
EA Drops UK Quality Team, Leaves 40 Apex Legends Staffers In Limbo

EA Drops UK Quality Team, Leaves 40 Apex Legends Staffers In Limbo

EA 裁掉英國質量團隊,讓 40 名 Apex Legends 員工陷入困境
Benzinga ·  04/13 03:01

Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA) is set to dissolve its Apex Legends UK quality assurance (QA) team, impacting around 40 contracted workers.

藝電(納斯達克股票代碼:EA)將解散其Apex Legends英國質量保證(QA)團隊,影響約40名合同工。

According to Insider Gaming, the decision was revealed during a 'Business Update' Zoom call, leaving managers unaware until informed by affected employees. Established in 2022, the UK team oversaw QA for Apex Legends from Season 16 onwards.

根據Insider Gaming的說法,該決定是在Zoom的 “業務更新” 電話會議上公佈的,直到受影響的員工通知後,經理才知道這一點。英國團隊成立於2022年,從第16賽季開始監督《Apex Legends》的質量保證。

Although the team reportedly met its performance targets, the non-renewal of contracts was attributed to a broader business restructuring rather than performance issues.


Sources who talked with Insider Gaming under the condition of anonymity, stated: "Everything seemed to be heading to a normal renewal ready to tackle the next year of plans for Apex."

在不願透露姓名的情況下與Insider Gaming交談的消息人士表示:“一切似乎都走向了正常的續約,爲解決明年的Apex計劃做好了準備。”

Affected individuals now face uncertainty in seeking new employment, with some contracts expiring imminently. Notably, this move does not appear linked to the prior layoff of 670 EA employees in late February.


Last month, EA's CEO Andrew Wilson highlighted Apex Legends' substantial player base, hinting at future expansions beyond the battle royale genre.

上個月,EA首席執行官安德魯·威爾遜強調了Apex Legends龐大的玩家群,暗示了大逃殺類型之外的未來擴展版。

Image credits: ricochet64 on Shutterstock.

圖片來源:Shutterstock 上的 ricochet64。

