
Amarc Gearing Up To Execute Extensive Drilling at Joy Copper-Gold District, British Columbia

Amarc Gearing Up To Execute Extensive Drilling at Joy Copper-Gold District, British Columbia

Amarc 準備在不列顛哥倫比亞省喬伊銅金區進行大規模鑽探
Accesswire ·  05/02 19:45

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / May 2, 2024 / Amarc Resources Ltd. ("Amarc" or the "Company") (TSXV:AHR)(OTCQB:AXREF) is pleased to announce that its team is in the final planning stages with Freeport-McMoRan Mineral Properties Canada Inc. ("Freeport"), to commence an extensive 2024 drilling program at its 100% owned JOY Copper-Gold ("Cu-Au") District (or "JOY" or the "District") in north-central British Columbia ("BC"). The program is planned to start in June and will be fully funded by Freeport, which is earning-in at JOY, with Amarc continuing as operator of the project.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2024 年 5 月 2 日/Amarc Resources Ltd.(“AMARC” 或 “公司”)(TSXV: AXREF)欣然宣佈,其團隊正處於與加拿大弗裏波特麥克莫蘭礦業地產公司(“自由港”)的最後規劃階段,將在其 100% 持股的 JOY Copper-Gold 開始一項大規模的 2024 年鑽探計劃(“Cu-Au”)區(或 “JOY” 或 “地區”)位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中北部(“BC”)。該計劃計劃於6月啓動,將由自由港全額資助,Freeport是JOY的盈利,Amarc將繼續擔任該項目的運營商。

"All drilling and exploration survey activities, together with trail and bridge repair initiatives completed at the JOY District over the past two years are culminating in an aggressive and focused drilling program in 2024," said President and CEO Dr. Diane Nicolson. "Our goal is discovery, by wide-spaced drilling, of one or more porphyry Cu-Au deposits within some seven drill-ready sulphide mineralized systems that extend over areas measuring 3 to 7 km2."


Results from Amarc's 2023 geological, geochemical, and geophysical surveys (see Amarc release October 26, 2023) have greatly assisted in defining the drill targets. This work highlights, for example, the Northwest Gossan Deposit Target discussed below, the PINE Porphyry Trend (including the PINE Deposit, the Canyon Discovery and the Twins Deposit Target) and several other drill-ready targets for drilling during the 2024 field season (Figure 1 and Amarc release March 2, 2023). Also, there are seven additional Cu-Au targets located across the District that are to be brought up to a drill-ready status.

Amarc 2023 年地質、地球化學和地球物理調查的結果(參見 Amarc 於 2023 年 10 月 26 日發佈的內容)極大地幫助了鑽探目標的確定。例如,這項工作重點介紹了下文討論的西北戈桑礦牀目標、PINE斑岩趨勢(包括PINE礦牀、峽谷發現和雙子礦牀目標)以及其他幾個準備在2024年油田季節鑽探的鑽探目標(圖1和Amarc於2023年3月2日發佈)。此外,該地區還有另外七個銅金目標將進入鑽探就緒狀態。

Figure 1: JOY DISTRICT - IP Surveys Have Outlined Trends of Clustered Large-Scale Minerals Systems at Pine, Canyon, Twins & Other Developing Targets

圖 1:JOY DISTRICT——知識產權調查概述了松樹、峽谷、雙胞胎和其他開發目標聚集的大型礦物系統的趨勢

Northwest Gossan ("NWG") Copper-Gold Porphyry Target

Gossan 西北(“NWG”)銅金斑岩目標

This exciting new target has never been drill tested; it is characterized by several intriguing layers of scientific evidence that indicate proximity to a porphyry Cu-Au system (Figure 2):

這個令人興奮的新目標從未經過鑽探測試;其特徵是有幾層有趣的科學證據,表明它與斑岩銅金系統很近(圖 2):

