
Enrolment Completed in Actinogen's XanaCIDD Phase 2a Cognition & Depression Trial

Enrolment Completed in Actinogen's XanaCIDD Phase 2a Cognition & Depression Trial

Actinogen的Xanacidd 2a期認知與抑鬱症試驗的註冊已完成
PR Newswire ·  04/22 20:30

Trial results anticipated in early Q3 this year


SYDNEY, April 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Actinogen Medical Limited (ASX: ACW) announces the full enrolment of 167 participants in the Company's XanaCIDD phase 2a clinical trial in patients with cognitive impairment in major depressive disorder (MDD). The XanaCIDD trial is a proof-of-concept, placebo-controlled, parallel group trial with a six-week treatment period and four weeks of follow up.

悉尼,2024 年 4 月 22 日 /PRNewswire/ — Actinogen Medical Limited (ASX: ACW) 宣佈公司針對重度抑鬱症(MDD)認知障礙患者的Xanacidd 2a期臨床試驗已全部招募167名參與者。Xanacidd試驗是一項概念驗證、安慰劑對照的平行組試驗,治療期爲六週,隨訪四周。

This is an important and unique trial in the neuropsychiatric field because of its focus on the ability of the Company's novel small molecule Xanamem to improve cognitive function in patients with MDD by reducing levels of the "stress hormone", cortisol, in the brain, while leaving normal cortisol stress response intact in the body. Xanamem does this by inhibiting tissue cortisol synthesis in the brain by an enzyme called 11β-HSD1, without affecting cortisol synthesis by different enzymes in the adrenal gland.

這是神經精神學領域的一項重要而獨特的試驗,因爲它側重於該公司新型小分子Xanamem的能力 通過降低大腦中 “壓力激素” 皮質醇的水平來改善MDD患者的認知功能,同時保持體內正常的皮質醇應激反應完好無損。Xanamem通過抑制一種叫做11β-HSD1的酶在大腦中合成組織皮質醇來做到這一點,而不會影響腎上腺中不同酶合成的皮質醇。

Cognitive impairment, or "foggy thinking" is reported by the majority of patients with MDD and may not respond to traditional anti-depressant therapy. Xanamem is being developed as an easy-to-use, oral therapy to improve cognitive impairment associated with MDD and Alzheimer's disease. It has potential uses in other diseases where cognitive impairment is a significant problem such as schizophrenia and other types of dementia.

大多數MDD患者報告了認知障礙或 “模糊思維”,可能對傳統的抗抑鬱藥療法沒有反應。Xanamem是作爲一種易於使用的口服療法開發的,旨在改善與MDD和阿爾茨海默氏病相關的認知障礙。它在認知障礙是嚴重問題的其他疾病中具有潛在用途,例如精神分裂症和其他類型的癡呆。

Dr Dana Hilt Actinogen's Chief Medical Officer, said:

Dana Hilt Actinogen博士的首席醫學官說:

"We are pleased to announce that the final patient has enrolled in our XanaCIDD phase 2a clinical trial in patients with cognitive impairment in major depressive disorder. This robust, placebo-controlled trial of 167 people will inform us if Xanamem can improve cognition in these patients and assess any related effects on symptoms of depression itself."

我們很高興地宣佈,最後一位患者已報名參加我們針對重度抑鬱症認知障礙患者的Xanacidd 2a期臨床試驗。This 對167人進行了強有力的安慰劑對照試驗,將告訴我們Xanamem能否改善這些患者的認知能力,並評估對抑鬱症狀本身的任何相關影響。”

"Any positive effects on cognition in this trial would confirm prior trial findings of cognitive enhancement and support the likelihood of future success in the on-going 36-week phase 2b XanaMIA trial in patients with Alzheimer's disease."


"We continue to observe the excellent safety profile for Xanamem and believe its low drug-drug interaction potential makes it an ideal candidate for use in multiple diseases and populations."


The XanaCIDD trial is a phase 2a, proof-of-concept, placebo-controlled, parallel group trial in patients with persistent MDD and measurable cognitive impairment. Xanamem (10 mg) or placebo is added to the existing anti-depressant therapy or, in patients with a previous history of anti-depressant treatment, as a stand-alone treatment. Results are expected in early Q3 2024.

