
Sable Provides 2023-2024 Field Season Exploration Update for Don Julio Project in San Juan, Argentina

Sable Provides 2023-2024 Field Season Exploration Update for Don Julio Project in San Juan, Argentina

Sable 爲阿根廷聖胡安的 Don Julio 項目提供 2023-2024 年野外季節勘探最新情況
GlobeNewswire ·  04/02 19:00

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sable Resources Ltd. ("Sable" or the "Company") (TSXV:SAE | OTCQB:SBLRF) is pleased to provide an update on the just completed 2023-2024 field season at the Don Julio Project in San Juan, Argentina ("Don Julio" or the "Project"). All exploration expenditures at Don Julio are fully funded under the Earn-In Agreement between the Company and a subsidiary of South32 Limited ("South32"), signed in 2021.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024年4月2日(環球新聞專線)——Sable Resources Ltd.(“Sable” 或 “公司”)(TSXV: SAE | OTCQB: SBLRF)很高興在阿根廷聖胡安唐胡里奧項目(“唐胡里奧” 或 “項目”)提供剛剛結束的2023-2024年實地季的最新情況。根據該公司與South32有限公司(“South32”)子公司於2021年簽署的盈利協議,唐胡里奧的所有勘探支出均由其全額提供資金。



  • US$1.2M invested this season for surface fieldwork at Don Julio.
  • 507 rock samples were collected during the season (Figure 1) with all samples having been received and analyzed for gold, multi-elements, and spectral signature.
  • 628 soil samples were collected over the Tocota target with results showing good coincidence of Cu with the outcropping mineralization and interesting anomalies of Mo, Bi, As, and Te located NW of the porphyry zone and at higher elevation. These pathfinder anomalies suggest extension of the known mineralization towards the NW at depth. The soil anomalies and the observed porphyry mineralization coincide with a very strong, vertical magnetic anomaly.
  • Detailed structural mapping has defined the main structures within the Project and target zones with favourable structural preparation.
  • A 21 km IP survey was conducted along the main Chita valley obtaining two new chargeability anomalies.
  • Colorado, a new drilling target has been generated after combining new geophysical data with historical field observations.
  • The Poposa target where the Company drilled holes DJ-DH-22-01, 02, and 03 in 2022 has been expanded to include the Morro zone where new interesting surface observations suggest the presence of a porphyry system at depth.
  • Geological mapping has covered some existent gaps, and the geology team has reviewed WorldView3 anomalies generated in the last field season (2022/2023). All targets are drill ready for next season and the Company is advancing on the workplan and budget with a subsidiary of South32 in accordance with the terms of the Earn-In Agreement.
  • 本賽季投資了120萬美元用於唐胡里奧的地面實地考察。
  • 該季節收集了507個岩石樣本(圖1),所有樣本均已收到,並分析了金、多元素和光譜特徵。
  • 在託科塔目標上空採集了628份土壤樣本,結果顯示銅與露出的礦化以及位於斑岩帶西北和更高海拔的鉬、碧、砷和鈦的有趣異常非常吻合。這些探路者異常表明已知的礦化向西北深度延伸。土壤異常和觀測到的斑岩礦化與非常強烈的垂直磁異常相吻合。
  • 詳細的結構測繪已經確定了項目內的主要結構和目標區域,並進行了有利的結構準備。
  • 沿着赤塔河谷進行了21公里的知識產權調查,發現了兩個新的充電異常。
  • 科羅拉多州,在將新的地球物理數據與歷史實地觀測相結合後,已經生成了一個新的鑽探目標。
  • 該公司在2022年鑽探了 DJ-DH-22-01、02 和 03 號孔的波波薩目標現已擴大到包括莫羅區域,新的有趣的地表觀測結果表明深處存在斑岩系統。
  • 地質測繪彌補了一些現有的空白,地質小組審查了上一個野外季節(2022/2023)產生的WorldView3異常。所有目標都已爲下個賽季的鑽探做好準備,公司正在根據盈利協議的條款,與South32的子公司一起推進工作計劃和預算。

Dr. Ruben Padilla, Sable's President, and CEO, commented, "We are very pleased with the work completed this season at Don Julio. Our focus this year on field work has allowed us to better understand the geology and mineral potential of Don Julio. With a cluster of four potential Miocene porphyry centers in an area of ~7 x 6 km including La Gringa, Morro-Poposa, Tocota, and Punta Cana, we're now moving forward with defining the 2024/2025 budget and objectives for our next drilling campaign."