  • It is located in a highly favourable geological environment similar to that which hosts the former Kemess South mine, the permitted and development-stage Kemess North underground deposit, and the advanced-stage Kemess East underground deposit - all currently held by Centerra Gold Inc. and located in the Kemess Mining District immediately adjacent to the south of the JOY District.
  • The target is characterized by a substantial 3.7 km2 Induced Polarization ("IP") anomaly (>14 mV/V) outlining a sulphide system.
  • Porphyry-related Cu, Au, Mo and Ag anomalies outlined in soils and rock samples are largely coincident with the area of IP chargeability high and extend beyond.
  • Initial drill testing of NWG will focus primarily on a 1,500 m long and 500 m wide internal zone of higher (>20 mV/V) IP chargeability.
  • New soil and rock chip sampling returned multiple anomalous elements which are indicative of an epithermal mineralization environment (Bi±Te±Se±As) overlapping with potential near surface porphyry Cu-Au-Mo-Ag mineralization.
  • This concept of overlapping, or telescoped, systems is supported by a suite of alteration minerals established by short wavelength infrared ("SWIR") reflectance spectra from surface samples that are characteristic of both the high level epithermal (minerals pyrophyllite and dickite) and lower-level porphyry (minerals sericite with related pyrite) mineralizing environments.
  • Discrete magnetic highs are distributed within the IP chargeability anomaly and are interpreted to represent syn-mineral porphyry intrusions.
  • Notably, porphyry dikes like those associated with Cu-Au mineralization elsewhere in the JOY District - including at the PINE Deposit, the Mex Deposit Target and the Canyon Discovery - are also distributed within the NWG target area.
  • 它位於非常有利的地質環境中,類似於前凱梅斯南礦、許可和處於開發階段的凱梅斯北部地下礦牀以及處於後期階段的凱梅斯東部地下礦牀——所有這些礦牀目前均由Centerra Gold Inc.持有,位於緊鄰喬伊區以南的凱梅斯礦區。
  • 目標的特點是長達 3.7 千米2 誘導極化(“IP”)異常(>14 mV/V)概述了硫化物系統。
  • 土壤和岩石樣本中概述的與斑岩相關的銅、金、鉬和銀異常在很大程度上與高電荷率區域重合,甚至更長。
  • NWG 的初步鑽探測試將主要集中在 1,500 米長、500 米寬、IP 充電能力更高(>20 mV/V)的內部區域。
  • 新的土壤和岩屑採樣返回了多種異常元素,這表明超熱礦化環境(Bi±Te±Se±As)與潛在的近地表斑岩Cu-Au-Mo-Ag礦化重疊。
  • 這種重疊或望遠鏡式系統的概念得到一系列蝕變礦物的支持,這些蝕變礦物是由來自地表樣品的短波紅外(“SWIR”)反射光譜建立的,這些反射光譜既是高水平的超熱礦物(葉蠟巖和二開石)礦化環境的特徵,也是低層斑岩(礦物絹巖與相關黃鐵礦)礦化環境的特徵。
  • 離散磁高點分佈在 IP 可充電性異常中,被解釋爲代表合成礦物斑岩侵入。
  • 值得注意的是,與喬伊區其他地方(包括派恩礦牀、墨西哥礦牀目標和峽谷發現區)Cu-Au礦化相關的斑岩巖也分佈在NWG目標區域內。

The Amarc team and Freeport are carefully refining the locations for 2024 drilling at the high potential NWG target and some six other mineral systems in the JOY District to commence in late June.


Figure 2: NWG Target - An Exciting New Porphyry Copper Deposit Target That Has Never Been Drilled Tested

圖 2:NWG 目標-一個令人興奮的新斑岩銅礦牀目標,但從未經過鑽探測試

About the JOY District


Amarc's 100%-owned JOY District is located on the northern extension of the prolific Kemess porphyry Cu-Au District that includes the former Kemess South mine, the permitted and development-stage Kemess North underground deposit, and the advanced-stage Kemess East underground deposit - all currently held by Centerra Gold Inc. Through its association with Hunter Dickinson Inc., Amarc's technical team was first to recognize the Kemess District's true porphyry potential, acquiring Kemess North and Kemess South as early-stage prospects and advancing both to significant porphyry Cu-Au deposits. Kemess South was sold in 1996 on beneficial terms to a predecessor of Northgate Minerals, which brought that deposit into production.

Amarc 100% 持有的JOY District位於多產的凱梅斯斑岩Cu-Au區的北部延伸部分,該區包括前凱梅斯南礦、許可和處於開發階段的Kemess North地下礦牀以及處於後期開發階段的Kemess East地下礦牀——全部由Centerra Gold Inc.持有。通過與亨特·狄金森公司的合作,Amarc的技術團隊是第一個認可凱梅斯區真正港口的人潛力巨大,收購 Kemess North 和 Kemess South 作爲早期潛在客戶,並將兩者都推向大量斑岩銅金礦牀。1996年,Kemess South以優惠條件出售給了Northgate Minerals的前身,後者使該礦牀投入生產。

The JOY District is readily accessed via resource roads servicing the southern Toodoggone region, including Centerra's Kemess porphyry Cu-Au deposits and the historical Lawyers, Baker and Shasta epithermal precious metal mines now being redeveloped by Benchmark Metals Inc. and TDG Gold Corp, respectively.

