
Mako Mining Announces Q1 2024 Production Results

Mako Mining Announces Q1 2024 Production Results

Mako Mining 公佈 2024 年第一季度生產業績
Accesswire ·  04/22 19:00

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / April 22, 2024 / Mako Mining Corp. (TSX-V:MKO)(OTCQX:MAKOF) ("Mako" or the "Company") is pleased to provide first quarter 2024 ("Q1 2024") production results from its San Albino gold mine ("San Albino") in northern Nicaragua, which is the eleventh full quarter of production results since declaring commercial production on July 1, 2021.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2024年4月22日/Mako Mining Corp.(TSX-V: MKO)(OTCQX: MAKOF)(“Mako” 或 “公司”)欣然公佈其位於尼加拉瓜北部的聖阿爾比諾金礦(“聖阿爾比諾”)2024年第一季度(“2024年第一季度”)的產量業績,這是自7月1日宣佈商業生產以來的第十一個完整季度的產量業績,2021。

Q1 2024 Production and Financial Highlights

2024 年第一季度生產和財務摘要

  • Record 67,961 tonnes mined containing 13,965 ounces of gold ("oz Au") at a blended grade of 6.39 grams per tonne gold ("g/t Au") and 15,718 ounces of silver ("oz Ag") at a grade of 7.19 grams per tonne silver ("g/t Ag")
    • 25,374 tonnes mined containing 9,664 oz Au at 11.85 g/t Au and 9,919 oz Ag at 12.16 g/t Ag from diluted vein material
    • 42,587 tonnes mined containing 4,301 oz Au at 3.14 g/t Au and 5,799 oz Ag at 4.24 g/t Ag from historical dump and other mineralized material above cutoff grade ("historical dump + other")
    • 22.7:1 strip ratio
  • 52,478 tonnes milled containing 12,266 oz Au at a blended grade of 7.27 g/t Au and 14,071 oz Ag at 8.34 g/t Ag
    • 36% and 64% from diluted vein and historical dump and other, respectively
    • 606 tonnes per day ("tpd") milled at 96% availability
    • Recoveries of 80.6% for gold in Q1 2024
  • 150,744 tonnes in stockpile containing 12,465 oz Au at a blended grade of 2.57 g/t Au
  • 10,070 oz Au Equiv. recovered and 9,332 oz Au. Equiv. sold during the quarter
  • Delivered 40,500 oz of silver on the Sailfish Silver Loan for a total of US$ 0.9 million during Q1 2024
  • Entered into an environmental settlement and release agreement with GR Silver comprising US$0.5 million and the issuance of 296,710 common shares of Mako
  • C$ 2.8 million in share repurchases equating to 1 million shares at an average price of C$ 2.80 so far in 2024
  • Aprox. US$ 3.0 million increase in cash balance in Q1 2024 vs. Q4 2023
  • 開採量創紀錄的67,961噸含13,965盎司黃金(“盎司金”),混合品位爲每噸黃金(“g/t Au”)和15,718盎司白銀(“盎司銀”),品位爲每噸白銀(“g/t Ag”)7.19克(“g/t Ag”)
    • 開採的 25,374 噸含有 9,664 盎司金含量爲 11.85 克/噸的金和來自稀釋礦脈材料的 9,919 盎司銀(銀含量爲 12.16 克/噸)
    • 開採的 42,587 噸含有 4,301 盎司金,含有 3.14 克/噸金的 4,799 盎司銀,銀含量爲 4.24 g/t Ag 的 5,799 盎司銀,來自歷史堆場和其他高於臨界品位的礦化物質(“歷史垃圾場 + 其他”)
    • 22. 7:1 的條帶比例
  • 52,478 噸研磨後含有 12,266 盎司金,混合品位爲 7.27 g/t Au 和 14,071 盎司銀含量 8.34 g/t Ag
    • 36% 和 64% 分別來自稀釋後的礦脈和歷史拋售等
    • 每天研磨 606 噸(“tpd”),可用性爲 96%
    • 2024年第一季度黃金的回收率爲80.6%
  • 150,744 噸庫存中含有 12,465 盎司金,混合品位爲 2.57 克/噸金
  • 回收了 10,070 盎司金當量和 9,332 盎司金當量本季度銷售的同等份額
  • 2024 年第一季度通過 Sailfish Silver Loan 交付了 40,500 盎司白銀,總額爲 90 萬美元
  • 與GR Silver簽訂了環境和解和發行協議,其中包括50萬美元和發行296,710股Mako普通股
  • 2024年迄今爲止,280萬加元的股票回購相當於100萬股股票,平均價格爲2.80加元
  • 大約。與 2023 年第四季度相比,2024 年第一季度的現金餘額增加了 300 萬美元

Akiba Leisman, Chief Executive Officer of Mako states that, "Q1 2024 was another highly profitable quarter for the Company, with recovered gold equivalent of over 10,000 ounces at industry leading AISC. The mine reported quarterly record throughput rates, which was achieved as we positively reconcile to the resource model, bringing in significantly more tonnes of mineralized material to the mine plan. Exploration is ramping up at site, the NCIB has been accelerated, and cash is building on the balance sheet as we prepare to close the Goldsource Mines acquisition later this quarter."

