


SILVERCORP 將收購 ADVENTUS,通過增加先進的 EL DOMO 項目創建一家地域多元化的礦業公司
PR Newswire ·  04/26 16:58


交易符號: TSX/紐約證券交易所美國分部:SVM

VANCOUVER, BC and TORONTO, April 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Silvercorp Metals Inc. ("Silvercorp") (TSX: SVM) (NYSE American: SVM) and Adventus Mining Corporation ("Adventus") (TSXV: ADZN) (OTCQX: ADVZF) are pleased to announce that the parties have entered into a definitive arrangement agreement (the "Arrangement Agreement") pursuant to which Silvercorp has agreed to acquire all of the issued and outstanding common shares of Adventus (the "Transaction") by way of a plan of arrangement (the "Arrangement").

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華和多倫多,2024 年 4 月 26 日 /PRNewswire/- Silvercorp 金屬公司 (“Silvercorp”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:SVM)(紐約證券交易所美國股票代碼:SVM)和 Adventus 礦業公司 (“Adventus”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:ADZN)(OTCQX:ADVZF)欣然宣佈,雙方已簽訂最終安排協議(“安排協議”),根據該協議,Silvercorp同意通過安排計劃(“安排”)收購Adventus的所有已發行和流通普通股(“交易”)。

(CNW Group/Silvercorp Metals Inc)
(CNW 集團/Silvercorp Metals Inc)

Under the terms of the Arrangement Agreement, each holder of the common shares of Adventus (each, an "Adventus Share") will receive 0.1015 of one Silvercorp common share (each, a "Silvercorp Share") in exchange for each Adventus Share (the "Exchange Ratio") at the effective time of the Transaction. The Exchange Ratio implies consideration of C$0.50 per Adventus Share based on the 20-day volume-weighted average prices ("VWAP") of Silvercorp Shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange (the "TSX") on April 25, 2024. This represents a premium of 31% based on the 20-day VWAP of Silvercorp on the TSX and Adventus on the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV"), both as at April 25, 2024. The implied equity value of the Transaction is approximately C$200 million on a fully-diluted in-the-money basis. At closing, existing Silvercorp and Adventus shareholders will own approximately 81.6% and 18.4%, respectively, of Silvercorp shares outstanding on a fully-diluted in-the-money basis.

根據安排協議的條款,在交易生效時,Adventus普通股(每股 “Adventus股份”)的每位持有人將獲得一股Silvercorp普通股(每股 “Silvercorp股票”)的0.1015股,以換取每股Adventus股票(“交換比率”)。交易所比率意味着根據2024年4月25日多倫多證券交易所(“多倫多證券交易所”)Silvercorp股票的20天成交量加權平均價格(“VWAP”),對價爲每股Adventus股票0.50加元。根據截至2024年4月25日,Silvercorp在多倫多證券交易所和Adventus在多倫多證券交易所(“多倫多證券交易所”)的20天VWAP計算,溢價爲31%。按全面攤薄後的價內計算,該交易的隱含權益價值約爲2億加元。收盤時,按全面攤薄後的價內計算,現有的Silvercorp和Adventus股東將分別擁有Silvercorp約81.6%和18.4%的已發行股份。