通過通往南圖多貢地區的資源道路可輕鬆到達喬伊區,包括Centerra的Kemess斑岩銅金礦牀以及Benchmark Metals Inc.和TDG Gold Corp分別重新開發的歷史悠久的律師、貝克和沙斯塔超熱貴金屬礦。

Further in-depth information on historical and more recent exploration activities completed within the JOY District prior to 2021 can be found in the Company's 'JOY Project 2020 Technical Report', filed under Amarc's profile at or located on its website at

有關2021年之前在JOY區完成的歷史和最近勘探活動的更多深入信息,可在該公司的 “JOY Project 2020年技術報告” 中找到,該報告位於Amarc的個人資料下提交,網址或位於其網站上

About Amarc Resources

關於 Amarc 資源

Amarc is a mineral exploration and development company with an experienced and successful management team focused on developing a new generation of long-life, high-value porphyry Cu-Au mines in BC. By combining high-demand projects with dynamic management, Amarc has created a solid platform to create value from its exploration and development-stage assets.


Amarc is advancing its 100%-owned IKE, DUKE and JOY porphyry Cu±Au Districts located in different prolific porphyry regions of northern, central and northern BC, respectively. Each District represents significant potential for the development of multiple and important-scale, porphyry Cu±Au deposits. Importantly, each of the three districts are located in proximity to industrial infrastructure - including power, highways and rail.


Freeport-McMoRan Mineral Properties Canada Inc. ("Freeport"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Freeport-McMoRan Inc. at JOY, and Boliden Mineral Canada Ltd. ("Boliden"), an entity within the Boliden Group of companies at DUKE, can earn up to a 70% interest in each District through staged investments of $110 million and $90 million, respectively. Together this provides Amarc with potentially up to $200 million in non-share dilutive staged funding for these Districts. In addition, Amarc intends to solo drill the higher grade Empress Deposit in the IKE District with funding from a successful 2023 financing. Amarc is the operator of all programs.

加拿大弗裏波特-麥克莫蘭礦業地產公司(“自由港”)是JOY弗裏波特麥克莫蘭公司的全資子公司,以及杜克大學博利登公司集團旗下的加拿大博利登礦業有限公司(“Boliden”)可分別通過1.1億美元和9000萬美元的分階段投資獲得每個地區高達70%的權益。這共同爲Amarc提供了可能爲這些地區提供高達2億美元的非股票攤薄分期融資。此外,Amarc打算在2023年成功融資的資助下,在IKE區單獨開採更高等級的皇后存款。Amarc 是所有程序的運營商。

Amarc is associated with HDI, a diversified, global mining company with a 35-year history of porphyry Cu deposit discovery and development success. Previous and current HDI projects include some of BC's and the world's most important porphyry deposits - such as Kemess South, Kemess North, Pebble, Mount Milligan, Southern Star, Gibraltar, Prosperity, Xietongmen, Newtongmen, Florence, Casino, Sisson, Maggie, IKE, PINE and DUKE. From its head office in Vancouver, Canada, HDI applies its unique strengths and capabilities to acquire, develop, operate and monetize mineral projects.


Amarc works closely with local governments, Indigenous groups and stakeholders in order to advance its mineral projects responsibly, and in a manner that contributes to sustainable community and economic development. We pursue early and meaningful engagement to ensure our mineral exploration and development activities are well coordinated and broadly supported, address local priorities and concerns, and optimize opportunities for collaboration. In particular, we seek to establish mutually beneficial partnerships with Indigenous groups within whose traditional territories our projects are located, through the provision of jobs, training programs, contract opportunities, capacity funding agreements and sponsorship of community events. All Amarc work programs are carefully planned to achieve high levels of environmental and social performance.


Qualified Person


Dr. Paul Johnston, P.Geo., a Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical content in this release. Dr. Johnston is Amarc's Vice President, Exploration.

