Local Couple Opens Franchise Business to Answer Community Demand for In-Home Care Options
ROSEVILLE, Calif., April 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Always Best Care Senior Services, one of the leading senior care franchise systems in the United States, announced today it is expanding in the Houston market. Cypress residents Tunisha and Meyahnwi Che have opened Always Best Care of Cypress, providing award-winning senior care services throughout Cypress, Houston, Hockley, Tomball and Katy. This is the sixth Always Best Care office to open in the Houston area, where the 65-plus population has increased 58 percent over the past decade.
加利福尼亞州羅斯維爾,2024年4月30日 /PRNewswire/ — 美國領先的老年護理特許經營系統之一Always Best Care老年人服務今天宣佈,正在休斯敦市場擴張。賽普拉斯居民 Tunisha 和 Meyahnwi Che 開設了 Always Best Care of Cypress,在賽普拉斯、休斯頓、霍克利、湯博爾和凱蒂提供屢獲殊榮的老年護理服務。這是在休斯敦地區開設的第六家Always Best Care辦公室,在過去十年中,休斯敦地區65歲以上的人口增長了58%。
"Always Best Care has been providing the highest level of personal care to seniors and their families in the greater Houston area for over 14 years," said Jake Brown, President and CEO of Always Best Care. "By expanding our reach in the Cypress area in the Houston market, Tunisha and Meyahnwi Che join a dedicated group of professionals and caregivers who are making a difference in their local communities. Their personal and professional focus on service will serve them and their clients very well."
Always Best Care總裁兼首席執行官傑克·布朗表示:“在過去的14年中,Always Best Care一直爲大休斯敦地區的老年人及其家庭提供最高水平的個人護理。”“通過擴大我們在休斯敦市場賽普拉斯地區的影響力,Tunisha和Meyahnwi Che加入了一個由專業人員和護理人員組成的專門團體,他們正在爲當地社區做出改變。他們對服務的個人和專業關注將爲他們和他們的客戶提供很好的服務。”
Originally from New Orleans, Tunisha Che earned a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Xavier University of Louisiana and has been a community pharmacy manager for more than 20 years. She and her husband, Meyahnwi discovered the need for quality caregiving services after providing personal care for their own aging parents and knew it was the business opportunity they had been seeking.
Tunisha Che最初來自新奧爾良,擁有路易斯安那州澤維爾大學藥學博士學位,並擔任社區藥房經理超過20年。她和丈夫Meyahnwi在爲自己年邁的父母提供個人護理後,發現了對優質護理服務的需求,並知道這是他們一直在尋找的商機。
"Cypress is one of the fastest growing areas in Houston with many age groups recognizing it as a great place to raise a family as well as to retire. Seniors increasingly want to age at home, so there is a mounting need in our community for trusted professionals to provide companionship, personal care and comfort to them right where they are," said Tunisha Che, co-owner of Always Best Care of Cypress. "Throughout my years as a pharmacist, I've had the opportunity to work hand-in-hand with families and skilled caregivers, understanding the needs and challenges that come with patient care and team leadership. Together with our team of compassionate caregivers, Meyahnwi and I look forward to helping our neighbors age with dignity and a personalized care plan."
“賽普拉斯是休斯敦發展最快的地區之一,許多年齡段的人都認爲它是養家和退休的好地方。Always Best Care of Cypress的共同所有人Tunisha Che說,老年人越來越希望在家中養老,因此我們的社區越來越需要值得信賴的專業人員,讓他們無論身在何處都能爲他們提供陪伴、個人護理和舒適感。“在我擔任藥劑師的這些年中,我有機會與家人和熟練的護理人員攜手合作,了解患者護理和團隊領導帶來的需求和挑戰。與我們富有同情心的護理人員團隊一起,我和Meyahnwi期待着幫助我們的鄰居有尊嚴地衰老,並制定個性化的護理計劃。”
Always Best Care is one of the nation's leading providers of non-medical in-home care and senior living referral services, with skilled home health care in limited markets. The company delivers its services through an international network of more than 250 independently owned and operated franchise territories throughout the United States and Canada. By working with case managers, social workers, discharge planners, doctors, and families, Always Best Care franchise owners provide affordable, comprehensive solutions that can be specifically matched to meet a client's particular physical or social needs.
Always Best Care是美國領先的非醫療居家護理和老年人生活轉診服務提供商之一,在有限的市場中提供熟練的家庭醫療保健。該公司通過遍佈美國和加拿大的250多個獨立擁有和運營的特許經營區域的國際網絡提供服務。通過與個案經理、社會工作者、出院計劃人員、醫生和家屬合作,Always Best Care特許經營權所有者提供價格合理、全面的解決方案,這些解決方案可以專門匹配以滿足客戶的特定身體或社交需求。
Always Best Care of Cypress is located at 17840 Mound Road, Suite B. For additional information or to schedule a care consultation, call 281-246-0080 or visit
Always Best Care of Cypress 位於 17840 Mound Road,B 套房 B。欲了解更多信息或預約護理諮詢,請致電 281-246-0080 或訪問。
About Always Best Care
Founded in 1996, Always Best Care Senior Services is based on the belief that having the right people for the right level of care means peace of mind for the client and family. Always Best Care has been assisting seniors with a wide range of conditions and personal needs for over 27 years and currently provides thousands of hours of care every year. Franchise opportunities are available to individuals interested in leveraging the company's clear strategy and proven track record for delivering affordable, dependable service to seniors in their local areas.
關於 Always BestCare
Always Best Care老年人服務成立於1996年,其信念是,爲適當的護理水平找到合適的人選意味着客戶和家庭高枕無憂。在過去的27年中,Always Best Care一直爲患有各種疾病和個人需求的老年人提供幫助,目前每年提供數千小時的護理。有興趣利用公司明確的戰略和良好的往績記錄爲當地老年人提供負擔得起、可靠的服務的個人可以獲得特許經營機會。
Always Best Care also offers exclusive programs such as Always in Touch, Balance Tracking System, remote patient monitoring and a 24/7 Virtual Care. For more information regarding Always Best Care's solutions, visit .
Always Best Care還提供獨家計劃,例如隨時聯繫、平衡跟蹤系統、遠程患者監測和全天候虛擬護理。有關 Always Best Care 解決方案的更多信息,請訪問。
Nicole Hunnicutt
Fish Consulting
[email protected]
Nicole Hunnicutt
SOURCE Always Best Care
來源 Always BestCare