

Mengjie Co., Ltd. (002397.SZ): Some directors have objections to the periodic report

Gelonghui Finance ·  Apr 28 21:15

Gelonghui, April 28, 丨 Mengjie Co., Ltd. (002397.SZ) announced that the company held the 6th meeting of the 7th board of directors on April 25, 2024. Directors Chen Jie and Luo Gengbao voted against the company's 2023 annual report and the 2024 first quarter report, and issued the “Instructions on Directors Voting Against Part of the 2023 Annual Report Proposal Delivered by the 6th Meeting of the 7th Board of Directors of Mengjie Co., Ltd.”

Directors Chen Jie and Luo Gengbao cannot guarantee that the company's “2023 Annual Report” and “2024 First Quarter Report” are true, accurate, complete, and free of false records, misleading statements or major omissions, and the instructions are as follows: I abstained or opposed some of the proposals considered by the annual board of directors last year. One reason was that there was no communication before the meeting, the meeting documents were only provided one day in advance, the content of the bill was incomplete, and there were no explanatory materials requested by them; Furthermore, I represented the shareholder Changsha Jinsen New Energy Co., Ltd. (“Jinsen New Energy”) on the content of the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Many questions have been raised, and the company has yet to fully respond, explain, and communicate clearly. The bill passed by the reconvening of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on December 26, 2023 was passed when Kanison Renewable Energy was unable to vote, and the issues raised by me about the Annual Shareholders' Meeting were not resolved. For example, last year, I asked the company to explain loan matters, explain asset freeze and collateral matters, explain the use and compliance documents of non-operating capital transactions, explain the year-end balance of majority shareholders' funds and cumulative annual balances, and questions about corporate governance issues, etc., but so far, the company has had no clear explanation or face-to-face communication. Therefore, I voted against some of the 2023 annual report proposals considered by the 6th meeting of the 7th board of directors of Mengjie Co., Ltd.

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