the Potreritos project area which is located approximately 2 km north of the Los Verdes property limits. Historic estimates for the Potreritos deposit include 1.4 MM tonnes of indicated resources (0.47% Cu / 0.12% Mo) and 0.8 MM tonnes of inferred resources (0.22% Cu / 0.033% Mo) - (see Virgin Metals news release dated October 27, 2011). As the historic resource estimates are not NI 43-101 compliant they have been excluded from the current Los Verdes PEA study. Management considers that should the historic estimates be upgraded to current resources the close proximity of the two projects would allow for the Potreritos resources to be incorporated into the mining plans for the Los Verdes deposit. As part of the PEA economic model sensitivity analysis the impact of increased resources on the overall Los Verdes project are illustrated in the PEA Economic Highlights summary. The remainder of the sensitivity analysis results are summarized later in this news release.

2011 年 9 月,Minera Alamos(例如維珍金屬)還收購了位於洛斯維德斯房地產界限以北約2公里處的波特雷託斯項目區域。波特雷託斯礦牀的歷史估計包括140萬噸指示資源(0.47% 銅/ 0.12% Mo)和80萬噸推斷資源(0.22% 銅/ 0.033% Mo)-(參見維珍金屬2011年10月27日的新聞稿)。由於歷史資源估算不符合NI 43-101標準,因此已將其排除在當前的洛斯維德斯PEA研究之外。管理層認爲,如果將歷史估計值升級爲現有資源,那麼這兩個項目的距離將使波特雷託斯資源能夠納入洛斯維德斯礦牀的採礦計劃。作爲PEA經濟模型敏感度分析的一部分,PEA經濟亮點摘要說明了增加資源對整個洛斯維德斯項目的影響。其餘靈敏度分析結果將在本新聞稿的稍後部分進行總結。

Suaqui Verde Acquisition

收購 Suaqui Verde

Further to the Company's press release of April 26, 2024, specifically regarding the Suaqui Verde project, the following descriptive information is included regarding the transaction. The Company's wholly owned subsidiary Cobre 4H has come to an agreement on merger terms with Minera Gold Copper ("MGC") (as described in the release) that are subject to final paperwork required for closing in Mexico. MGC maintains certain rights including rights to the Suaqui Verde project concessions. The Company is aware that these rights have been the subject of various legal proceedings in the past and that other parties have contested ownership of the project. The Company has reviewed the information provided by MGC as it relates to the history and status of recent court judgements regarding MGC's rights to ownership of the Suaqui Verde concessions and believes those judgements and MGC's rights to be valid and enforceable.

繼該公司於2024年4月26日發佈的新聞稿,特別是有關Suaqui Verde項目的新聞稿之後,還包括以下有關該交易的描述性信息。該公司的全資子公司Cobre 4H已與Minera Gold Copper(“MGC”)(如新聞稿中所述)就合併條款達成協議,但須遵守在墨西哥完成交易所需的最終文件。MGC保留某些權利,包括Suaqui Verde項目特許權的權利。公司知道,這些權利過去曾是各種法律訴訟的主題,其他各方也對該項目的所有權提出異議。該公司審查了MGC提供的與最近法院關於MGC對Suaqui Verde特許權所有權的判決的歷史和狀況有關的信息,並認爲這些判決和MGC的權利是有效和可執行的。

Los Verdes Deposit PEA - Summary of Technical Data


The Los Verdes deposit PEA is based on a resource estimate completed by Golder Associates which contains a total resource (measured + indicated) of 7.7MM tonnes - 0.64% copper, 0.12% molybdenum, 0.07% tungsten, 4.75 g/t silver (see Los Verdes Resource Estimate section for details). The study envisions the construction of a new mine and processing facility with an average annual production rate of approximately 1 MM tonnes over a 7-year mine life. Highlights from the study are as follows:

洛斯維德斯礦牀的PEA基於Golder Associates完成的資源估算,該資源總量(測量值+標示值)爲770萬噸,銅含量爲0.64%,鉬含量0.12%,鎢0.07%,銀4.75克/噸(詳情見洛斯維德斯資源估算部分)。該研究設想建造一個新的礦山和加工設施,在7年的礦山壽命中,平均年產量約爲100萬噸。該研究的重點如下:

Mineable Resources:1 7 MM tonnes (0.67% Cu, 0.13% Mo, 0.07% W, 4.85 g/t Ag)
Metal Prices: Copper $2.50/lb; Molybdenum $15.00/lb; Silver $20.00/oz; Tungsten $7.20/lb(W)
Initial Capital Costs: $92 MM (additional $18 MM sustaining capital over life of mine)
Mine Production Rate: 3,000 tonnes per day
Cash Costs: -$0.73 /lb of copper after byproduct credits (-$0.32 /lb excluding tungsten)
Metallurgical Recovery: 85% for copper/molybdenum/silver
可開採資源:1 700 萬噸(0.67% 銅,0.13% 鉬,0.07% W,4.85 g/t Ag)
金屬價格: 銅 2.50 美元/磅;鉬 15.00 美元/磅;銀 20.00 美元/盎司;鎢 7.20 美元/磅 (W)
初始資本成本: 9200萬美元(在礦山的整個生命週期內額外增加1800萬美元的維持資本)
礦山產量: 每天 3,000 噸
現金成本: 扣除副產品抵免後的銅含量爲-0.73美元/磅(不包括鎢,-0.32美元/磅)
冶金回收: 銅/鉬/銀爲 85%
  1. Estimate of mineable resources was prepared by the production of a preliminary Whittle pit outline using economic parameters from current PEA. No dilution factor was applied to recovered grades due to the fact that essentially all (+95%) of the resource blocks were mineable.
  1. 可開採資源的估算是通過使用當前PEA的經濟參數繪製初步的Whittle礦坑大綱來估算的。由於幾乎所有(+95%)的資源區塊都是可以開採的,因此沒有對回收的等級應用稀釋係數。

The initial capital cost estimate of $92 MM included the construction of a stand-alone processing facility, mine pre-stripping, phase 1 of the tailings storage facilities and all necessary site infrastructure to bring the mine into production. A conservative 30% contingency was included with the process facility estimate to account for requirements that are not detailed in the current study. The largest components of the sustaining capital estimate of $18 MM is the construction of a tungsten processing facility in the second year of production and a phase 2 expansion of the tailings facilities in year 4. In order to conserve capital a decision was made to utilize contractors for all mining and crushing activities.

初始資本成本估計爲9,200萬美元,包括建造獨立的加工設施、礦山預剝離、尾礦儲存設施的第一階段以及礦山投產所需的所有場地基礎設施。工藝設施估算中包括了保守的 30% 意外開支,以考慮當前研究中未詳述的需求。在1800萬美元的維持資本估計中,最大的部分是在生產的第二年建造一座鎢加工設施,並在第四年對尾礦設施進行第二階段擴建。爲了節省資本,決定僱用承包商進行所有采礦和破碎活動。

The average life-of-mine (LOM) unit operating costs for the project were estimated at $35/ tonne. This figure is broken down as follows:


  • $1.70/ tonne mining ($3.40/ tonne ore with LOM stripping ratio of 1/1)
  • $0.80/ tonne Virgin Metals mine services
  • $18.70/ tonne milling process costs (including $3.00/ tonne crushing)
  • $2.00/ tonne G&A costs (including external contractors/consultants)
  • approx. $10/ tonne related to concentrate transportation, smelting and refining charges
  • 每噸採礦 1.70 美元(每噸礦石 3.40 美元,LOM 剝離率爲 1/1)
  • 0.80美元/噸維珍金屬礦山服務
  • 每噸銑削工藝成本 18.70 美元(包括每噸破碎 3.00 美元)
  • 每噸2.00美元的併購費用(包括外部承包商/顧問)
  • 每噸大約 10 美元,與精礦運輸、熔鍊和精煉費用有關

Based on metallurgical testwork completed for the project a conservative metal recovery of 85% to concentrates was assumed for copper, molybdenum and silver. The current metallurgical flowsheet has been able to demonstrate that salable quality concentrates can be produced for all of these components (note - silver reports to copper concentrate). A preliminary allowance of 50% for tungsten recovery has been included in the current study. Additional metallurgical work is required to determine whether the recovery of tungsten to a salable concentrate is a viable option for the Los Verdes deposit. "Typical" concentrate treatment terms and conditions have been utilized for all economic analyses.

