
Atomic Minerals Announces Advancement on the Colorado Plateau Projects in the Southwest US

Atomic Minerals Announces Advancement on the Colorado Plateau Projects in the Southwest US

newsfile ·  04/30 19:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - April 30, 2024) - Atomic Minerals Corporation (TSXV: ATOM) ("ATOMIC MINERALS" or the "Company") is delighted to announce significant progress on its strategic claim blocks located on the Colorado Plateau in the US Southwest, specifically at ("Harts Point"), (the "10 Mile Anticline"), and (the "Dolores Anticline"). This update highlights the Company's ongoing commitment to advancing its exploration efforts in these highly prospective salt anticlines.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 4 月 30 日)- 原子礦業公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:ATOM) (”原子礦物“或者 “公司”)很高興地宣佈,其位於美國西南部科羅拉多高原的戰略索賠區塊取得了重大進展,特別是(“Harts Point”),( “10 英里反斜線”)和( “多洛雷斯·安蒂克林”)。本次更新凸顯了該公司持續致力於推進對這些極具前景的鹽類反斜巖的勘探工作。

"We are thrilled to update shareholders on our exploration plans and proud of the significant progress we've made on our claim blocks on the Colorado Plateau, including Harts Point, 10 Mile, and Dolores Anticline," stated Clive Massey, President, and CEO of Atomic Minerals. "Our comprehensive review and analysis of historic uranium mining and oil and gas drilling data have been instrumental in refining our exploration strategy. The historical drill data, particularly from the Chinle Formation basal sandstones, underscores the robust potential for uranium mineralization across these properties. With this promising foundation, we are advancing our drilling plans as we initiate the permitting process. Our focus now turns to utilizing our technical expertise, forged through decades of geological insights, to qualify and quantify the uranium mineralization at Dolores, 10 Mile and Harts Point."

原子礦業總裁兼首席執行官克萊夫·梅西表示:“我們很高興向股東介紹我們的勘探計劃的最新情況,併爲我們在科羅拉多高原的主張區塊上取得的重大進展感到自豪,包括哈茨角、10 Mile和Dolores Anticline。”“我們對歷史鈾礦開採和石油和天然氣鑽探數據的全面審查和分析對完善我們的勘探戰略起到了重要作用。歷史鑽探數據,特別是來自奇尼爾組基底砂岩的數據,突顯了這些地產中鈾礦化的巨大潛力。有了這個前景光明的基礎,我們在啓動許可程序的同時正在推進我們的鑽探計劃。現在,我們的重點轉向利用通過數十年地質洞察積累的技術專業知識來鑑定和量化多洛雷斯、10 Mile和Harts Point的鈾礦化情況。”

Harts Point

Harts Point

Atomic Minerals, alongside Joint Venture Partner Kraken Energy Corp., successfully completed a maiden two-hole drill program at the Harts Point Uranium Property in Utah, as detailed in the (March 26, 2024) news release. Kraken's technical team reported the drilling proved the existence of the basal Moss Back member sandstone of the Triassic Chinle formation with gamma ray logs recording elevated gamma ray counts over a 12.9 metre downhole length in one hole and over a 16.2 metre down hole length in the other, recording a maximum reading of was 2,162 counts per second. Results are pending, and the Company anticipates obtaining permits soon for further exploration at Harts Point.

正如新聞稿(2024年3月26日)所詳述的那樣,Atomic Minerals與合資夥伴Kraken Energy Corp. 一起成功完成了猶他州哈茨波因特鈾礦業的首次兩孔鑽探計劃。Kraken的技術團隊報告說,鑽探證明了三疊紀奇內爾地層的基底Moss Back成員砂岩的存在,伽瑪射線日誌記錄了一個井下12.9米的伽瑪射線數量升高,另一個孔的井下長度超過16.2米,記錄的最大讀數爲每秒2,162次。結果尚待公佈,該公司預計不久將獲得在哈茨角進行進一步勘探的許可。

Dolores Anticline

Dolores Anticline

Atomic Minerals has completed a thorough review of the Colorado Oil and Gas drill hole database, compiling the holes drilled along the flanks of the Dolores Anticline. The Company is now laying out drill hole locations, guided by the oil and gas drilling to allow commencement of the permitting process for summer drilling.

Atomic Minerals已經完成了對科羅拉多石油和天然氣鑽孔數據庫的全面審查,彙編了沿着多洛雷斯反斜線兩側鑽探的孔。該公司目前正在石油和天然氣鑽探的指導下佈置鑽孔位置,以便啓動夏季鑽探的許可程序。

The Dolores claim group (SC claims) lies in San Miguel County, Colorado on the northern end of the Dolores Anticline and proximal to the southern end of the Uravan Mineral Belt ("Uravan"). The Uravan (a contraction of Uranium-Vanadium) Mineral Belt produced 75.5 million pounds of uranium oxide and 331.8 million pounds of vanadium from the Salt Wash Member of the Jurassic Morrison Formation during the years between 1947 and 1979 from more than 1,200 mines.* While these mining claims are located on the southern end of the Uravan, they were located in an area considered to be very favorable for the concentration of uranium mineralization in the Moss Back Member of the Triassic Age Chinle Formation and the Permian Cutler Formation as well as the Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation. Atomic Minerals' geological consultants have confirmed the presence of uranium mineralization in several prospects in the Dolores River Canyon, where the favorable Moss Back Member has been exposed and appears to have a wide extent, which guided the location of the SC claim block.

