
Celebrating Volunteer Week Through the Power of Community

Celebrating Volunteer Week Through the Power of Community

Accesswire ·  05/02 22:00

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / May 2, 2024 / Maximus

馬薩諸塞州北安普敦/ACCESSWIRE /2024 年 5 月 2 日/Maximus

National Volunteer Week is an opportunity to recognize the impact of volunteer service and harness the power of many individuals coming together to make change. It reminds us that when we come together, we have the power to tackle society's most significant challenges, help build stronger communities, and be a force that transforms the world.


As we recognize Volunteer Week, the Foundation would like to celebrate the contributions of our employee Ambassadors, including the Foundation Board, who continue to take opportunities to serve their community. In March, the Board came together to roll up their sleeves and volunteer with Foundation grantee partner Cornerstones.


Cornerstones' mission is to promote stability, empowerment, and hope through support, advocacy, and community-building for individuals and families in need. They achieve their mission through comprehensive programs and wrap-around services that solve urgent or ongoing requirements for housing, childcare, food, or financial assistance, intending to sustain healthy families, secure housing, and financial independence.


Volunteering with Cornerstones allowed the board members and staff to witness firsthand the organization's impact on the lives of individuals and families while actively engaging to learn more about the community and contribute to positive change. "One of the things I enjoy most about involvement with the Maximus Foundation is interacting with the organizations we support and seeing firsthand the impact they have in our communities, " Byron French, Maximus Managing Director and Foundation Board Member, said. "I loved sharing this experience with fellow Maximus Foundation Board Members in the project we did at Cornerstones, an organization doing tremendous work not far from our corporate office."

Cornerstones的志願服務使董事會成員和工作人員能夠親眼目睹該組織對個人和家庭生活的影響,同時積極參與更多地了解社區併爲積極的變革做出貢獻。Maximus董事總經理兼基金會董事會成員拜倫·法蘭西說:“我最喜歡參與馬克西姆斯基金會的一件事是與我們支持的組織互動,親眼目睹它們對我們社區的影響。”“我喜歡在我們在 Cornerstones 所做的項目中與馬克西姆斯基金會董事會其他成員分享這段經歷,該組織在離我們公司辦公室不遠的地方做了大量工作。”

Like many nonprofit organizations worldwide, Cornerstones relies heavily on volunteer support to fulfill its mission. During Volunteer Week and throughout the year, we all can lend our time, expertise, and resources to amplify further the impact of those doing work in our community.


In celebration of Volunteer Week, the Foundation thanks its supporters for their invaluable contributions to giving back and invites everyone to explore opportunities to get involved and make a meaningful difference in their community. Whether it's through amplifying nonprofits through social media, organizing fundraising drives, or visiting a local nonprofit to learn about the issues affecting our communities, we can all do something to be the change we wish to see in the world.


Giving back to the communities we serve


The Maximus Foundation is one of the ways Maximus employees are doing something greater together. Established by the Maximus Board of Directors in 2000, the Maximus Foundation is an independent, employee-led, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Employee donors pool their charitable contributions together through the Foundation, double their impact on the grantmaking program through Maximus' dollar-for-dollar matching pledge, and make their voices heard by nominating and voting for future grantee partners. Though the Foundation focuses its giving strategy on grantmaking, it also helps coordinate corporate-wide humanitarian efforts and empowers employees to donate their time and skills to nonprofits. Their inspired giving and volunteerism help accelerate the missions of nonprofits on the frontlines of the communities we serve. Learn more at

Maximus 基金會是 Maximus 員工共同創造更大成就的方式之一。馬克西姆斯基金會由馬克西姆斯董事會於 2000 年成立,是一個獨立的、由員工領導的 501 (c) (3) 非營利組織。員工捐贈者通過基金會彙集他們的慈善捐款,通過Maximus的美元兌美元匹配承諾將他們對贈款計劃的影響加倍,並通過提名和投票選出未來的受贈合作伙伴來表達自己的聲音。儘管該基金會將捐贈戰略的重點放在撥款上,但它還有助於協調全公司的人道主義工作,並賦予員工向非營利組織捐贈時間和技能的能力。他們富有啓發性的捐贈和志願服務有助於加快非營利組織在我們所服務社區前線的使命。在 上了解更多信息。

Maximus Foundation Board and Staff (Back row left to right) Byron French, Benjamin Coss, Kinte Ibbott, Paula Wales, Ashley Hackett, Terrence Raftery, David Casey. (Front row left to right) Jessica Smith, Jessica Batt, Arvenita W. Cherry, Ph.D., and Alhassan Elbarasse. (Board members not pictured): Kelly Blaschke Treharne, Kenneth Fisher, Ferdinand Morales, Lisa Simmons, and Julia Willis.

馬克西姆斯基金會董事會和工作人員(後排從左至右)拜倫·法蘭西、本傑明·科斯、金特·伊伯特、寶拉·威爾士、阿什利·哈克特、泰倫斯·拉夫特里、大衛·凱西。(前排從左至右)傑西卡·史密斯、傑西卡·巴特、Arvenita W. Cherry 博士和阿爾哈桑·埃爾巴拉斯。(董事會成員未如圖):凱利·布拉施克·特雷哈恩、肯尼思·費舍爾、費迪南德·莫拉萊斯、麗莎·西蒙斯和朱莉婭·威利斯。

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在 上查看 Maximus 提供的更多多媒體和更多 ESG 故事講述。

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Spokesperson: Maximus


SOURCE: Maximus