Strategic Rationale for Silvercorp
Silvercorp 的戰略依據
  • Provides immediate asset, geographic and metal diversification
    • Pro forma asset portfolio consists of exposure to China and Ecuador, increased gold exposure, as well as metals (silver, copper, lead and zinc) that are key for a low-carbon future
  • Addition of the high margin, advanced El Domo project should significantly enhance Silvercorp's near-term production profile
    • Investment Protection Agreement for the project in place with the Government of Ecuador
    • Key permits secured, including the Environmental License and tailings storage approval
    • Existing US$175.5 million stream with Wheaton Precious Metals International Ltd. ("Wheaton"), combined with Silvercorp's existing cash and cash equivalents of approximately US$200 million is more than sufficient to fully fund El Domo through construction
    • Silvercorp has the technical capabilities to bring El Domo into production on an accelerated basis, having built eight mines in its current operations, along with three flotation mills of similar size to El Domo (with a new 1,500 tpd flotation mill under construction at Ying), and three tailings storage facilities
  • Transaction is accretive on a net asset value per share, as well as on a Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources basis
  • Adventus' PEA stage Condor asset provides further optionality and upside, including:
    • 2021 PEA for Condor North highlighted a 12-year mine life with average annual payable production of 187 thousand oz of gold and 758 thousand oz of silver at a by-product AISC of US$839/oz over the life of the mine
    • Indicated Mineral Resources containing 2.3 million oz of gold and 12.8 million oz of silver and Inferred Mineral Resources containing 4.3 million oz of gold and 18.1 million oz of silver
  • Re-rating opportunity resulting from increased scale, significantly enhanced growth profile and establishing a presence in an emerging, mining-friendly jurisdiction
  • 提供即時的資產、地域和金屬多元化
    • 預計資產組合包括對中國和厄瓜多爾的敞口、增加的黃金敞口以及對低碳未來至關重要的金屬(銀、銅、鉛和鋅)
  • 此外,利潤率高、先進的El Domo項目將顯著提高Silvercorp的短期產量
    • 與厄瓜多爾政府簽訂了該項目的投資保護協議
    • 獲得的關鍵許可證,包括環境許可證和尾礦儲存許可
    • 惠頓貴金屬國際有限公司(“惠頓”)現有的1.755億美元資金,加上Silvercorp現有的約2億美元的現金和現金等價物,足以通過施工爲El Domo提供全額資金
    • Silvercorp擁有加速生產El Domo的技術能力,在目前的運營中建造了八個礦山,三座規模與El Domo相似的浮選機(Ying每天正在建設一座新的1,500噸浮選廠),以及三個尾礦儲存設施
  • 按每股淨資產價值以及礦產儲量和礦產資源計算,該交易具有增值作用
  • Adventus的PEA階段神鷹資產提供了進一步的可選性和上行空間,包括:
    • Condor North的2021年PEA強調了礦山壽命爲12年,在該礦的整個生命週期中,平均年應付金產量爲18.7萬盎司黃金和75.8萬盎司白銀,副產品AISC爲839美元/盎司
    • 指定礦產資源含有230萬盎司黃金和1,280萬盎司白銀,推斷礦產資源含有430萬盎司黃金和1,810萬盎司白銀
  • 對規模擴大、增長狀況顯著提高以及在新興的礦業友好型司法管轄區建立業務所帶來的重新評級機會

Silvercorp Chairman and CEO, Dr. Rui Feng, said:


"This transaction will create a new globally diversified green metals producer. It presents the opportunity for us to leverage our technical expertise and strong balance sheet to unlock value for all shareholders by constructing the El Domo project. We look forward to working with the Government of Ecuador and local communities, as well as leveraging the existing Adventus and Curimining teams, to grow our business in Ecuador which will generate sustainable economic, social, and environmental value for all stakeholders.

“這筆交易將創建一個新的全球多元化綠色金屬生產商。它使我們有機會利用我們的技術專長和強勁的資產負債表,通過建設El Domo項目爲所有股東釋放價值。我們期待與厄瓜多爾政府和當地社區合作,並利用現有的Adventus和Curimining團隊,發展我們在厄瓜多爾的業務,這將爲所有利益相關者創造可持續的經濟、社會和環境價值。

We would also like to acknowledge the hard work and contributions to the El Domo project by our future partners at Salazar Resources. Silvercorp will continue to work collaboratively with Salazar as El Domo is advanced into construction and ultimately operations."

我們還要感謝Salazar Resources未來的合作伙伴爲El Domo項目所做的辛勤工作和貢獻。隨着El Domo進入施工並最終投入運營,Silvercorp將繼續與薩拉薩爾合作。”

