
How Many Tesla Cars Are Deployed With FSD In America? AI Head Reveals Latest Numbers

How Many Tesla Cars Are Deployed With FSD In America? AI Head Reveals Latest Numbers

Benzinga ·  04/08 14:52

Tesla Inc.'s (NASDAQ:TSLA) Full Self-Driving software appears to have been deployed on approximately 2 million vehicles in the U.S.


What Happened: "As of March 2024, our end-to-end NN (neural nets) based driving policy has been deployed to ~2M vehicles in [the] US, and the rest of the safety + Autopilot software stack is running on 6M+ vehicles globally," Tesla AI Manager Paril Jain wrote on his LinkedIn profile.

發生了什麼:“截至2024年3月,我們基於端到端神經網絡(神經網絡)的駕駛政策已部署到美國的約200萬輛汽車,其餘的安全+自動駕駛軟件堆棧正在全球超過600萬輛汽車上運行,” 特斯拉人工智能經理帕里爾·賈恩在他的LinkedIn個人資料上寫道。

Tesla's Autopilot is an advanced driver assistance system standard on all new vehicles, aimed at enhancing safety and convenience. FSD, a more advanced system enabling fully autonomous driving in due time, currently requires active driver supervision but is expected to "be really shining bright" by late April or May, as Musk stated in March.

特斯拉的Autopilot是所有新車的高級駕駛輔助系統標準,旨在提高安全性和便利性。FSD是一款能夠在適當時候實現完全自動駕駛的更先進的系統,目前需要對駕駛員進行積極監督,但正如馬斯克在3月份所說,預計到4月下旬或5月 “將真正大放異彩”。

Version 12 of Tesla's FSD relies on end-to-end neural nets, as confirmed by CEO Elon Musk. Jain's LinkedIn description suggests that this new FSD version has been deployed on approximately 2 million U.S. vehicles.


Why It Matters: On Friday, Tesla announced that its cars have driven one billion miles with FSD software, a significant increase from the end of 2023 when FSD-driven miles were below 800 million.


"Won't be long before Tesla exceeds 10B miles of FSD," Musk had then remarked.


FSD is trained on real-time driving data, necessitating more miles on the road for software improvement. The company aims to increase FSD adoption, offering measures such as a 30-day free trial for non-purchasers.

FSD 根據實時駕駛數據進行訓練,因此需要更長的路程才能改進軟件。該公司旨在提高FSD的採用率,爲非購買者提供30天免費試用等措施。

In June 2023, Musk identified vehicle autonomy as the main driver of the brand's market value.


"The value of the company is primarily based on autonomy," Musk stated at the VivaTech conference in Paris. "That's really, I think, the main driver of our value."


Musk has previously talked about licensing its FSD software to other automakers but there are no reports of any takers to date, likely due to the CEO's changing timeline for achieving autonomous driving coupled with other alleged safety concerns.


Check out more of Benzinga's Future Of Mobility coverage by following this link.


Read More: Gene Munster Backs Tesla's Focus On Robotaxis Over Low-Cost EV, Gary Black Skeptical Of Strategy: 'Institutions Would Dump The Stock'

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