
Fineqia Appoints Warren Sergeant as New Chief Financial Officer Designate

Fineqia Appoints Warren Sergeant as New Chief Financial Officer Designate

Fineqia 任命 Warren Sergeant 爲新任候任首席財務官
newsfile ·  04/16 20:52

London, United Kingdom--(Newsfile Corp. - April 16, 2024) - Fineqia International Inc. (CSE: FNQ) (OTC Pink: FNQQF) (FSE: FNQA) (the "Company" or "Fineqia"), the digital asset and fintech investment business, announces the appointment of Warren Sergeant as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) designate, to lead the company's finance department and support its business strategy.

英國倫敦--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年4月16日)——Fineqia International Inc.(CSE:FNQ)(場外交易鏈接:FNQF)(FSE:FNQA)( “公司” 要麼 “Fineqia”),數字資產和金融科技投資公司,宣佈任命沃倫·謝爾蓋特爲候任首席財務官(CFO),領導公司的財務部門並支持其業務戰略。

Fineqia Appoints Warren Sergeant as New Chief Financial Officer Designate

Fineqia 任命 Warren Sergeant 爲新任候任首席財務官

Sergeant, a London-based chartered accountant, brings a distinguished background in finance and technology to his role at Fineqia. Warren began his career advising global hedge funds like Arrowgrass Capital Partners LLP, Fundsmith LLP, and the Opportunity Fund, which managed significant multi-billion-pound assets. Later, he transitioned into entrepreneurship in South Africa, successfully launching two professional service consulting companies, Seach Business Consulting and Izala Verificators.

Sergeant是一名駐倫敦的特許會計師,他在Fineqia任職時擁有傑出的金融和技術背景。沃倫的職業生涯始於爲Arrowgrass Capital Partners LLP、Fundsmith LLP和機會基金等全球對沖基金提供諮詢,後者管理着數十億英鎊的大量資產。後來,他在南非轉型爲企業家,成功創辦了兩家專業服務諮詢公司,即Seach Business Consulting和Izala Verificators。

Subsequently, he worked with Fineqia's CEO Rangar as the Director of International Finance at PremFina, an insurtech challenger in the UK's insurance finance industry that was previously founded by Rangar. Sergeant helped spearhead PremFina's international growth and expansion in Europe as well as provide strategic advice and negotiation support.


"Warren's track record and experience uniquely position him to support Fineqia's digital asset initiatives and growth plan," said Bundeep Singh Rangar, CEO of Fineqia. "Having worked with him, I can vouch for his tremendous skills and expertise."


Sergeant had previously played a vital role in the billion-pound expansion of Cory Riverside Energy, a key player in the UK's energy and resource management sector, showcasing his financial management expertise during a critical growth phase.

Sergeant此前曾在英國能源和資源管理領域的關鍵參與者Cory Riverside Energy的數十億英鎊擴張中發揮了至關重要的作用,他在關鍵的增長階段展示了他的財務管理專業知識。

"Fineqia's commitment to innovation in digital assets aligns with my passion for shaping the future of finance," said Warren Sergeant. "I'm excited to be part of its success and furthering its position as a leader in the industry."


Sergeant's appointment as Fineqia's CFO will be formally confirmed subject to regulatory clearances.


The Company wishes to thank Stephan McCann for his role as Interim CFO since August 2022 who will be resigning from the position.


About Fineqia International Inc.

關於 Fineqia International Inc.

Fineqia () is a digital asset business that builds and targets investments in early and growth stage technology companies that will be part of the next generation of the Internet. Publicly listed in Canada (CSE: FNQ) with quoted symbols on the Nasdaq and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Fineqia's portfolio of investments includes businesses at the forefront of tokenization, blockchain technology, NFTs, AI, and fintech. Fineqia's VC fund in formation, Glass Ventures, backs category-defining Web 3.0 and Web 4.0 companies built by world-class entrepreneurs. and .

Fineqia () 是一家數字資產企業,旨在投資早期和成長階段的科技公司,這些公司將成爲下一代互聯網的一部分。Fineqia在加拿大上市(CSE: FNQ),在納斯達克和法蘭克福證券交易所掛牌上市,其投資組合包括處於代幣化、區塊鏈技術、NFT、人工智能和金融科技前沿的企業。Fineqia成立的風險投資基金Glass Ventures支持由世界級企業家創立的定義類別的Web 3.0和Web 4.0公司。以及。

Media Contacts


Angus Campbell
Nominis Advisory

Nominis 諮詢

Athraa Bheekoo
Luna PR

Athraa Bheekoo



Katarina Kupcikova, Marketing & Communications Manager
T. +44 7806 730 769

Katarina Kupcikova,營銷與傳播經理
電話:+44 7806 730 769



Some statements in this release may contain forward-looking information (as defined under applicable Canadian securities laws) ("forward-looking statements"). All statements, other than of historical fact, that address activities, events or developments that Fineqia (the "Company") believes, expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future (including, without limitation, statements regarding potential acquisitions and financings) are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are generally identifiable by use of the words "may", "will", "should", "continue", "expect", "anticipate", "estimate", "believe", "intend", "plan" or "project" or the negative of these words or other variations on these words or comparable terminology. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control or predict, that may cause the actual results of the Company to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from current expectations include, among other things, without limitation, the failure to obtain sufficient financing, and other risks disclosed in the Company's public disclosure record on file with the relevant securities regulatory authorities. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which it is made except as may be required by applicable securities laws. The Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking statement except to the extent required by applicable securities laws.

本新聞稿中的某些陳述可能包含前瞻性信息(定義見適用的加拿大證券法)(“前瞻性陳述”)。除歷史事實外,所有涉及Fineqia(“公司”)相信、預期或預期未來將發生或可能發生的活動、事件或發展的陳述(包括但不限於有關潛在收購和融資的陳述)均爲前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述通常可以通過使用 “可能”、“將”、“應該”、“繼續”、“期望”、“預期”、“估計”、“相信”、“打算”、“計劃” 或 “項目” 等詞來識別,或者這些詞語的否定詞或這些詞語或類似術語的其他變體。前瞻性陳述受許多風險和不確定性的影響,其中許多風險和不確定性超出了公司的控制或預測能力,這可能導致公司的實際業績與前瞻性陳述中討論的業績存在重大差異。可能導致實際業績或事件與當前預期存在重大差異的因素包括但不限於未能獲得足夠的融資,以及公司向相關證券監管機構存檔的公開披露記錄中披露的其他風險。除非適用的證券法有要求,否則任何前瞻性陳述僅代表其發表之日。除非適用的證券法要求,否則公司不打算或有義務更新任何前瞻性陳述。