P.Geo. P.Geo. 的保羅·約翰斯頓博士是美國國家儀器43-101中定義的合格人員,他已審查並批准了本新聞稿中的技術內容。約翰斯頓博士是 Amarc 的勘探副總裁。

Quality Control/Quality Assurance Program


In 2022 and 2023, soil and rock samples were sent to Activation Laboratories Ltd. (Actlabs), Kamloops, Canada facility for preparation and analysis. During peak periods, some rock samples in 2022 were also prepared at Actlabs laboratories located in Timmins and Ancaster, Ontario. All soil samples and all 2023 rock samples were prepared at Actlabs in Kamloops.


At the preparation laboratory, rock samples were dried, crushed to 80% passing 2 mm size, mechanically split (by riffle) to obtain a representative sample and then pulverized to at least 95% minus 105 microns (μm) (method RX1). Soil samples were dried (at 60o C) and sieved to minus 177 μm (method S1).

在製備實驗室,對岩石樣品進行乾燥,壓碎至大小達2 mm的80%,機械分裂(用格柵)以獲得代表性樣品,然後粉碎至至少95%減去105微米(μm)(方法RX1)。土壤樣本已乾燥(60 時)o C) 並篩分至負 177 微米(方法 S1)。

A sample split from the pulverized fraction of the rock sample was analyzed for Au at either the Actlabs, Kamloops, Timmins (in 2022 only), or Ancaster, Ontario laboratory, and the sieved portion of all soils were analyzed for Au at Actlabs Kamloops. Gold concentration was determined by fire assay fusion of a 30 g sub-sample with an ICP-OES finish (method 1A2-ICP). All rock samples and soil samples taken in new exploration areas in 2022 and 2023 were analyzed for Cu, Ag and 58 additional elements by 4 acid digestion of a 0.25 sub-sample followed by an ICP-OES and ICP-MS finish (method UT6). In 2022, approximately 7% of the samples were taken on extensions of earlier grids. These samples were analyzed for Cu, Au, Ag and 60 additional elements by Aqua Regia digestion of a 0.5 g sample followed by an ICP-MS finish (method UT1) to match the analytical method employed on these grids. Samples >10,000 ppm Cu by UT6 were also analyzed by assay grade 4-acid digestion ICP-OES. All multi-element ICP analysis was done at the Actlabs Ancaster, Ontario facility.

Actlabs、Kamloops、Timmins(僅限2022年)或安大略省安卡斯特實驗室對從岩石樣品的粉碎部分中分離出的樣品中金進行了分析,並在Actlabs Kamloops對所有土壤的篩分部分進行了金分析。金濃度是通過對一個 30 g 的子樣品進行火法化驗融合和 ICP-OES 處理來確定的(方法 1A2-ICP)。對2022年和2023年在新勘探區域採集的所有岩石樣本和土壤樣本進行了銅、銀和58種其他元素的分析,方法是對0.25個子樣本進行4次酸消解,然後進行ICP-OES和ICP-MS表面處理(方法UT6)。2022年,大約7%的樣本是在早期電網的擴展上採集的。通過Aqua Regia消解0.5 g樣品,對這些樣品進行了銅、金、銀和其他60種元素的分析,然後進行ICP-MS處理(方法UT1),以匹配這些電網上使用的分析方法。還通過化驗級 4 酸消化 ICP-OES 分析了 UT6 中銅含量大於 10,000 ppm 的樣品。所有多元素 ICP 分析都是在安大略省安卡斯特的 Actlabs 工廠完成的。

These Actlabs facilities are ISO/IEC 17025 accredited. As part of a comprehensive Quality Assurance/Quality Control ("QAQC") program, Amarc control samples were inserted in each sample analytical batch at the following rates: standards and/or blanks one in 80 regular soil samples and one in 30 regular rock samples in 2022 and standards and/or blanks one in 60 regular soil samples and one in 40 regular rock samples in 2023. The control sample results were then checked to ensure proper QAQC.

這些 Actlabs 設施已獲得 ISO/IEC 17025 認證。作爲全面質量保證/質量控制(“QAQC”)計劃的一部分,Amarc控制樣本按以下速率插入每個樣本分析批次中:標準和/或空白2022年每80個常規土壤樣本中有一個和每30個常規岩石樣本中就有一個標準和/或空白,在2023年標準和/或空白60個常規土壤樣本中有一個和/或空白。然後檢查對照樣本結果以確保質量控制正確。

Soil samples were collected either along nominal 200 m spaced contour lines at 100 m to 200 m sample spacing or along 100 m spaced grid lines at 100 m sampling intervals. Rock samples were collected from available outcrops typically located along ridge tops and drainage courses.