Benefits for Adventus Shareholders
Adventus 股東的好處
  • Immediate and significant premium to Adventus shareholders of 31% on a 20-day VWAP basis
  • Exposure to Silvercorp's high quality and profitable silver mines, strong balance sheet and track record of returning capital to shareholders, while retaining participation in future upside from El Domo, Condor and Adventus' exploration portfolio
  • De-risks development of El Domo by leveraging Silvercorp's technical capabilities and financial strength, its history of successful project construction, and its in-depth access to equipment supply chains that could result in cost savings for El Domo construction
  • Potential for a further premium through a re-rating of Silvercorp shares as El Domo is advanced to production
  • Option to realize cash proceeds given trading liquidity of Silvercorp shares (~US$8 million per day on the TSX and NYSE American)
  • Continued commitment to best in class ESG practices by Silvercorp, which has an ESG rating of A from MCSI as well as EMS ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certifications across its operations
  • 按20天VWAP計算,向Adventus股東立即提供31%的巨額溢價
  • 投資於Silvercorp的高質量和盈利的銀礦、強勁的資產負債表和向股東返還資本的往績記錄,同時繼續參與El Domo、Condor和Adventus勘探投資組合的未來上漲空間
  • 通過利用Silvercorp的技術能力和財務實力、其成功項目建設的歷史以及深入的設備供應鏈渠道來降低開發El Domo的風險,從而爲El Domo的建設節省成本
  • 隨着El Domo的投產,通過對Silvercorp股票進行重新評級,有可能進一步獲得溢價
  • 鑑於Silvercorp股票的交易流動性,可以選擇實現現金收益(多倫多證券交易所和美國紐約證券交易所每天約800萬美元)
  • Silvercorp持續致力於一流的ESG實踐,該公司在MCSI的ESG評級爲A,並在其運營中獲得EMS ISO 14001和ISO 45001認證

Adventus President, CEO and Director, Christian Kargl-Simard, said:

Adventus 總裁、首席執行官兼董事 Christian Kargl-Simard 表示:

"I am very proud of the accomplishments of our entire Adventus team, together with Salazar Resources and other partners since 2017, highlighted by the advancement of El Domo from an inferred resource to the construction ready project that it is today and the consolidation of our significant exploration portfolio in Ecuador. Our commitment to, and public record of transparency, technical excellence, environmental stewardship, and the highest standards of social responsibility have been the backbone of our success. I believe that Silvercorp strongly shares our values, in addition to bringing financial strength and experience from global operations. Combining the companies positions us well to deliver on El Domo and our other projects in collaboration with the government, local communities, and all stakeholders."

“我爲我們的整個Adventus團隊以及Salazar Resources和其他合作伙伴自2017年以來取得的成就感到非常自豪,El Domo從推斷資源發展到如今的施工就緒項目,以及我們在厄瓜多爾的重要勘探組合的整合,都突顯了這一點。我們對透明度、卓越技術、環境管理和最高社會責任標準的公開記錄一直是我們成功的支柱。我相信,除了從全球運營中帶來財務實力和經驗外,Silvercorp還堅定地認同我們的價值觀。合併這些公司使我們能夠與政府、當地社區和所有利益相關者合作完成El Domo和其他項目。”

About the El Domo Project
關於 El Domo 項目

The advanced high-grade copper-gold El Domo project, 75% owned by Adventus, covers approximately 172 ha with a buffer of 118 ha (2.9 km2 in total). El Domo is located in central Ecuador, approximately 150 km northeast of the major port city of Guayaquil - about a 3-hour drive. The project spans low-lying hills and plains between 300 to 900 m above sea level.

先進的高品位銅金 El Domo 項目由 Adventus 擁有 75% 的股權,佔地約 172 公頃,緩衝區爲 118 公頃(2.9 千米)2 總計)。埃爾多莫位於厄瓜多爾中部,位於主要港口城市瓜亞基爾東北約150公里處,車程約3小時。該項目橫跨海拔300至900米之間的低窪山丘和平原。

In 2017, Adventus entered into an agreement with Salazar Resources Ltd. ("Salazar") pursuant to which Adventus earned its majority interest in the Curipamba project by funding exploration and development expenditures of US$25 million over five years and meeting certain development obligations. In 2021, Adventus announced it had completed its earn-in option to obtain majority ownership (75%) of the Curipamba project. Adventus will fund capital costs to production and receive 95% of the free cash flows until all of its investments since 2017 are repaid, after which the project cash flows will be shared 75% to Adventus and 25% to Salazar.