Sable總裁兼首席執行官魯本·帕迪拉博士評論說:“我們對唐·胡里奧本季完成的工作感到非常滿意。我們今年將重點放在實地工作上,這使我們能夠更好地了解唐·胡里奧的地質和礦產潛力。在大約 7 x 6 千米的區域內有四個潛在的中新世斑岩中心,包括拉格林加、莫羅-波波薩、託科塔和蓬塔卡納,我們現在正在着手確定下一次鑽探活動的2024/2025年預算和目標。”

Figure 1. Distribution of rock sampling collected this season at Don Julio (blue)
vs rock sampling from previous seasons (yellow).

圖 1。本季在唐胡里奧採集的岩石樣本分佈(藍色)

Rock sampling and mapping this season was focused outside of the known lithocap, on the eastern portion of the Project, which has been historically less explored. Detailed mapping and rock sampling at the Tocota target revealed the association of the mineralized veinlets with a diorite intrusion which shows a strong magnetic anomaly. The soil sampling confirmed the possibility of additional concealed mineralization to the NW underneath rocks with strong pathfinder anomalies such as Mo, As, Sb, Te, Bi, S (Figure 2).

本季的岩石採樣和測繪工作集中在已知巖蓋之外,位於該項目的東部,該地區歷來很少被探索。託科塔目標的詳細測繪和岩石採樣顯示,礦化礦脈與閃長巖侵入體有關,後者顯示出強烈的磁異常。土壤採樣證實,西北部岩石下方有可能出現額外的隱蔽礦化,如鉬、砷和銻、鐵、鉍和硫等強烈的探路者異常(圖 2)。

The IP lines acquired along the main Chita valley revealed two new chargeability anomalies: Gringa NE, and Colorado. While Gringa NE is an interesting low-angle IP feature dipping to the East; Colorado is a very strong, vertical, dome-shaped IP anomaly covered by Quaternary gravels at 4,100 m.a.s.l. The Colorado IP anomaly seems to be connected with the previously known Colorado breccia; a magmatic hydrothermal breccia outcropping at 4,900 m.a.s.l. which contains mineralized porphyry fragments and is strongly affected by advanced argillic alteration, and that has returned values up to 3.9% Cu and 13 g/t Au (Figure 3). The new Colorado chargeability anomaly is located 3.2km east of the nearest drill hole, considerably extending the size of the hydrothermal system. The lower elevation of the geophysical feature (4,100) would allow drilling in a much better position.

在赤塔河谷主要河谷收購的IP線路顯示了兩個新的充電異常:內布拉斯加州格林加和科羅拉多州。Gringa NE 是一個有趣的向東傾斜的低角度 IP 特徵;科羅拉多州是一個非常強烈的垂直圓頂狀的 IP 異常,被海拔 4,100 m.a.s.l 的第四紀礫石覆蓋。科羅拉多 IP 異常似乎與先前已知的科羅拉多角礫岩有關;岩漿熱液角礫岩露出高度爲 4,900 m.a.s.l.,它含有礦化斑岩碎片,非常強烈受晚期泥土變化的影響,其返回值高達 3.9% 的銅和 13 g/t Au(圖 3)。新的科羅拉多可充電性異常位於最近的鑽孔以東 3.2 公里處,這大大擴大了熱液系統的規模。地球物理特徵的較低海拔(4,100)將允許在更好的位置進行鑽探。

Figure 2. Soil grid over the Tocota porphyry target showing Cu anomalies coincident with porphyry veinlets observed on surface and some pathfinders anomalies present NW of the veinlets zone at higher elevation suggesting mineralization at depth.

圖 2。託科塔斑岩目標上方的土壤網格顯示銅異常與在地表觀測到的斑岩脈相吻合,一些探路者異常出現在海拔較高的礦脈帶西北,這表明深度有礦化。

Figure 3. Panoramic view and amin elements of the Colorado target.

圖 3.科羅拉多目標的全景視圖和主要元素。

The Poposa target where the Company drilled three holes in 2022 (DJ-DH-22-01, 02, 03) has been integrated with the Morro zone where historical hole ATW-05 was drilled vertically into a large diatreme breccia system which contains fragments of biotite altered rocks; also, at Morro multiple hydrothermal breccias with fragments of porphyry veinlets were found outcropping in proximity to the mentioned diatreme. The combination of these new and historical observations indicates the presence of a porphyry system that has not been tested yet and will be an integral part of our next drilling campaign (Figure 1).