Xanacidd試驗是一項2a期、概念驗證、安慰劑對照的平行組試驗,針對持續性耐多糖和可測量的認知障礙患者。將Xanamem(10 mg)或安慰劑添加到現有的抗抑鬱藥療法中,對於以前有抗抑鬱治療史的患者,可作爲獨立療法添加。業績預計將在2024年第三季度初公佈。

The primary endpoint for the trial is the computerized Cogstate "attention composite" test battery, measuring attention and working memory and shown previously to be a sensitive measure of Xanamem benefit in the prior XanaMIA Part A and XanaHES trials. Attention and working memory, sometimes characterized as the ability to focus, are critical and essential components of cognitive ability.

該試驗的主要終點是計算機化的Cogstate “注意力複合材料” 測試電池,用於測量注意力和工作記憶,此前在先前的Xanamia A部分和XanaHES試驗中被證明是衡量Xanamem益處的敏感指標。注意力和工作記憶有時被描述爲專注能力,是認知能力的關鍵和必不可少的組成部分。

The key secondary endpoint is the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) which is a structured interview evaluating MDD symptoms and is a fundamental endpoint used for regulatory approvals of anti-depressant medication. Other secondary endpoints include an executive function cognitive composite, a memory function cognitive composite, proportions of responders and global clinical assessment scores.


Actinogen's second on-going randomized trial, a phase 2b of 36 weeks duration in patients with mild to moderate, biomarker-positive Alzheimer's disease, is expected to provide interim results mid-2025 and final results in 2026.


About Actinogen Medical

關於Actinogen Medical

Actinogen Medical (ACW) is an ASX-listed, biotechnology company developing a novel therapy for neurological and neuropsychiatric diseases associated with dysregulated brain cortisol. There is a strong association between cortisol and detrimental changes in the brain, affecting cognitive function, harm to brain cells and long-term cognitive health.

Actinogen Medical(ACW)是一家在澳大利亞證券交易所上市的生物技術公司,正在開發一種治療與腦皮質醇失調相關的神經系統和神經精神疾病的新療法。皮質醇與大腦的有害變化密切相關,這些變化會影響認知功能,對腦細胞的傷害和長期的認知健康。

Cognitive function means how a person understands, remembers and thinks clearly. Cognitive functions include memory, attention, reasoning, awareness and decision-making.


Actinogen is currently developing its lead compound, Xanamem, as a promising new therapy for Alzheimer's Disease and Depression and hopes to study Fragile X Syndrome and other neurological and psychiatric diseases in the future. Reducing cortisol inside brain cells could have a positive impact in these and many other diseases. The cognitive dysfunction, behavioural abnormalities, and neuropsychological burden associated with these conditions is debilitating for patients, and there is a substantial unmet medical need for new and improved treatments.


Current Clinical Trials


The XanaCIDD Phase 2a depression trial is a double-blind, six-week proof-of-concept, placebo-controlled, parallel group design trial in 167 patients. Participants are evenly randomized to receive Xanamem 10 mg once daily or placebo, in some cases in addition to their existing antidepressant therapy, and effects on cognition and depression are assessed.

這個 Xanacidd 2a 期抑鬱症試驗 是一項雙盲、爲期六週的概念驗證、安慰劑對照的平行組設計試驗,涉及167名患者。參與者被平均隨機分配,每天一次接受Xanamem 10 mg或安慰劑,在某些情況下,除了現有的抗抑鬱藥療法外,還會評估對認知和抑鬱的影響。

The XanaMIA Phase 2b Alzheimer's disease trial is a double-blind, 36-week treatment, placebo-controlled, parallel group design trial in 220 patients with mild to moderate AD and progressive disease, determined by clinical criteria and confirmed by an elevated level of a pTau protein biomarker in blood. Patients receive Xanamem 10 mg or placebo, once daily, and effects on cognition, function and progression of Alzheimer's disease are assessed. Thus, Xanamem is being assessed in this trial for its potential effects as both a cognitive enhancer and a disease course modifier.