In December 2021, Adventus published a feasibility study covering the open-pit Mineral Reserve of the El Domo – Curipamba project, outlining attractive operating metrics and robust economics:


  • Proven and Probable Mineral Reserves of 6.5 million tonnes at 1.93% Cu, 2.52 g/t Au, 2.49% Zn, 45.7 g/t Ag, 0.25% Pb
  • A 10-year mine life with average annual production of 10,463 tpa copper and 21,390 tpa copper equivalent over the life-of-mine
  • Production C1 cash cost of US$1.14/lb and AISC of US$1.26/lb copper equivalent
  • Initial capital cost (including refundable VAT) of US$248 million with a payback period of 2.6 years, after-tax IRR of 32% and NPV8% of US$259 million, utilizing US$3.50/lb Cu, US$1,700/oz Au, US$1.20/lb Zn, US$23.00/oz Ag and US$0.95/lb Pb
  • 已探明和可能的礦產儲量爲650萬噸,銅含量爲1.93%,金含量爲2.52克/噸,鋅含量爲2.49%,銀45.7克/噸,鉛含量爲0.25%
  • 礦山壽命爲 10 年,平均年產銅量爲 10,463 噸/年,在礦山壽命期間銅當量爲 21,390 噸
  • 生產C1的現金成本爲1.14美元/磅,AISC爲1.26美元/磅銅當量
  • 初始資本成本(包括可退還的增值稅)爲2.48億美元,投資回收期爲2.6年,稅後內部收益率爲32%,淨現值8% 2.59 億美元,使用 3.50 美元/磅銅、1,700 美元/盎司金、1.20 美元/磅鋅、23.00 美元/盎司銀和 0.95 美元/磅鉛
Concurrent Private Placement

Concurrent with entering into the Arrangement Agreement, Silvercorp and Adventus entered into an investment agreement pursuant to which Silvercorp will subscribe for 67,441,217 Adventus Shares at an issue price of C$0.38 per share, or C$25,627,662 in the aggregate (the "Placement"). Upon completion of the Placement, Silvercorp will hold approximately 15% of the total issued and outstanding shares of Adventus. Proceeds from the Placement will be used to (i) repay the amounts outstanding under a credit facility with Trafigura Pte Ltd. (the "Trafigura Facility") in the amount of approximately C$9.9 million, which includes penalties payable for the early repayment under the facility, (ii) fund the settlement of the outstanding amounts payable pursuant to a convertible loan agreement (the "Altius Loan") between Adventus and Altius Resources Inc. ("Altius") in the amount of approximately C$9.6 million, (iii) fund normal course activities at the El Domo project in the amount of approximately C$2.7 million, and (iv) fund general working capital expenses in the amount of C$3.4 million, which expenses are expected to include funding of early development expenditures to advance construction of the El Domo project and fund general and administrative expenses between announcement and closing of the Transaction.

在簽訂安排協議的同時,Silvercorp和Adventus簽訂了一項投資協議,根據該協議,Silvercorp將認購67,441,217股Adventus股票,發行價爲每股0.38加元,合計25,627,662加元(“配售”)。配售完成後,Silvercorp將持有Adventus已發行和流通股份總額的約15%。此次配售的收益將用於(i)償還Trafigura Pte Ltd.信貸額度下的未償還款項(”特拉菲古拉設施“) 金額約爲990萬加元,其中包括根據該融資機制提前還款應付的罰款,(ii) 爲結算根據可轉換貸款協議應付的未付款項提供資金(”Altius 貸款“) 在 Adventus 和 Altius Resources Inc. 之間 (”Altius“) 約960萬加元,(iii) 爲El Domo項目的正常課程活動提供約270萬加元的資金,(iv) 爲總額爲340萬加元的一般營運資本支出提供資金,預計這些費用將包括爲推進El Domo項目建設的早期開發支出提供資金,以及爲交易宣佈和完成之間的一般和管理費用提供資金。

The funding of the above listed expenses through the Placement was a critical factor in Silvercorp determining to proceed with the Transaction, as the majority of the expenses must be paid prior to the closing of the Transaction and Adventus does not have sufficient cash on hand to fund these costs. Silvercorp has requested the repayment of the Altius Loan as under the terms of this loan, Altius has the right to increase its royalty on the El Domo project. It is Silvercorp's view that if this royalty right was exercised, it would have a negative impact on the project economics. Silvercorp has also requested the repayment of the Trafigura Facility, which matures on June 30, prior to the closing of the Transaction. The remaining use of proceeds as set out above, are being directed towards general, administrative, project maintenance and project advancement expenditures, which expenditures will allow Adventus to keep the projects in good standing and continue or commence project development activities. Silvercorp views the funding of these expenses to be essential in terms of maintaining the goodwill of the Company within the local community and the various levels of government.