多洛雷斯索賠組(SC索賠)位於科羅拉多州聖米格爾縣,位於多洛雷斯反斜線的北端,靠近烏拉萬礦帶(“烏拉萬”)的南端。在1947年至1979年期間,Uravan(鈾釩的收縮)礦產帶從侏羅紀莫里森組的鹽洗成員從1,200多個礦山中生產了7,550萬磅的氧化鈾和3.318億磅的釩。* 雖然這些採礦權位於烏拉灣的南端,但它們位於被認爲非常有利於鈾礦物濃度的地區三疊紀時代的苔蘚背部成員、奇尼爾組和二疊紀卡特勒組以及鹽巖的形成莫里森編隊的Wash成員。Atomic Minerals的地質顧問已經證實,在多洛雷斯河峽谷的幾個勘探區中存在鈾礦化現象,有利的Moss Back成員已經暴露在那裏,而且範圍似乎很廣,這爲SC索賠區塊的選址提供了指導。

*Source Chenoweth, W.L. (1981). The Uranium-Vanadium Deposits of the Uravan Mineral Belt and Adjacent Areas, Colorado and Utah. New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, 32nd Field Conference. pp. 165-170.

*資料來源 Chenoweth,W.L.(1981 年)。科羅拉多州和猶他州烏拉文礦帶及鄰近地區的鈾釩礦牀。新墨西哥州地質學會指南,第 32 屆實地會議。第 165-170 頁。

In the late 1970s, widely spaced exploration drilling for uranium by the Hunt Oil Company and Newmont Mining Company confirmed the presence of the highly favorable Moss Back Member of the Chinle Formation on this anticlinal structure. Gamma ray logs of a number of these holes reported spikes within the Moss Back.

在1970年代後期,亨特石油公司和紐蒙特礦業公司進行了大間隔的鈾勘探鑽探,證實了奇內爾組中非常有利的莫斯背部成員在這個斜斜結構上存在。其中許多洞的伽瑪射線記錄顯示,Moss Back內部出現了尖峯。

10 Mile Anticline

10 英里反斜線

Atomic Minerals has completed a thorough review of the Utah Oil and Gas drill hole database, compiling the holes drilled along the flanks of the 10 Mile Anticline. The Company is now laying out drill hole locations, guided by the historic oil and gas drilling to allow commencement of the permitting process for summer drilling.

Atomic Minerals已經完成了對猶他州石油和天然氣鑽孔數據庫的全面審查,彙編了沿着10英里反斜線兩側鑽探的孔。該公司目前正在以歷史悠久的石油和天然氣鑽探爲指導,佈局鑽孔位置,以便啓動夏季鑽探的許可程序。

The 10 Mile property consists of four separate claim blocks totaling 10,400 acres, lying 25 miles northwest of Moab, in Grand County, Utah. The claim blocks cover the eastern and western flanks and southern nose of the Ten Mile Anticline. Several of the historic oil and gas holes throughout the area recorded gamma ray spikes at the base of the Chinle formation, which the Company believes are indicative of uranium mineralization. This oil and gas drilling indicates the depth to Moss Back is 1,400 feet on the southwestern flank and 2,390 to 2,500 on the northeast flank. Further supporting the uranium potential of the 10 Mile property is the 7 Mile district, located 8 miles to the southeast. Seven Mile is located on the northwestern flank of northern nose of the Moab Anticline and produced over 1,700,000 pounds of U3O8 and 890,000 pounds of vanadium from thicknesses ranging from 1 foot and 8 feet at an average grade of 0.26% U3O8 from the basal Moss Back Member of the Chinle Formation.

這座10英里的物業由四個獨立的索賠區塊組成,總面積爲10,400英畝,位於猶他州格蘭德縣摩押西北25英里處。索賠區塊覆蓋了十英里反斜線的東側和西側以及南端。該地區的幾個歷史悠久的石油和天然氣孔記錄了欽勒地層底部的伽瑪射線峯值,該公司認爲這表明了鈾礦化。這次石油和天然氣鑽探表明,莫斯巴克的西南側深度爲1400英尺,東北側爲2390至2,500英尺。位於東南8英里處的7英里地區進一步支撐了10英里地產的鈾潛力。七英里位於摩押反斜線北鼻的西北側,生產了超過1700,000磅的U3O8 以及 890,000 磅的釩,厚度介於 1 英尺和 8 英尺之間,平均等級爲 0.26%3O8 來自奇內爾組的基底苔蘚背部成員。

Source: Seven Mile Canyon Mining District, Grand County, Utah, USA. . This description referenced Droullard, R.F., and Jones, E.E. (1955) Geology of the Seven Mile Canyon uranium deposits. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Rare Metals Evaluation RME-4066, 14 pages.