根據該項目完成的冶金測試工作,假設銅、鉬和銀的精礦回收率爲85%。當前的冶金流程表已經能夠證明,所有這些成分都可以生產出可銷售的優質精礦(注意——白銀向銅精礦報告)。目前的研究已經包括了50%的鎢回收率的初步餘量。需要進行額外的冶金工作,以確定將鎢回收成可銷售的精礦是否是洛斯維德斯礦牀的可行選擇。所有經濟分析都使用了 “典型的” 濃縮處理條款和條件。

A number of opportunities were identified in the PEA study to further enhance the Los Verdes project development plan and economics. These included:


  • Optimization studies aimed at improving overall metal recoveries;
  • Inclusion of used equipment for plant facilities;
  • Evaluation of alternatives for tailings containment facilities;
  • Discussions with purchasers of metal concentrates to maximize payable metal values; and
  • Metallurgical work on oxide resources to determine if additional cash flows can be generated from material currently classified as "waste".
  • 旨在提高整體金屬回收率的優化研究;
  • 包括工廠設施的二手設備;
  • 評估尾礦封閉設施的替代方案;
  • 與金屬精礦購買者進行討論,以最大限度地提高應付金屬價值;以及
  • 對氧化物資源進行冶金研究,以確定目前歸類爲 “廢物” 的材料是否可以產生額外的現金流。

Sensitivity Analyses


The results of a sensitivity analysis performed on the Lose Verdes deposit PEA base case economic model are shown in the table below. The sensitivity modeling demonstrates that the project economics are most impacted by variations in metal prices and mined grades and least impacted by capital requirements and operating costs.

下表顯示了對Lose Verdes存款PEA基礎案例經濟模型進行的靈敏度分析的結果。靈敏度建模表明,項目經濟學受金屬價格和開採品位變化的影響最大,受資本要求和運營成本的影響最小。

Los Verdes PEA Sensitivity Analysis
Project NPV: ($ MM)
Sensitivity Variances Value 0% 5% IRR
Metal Prices -15% -- $94 $58 20%
($/lb for Cu/Mo) Base Case -- $163 $113 34%
+15% -- $233 $168 46%
Resource Grade -15% -- $104 $66 22%
(%Cu, %Mo) Base Case -- $163 $113 34%
+15% -- $223 $160 44%
Total LOM Capital -15% $93 $180 $128 42%
($ MM) Base Case $110 $163 $113 34%
+15% $126 $147 $97 27%
Mining Cost -15% $2.90/ tonne $167 $115 34%
(per tonne of ore) Base Case $3.40/ tonne $163 $113 34%
+15% $3.90/ tonne $160 $110 33%
Milling Cost -15% $15.90/ tonne $183 $128 37%
(per tonne of ore) Base Case $18.70/ tonne $163 $113 34%
+15% $21.50/ tonne $144 $97 30%
靈敏度 差異 價值 0% 5% IRR
金屬價格 -15% -- 94 美元 58 美元 20%
(銅/鉬爲 $/lb) 基礎案例 -- 163 美元 113 美元 34%
+15% -- 233 美元 168 美元 46%
資源等級 -15% -- 104 美元 66 美元 22%
(%Cu, %Mo) 基礎案例 -- 163 美元 113 美元 34%
+15% -- 223 美元 160 美元 44%
LOM 資本總額 -15% 93 美元 180 美元 128 美元 42%
(百萬美元) 基礎案例 110 美元 163 美元 113 美元 34%
+15% 126 美元 147 美元 97 美元 27%
採礦成本 -15% 2.90 美元/噸 167 美元 115 美元 34%
(每噸礦石) 基礎案例 3.40 美元/噸 163 美元 113 美元 34%
+15% 3.90 美元/噸 160 美元 110 美元 33%
銑削成本 -15% 15.90 美元/噸 183 美元 128 美元 37%
(每噸礦石) 基礎案例 18.70 美元/噸 163 美元 113 美元 34%
+15% 21.50 美元/噸 144 美元 97 美元 30%

