
Taylor Swift Music Ban In Chechnya, 'Baby Shark' Will Be Okay: The Unique Reason Top Artists' Songs Can't Be Played In Russian Republic

Taylor Swift Music Ban In Chechnya, 'Baby Shark' Will Be Okay: The Unique Reason Top Artists' Songs Can't Be Played In Russian Republic

泰勒·斯威夫特在車臣禁止音樂,“Baby Shark” 會沒事的:俄羅斯共和國無法播放頂級歌手歌曲的獨特原因
Benzinga ·  04/10 06:15

Celebrities and politicians have been banned from Russia due to the ongoing war with Ukraine and the involvement of the U.S. during the international conflict.


While Taylor Swift and other musicians aren't on the list of banned people, their music won't be playable in the Russian Republic of Chechnya thanks to a new ruling.


What Happened: Swift has broken box office records and concert tour records thanks to her popularity and huge fan base.


One country that might see a smaller fan base for Swift is Chechnya as the majority of Swift's songs won't be playable thanks to a new law. The new law has nothing to do with the lyrics or subject matter of Swift's songs, but instead factors in whether the tempo of songs are too fast or too slow.


"From now on all musical, vocal and choreographic works should correspond to a tempo of 80 to 116 beats per minute," the culture ministry of Chechnya said, as reported by the Moscow Times.


Chechen ruler Ramzan Kadyrov said the idea is to "conform to the Chechen mentality" with music in the country. Kadyrov is an ally of Russian President Vladimir Puttin and previously got into a war of words with Elon Musk over a fight challenge between the Russian ruler and billionaire.

車臣統治者拉姆贊·卡德羅夫說,這個想法是爲了讓該國的音樂 “符合車臣人的心態”。卡德羅夫是俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾·普京的盟友,此前曾就俄羅斯統治者和億萬富翁之間的戰鬥挑戰與埃隆·馬斯克展開口水戰。

According to the report, local artists have until June 1 to change their songs to comply with the new rules. Other global artists aren't likely to change their hits to conform to one country's rules.


Related Link: Taylor Swift Concert Film Hits Streaming: Here's How To Watch 'The Eras Tour (Taylor's Version)'

相關鏈接:泰勒·斯威夫特演唱會電影熱門直播:以下是觀看 “時代巡迴演唱會(泰勒版)” 的方法

Why It's Important: A report from Politico highlights that the new rule will ban the majority of Swift songs with hits like "Shake it Off, "Love Story," "Look What You Made Me Do" and "Bad Blood" too fast at 160, 119, 128 and 170 beats per minute (BPM), respectively. Swift's hit "Lover" ranks on the other side of the spectrum at 69 BPM.

爲何重要:Politico的一份報告強調,新規定將禁止大多數Swift歌曲的熱門歌曲,例如 “Shake it Off、“Love Story”、“看看你讓我做了什麼” 和 “Bad Blood”,分別爲每分鐘160、119、128和170次(BPM)。斯威夫特的熱門單曲 “情人” 排在另一邊,爲69 BPM。

Beyoncé also will see songs like "Single Ladies" and "Run the World" banned with the songs coming in at 193 and 127 BPM, respectively. Some of Beyonce's hits like "Halo," "Crazy in Love" and new hit "Texas Hold 'Em" all qualify to be played under the new rules.

碧昂斯還將禁止 “Single Ladies” 和 “Run the World” 等歌曲,這些歌曲的發行量分別爲193和127 BPM。碧昂斯的一些熱門歌曲,例如 “Halo”、“Crazy in Love” 和新熱門單曲 “Texas Hold 'Em”,都有資格在新規則下播放。

Other artists who would be most impacted by the ban according to Politico include Drake and Ariana Grande.


Another song that won't be playable under the ban, but perhaps an exception will be made is the Russian national anthem, which is played at 76 BPM.

另一首在禁令下無法播放,但也許會例外的歌曲是俄羅斯國歌,它的播放速度爲76 BPM。

One song that makes the cut is "Baby Shark," the hit children's song from The Pinkfrog Company. The song, that might be stuck in your head now thanks to this article, is the most watched video on YouTube ever with over 14 billion views and was the first video to pass the 10 billion views milestone on the platform in 2022.

其中一首入圍的歌曲是 Pinkfrog Company 的熱門兒童歌曲 “Baby Shark”。由於這篇文章,這首歌現在可能會浮現在你的腦海中,它是YouTube上有史以來觀看次數最多的視頻,觀看次數超過140億,也是2022年該平台上第一個突破100億觀看次數里程碑的視頻。

Photos: Shutterstock