Mako首席執行官阿基巴·萊斯曼表示:“2024年第一季度是公司又一個利潤豐厚的季度,行業領先的AISC回收的黃金當量超過1萬盎司。該礦報告了創紀錄的季度吞吐率,這是在我們積極調整資源模型後實現的,爲採礦計劃帶來了更多噸的礦化材料。在我們準備在本季度晚些時候完成對Goldsource Mines的收購之際,現場勘探正在加強,NCIB加快了步伐,資產負債表上的現金正在增加。”

Table 1 - Production Results

表 1-生產結果

* Includes historical dump, hanging wall, footwall, historical muck and all other non-vein mineralized material above cutoff grade.
**For the purpose of calculating revenue, payments to Sailfish are deducted from the Average Realized Price.
(1) Equiv. Gold ounces are calculated by: Silver Rec. or Silver Sold (oz) / Avg. Realized Price of Gold (US$/oz) / Avg. Realized Price of Silver (US$/oz)

* 包括歷史垃圾場、懸牆、牆壁、歷史渣土和所有其他高於臨界等級的非礦脈礦化物質。
(1) 等於。黃金盎司的計算公式爲:白銀推薦值或賣出白銀(盎司)/平均值。黃金已實現價格(美元/盎司)/平均值白銀的已實現價格(美元/盎司)

Table 2 - Quarter End Stockpile Statistics

表 2-季度末庫存統計數據

** Includes historical dump, hanging wall, footwall, historical muck and all other non-vein mineralized material above cutoff grade.

** 包括歷史垃圾場、懸牆、牆壁、歷史渣土和所有其他高於臨界等級的非礦脈礦化物質。



The mine averaged 747 tpd of diluted vein and historical dump + other material in Q1 2024, which was by far the highest mining rate of mineralized material in the Company's history. This record came in a large part from a significant positive reconciliation of mineralized tonnes to the resource model. The strip ratio was 22.7:1 which included pre-stripping of the Southwest Pit within San Albino, and the commencement of the bulk sample of El Limon within Las Conchitas - South. The current stockpile is 150,743 tonnes containing 12,474 oz Au at 2.57 g/t Au. The average grade of the diluted vein was 11.85 g/t Au containing 9,664 oz Au.

2024年第一季度,該礦的稀釋礦脈和歷史堆放物+其他材料的平均產量爲747噸/日,這是迄今爲止公司歷史上礦化材料開採率最高的礦化材料開採率。這一記錄在很大程度上源於礦化噸數與資源模型的顯著積極協調。條帶比率爲22. 7:1,其中包括對聖阿爾比諾內的西南礦坑進行預剝離,以及開始在南拉斯康奇塔斯進行El Limon的批量採樣。目前的庫存量爲150,743噸,含有12,474盎司金,金含量爲2.57克/噸。稀釋後的金礦脈的平均品位爲11.85克/噸金,其中含有9,664盎司金。

The total production of diluted vein material in Q1 2024 came from 3 different zones; 39% of the total ounces were mined from the West Pit (San Albino), 19% from the Southwest Pit (San Albino), and 41% from Phase 1 in the Bayacun Pit (Las Conchitas). In Q2 2024, an important part of the production will also come from Phase 1 of the El Limon Pit (Las Conchitas).




All components of the 500 tpd gravity and carbon-in-leach processing plant have been fully operational since the beginning of May 2021. During Q1 2024, the plant throughput rate was 606 tpd with a plant availability of 96%. The plant processed 36% diluted vein material and 64% historical dump + other material to achieve a blended feed grade of 7.27 g/t Au. The gold recovery was lower at 80.6 % in Q1 compared to 84.6% in Q4 due to lower gold grades, and higher preg-robbing potential of the mill feed. This was due to differences in the upper portion of the Las Conchitas vein morphology as compared to San Albino, which led to higher amounts of peripheral, low-grade, preg-robbing material being included in the diluted vein. In addition, very little oxide material was processed, as the production predominantly came from relatively deeper material. In the latter half of Q2, a substantial portion of the mill feed will come from oxide material at El Limon, which should incrementally improve recoveries. The plant availability was 96% with 10,070 ounces of gold equivalent recovered.