通過配售爲上述列出的費用提供資金是Silvercorp決定繼續進行交易的關鍵因素,因爲大部分費用必須在交易完成之前支付,而Adventus手頭沒有足夠的現金來支付這些費用。Silvercorp已要求償還Altius貸款,因爲根據該貸款的條款,Altius有權增加其在El Domo項目上的特許權使用費。Silvercorp認爲,如果行使這項特許權使用費,將對項目經濟產生負面影響。Silvercorp還要求償還Trafigura融資,該融資將在交易完成之前於6月30日到期。如上所述,收益的剩餘用途將用於一般、行政、項目維護和項目推進支出,這些支出將使Adventus能夠保持項目的良好狀態,繼續或開始項目開發活動。Silvercorp認爲,爲這些開支提供資金對於維護公司在當地社區和各級政府中的商譽至關重要。

The completion of the Placement has been conditionally approved by the TSXV and remains subject to final acceptance by the TSXV on behalf of Adventus for the listing of the Adventus Shares to be issued to Silvercorp. The Adventus Shares to be issued to Silvercorp will be subject to a statutory four-month hold period under applicable securities laws. Completion of the Placement and the repayment of indebtedness does not provide a guarantee that the Transaction will be completed.


Transaction Summary

Under the terms of the Transaction, Silvercorp will acquire all the issued and outstanding Adventus Shares (other than Adventus Shares owned by Silvercorp at the effective time of the Transaction) and Adventus shareholders will receive 0.1015 Silvercorp Shares for each existing Adventus Share held. All outstanding Adventus stock options and warrants will become exercisable for Silvercorp Shares, with the number of Silvercorp Shares issuable on exercise and the exercise price adjusted in accordance with the Exchange Ratio. All outstanding Adventus restricted share units will immediately vest upon closing of the Transaction and be settled in cash, funded by Silvercorp through Adventus.


The Transaction will be carried out by way of a court-approved Arrangement under the Canada Business Corporations Act and a resolution to approve the Transaction will be submitted to Adventus shareholders and holders of Adventus stock options and restricted share units at a special meeting of securityholders expected to be held on or about June 28, 2024 (the "Special Meeting"). The Transaction will require approval by (i) 66 2/3% of the votes cast by Adventus shareholders and holders of options and restricted share units voting as a single class, and (ii) a simple majority that excludes those not entitled to vote in accordance with Multilateral Instrument 61-101 – Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions. Each of the directors and senior officers of Adventus, Mr. Ross Beaty and Wheaton Precious Metals Corp., representing in aggregate approximately 23% of the issued and outstanding Adventus Shares, have entered into voting support agreements with Silvercorp and have agreed to vote in favour of the Transaction at the Special Meeting in accordance with those agreements. In addition, Salazar has entered into an agreement with Silvercorp whereby they have indicated they will support the Transaction.

該交易將根據《加拿大商業公司法》通過法院批准的安排進行,批准該交易的決議將在預計於2024年6月28日左右舉行的證券持有人特別會議上提交給Adventus股東和Adventus股票期權和限制性股票單位的持有人特別會議(”特別會議“)。該交易將需要獲得(i)Adventus股東和作爲單一類別投票的期權和限制性股票持有人所投選票的66 2/ 3%選票的批准,以及(ii)簡單多數的批准,不包括根據多邊文書61-101無權投票的人— 在特殊交易中保護少數證券持有人。Adventus、Ross Beaty先生和惠頓貴金屬公司的每位董事和高級管理人員(共佔已發行和已發行Adventus股票的23%)都與Silvercorp簽訂了投票支持協議,並同意根據這些協議在特別會議上對該交易投贊成票。此外,薩拉薩爾已與Silvercorp簽訂了一項協議,他們表示將支持該交易。

In addition to Adventus securityholder and court approval, the Transaction is also subject to the satisfaction of certain other closing conditions customary for a transaction of this nature. The Transaction has been conditionally approved by the TSXV but remains subject to final approval of the TSXV on behalf of Adventus, and approval of the TSX and NYSE American on behalf of Silvercorp, including the acceptance for listing of the Silvercorp Shares to be issued in connection with the Transaction. The Transaction is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2024.


