
Ford's Mustang Gallops Into 60th Year: Still A Pony With Plenty Of Kick

Ford's Mustang Gallops Into 60th Year: Still A Pony With Plenty Of Kick

福特的 Mustang 駛入第 60 個年頭:仍然是一匹擁有充足動力的小馬
Benzinga ·  04/17 14:23
Ford Motor Co. (NYSE:F) is revving its engines to celebrate a milestone birthday: the 60th anniversary of its iconic Mustang.
A Star is Born: The Mustang made its world debut on April 17, 1964, at the New York World's Fair. According to Ford, nearly 15 million fairgoers took a spin in the Mustang on the nearly half-mile-long Magic Skyway ride designed by Walt Disney. Talk about a grand entrance!
一顆明星的誕生:野馬於1964年4月17日在紐約世界博覽會上全球首次亮相。根據福特的說法,將近1500萬博覽會觀衆在沃爾特·迪斯尼設計的近半英里長的Magic Skyway遊樂設施中乘坐了野馬。說說盛大的入口吧!
Instant Classic: The base model Mustang back then was priced at a cool $2,368 — roughly the equivalent of 420 Big Macs today. Ford sold a staggering 100,000 Mustangs within four months and a whopping...
Instant Classic:當時的基本車型野馬的售價爲23...