自 2021 年 5 月初以來,每天 500 噸的重力和碳浸出處理廠的所有部件均已全面投入運行。在2024年第一季度,工廠吞吐率爲每天606噸,工廠可用性爲96%。該工廠加工了36%的稀釋礦脈材料和64%的歷史傾倒物+其他材料,使混合飼料等級達到7.27克/噸金。第一季度的黃金回收率下降至80.6%,而第四季度爲84.6%,這是由於黃金品位下降以及磨機原料的預搶潛力增加。這是由於與聖阿爾比諾相比,拉斯康奇塔斯靜脈上部的形態存在差異,這導致稀釋後的靜脈中含有更多的外周低品位預搶材料。此外,由於產物主要來自相對較深的材料,因此處理的氧化物材料很少。在第二季度的後半部分,工廠飼料的很大一部分將來自El Limon的氧化物材料,這將逐步提高回收率。該工廠的可用性爲96%,回收了10,070盎司的黃金當量。

Qualified Person


John Rust, a metallurgical engineer and qualified person (as defined under NI 43-101) has read and approved the technical information contained in this press release. Mr. Rust is a senior metallurgist and a consultant to the Company.

冶金工程師兼合格人員(定義見NI 43-101)John Rust已閱讀並批准了本新聞稿中包含的技術信息。魯斯特先生是公司的高級冶金學家和顧問。

On behalf of the Board,


Akiba Leisman
Chief Executive Officer


About Mako

關於 Mako

Mako Mining Corp. is a publicly listed gold mining, development and exploration company. The Company operates the high-grade San Albino gold mine in Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua, which ranks as one of the highest-grade open pit gold mines globally. Mako's primary objective is to operate San Albino profitably and fund exploration of prospective targets on its district-scale land package.

Mako Mining Corp. 是一家上市的黃金開採、開發和勘探公司。該公司在尼加拉瓜新塞哥維亞經營高品位的聖阿爾比諾金礦,該金礦是全球等級最高的露天金礦之一。Mako的主要目標是以盈利的方式運營聖阿爾比諾,併爲其地區規模土地一攬子計劃中的潛在目標的勘探提供資金。

For further information: Mako Mining Corp., Akiba Leisman, Chief Executive Officer, Telephone: 917-558-5289, E-mail: or visit our website at and SEDAR .

欲了解更多信息:Mako Mining Corp.、Akiba Leisman,首席執行官,電話:917-558-5289,電子郵件 或訪問我們的網站和SEDAR。

Forward-Looking Information: Statements contained herein, other than historical fact, may be considered "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. The forward-looking information contained herein is based on the Company's plans and certain expectations and assumptions, including that Q1, 2024 detailed operating costs and financial results will be available by the end of this month; the additional optimizations noted may improve recoveries further; and that the Company can operate San Albino profitably in order to fund exploration of prospective targets on its district-scale land package. Such forward-looking information is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those reflected in the forward-looking information, including, without limitation; that the Company`s debt repayments and payables, royalties and taxes and cash balance are preliminary in nature and have not been audited by a third party; that the Company is not successful in operating San Albino profitably and/or funding its exploration of prospectus targets on its district-scale land package; political risks and uncertainties involving the Company's exploration properties; the inherent uncertainty of cost estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expense; commodity price fluctuations and other risks and uncertainties as disclosed in the Company's public disclosure filings on SEDAR at . Such information contained herein represents management's best judgment as of the date hereof, based on information currently available and is included for the purposes of providing investors with the Company's expectations regarding the Company's Q1 2024 production results at San Albino gold project, and may not be appropriate for other purposes. Mako does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

前瞻性信息:根據適用的證券法,除歷史事實外,此處包含的陳述可能被視爲 “前瞻性信息”。此處包含的前瞻性信息基於公司的計劃以及某些預期和假設,包括2024年第一季度的詳細運營成本和財務業績將在本月底之前公佈; 所指出的其他優化措施可能會進一步改善回收率;而且公司可以 以盈利方式運營聖阿爾比諾,爲其地區規模一攬子土地的潛在目標的勘探提供資金。此類前瞻性信息受到各種風險和不確定性的影響,可能導致實際事件或結果與前瞻性信息中反映的事件或結果存在重大差異,包括但不限於:公司的債務還款和應付賬款、特許權使用費和稅收以及現金餘額本質上是初步的,未經第三方審計;公司未能成功運營聖阿爾比諾盈利和/或爲其地區招股說明書目標的勘探提供資金大規模土地一攬子計劃;政治風險和涉及公司勘探物業的不確定性;成本估算的固有不確定性以及可能出現意想不到的成本和支出;公司在SEDAR的公開披露文件中披露的大宗商品價格波動以及其他風險和不確定性。此處包含的此類信息代表了管理層截至本文發佈之日的最佳判斷,其目的是向投資者提供公司對公司2024年第一季度聖阿爾比諾黃金項目產量業績的預期,可能不適用於其他目的。除非根據適用的證券法,否則Mako不承諾更新任何前瞻性信息。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


SOURCE: Mako Mining Corp.

來源:Mako Mining Corp.