Los Verdes Resource Estimate


The Los Verdes deposit PEA is based on a resource estimate completed by Greg Greenough, P.Geo. of Golder Associates, using block model estimation techniques.

洛斯維德斯礦牀的PEA基於Golder Associates的P.Geo的Greg Greenough使用區塊模型估算技術完成的資源估算。

Wire frame domains of Supergene and Oxide zones noted in the drill data were constructed and used as constraints throughout the resource estimation process. An unfolding technique was used to provide a more robust estimate which takes into account undulations and irregularities in the deposit shape. With drill spacing at approximately 50 m, a block size of 15 x 15 x 5 m was chosen. Variogram analysis of Cu, Mo, W, and Ag on the 1 m composites (in unfolded space) provided the variogram models used in Ordinary Kriged estimates, and also for determining the estimation search volumes. Validation of the Kriged estimate included visual checks and global comparisons to Nearest Neighbour (de-clustered data) estimates. Reported resources are restricted to the Supergene domain.

鑽探數據中記載的超基因和氧化帶的線框域是構建的,並在整個資源估算過程中用作約束條件。使用了一種展開技術來提供更可靠的估計,該估計值考慮了沉積物形狀的起伏和不規則性。由於鑽孔間距約爲 50 米,因此選擇了大小爲 15 x 15 x 5 米的方塊。在 1 m 複合材料(展開空間中)上對銅、鉬、鎢和銀的變異函數分析提供了用於普通克里格估算以及確定估計搜索量的變異函數模型。對克里格德估計值的驗證包括目視檢查以及與最近鄰(去聚類數據)估計值的全局比較。報告的資源僅限於 Supergene 域。

A summary of the current resources is shown in the table below.


Los Verdes Resource Estimates
Cut-off ($)2 Tonnes Cu
Measured 30
Indicated 30
Measured + Indicated 30
Inferred 30
截止日期 ($)2
已測量 30
已指明 30
已測量 + 已指示 30
推斷 30



  1. Value of tungsten was excluded from calculation of resource block values
  2. Resource block values calculated using the following metal prices -- $2.50/lb copper, $15/lb molybdenum, $20/oz silver
  3. $25/ tonne utilized for base case resource estimates.
  4. Estimates shown are for sulphide resources only. Oxide components in upper part of deposit are currently classified as "waste".
  1. 鎢的價值不包括在資源區塊價值的計算中
  2. 資源區塊價值使用以下金屬價格計算——銅價2.50美元/磅、鉬15美元/磅、白銀20美元/盎司
  3. 每噸25美元用於基本案例資源估算。
  4. 所示估計值僅針對硫化物資源。沉積物上部的氧化物成分目前被歸類爲 “廢物”。

Los Verdes


The Los Verdes property is a historic molybdenum producer, which was extensively drilled in the 1970s. Repetition and expansion of that drilling by Virgin in 2006 and 2007 resulted in the completion of a pre-feasibility study in 2008. That pre-feasibility study demonstrated, in considerable detail, a robust project based on molybdenum and copper recovery only; with upside existing in tungsten and silver recovery as well as improvements in copper and molybdenum recoveries. The Los Verdes resource comprises a modest sized, compact zone of molybdenum, copper and tungsten mineralization located at the crest of a steep ridge. The geometry of the deposit is ideal for low cost open pit mining.