The Arrangement Agreement includes representations, warranties, covenants, indemnities, termination rights and other provisions customary for a transaction of this nature. In particular, the Arrangement Agreement provides for customary deal protections, including a non-solicitation covenant on the part of Adventus and a right for Silvercorp to match any Superior Proposal (as defined in the Arrangement Agreement). The Arrangement Agreement includes a termination fee of C$10 million, payable by Adventus, under certain circumstances (including if the Arrangement Agreement is terminated in connection with Adventus pursuing a Superior Proposal).


Boards Approvals and Recommendations

The board of directors of Adventus (the "Adventus Board") has unanimously approved the Transaction and recommends that Adventus shareholders vote in favour of the Transaction at the Special Meeting.

Adventus 的董事會(”Adventus 董事會“)一致批准了該交易,並建議Adventus股東在特別會議上對該交易投贊成票。

Cormark Securities Inc., financial advisor to Adventus, has provided an opinion to the Adventus Board, stating that, based upon and subject to the assumptions, limitations and qualifications set forth therein, the consideration to be received by Adventus shareholders pursuant to the Transaction is fair, from a financial point of view, to Adventus shareholders. Additionally, Raymond James Ltd., has provided an independent opinion to the Adventus Board, stating that, based upon and subject to the assumptions, limitations and qualifications set forth therein, the consideration to be received by Adventus shareholders pursuant to the Transaction is fair, from a financial point of view, to Adventus shareholders.

Adventus的財務顧問Cormark Securities Inc. 已向Adventus董事會提供了一份意見,他說,根據其中規定的假設、限制和條件,從財務角度來看,Adventus股東根據該交易獲得的對價對Adventus股東是公平的。此外,雷蒙德·詹姆斯有限公司還向Adventus董事會提供了獨立意見,稱根據其中規定的假設、限制和條件,從財務角度來看,Adventus股東根據該交易獲得的對價對Adventus股東是公平的。

Further details regarding the terms of the Transaction are set out in the Arrangement Agreement, which will be publicly filed by Adventus under its profile on SEDAR+ at . Additional information regarding the terms of the Arrangement Agreement, the background to the Transaction, the rationale for the recommendations made by the Adventus Board and how Adventus shareholders can participate in and vote at the Special Meeting to be held to consider the Transaction will be provided in the management information circular for the Special Meeting which will also be filed at . Adventus shareholders are urged to read these and other relevant materials when they become available.


Boards Approvals and Recommendations

BMO Capital Markets is acting as financial advisor to Silvercorp. McCarthy Tétrault LLP and FBPH Abogados are acting as Silvercorp's Canadian and Ecuadorian legal advisors, respectively.

BMO Capital Markets擔任Silvercorp的財務顧問。麥卡錫泰特勞律師事務所和FBPH Abogados分別擔任Silvercorp的加拿大和厄瓜多爾法律顧問。

Cormark Securities is acting as financial advisor to Adventus. Bennett Jones LLP and AVL Abogados are acting as Adventus' Canadian and Ecuadorian legal advisors, respectively.

Cormark Securities擔任Adventus的財務顧問。Bennett Jones LLP和AVL Abogados分別擔任Adventus的加拿大和厄瓜多爾法律顧問。

Conference Call / Webinar Details

Silvercorp and Adventus will host a joint conference call to discuss the Transaction on April 26, 2024 at 8:00 am EST / 5:00 am PST. Participants are advised to dial in five minutes prior to the scheduled start time of the call. A presentation will be made available prior to the webcast. Participants may dial in using the numbers below or by accessing the webcast link.

Silvercorp和Adventus將於4月26日舉行聯合電話會議,討論該交易 2024 年美國東部標準時間上午 8:00 /太平洋標準時間上午 5:00。建議參與者在預定的通話開始時間前五分鐘撥號。將在網絡直播之前提供演示文稿。參與者可以使用下面的號碼或訪問網絡直播鏈接進行撥號。

  • Toll-free in the U.S. and Canada: 1-888-664-6383
  • All other callers: 1-416-764-8650
  • Register to join via webcast:
  • 美國和加拿大的免費電話:1-888-664-6383
  • 所有其他來電者:1-416-764-8650
  • 通過網絡直播註冊加入:
Qualified Persons

Guoliang Ma, P. Geo., Manager of Exploration and Resources of Silvercorp Metals Inc. and Christian Paramo, P. Geo., Senior Geologist of Adventus Mining Corporation, both qualified person under NI 43-101, have approved the scientific and technical information related to the operations matters contained in this news release.