該公司在2022年鑽了三個孔的波波薩目標(DJ-DH-22-01,02,03)已與莫羅地帶融爲一體,那裏的歷史洞 ATW-05 是垂直鑽入一個包含黑雲母變質岩石碎片的大型硬巖角礫岩系統;此外,在莫羅,還發現了多個帶有斑岩脈碎片的熱液角礫岩露出在上述diatreme附近。這些新的和歷史觀測結果相結合,表明存在一個尚未經過測試的斑岩系統,它將成爲我們下一次鑽探活動不可或缺的一部分(圖 1)。



Sable's President and CEO, Ruben Padilla, will be providing an exploration update discussing the 2023 / 2024 exploration season. The webinar, hosted by Adelaide Capital, is scheduled for Thursday, April 4, 2024, at 4:15pm EDT.

Sable的總裁兼首席執行官魯本·帕迪拉將提供最新勘探信息,討論2023/2024年的勘探季節。該網絡研討會由阿德萊德資本主辦,定於美國東部時間2024年4月4日星期四下午 4:15 舉行。

Register at the following link -




The Don Julio project comprises 69,350 hectares in the Cordillera Frontal in San Juan, Argentina. It includes the Don Julio cluster that contains numerous targets of porphyry (La Gringa, Poposa, Amarillo, Punta Cana, Tocota, Colorado); intermediate sulfidation (Lodo, San Gabriel, Colorado); skarn (Fermin); and the regional properties that include the Los Pumas project as well as extensive unexplored ground. Since 2018, Sable has conducted systematic surface work including mapping; rock sampling; talus sampling; GroundMag; UAV-Mag; and induced polarization. Sable performed a first drilling campaign in 2018-2019 with 3,101m drilled in 11 holes, a second campaign in 2021- 2022 comprising 4,294m in 9 holes, and a third campaign in 2022-2023. In 2021, Sable signed an Earn-In agreement with a subsidiary of South32 to jointly explore the Don Julio project.




Sample preparation for projects in Argentina is carried out by ALS Chemex Argentina, a subsidiary of ALS Minerals, at its facility located in Mendoza, Argentina. Analyses are carried out at their laboratory in Lima, Peru. Sample preparation includes drying in an oven at a maximum temperature of 60°C, fine crushing of the sample to at least 70% passing less than 2 mm, sample splitting using a riffle splitter, and pulverizing a 250 g split to at least 85% passing 75 microns (code PREP-31). The samples contained in this press release were analyzed by methods Au-AA24 (Fire Assay Fusion and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry finish) and ME-MS61 (Four Acid Digestion with Mass Spectrometry finish); the latter one includes 48 elements (Al, Ag, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, Ge, Hf, In, K, La, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Re, S, Sb, Sc, Se, Sn, Sr, Ta, Te, Th, Ti, Tl, U, V, W, Y, Zn, Zr). Both digestion methods dissolve most minerals but not all elements are quantitatively extracted in some sample matrices. Control samples (standards, blanks, and duplicates) are inserted systematically, and their results evaluated according to the Company protocols.

阿根廷項目的樣本準備工作由ALS Minerals的子公司ALS Chemex Argentina在其位於阿根廷門多薩的工廠進行。分析是在他們位於秘魯利馬的實驗室進行的。樣品製備包括在最高溫度爲60°C的烤箱中乾燥,將樣品細碎至少 70%,通過小於 2 mm,使用裂紋分離器進行樣品分割,以及通過75微米將250 g的分裂物粉碎至至少 85%(代碼 PREP-31)。本新聞稿中包含的樣品是通過 Au-aa24(火焰分析融合和原子吸收光譜法完成)和 ME-MS61(完成質譜法的四酸消解)的方法分析的;後者包括 48 種元素(鋁、銀、砷、鋇、鈷、鎘、鈷、鉻、銅、鐵、鎵、鎵、鎳、鉀、拉、鋰、鎂、錳、鉬、鈉、銻、鎳、磷、鉛、銠、瑞、硫、銻、硅、錫、錫、錫、錫、錫、錫、錫、錫、鈦、鈦、鈦、鈦、鈦、鈦、鈦、鈾、V、W、Y、鋅、鋯等)。兩種消化方法都能溶解大多數礦物質,但並非所有元素都是在某些樣品基質中定量提取的。系統地插入對照樣本(標準、空白和重複樣本),並根據公司協議對其結果進行評估。



Luis Arteaga M.Sc. P.Geo., Vice President Exploration is the Company's Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101. He has reviewed and approved the technical information in this news release.

路易斯·阿特亞加理學碩士根據NI 43-101的定義,勘探副總裁P.Geo. 是公司的合格人員。他已經審查並批准了本新聞稿中的技術信息。


關於 SABLE 資源有限公司

Sable is a well-funded junior grassroots explorer focused on the discovery of Tier-One new precious metal and copper projects through systematic exploration in endowed terranes located in favorable, established mining jurisdictions. Sable's focus is developing its large portfolio of new greenfields projects to resource level. Sable is actively exploring the San Juan Regional Program (>130,000 ha) incorporating the Don Julio, El Fierro, and Cerro Negro projects in San Juan, Argentina.