In September 2011, the neighbouring Potreritos property was acquired and added to the project. Potreritos contains the workings of two historic mining operations (Buenavista and La Providencia) and is in close proximity to Virgin Metals Los Verdes project. During the 1960's and 1970's the Buenavista and Tres Piedras (now La Providencia) deposits were operated by Minera Galaviz, SA de CV which constructed a flotation plant in the area to recover copper and molybdenum. The two deposits are located in close proximity to each other (approx. 200 m) and may be part of the same geological system. Historical copper and molybdenum concentrations in the rock from the deposits at Potreritos are similar to those expected at Los Verdes.

2011年9月,收購了鄰近的波特雷裏託斯房產並將其添加到該項目中。波特雷託斯包含兩家歷史悠久的採礦企業(布埃納維斯塔和拉普羅維登西亞)的運作情況,並且緊鄰維珍金屬洛斯維德斯項目。在1960年代和1970年代,布埃納維斯塔和特雷斯彼德拉斯(現爲拉普羅維登西亞)礦牀由南卡羅來納州加拉維斯礦業公司經營,該公司在該地區建造了一座浮選廠來回收銅和鉬。這兩個礦牀彼此非常接近(大約 200 m),可能屬於同一個地質系統。波特雷託斯礦牀岩石中的歷史銅和鉬濃度與洛斯維德斯的預期濃度相似。

The Los Verdes/Potreritos project is made up of 17 titled exploration concessions, covering 6,629 hectares. It lies within what could be considered the southerly extension of the Basin and Range province of the southwestern USA, near the boundary with the Sierra Madre Occidental province.


PEA Study Development Methodology

PEA 研究開發方法

The general methodology utilized for the development of the PEA study was:


  • A complete metallurgical processing model was completed using the Metsim software package and utilizing the testwork data completed primarily at SGS Lakefield Research.
  • Mass and energy flows were taken directly from the process model and then utilized to identify and size all major process equipment items.
  • Capital costs were estimated for individual equipment then applied to account for additional requirements such as foundations, piping, electrical, buildings and engineering.
  • A conservative 30% contingency was added to all process plant capital cost estimates to account for items that were not specifically identified at this stage of the study.
  • Conceptual capital costs were prepared for tailings containment facilities. A study is currently underway in conjunction with Golder Associates to better define the optimal tailings containment strategy and costs.
  • Infrastructure were developed based on a plant site location within approximately 2 km of the mine site. Infrastructure requirements included road construction and upgrades, power lines and site preparations. An allowance was made for the construction of a new road from the plant to the main highway in order to ensure that mine traffic bypasses the local town.
  • Owner's costs include allowances for permitting requirements, freight, first fill of consumables, spare parts and plant commissioning. Excluded from owner's costs are corporate overheads and working capital requirements.
  • Operating costs were developed based on estimated staffing levels, consumables (from testwork and modeling) and expenditures required to support the mine and its associated processing, maintenance and administrative activities. Power requirements were estimated based on equipment motor sizings and assuming a conservative delivered charge of $0.13 /kWh.
  • An overall contingency of 20% was applied to the operating cost totals (excluding labour) to account for additional cost items such as outside contractors, laboratory consumables, vehicle fuel requirements, etc.
  • All mine operating activities are assumed to be the responsibility of a third party mine contractor. Contractor rates include drilling, blasting and transportation of the waste/ore. Costs for the Company mine services group were prepared separately and included separately.
  • Crushing was assumed to be the responsibility of a third party contractor using portable crushing equipment (two stage crushing circuit). Contractor rates include crushing, handling and transport of crushed ore to plant facilities.
  • A conceptual Whittle open pit model was prepared in conjunction with Golder Associates using economic parameters from the current PEA study. Results from the modeling demonstrate that almost all of the current Los Verdes resource blocks (+95%) are "mineable". Life-of-mine strip ratio is approximately 1.1 (waste) to 1 (ore). More detailed mine development plans will be prepared as part of future feasibility study efforts.
  • 使用Metsim軟件包並利用主要在SGS Lakefield Research完成的測試工作數據,完成了完整的冶金加工模型。
  • 質量和能量流直接從過程模型中獲取,然後用於識別和確定所有主要工藝設備項目的尺寸。
  • 對個別設備的資本成本進行了估算,然後計算了地基、管道、電氣、建築物和工程等額外需求。
  • 在所有加工廠資本成本估算中增加了保守的30%的應急費用,以考慮在研究現階段未明確確定的項目。
  • 已爲尾礦封閉設施編制了概念性資本成本。目前正在與Golder Associates合作進行一項研究,以更好地定義最佳的尾礦控制策略和成本。
  • 基礎設施是根據距離礦場約 2 公里以內的工廠所在地開發的。基礎設施要求包括道路建設和升級、電力線和場地準備。撥款修建一條從工廠到主要高速公路的新道路,以確保礦山交通繞過當地城鎮。
  • 所有者的費用包括許可要求、運費、消耗品的首次充裝、備件和工廠調試補貼。所有者成本中不包括公司管理費用和營運資金需求。
  • 運營成本是根據估計的人員配置、消耗品(來自測試和建模)和支持礦山及其相關加工、維護和管理活動所需的支出制定的。電力需求是根據設備電機尺寸估算的,並假設保守的交付費用爲0.13美元/千瓦時。
  • 對運營成本總額(不包括勞力)適用了 20% 的應急開支總額,以計入外部承包商、實驗室消耗品、車輛燃料需求等額外成本項目。
  • 所有礦山運營活動均應由第三方礦山承包商負責。承包商費率包括鑽探、爆破和廢物/礦石的運輸。公司礦山服務小組的費用是單獨編制的,單獨包括在內。
  • 據推測,破碎由使用便攜式破碎設備(兩級破碎迴路)的第三方承包商負責。承包商費率包括破碎、處理和將碎礦石運送到工廠設施。
  • 惠特爾露天礦概念模型是與Golder Associates共同使用當前PEA研究的經濟參數編制的。建模結果表明,目前幾乎所有的洛斯維德斯資源區塊(+95%)都是 “可開採的”。礦山壽命比約爲 1.1(廢物)比 1(礦石)。作爲未來可行性研究工作的一部分,將制定更詳細的礦山開發計劃。

