
Menang Takes Minority Stake in Indonesia Healthcare JV

Menang Takes Minority Stake in Indonesia Healthcare JV

Menang 收購印尼醫療合資公司的少數股權
The Malaysian Reserve ·  04/18 18:01

Property developer Menang Corp (M) Bhd plans to take up a 20% stake for RM4 million in a healthcare joint-venture (JV) company to venture into Indonesia's healthcare and wellness business.

房地產開發商Menang Corp(M)Bhd計劃以400萬令吉的價格收購一家醫療保健合資公司(JV)20%的股份,進軍印度尼西亞的醫療保健和保健業務。

Menang will also subscribe up to 30 million non-convertible redeemable preference shares for a total consideration of up to RM30 million in the JV company Alpro Menang Ventures Sdn Bhd (AMV).

梅南還將認購合資公司Alpro Menang Ventures Sdn Bhd(AMV)的多達3000萬股不可轉換的可贖回優先股,總對價高達3000萬令吉。

In an exchange filing today, Menang said the investment presented an opportunity to form a strategic partnership with Alpro Alliance Sdn Bhd, which holds the majority 80% stake in the JV, to venture into the 'healthcare and wellness business in the thriving Indonesia market.'

梅南在今天的一份交易所文件中表示,這項投資爲與持有合資企業80%多數股權的Alpro Alliance Sdn Bhd建立戰略合作伙伴關係提供了機會,可以冒險進入 “繁榮的印度尼西亞市場中的醫療保健和保健業務”。

Menang said it will subscribe 20 million preference shares for RM20 million in AMV as well as undertake to provide an additional funds of up to RM10 million to AMV, in form and terms to be mutually agreed upon by Menang and ALA, for the purpose of potential acquisitions.


Menang's principal activities are in property development and government development projects in the form of three UiTM private financing initiative (PFI) projects.


Its shares closed at 63 sen today, giving it a market capitalization of RM327 million.

其股價今天收於63仙,市值爲 RM327 百萬美元。