Silvercorp Metals Inc.勘探與資源經理馬國良P.Geo和Adventus Mining Corporation高級地質學家Christian Paramo, P. Geo. 均爲NI 43-101規定的合格人員,他們已經批准了本新聞稿中與運營事項相關的科學和技術信息。

Early Warning Information

Silvercorp does not currently own any Adventus Shares. Following completion of the Placement, Silvercorp will own 67,441,217 Adventus Shares (the "Placement Shares"), representing approximately 15% of the issued and outstanding Adventus Shares. The Placement Shares were issued to Silvercorp at an issue price of C$0.38 per share or C$25,627,662 in the aggregate. Following the completion of the Transaction, Silvercorp will own 100% of the issued and outstanding Adventus Shares. An early warning report will be filed by Silvercorp in accordance with applicable securities laws and will be available on SEDAR+ at or may be obtained directly from Silvercorp upon request at (604) 669-9397. Silvercorp's head office is located at Suite 1750-1066 W. Hastings Street Vancouver, BC Canada V6E 3X1.

Silvercorp目前不擁有任何Adventus股票。配售完成後,Silvercorp將擁有67,441,217股Adventus股票(“配售股份”),約佔已發行和流通的Adventus股票的15%。向Silvercorp發行了配售股,發行價爲每股0.38加元,合計25,627,662加元。交易完成後,Silvercorp將擁有100%的已發行和流通的Adventus股票。Silvercorp將根據適用的證券法提交預警報告,並將在SEDAR+上發佈,網址爲 也可以應要求直接從 Silvercorp 獲得,致電 (604) 669-9397。Silvercorp的總部位於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華市西黑斯廷斯街1750-1066號套房V6E 3X1。

Adventus Personnel Update
Adventus 人事最新情況

Adventus announces that Luc Vets, has been appointed as Project Consultant effective May 1, 2024. Luc will succeed Dustin Small who will be leaving Adventus by April 30, to pursue other opportunities. We wish Dustin every success in his future endeavours. Luc is a seasoned engineer and project manager with over 30 years of end-to-end project execution experience in both the mining and industrial sectors throughout various continents in the world. Luc has a dual mechanical & electrical degree from University of Port Elizabeth with a Master in High Voltage Engineering as well as a general MBA from James Cook University.

Adventus宣佈,Luc Vets已被任命爲項目顧問,自2024年5月1日起生效。盧克將接替達斯汀·斯莫爾,後者將在4月30日之前離開Adventus,尋求其他機會。我們祝願達斯汀在今後的努力中一切順利。Luc 是一位經驗豐富的工程師和項目經理,在世界各大洲的採礦和工業領域擁有 30 多年的端到端項目執行經驗。Luc 擁有伊麗莎白港大學的機械和電氣雙學位、高壓工程碩士學位和詹姆斯庫克大學的普通工商管理碩士學位。

About Silvercorp

Silvercorp is a Canadian mining company producing silver, gold, lead, and zinc with a long history of profitability and growth potential. Silvercorp's strategy is to create shareholder value by 1) focusing on generating free cash flow from long life mines; 2) organic growth through extensive drilling for discovery; 3) ongoing merger and acquisition efforts to unlock value; and 4) long term commitment to responsible mining and ESG.

Silvercorp 是一家加拿大礦業公司,生產銀、金、鉛和鋅,具有悠久的盈利能力和增長潛力。Silvercorp的戰略是通過以下方式創造股東價值:1)專注於從長壽命礦山中創造自由現金流;2)通過大規模鑽探進行有機增長;3)持續的併購努力以釋放價值;4)對負責任採礦和ESG的長期承諾。

About Adventus
關於 Adventus

Adventus Mining Corporation is an Ecuador-focused copper-gold exploration and development company. Adventus is advancing the majority-owned Curipamba copper-gold project, which has a completed feasibility study on the shallow and high-grade El Domo deposit. With the recent merger with Luminex Resources Corp., Adventus Mining owns the Condor gold project and a large exploration project portfolio that spans over 135,000 hectares – one of the largest holdings in Ecuador. The company's strategic shareholders include Ross Beaty's Lumina Group, Altius Minerals Corporation, Wheaton Precious Metals Corp., and significant Ecuadorian investors.