Potreritos Deposit


The Potreritos project hosts the historic Buenavista mine and Provindencia mines. The pegmatitic bodies with higher grade disseminated mineralization are located in the north-central portion of the property. The Buenavista zone is constituted by a 200 m by 250 m ovoid shaped area with at least 50 m of depth, conformed by fine grained granodiorite stock, traversed by numerous pegmatitic quartz K-feldspar dikes. Drilling has demonstrated the potential for this mineralized zone to extend at depth. Foliated masses of molybdenite, associated with black coloured acicular tourmaline, characterize its composition. Within the area, several outcrops of breccias pipe bodies (2 km diameter), rich in tourmaline and quartz, have been located.

波特雷裏託斯項目擁有歷史悠久的布埃納維斯塔礦和普羅溫登西亞礦山。具有較高品位浸染礦化的偉晶岩體位於該物業的中北部。布埃納維斯塔區域由一個 200 米 x 250 米的卵形區域構成,深度至少爲 50 米,由細顆粒的花崗閃長巖儲量構成,由許多偉晶石英鉀長石堤穿過。鑽探表明,該礦化區有可能向深度延伸。與黑色針狀碧璽相關的輝鉬礦的葉狀團塊是其成分的特徵。在該地區內,已經發現了幾處富含碧璽和石英的角礫岩管體(直徑 2 千米)的露頭。

In addition to the mineralization already identified in the areas of historic mine workings, the geology of the Potreritos deposit is such that it allows for the existence of similar bodies in areas not yet explored. Exploration work completed in 2007/8 in conjunction with the SGM (Servico Geologico Mexicano) has identified a number of other occurrences within the Potreritos claim area with indications of copper/molybdenum mineralization.


  • A significant IP anomaly in the south of the property (El Moro - Los Tajos area) corresponding to a zone of intense pyritization and surface geochemical samples that are anomalous in copper and molybdenum. A historic diamond drill hole completed in this area encountered a 3 cm long molybdenite crystal at a depth of 126 m.

