
C2C Metals Corp. Announces Acquisition of Its Second United States Uranium Project

C2C Metals Corp. Announces Acquisition of Its Second United States Uranium Project

C2C 金屬公司宣佈收購其第二個美國鈾項目
PR Newswire ·  04/02 19:30



VANCOUVER, BC, April 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - C2C Metals Corp. (CSE: CTOC) (the "Company" or "C2C") reports today the acquisition of its second United States uranium project acquired through claim staking. The project was identified and drilled by URADCO in 1981 establishing a historic resource as detailed below. The Blue Jay Mine Project lies in San Juan County, Utah, and is located in the La Sal Uranium District which is recognized as the second most significant uranium producer in the Utah-Colorado region.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024 年 4 月 2 日 /PRNewswire/- C2C 金屬公司 (案例:CTOC) (“公司” 或 “C2C”) 今天報告了其通過索賠質押獲得的第二個美國鈾項目的收購。該項目由URADCO於1981年確定並進行了鑽探,建立了歷史資源,詳情如下。Blue Jay 礦山項目位於猶他州聖胡安縣,位於拉薩爾鈾區,該地區被認爲是猶他州-科羅拉多州第二重要的鈾生產商。

Figure 1 C2C Uranium Project Area Map (CNW Group/C2C Metals Corp.)
圖 1 C2C 鈾項目區域地圖(CNW 集團/C2C Metals Corp.)

Chris Huggins, Chief Executive Officer stated: "The Blue Jay Mine Project is C2C's second uranium project as we continue to delve into the private mining database. The Blue Jay is another excellent example of high value uranium properties that have been neglected for over 40 years. Having access to an extensive database allows C2C to capitalize on previous work that has outlined very promising areas with significant uranium mineralization. The project's mineralization remains open along trend to the west and offers excellent exploration potential."


Blue Jay Mine Uranium Property, San Juan County, Southeastern Utah

C2C's Blue Jay Mine Uranium Property comprises 28 mineral claims covering about 560 acres, located approximately 30 miles south of Moab, San Juan County, Utah, within the La Sal Uranium District. The claims are located about 2 to 3 miles northwesterly from three historic uranium producing mines, including the Rattlesnake Mine - one of the top four past producing uranium-vanadium mines in the La Sal District. The project area is also within, or adjacent to, the largest favorable channel trend in the western part of the La Sal Uranium Mining District, Utah, which hosts many of the largest uranium deposits in the La Sal District.

C2C的Blue Jay Mine鈾礦產包括28份礦產索賠,佔地約560英畝,位於猶他州聖胡安縣摩押以南約30英里處的拉薩爾鈾區內。這些索賠位於三個歷史悠久的鈾生產礦山西北約2至3英里處,其中包括響尾蛇礦,該礦是拉薩爾地區過去生產鈾釩礦的前四個礦山之一。該項目區域還位於猶他州拉薩爾鈾礦區西部最大的有利通道內或附近,該地區擁有拉薩爾地區許多最大的鈾礦牀。

The claim area saw extensive drilling by URADCO, a subsidiary of Pennsylvania Power and Light Corp (PPL), with some drill sites still visible today. Using URADCO"s drill results from 22 holes, in March 1981, Atlas Minerals' Chief Mining Engineer prepared a preliminary economic evaluation for Atlas' President of a deposit on the property estimating about 110,000 pounds U3O8, at an average grade of about 0.25% U3O8, at depths of 330 to 360 ft. The Atlas report classified the uranium resources as "economically viable reserves." Other information in the Atlas historic records suggests there may be additional lower grade mineralization including 140,000 lbs. U3O8, on property covered by C2C's claims. The Atlas engineer also estimated the V2O5 deposit grade to be 1.25%, based on a historic V2O5:U3O8 ratio of 5:1 for the La Sal District, suggesting an estimated 550,000 lbs. V2O5 included with the estimated uranium resource. At the 1981 Atlas report date, the uranium market price had been falling precipitously, and Atas elected not to acquire the URADCO drilled property. The estimated uranium mineral resources in the Atlas Minerals report are historic in nature and do not conform to the resource reporting terminology as defined in NI 43-101.