Sable 是一位資金充足的初級草根探險家,專注於通過系統地勘探位於有利成熟採礦司法管轄區的天賦地帶,發現一線新的貴金屬和銅項目。Sable的重點是將其龐大的新綠地項目組合開發到資源水平。Sable正在積極探索聖胡安區域項目(超過13萬公頃),該項目包括位於阿根廷聖胡安的唐胡里奧、埃爾菲耶羅和塞羅內格羅項目。



South32 Limited is a globally diversified mining and metals company. The company's purpose is to make a difference by developing natural resources, improving people's lives now and for generations to come. South32 Limited is trusted by its owners and partners to realise the potential of their resources. South32 Limited produces commodities including bauxite, alumina, aluminium, copper, silver, lead, zinc, nickel, metallurgical coal, and manganese from its operations in Australia, Southern Africa, and South America. With a focus on growing its base metals exposure, South32 Limited also has two development options in North America and several partnerships with junior explorers around the world.

South32 Limited是一家全球多元化的採礦和金屬公司。該公司的目標是通過開發自然資源、改善人們現在和子孫後代的生活來有所作爲。South32 Limited受到其所有者和合作夥伴的信任,可以發揮其資源的潛力。South32 Limited通過其在澳大利亞、南部非洲和南美的業務生產大宗商品,包括鋁土礦、氧化鋁、鋁、銅、銀、鉛、鋅、鎳、冶金煤和錳。South32 Limited專注於增加其基本金屬敞口,在北美也有兩個開發選擇,並與世界各地的初級勘探者建立了多個合作伙伴關係。

For further information, please contact:


Ruben Padilla, President & CEO at or +1 (520) 488-2520

魯本·帕迪拉,總裁兼首席執行官 或 +1 (520) 488-2520

Related link:


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider, as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange, accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.




Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking information. These statements relate to future events or future performance. The use of any of the words "could", "intend", "expect", "believe", "will", "projected", "estimated" and similar expressions and statements relating to matters that are not historical facts are intended to identify forward-looking information and are based on Sable's current belief or assumptions as to the outcome and timing of such future events. Actual future results may differ materially. Although such statements are based on reasonable assumptions of Sable's management, there can be no assurance that any conclusions or forecasts will prove to be accurate.

本新聞稿中包含的某些陳述構成前瞻性信息。這些陳述與未來的事件或未來的表現有關。使用 “可能”、“打算”、“期望”、“相信”、“將”、“預期”、“預期”、“估計” 等詞語以及與非歷史事實的事項有關的類似表達和陳述,均旨在識別前瞻性信息,並基於Sable當前對此類未來事件的結果和時機的信念或假設。未來的實際結果可能存在重大差異。儘管此類陳述基於Sable管理層的合理假設,但無法保證任何結論或預測都會被證明是準確的。

While Sable considers these assumptions to be reasonable based on information currently available, they may prove to be incorrect. Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. Such factors include risks inherent in the exploration and development of mineral deposits, including risks relating to changes in project parameters as plans continue to be redefined, risks relating to variations in grade or recovery rates, risks relating to changes in mineral prices and the worldwide demand for and supply of minerals, risks related to increased competition and current global financial conditions and the COVID-19 pandemic, access and supply risks, reliance on key personnel, operational risks, and regulatory risks, including risks relating to the acquisition of the necessary licenses and permits, financing, capitalization and liquidity risks.

儘管根據目前可用的信息,Sable認爲這些假設是合理的,但它們可能被證明是不正確的。前瞻性信息涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際業績、業績或成就與前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的任何未來業績、業績或成就存在重大差異。這些因素包括礦牀勘探和開發固有的風險,包括與計劃不斷重新定義時項目參數變化相關的風險、與品位或回收率變化相關的風險、與礦產價格變化和全球礦產需求和供應相關的風險、與競爭加劇和當前全球金融狀況以及 COVID-19 疫情相關的風險、准入和供應風險、對關鍵人員的依賴、運營風險和監管風險,包括與之相關的風險獲得必要的執照和許可證, 融資, 資本化和流動性風險.

The forward-looking information contained in this release is made as of the date hereof, and Sable is not obligated to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws. Because of the risks, uncertainties and assumptions contained herein, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The foregoing statements expressly qualify any forward-looking information contained herein.


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