  • An IP anomaly in the east of the property (Algarrobos area) coinciding with the presence of quartz-tourmaline breccias and tungsten anomalies such as those located at the Los Verdes deposit.

  • A fumarolic epithermal zone in the northwest of the property characterized by a strong anomaly with the presence of arsenic, tellurium and selenium. A historic borehole drilled in this zone intercepted an intrusive body which was highly fractured and altered, containing traces of copper and molybdenum below the volcanic rock. It is believed that the alteration found at surface in the volcanic rocks could be owed to this intrusion and at greater depths may form a mineralized copper-molybdenum deposit.

  • 該地產南部(El Moro-Los Tajos地區)存在顯著的IP異常,對應於銅和鉬異常的強烈黃鐵化區域和表面地球化學樣品。在該地區完成的一個歷史悠久的金剛石鑽孔在126 m深處遇到了一個3厘米長的輝鉬礦晶體。

  • 該地產東部(阿爾加羅博斯地區)的知識產權異常恰逢石英-碧璽角礫岩和鎢異常,例如位於洛斯維德斯礦牀的異常。

  • 該物業西北部的一個富馬熱帶以強烈的異常爲特徵,存在砷、鉭和硒。在該區域鑽探的一個歷史性鑽孔截獲了一個侵入性物體,該巖體被嚴重破裂和改變,火山岩下方含有微量的銅和鉬元素。據信,火山岩表面發現的變化可能是這種入侵造成的,在更深的深度下可能會形成礦化的銅鉬礦牀。

Mr. Darren Koningen, P. Eng., Minera Alamos' CEO, is the Qualified Person responsible for the technical content of this press release under National Instrument 43-101.

Minera Alamos首席執行官工程師達倫·科寧根先生是負責根據國家儀器43-101發佈的本新聞稿技術內容的合格人士。

For Further Information Please Contact:


Minera Alamos Inc.

Minera Alamos Inc.

Doug Ramshaw, President
Tel: 604-600-4423


Victoria Vargas de Szarzynski, VP Investor Relations
Tel: 289-242-3599

Victoria Vargas de Sarzynski,投資者關係副總裁



About Minera Alamos Inc.

關於 Minera Alamos Inc.

Minera Alamos is a gold production and development Company undergoing the operational start-up of its first gold mine that produced its first gold in October 2021. The Company has a portfolio of high-quality Mexican assets, including the 100%-owned Santana open-pit, heap-leach mine in Sonora that is currently going through its operational ramp up. The 100%-owned Cerro de Oro oxide gold project in northern Zacatecas has considerable past drilling and metallurgical work completed and the proposed mining project is currently being guided through the permitting process by the Company's permitting consultants. The La Fortuna open pit gold project in Durango (100%-owned) has a positive, robust preliminary economic assessment (PEA) completed, and the main Federal permits are in place. Minera Alamos is built around its operating team that together brought three open pit heap leach gold mines into successful production in Mexico over the last 13 years.

Minera Alamos是一家黃金生產和開發公司,其第一座金礦正在投入運營,該金礦於2021年10月生產了第一批黃金。該公司擁有一批高質量的墨西哥資產,包括位於索諾拉州的桑塔納露天堆濾礦,該礦目前正在擴大運營。位於薩卡特卡斯州北部的100%擁有的Cerro de Oro氧化金項目過去已經完成了大量的鑽探和冶金工作,該公司的許可顧問目前正在指導擬議的採礦項目完成許可程序。位於杜蘭戈的La Fortuna露天金礦項目(100%持有)已完成積極而穩健的初步經濟評估(PEA),主要的聯邦許可證已經到位。Minera Alamos是圍繞其運營團隊建立的,在過去的13年中,該團隊共同使墨西哥的三個露天堆浸金礦成功投入生產。

The Company's strategy is to develop very low capex assets while expanding the projects' resources and continuing to pursue complementary strategic acquisitions.


Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This news release may contain forward-looking information and Minera Alamos cautions readers that forward-looking information is based on certain assumptions and risk factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the expectations of Minera Alamos included in this news release. This news release includes certain "forward-looking statements", which often, but not always, can be identified by the use of words such as "believes", "anticipates", "expects", "estimates", "may", "could", "would", "will", or "plan". These statements are based on information currently available to Minera Alamos and Minera Alamos provides no assurance that actual results will meet management's expectations. Forward-looking statements include timing, cost estimates and statements with respect to Minera Alamos' future plans, objectives and goals with respect to the Cerro de Oro gold mine including the receipt of permits and construction timeline, and the satisfaction by the Company of the closing conditions to draw the Remaining Amount. Since forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and address future events and conditions that, by their very nature involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results relating to, among other things, results of exploration, the economics of processing methods, project development, reclamation and capital costs of Minera Alamos' mineral properties, the ability to complete a preliminary economic assessment which supports the technical and economic viability of mineral production could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements for many reasons. Minera Alamos' financial condition and prospects could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements for many reasons such as: an inability to finance and/or complete an updated resource and reserve estimate and a preliminary economic assessment which supports the technical and economic viability of mineral production; changes in general economic conditions and conditions in the financial markets; changes in demand and prices for minerals; litigation, legislative, environmental and other judicial, regulatory, political and competitive developments; technological and operational difficulties encountered in connection with Minera Alamos' activities; and other matters discussed in this news release and in filings made with securities regulators. This list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect any of Minera Alamos' forward-looking statements. These and other factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on Minera Alamos' forward-looking statements. Minera Alamos does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement that may be made from time to time by Minera Alamos or on its behalf, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

本新聞稿可能包含前瞻性信息,Minera Alamos提醒讀者,前瞻性信息基於某些假設和風險因素,這些假設和風險因素可能導致實際業績與本新聞稿中包含的Minera Alamos的預期存在重大差異。本新聞稿包括某些 “前瞻性陳述”,這些陳述通常可以通過使用 “相信”、“預期”、“預期”、“估計”、“可能”、“可能”、“會”、“將” 或 “計劃” 等詞語來識別。這些聲明基於Minera Alamos目前獲得的信息,而Minera Alamos並不能保證實際業績將達到管理層的預期。前瞻性陳述包括時間、成本估算和有關Minera Alamos對塞羅德奧羅金礦的未來計劃、目標和目標的陳述,包括許可證的獲得和施工時間表,以及公司對提取剩餘金額的截止條件的滿意程度。由於前瞻性陳述基於假設,涉及未來的事件和條件,這些事件和條件本質上涉及固有的風險和不確定性。與勘探結果、加工方法的經濟學、項目開發、開墾和Minera Alamos礦產的資本成本、完成支持礦產生產技術和經濟可行性的初步經濟評估的能力等有關的實際結果可能與此類聲明中目前的預期存在重大差異,原因有很多。Minera Alamos的財務狀況和前景可能與此類聲明中目前的預期存在重大差異,原因有很多,例如:無法融資和/或完成最新的資源和儲量估算以及支持礦產生產技術和經濟可行性的初步經濟評估;金融市場總體經濟狀況和條件的變化;礦產需求和價格的變化;訴訟、立法、環境和其他司法、監管、政治和競爭力發展;與Minera Alamos活動有關的技術和運營困難;以及本新聞稿和向證券監管機構提交的文件中討論的其他事項。此列表並未詳盡列出可能影響Minera Alamos任何前瞻性陳述的因素。應仔細考慮這些因素和其他因素,讀者不應過分依賴Minera Alamos的前瞻性陳述。除非符合適用的證券法,否則Minera Alamos不承諾更新Minera Alamos或其代表可能不時發表的任何前瞻性陳述。

The Company does not have a feasibility study of mineral reserves, demonstrating economic and technical viability for the Santana project, and, as a result, there may be an increased uncertainty of achieving any particular level of recovery of minerals or the cost of such recovery, including increased risks associated with developing a commercially mineable deposit. Historically, such projects have a much higher risk of economic and technical failure.