土壤樣本要麼沿標稱間隔200米的等高線採集,樣本間距爲100 m至200 m,要麼沿着間隔爲100 m的網格線採集,採集間隔爲100 m。岩石樣本是從通常位於山脊頂部和排水道沿線的現有露頭中採集的。

For further details on Amarc Resources Ltd., please visit the Company's website at or contact Dr. Diane Nicolson, President and CEO, at (604) 684-6365 or within North America at 1-800-667-2114, or Kin Communications, at (604) 684-6730, Email:

有關 Amarc Resources Ltd. 的更多詳情,請訪問公司網站或致電 (604) 684-6365 聯繫總裁兼首席執行官黛安·尼科爾森博士,或致電 1-800-667-2114 或致電 (604) 684-6730 與 Kin Communications 聯繫,電子郵件。


代表 AMARC 資源有限公司董事會

Dr. Diane Nicolson
President and CEO


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Forward Looking and other Cautionary Information


This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All such statements, other than statements of historical facts that address exploration plans and plans for enhanced relationships are forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Assumptions used by the Company to develop forward-looking statements include the following: Amarc's projects will obtain all required environmental and other permits and all land use and other licenses, studies and exploration of Amarc's projects will continue to be positive, and no geological or technical problems will occur. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, potential environmental issues or liabilities associated with exploration, development and mining activities, exploitation and exploration successes, continuity of mineralization, uncertainties related to the ability to obtain necessary permits, licenses and tenure and delays due to third party opposition, changes in and the effect of government policies regarding mining and natural resource exploration and exploitation, exploration and development of properties located within Aboriginal groups asserted territories may affect or be perceived to affect asserted aboriginal rights and title, which may cause permitting delays or opposition by Aboriginal groups, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. For more information on Amarc Resources Ltd., investors should review Amarc's annual Form 20-F filing with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission at and its home jurisdiction filings that are available at .

本新聞稿包括某些可能被視爲 “前瞻性陳述” 的陳述。除涉及勘探計劃和加強關係計劃的歷史事實陳述外,所有這些陳述均爲前瞻性陳述。儘管公司認爲此類前瞻性陳述中表達的預期是基於合理的假設,但此類陳述並不能保證未來的業績,實際業績或發展可能與前瞻性陳述中存在重大差異。公司在制定前瞻性陳述時使用的假設包括以下幾點:Amarc的項目將獲得所有必需的環境和其他許可證,Amarc項目的所有土地使用和其他許可證、研究和勘探將繼續是積極的,不會發生地質或技術問題。可能導致實際結果與前瞻性陳述中的結果存在重大差異的因素包括市場價格、與勘探、開發和採礦活動相關的潛在環境問題或負債、開採和勘探成功、礦化的連續性、與獲得必要許可證、許可證和保有權的能力相關的不確定性以及第三方反對造成的延誤、政府關於採礦和自然資源勘探和開發、勘探和開發的政策的變化和影響開發位於原住民群體主張的領土內的房產可能會影響或被認爲會影響主張的原住民權利和所有權,這可能會導致原住民群體的許可延遲或反對、資本和融資的持續可用性以及總體經濟、市場或商業狀況。投資者請注意,任何此類陳述都不能保證未來的業績,實際結果或發展可能與前瞻性陳述中的預測存在重大差異。有關Amarc Resources Ltd.的更多信息,投資者應查看Amarc向美國證券交易委員會提交的年度20-F表格,網址爲,以及其所在司法管轄區的文件,這些文件可在以下網址獲得。

Figure 1: JOY DISTRICT - IP Surveys Have Outlined Trends of Clustered Large-Scale Minerals Systems at Pine, Canyon, Twins & Other Developing Targets

圖 1:JOY DISTRICT——知識產權調查概述了松樹、峽谷、雙胞胎和其他開發目標聚集的大型礦物系統的趨勢

Figure 2: NWG Target - An Exciting New Porphyry Copper Deposit Target That Has Never Been Drilled Tested

圖 2:NWG 目標-一個令人興奮的新斑岩銅礦牀目標,但從未經過鑽探測試

SOURCE: Amarc Resources Ltd.

來源:Amarc 資源有限公司