賓夕法尼亞電力和照明公司(PPL)的子公司URADCO在該索賠區進行了大量鑽探,一些鑽探地點至今仍然可見。1981年3月,阿特拉斯礦業的首席採礦工程師根據Uradco的22個孔的鑽探結果,爲阿特拉斯總裁編寫了對該地產礦牀的初步經濟評估,估計約爲11萬英鎊3O8,平均等級約爲 0.25% U3O8,深度在 330 到 360 英尺之間阿特拉斯報告將鈾資源歸類爲 “經濟上可行的儲量”。阿特拉斯歷史記錄中的其他信息表明,可能還有其他較低品位的礦化,包括14萬磅的U3O8,關於C2C索賠所涵蓋的財產。阿特拉斯工程師還估算了V2O5 根據歷史V,存款等級爲1.25%2O5:U3O8 拉薩爾地區的比例爲 5:1,表明估計爲 550,000 磅 V2O5 包含在估計的鈾資源中。在1981年阿特拉斯報告發布之日,鈾市場價格急劇下跌,阿塔斯選擇不收購URADCO鑽探的財產。Atlas Minerals報告中估計的鈾礦產資源本質上是歷史性的,不符合NI 43-101中定義的資源報告術語。

The La Sal Uranium-Vanadium District is identified as having Utah's second highest potential for the discovery of additional uranium reserves. C2C's 28 claims including the historic Blue Jay Mine Portal, are also located in an area identified as having "high exploration potential," by the Utah Geological Survey in its report "Uranium Potential in Utah1."

拉薩爾鈾釩區被認爲是猶他州發現額外鈾儲量的第二大潛力。C2C的28項索賠,包括歷史悠久的Blue Jay Mine Portal,也位於猶他州地質調查局在其報告 “猶他州的鈾潛力” 中確定爲 “高勘探潛力” 的地區1。”

The sandstone-type uranium-vanadium mineralization at the Blue Jay Mine Property is hosted within the upper most sandstone "rim" of the Salt Wash Member of the Jurassic age Morrison Formation. The uranium mineralization on the claims is typical of the Sandstone uranium deposits of the Salt Wash type, of the Colorado Plateau Province. A major characteristic of the Salt Wash type deposits is the occurrence of vanadium together with the uranium, with vanadium usually occurring in higher concentrations than uranium, making them different from the Wyoming and New Mexico uranium deposits, which routinely have very low concentrations of vanadium.

Blue Jay 礦產的砂岩型鈾釩礦化位於侏羅紀時代莫里森組鹽洗成員的最上層砂岩 “邊緣” 內。索賠中的鈾礦化是科羅拉多高原省鹽洗型砂岩鈾礦牀的典型特徵。鹽洗型沉積物的一個主要特徵是釩與鈾一起存在,釩的濃度通常高於鈾,這使它們不同於懷俄明州和新墨西哥州的鈾礦牀,後者的釩濃度通常很低。

Based on the historic information from the Atlas Minerals' report, C2C's exploration target for the property is between 100,000 and 250,000 lbs. U3O8, at an estimated average grade ranging from 0.15% to 0.25% U3O8, at depths between 330 and 360 ft. The target deposit is conceptional in nature and should not be relied upon by the reader. A Qualified Person (as defined in NI 43-101) has not done sufficient work to verify the historical information on which the conceptual exploration target is based. Additional work, including drilling, will be required to confirm the presence of uranium, and if present, to establish the amount and grade of any mineralization that is found. C2C is not treating the historical information as reliable, and it should not be relied upon.

根據阿特拉斯礦業報告中的歷史信息,C2C對該物業的勘探目標在10萬至25萬磅之間。3O8,估計平均品位介於 0.15% 到 0.25% U 之間3O8,深度在 330 到 360 英尺之間目標存款本質上是概念性的,讀者不應信賴。合格人員(定義見NI 43-101)在驗證概念勘探目標所依據的歷史信息方面做得不夠。需要進行其他工作,包括鑽探,以確認鈾的存在,如果存在,還需要確定發現的任何礦化的數量和等級。C2C 沒有將歷史信息視爲可靠,因此不應依賴這些信息。

The technical content concerning the Property in this news release was reviewed and approved by Dr. Douglas H. Underhill, CPG, Chief Geologist for C2C Metals Corp., a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.


About C2C Metals Corp.
C2C 金屬公司簡介

C2C Metals is a mineral exploration company which holds a portfolio of uranium, gold and copper projects in the United States and Canada.

C2C Metals是一家礦產勘探公司,在美國和加拿大持有鈾、金和銅項目組合。

1 Gloyn, R.W., and Ken Krahulec, 2005, "Uranium Potential in Utah," Utah Geological Survey, Salt Lake City, Utah, 54 p.

1 R.W. Gloyn 和 Ken Krahulec,2005 年,“猶他州的鈾潛力”,猶他州地質調查局,猶他州鹽湖城,54 頁。

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This news release may include forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties and can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "expected", "will be", "anticipated", "may" or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "will" occur. All statements within, other than statements of historical fact, are to be considered forward looking. Forward-looking statements in this news release include but are not limited to: the completion of the name change. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. There can be no assurances that such statements will prove accurate and, therefore, readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such uncertainties. We do not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as required under the applicable laws.

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SOURCE C2C Metals Corp.

來源 C2C 金屬公司