Adventus Mining Corporation是一家專注於厄瓜多爾的銅金勘探和開發公司。Adventus正在推進擁有多數股權的庫裏潘巴銅金項目,該項目已經完成了對淺層和高品位埃爾多莫礦牀的可行性研究。通過最近與Luminex資源公司的合併,Adventus Mining擁有Condor黃金項目和佔地超過13.5萬公頃的大型勘探項目組合,這是厄瓜多爾最大的持股項目之一。該公司的戰略股東包括羅斯·比蒂旗下的Lumina集團、Altius Minerals Corporation、惠頓貴金屬公司和厄瓜多爾的重要投資者。

This announcement has been approved for distribution by the Board of Directors of each of Silvercorp and Adventus.


For further information

Silvercorp Metals Inc.
Lon Shaver President
Phone: (604) 669-9397
Toll Free 1(888) 224-1881
Email: [email protected] Website:

Silvercorp 金屬公司
電話:(604) 669-9397
免費電話 1 (888) 224-1881
電子郵件:[email protected] 網站:

Adventus Mining Corporation
Christian Kargl-Simard
President, CEO and Director Phone: (416) 230 3440
Email: [email protected]

Adventus 礦業公司
總裁、首席執行官兼董事電話:(416) 230 3440


This news release includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws relating to, among other things, the anticipated benefits of the Transaction, the strategic rationale for the Transaction, the anticipated use of the proceeds of the Placement, the timing and anticipated receipt of required shareholder, regulatory court, stock exchange or other approvals, the ability of the parties to satisfy the other conditions to the closing of the Transaction and the anticipated timing for closing of the transaction. Forward-looking information may in some cases be identified by words such as "will", "anticipates", "expects", "intends" and similar expressions suggesting future events or future performance.

本新聞稿包括1995年《美國私人證券訴訟改革法》所指的 “前瞻性陳述” 和適用證券法所指的 “前瞻性信息”,除其他外,涉及交易的預期收益、交易的戰略理由、配售所得的預期用途、所需股東、監管法院、證券交易所或其他批准的時間和預期收到、各方滿足對方的能力等交易結束的條件和交易的預期完成時間。在某些情況下,前瞻性信息可能通過 “將”、“預期”、“預期”、“打算” 等詞語以及暗示未來事件或未來表現的類似表述來識別。

We caution that all forward-looking information is inherently subject to change and uncertainty and that actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. A number of risks, uncertainties and other factors could cause actual results and events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking information or could cause our current objectives, strategies and intentions to change. Accordingly, we warn investors to exercise caution when considering statements containing forward-looking information and that it would be unreasonable to rely on such statements as creating legal rights regarding our future results or plans. We cannot guarantee that any forward-looking information will materialize and you are cautioned not to place undue reliance on this forward-looking information. Any forward-looking information contained in this news release represent expectations as of the date of this news release and are subject to change after such date. However, we are under no obligation (and we expressly disclaim any such obligation) to update or alter any statements containing forward-looking information, the factors or assumptions underlying them, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. All of the forward-looking information in this news release is qualified by the cautionary statements herein.


Forward-looking information is provided herein for the purpose of giving information about the Transaction referred and its expected impact. Readers are cautioned that such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. Completion of the Transaction is subject to customary closing conditions, termination rights and other risks and uncertainties including court and shareholder approval. Accordingly, there can be no assurance that the Transaction will occur, or that it will occur on the terms and conditions contemplated in this news release. The Transaction could be modified, restructured or terminated. There can also be no assurance that the strategic benefits expected to result from the Transaction will be fully realized. In addition, if the transaction is not completed, and each of the parties continues as an independent entity, there are risks that the announcement of the Transaction and the dedication of substantial resources of each party to the completion of the Transaction could have an impact on such party's current business relationships (including with future and prospective employees, customers, distributors, suppliers and partners) and could have a material adverse effect on the current and future operations, financial condition and prospects of such party.


A comprehensive discussion of other risks that impact Silvercorp and Adventus can also be found in their public reports and filings which are available under their respective profiles at .


SOURCE Silvercorp Metals Inc

來源 Silvercorp 金屬公司