來源:美國猶他州格蘭德縣七英里峽谷礦區。該描述引用了 R.F. Droullard 和 E.E. Jones (1955)《七英里峽谷鈾礦牀地質學》。美國原子能委員會稀有金屬評估 RME-4066,14 頁。

The data disclosed in this news release are related to historical exploration and drilling results. Atomic Minerals has not undertaken any independent investigation of the sampling, nor has it independently analyzed the results of the historical exploration work in order to verify the results. Atomic Minerals considers these historical exploration and drill results relevant as the Company is using these data as a guide to plan exploration programs. The Company's current and future exploration work includes verification of the historical data through sampling and drilling.

本新聞稿中披露的數據與歷史勘探和鑽探結果有關。Atomic Minerals沒有對取樣進行任何獨立調查,也沒有獨立分析歷史勘探工作的結果以驗證結果。Atomic Minerals認爲這些歷史勘探和鑽探結果是相關的,因爲該公司正在使用這些數據作爲規劃勘探計劃的指南。該公司當前和未來的勘探工作包括通過採樣和鑽探來驗證歷史數據。

Qualified Person


Mr. R. Tim Henneberry, P.Geo. (BC), an advisor to the Company, is the "Qualified Person" under National Instrument 43-101 responsible for the technical contents of this news release and has approved the disclosure of the technical information contained herein.

R. Tim Henneberry 先生,P.Geo。(BC)是公司的顧問,是National Instrument 43-101下的 “合格人員”,負責本新聞稿的技術內容,並已批准披露此處包含的技術信息。

About the Company


Atomic Minerals Corp. is a publicly listed exploration company on the TSX Venture Exchange, trading under the symbol ATOM, led by a highly skilled management and technical team with a proven track record in the junior mining sector. Atomic Minerals' objective is to identify exploration opportunities in regions that have been previously overlooked but are geologically similar to those with previous uranium discoveries. These underexplored areas hold immense potential and are in stable geopolitical and economic environments.

Atomic Minerals Corp. 是一家在多倫多證券交易所風險交易所上市的勘探公司,交易代碼爲ATOM,由一支在初級採礦業擁有良好記錄的高技能管理和技術團隊領導。Atomic Minerals的目標是在以前被忽視但地質上與先前發現鈾的地區相似的地區尋找勘探機會。這些未開發的地區具有巨大的潛力,並且處於穩定的地緣政治和經濟環境中。

Atomic Minerals' property portfolio contains uranium projects in three locations within North America, all of which have significant technical merit and or are known for hosting uranium production in the past. Three of the properties are located on the Colorado Plateau, an area which has previously produced 597 million pounds of U3O8; Three others are in the prolific Athabasca Basin region and nine uranium projects are located Northern Saskatchewan, encompassing a total exploration area of 6,495 hectares.

Atomic Minerals的房地產投資組合包括位於北美三個地點的鈾項目,所有這些項目都具有顯著的技術價值,並且/或過去曾以鈾生產而聞名。其中三處地產位於科羅拉多高原,該地區此前曾生產過5.97億磅的八氧化三鈾;另外三個位於多產的阿薩巴斯卡盆地地區,九個鈾項目位於薩斯喀徹溫省北部,總勘探面積爲6,495公頃。

For additional information about the Company and its projects, please visit our website at .




"Clive Massey"
Clive H. Massey
President & CEO


For further information, please contact:
Mitchell Adam
(778) 960-0869

(778) 960-0869

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Forward-Looking Statements:


This news release contains certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking" statements. Forward looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Although Atomic Minerals Corporation believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of Atomic Minerals Corporation management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by law, Atomic Minerals Corporation undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.

本新聞稿包含某些可能被視爲 “前瞻性” 陳述的陳述。前瞻性陳述是指非歷史事實的陳述,通常但並非總是以 “期望”、“計劃”、“預期”、“相信”、“打算”、“估計”、“項目”、“潛力” 和類似表述來識別,或者事件或條件 “將”、“可能” 或 “應該” 發生。儘管Atomic Minerals Corporation認爲此類前瞻性陳述中表達的預期是基於合理的假設,但此類陳述並不能保證未來的業績,實際業績可能與前瞻性陳述中存在重大差異。前瞻性陳述基於原子礦業公司管理層在聲明發表之日的信念、估計和意見。除非法律要求,否則如果管理層的信念、估計或意見或其他因素髮生變化,Atomic Minerals Corporation沒有義務更新這些前瞻性陳述。