這個 XanaMia 2b 期阿爾茨海默氏病試驗 是一項雙盲、爲期 36 周的治療、安慰劑對照的平行組設計試驗,適用於 220 名輕度至中度 AD 和進行性疾病患者,根據臨床標準確定,並由血液中pTaU蛋白生物標誌物水平升高所證實。患者每天一次接受Xanamem 10 mg或安慰劑,並評估對阿爾茨海默氏病認知、功能和進展的影響。因此,該試驗正在評估Xanamem作爲認知增強劑和疾病過程調節劑的潛在作用。

About Xanamem

關於 Xanamem

Xanamem's novel mechanism of action is to block the production of cortisol inside cells through the inhibition of the 11β-HSD1 enzyme in the brain. Xanamem is designed to get into the brain after it is absorbed in the intestines upon swallowing.


Chronically elevated cortisol is associated with cognitive decline in Alzheimer's Disease and excess cortisol is known to be toxic to brain cells. Cognitive impairment is also a feature in Depression and many other diseases. Cortisol itself is also associated with depressive symptoms and when targeted via other mechanisms has shown some promise in prior clinical trials.


The Company has studied 11β-HSD1 inhibition by Xanamem in more than 350 volunteers and patients, so far finding a statistically significant improvement in working memory and attention, compared with placebo, in healthy, older volunteers in two consecutive trials and clinically significant improvements in functional and cognitive ability in patients with biomarker-positive mild AD. Previously, high levels of target engagement in the brain with doses as low as 5 mg daily have been demonstrated in a human PET imaging study. A series of Phase 2 studies in multiple diseases is being conducted to further confirm and characterize Xanamem's therapeutic potential.

該公司已在350多名志願者和患者中研究了Xanamem對11β-HSD1的抑制作用,到目前爲止,在連續兩項試驗中,發現與安慰劑相比,健康的老年志願者的工作記憶和注意力有統計學上的顯著改善,生物標誌物陽性的輕度AD患者的功能和認知能力也有臨床上的顯著改善。以前,一項人類 PET 成像研究表明,每日劑量低至 5 mg,靶標在大腦中的參與度很高。正在對多種疾病進行一系列二期研究,以進一步確認和表徵Xanamem的治療潛力。

Xanamem is an investigational product and is not approved for use outside of a clinical trial by the FDA or by any global regulatory authority. Xanamem is a trademark of Actinogen Medical.

Xanamem是一種在研產品,未經美國食品藥品管理局或任何全球監管機構批准在臨床試驗之外使用。Xanamem 是 Actinogen Medical 的商標。



This announcement and attachments may contain certain "forward-looking statements" that are not historical facts; are based on subjective estimates, assumptions and qualifications; and relate to circumstances and events that have not taken place and may not take place. Such forward looking statements should be considered "at-risk statements" - not to be relied upon as they are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors (such as significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties / contingencies and regulatory and clinical development risks, future outcomes and uncertainties) that may lead to actual results being materially different from any forward looking statement or the performance expressed or implied by such forward looking statements. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements that speak only as of the date hereof. Actinogen Medical does not undertake any obligation to revise such statements to reflect events or any change in circumstances arising after the date hereof, or to reflect the occurrence of or non-occurrence of any future events. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Actinogen Medical does not make any guarantee, representation or warranty as to the likelihood of achievement or reasonableness of any forward-looking statements and there can be no assurance or guarantee that any forward-looking statements will be realised.

本公告和附件可能包含某些 “前瞻性陳述”,這些陳述不是歷史事實;基於主觀估計、假設和限定;與尚未發生和可能不會發生的情況和事件有關。此類前瞻性陳述應被視爲 “風險陳述” ——不可信賴,因爲它們受已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素(例如重大業務、經濟和競爭不確定性/突發事件以及監管和臨床開發風險、未來結果和不確定性)的影響,這些因素可能導致實際結果與任何前瞻性陳述或所表達或暗示的業績存在重大差異。提醒您不要過分依賴這些僅代表截至本文發佈之日的前瞻性陳述。Actinogen Medical不承擔任何義務修改此類聲明,以反映本聲明發布之日後發生的事件或情況的任何變化,或反映任何未來事件的發生或不發生。過去的表現不是未來表現的可靠指標。Actinogen Medical對任何前瞻性陳述的實現可能性或合理性不作任何保證、陳述或保證,也無法保證或保證任何前瞻性陳述都會實現。

Xanamem is a registered trademark of Actinogen Medical Limited

Xanamem 是 Actinogen Medical Limited 的註冊商標

SOURCE Actinogen Medical Limited

來源 Actinogen 醫療有限公司

