
DBS Foundation Awards SGD 3.7 Million in Grant Funding to 24 Businesses for Impact, Including 5 From India

DBS Foundation Awards SGD 3.7 Million in Grant Funding to 24 Businesses for Impact, Including 5 From India

星展集團控股 ·  03/21 12:00

India, 21 Mar 2024 - DBS Foundation has unveiled the 24 Businesses for Impact (BFIs) that have received the DBS Foundation Grant Award in the latest instalment of this flagship initiative. Five of these awardees are from India and will receive funding and access to a suite of opportunities including networking and patient capital to scale up operations, while collectively uplifting lives and livelihoods.


These purpose-driven BFIs are working at the nexus of economic, environmental and social impact and their innovative solutions are a pathway to a more inclusive, low carbon future. Project Baala, with its focus on sustainable menstrual solutions and literacy, aims to improve the health of women and girls in rural areas. Green Worms is an emerging circular economy enterprise generating employment for women, while Zerund Manufacturing is reshaping the building materials industry with eco-friendly solutions. Karo Sambhav is enabling a more circular economy by implementing collection and recycling solutions for electronic and other types of waste, while Swachh Sustainable Solutions (ReCircle) is championing a traceable supply chain for waste pickers.

這些以目標爲導向的BFI正在研究經濟、環境和社會影響的關聯,他們的創新解決方案是通往更具包容性的低碳未來的途徑。Baala項目以可持續的月經解決方案和掃盲爲重點,旨在改善農村地區婦女和女孩的健康狀況。Green Worms是一家新興的循環經濟企業,爲女性創造就業機會,而Zerund Manufacturing正在通過環保解決方案重塑建築材料行業。Karo Sambhav 通過實施電子和其他類型廢物的收集和回收解決方案,實現更加循環的經濟,而Swachh 可持續解決方案(reCircle)則倡導爲廢物採摘者提供可追溯的供應鏈。

The five Indian BFIs were among the 24 finalists for the DBS Foundation grant from across Asia. From a record ~2000 grant applications received across DBS markets, the final grantees were evaluated based on stringent criteria, including their ability to create social and environmental impact, to innovate and on the overall sustainability and scalability of their organisations. The winning BFIs will receive holistic support to scale both their business and the impact generated through grant funding totalling SGD 3.7 million for all the grantees; along with additional support such as customized banking services and capacity-building, along with access to business prospects.


Shoma Narayanan, Managing Director, Group Strategic Marketing & Communications, DBS Bank India said, "Through the DBS Foundation Grant Programme, we are proud to have the opportunity to try and address any funding challenges faced by these innovative businesses that are doubling down on ways to tackle social issues, while uplifting the most vulnerable among us. This year's awardees from India, focusing on areas like waste management, responsible consumption, inclusive employment and women's health, are working on sustainable solutions to some of the most pressing challenges of our time. We believe that the DBS Foundation grant and comprehensive support will go a long way towards empowering these businesses to drive positive change and champion social impact."

印度星展銀行集團戰略營銷與傳播董事總經理Shoma Narayanan表示:“通過星展銀行基金會撥款計劃,我們很自豪有機會嘗試解決這些創新企業所面臨的任何資金挑戰,這些企業正在加倍努力解決社會問題,同時提高我們當中最弱勢群體的能力。今年的印度獲獎者專注於廢物管理、負責任的消費、包容性就業和女性健康等領域,他們正在努力爲我們這個時代一些最緊迫的挑戰尋找可持續的解決方案。我們相信,星展銀行基金會的撥款和全面支持將大大有助於這些企業推動積極變革和倡導社會影響力。”

Collectively, with the DBS Foundation's support, these 24 BFIs aim to achieve significant milestones by the end of 2025. In India specifically, Project Baala will use the grant for the launch of hydrophobic sanitary pads in India, reducing plastic waste while educating underserved women. The grant will enable Karo Sambhav to launch an e-waste management facility in Maharashtra, generating green jobs and enabling the recovery of critical minerals. Green Worms will utilise the grant to expand its recycling facility in Kerala, befitting more than 120 villages in the region through waste management and job creation. Swachh Sustainable Solutions (ReCircle) plans to use the funds to enhance its traceability platform ClimaOne, diverting 400 tons of waste from landfills, while improving the lives of waste pickers. Zerund Manufacturing will be able to scale up using the funds, to produce eco-friendly construction materials. The growth of these businesses aligns with India's pathway to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals by addressing climate change concerns as well as the challenges faced by underprivileged and marginalised communities.

在星展銀行基金會的支持下,這24個BFI的共同目標是到2025年底實現重要的里程碑。特別是在印度,Baala項目將利用這筆贈款在印度推出疏水性衛生巾,減少塑料浪費,同時教育得不到充分服務的婦女。這筆贈款將使Karo Sambhav能夠在馬哈拉施特拉邦啓動電子廢物管理設施,創造綠色就業機會並促進關鍵礦物的回收。Green Worms將利用這筆補助金擴大其在喀拉拉邦的回收設施,通過廢物管理和創造就業機會,使該地區的120多個村莊適應需求。Swachh可持續解決方案(reCircle)計劃將這筆資金用於增強其可追溯性平台ClimaOne,將400噸廢物從垃圾填埋場轉移出去,同時改善垃圾採摘者的生活。Zerund Manufacturing將能夠利用這筆資金擴大規模,生產環保建築材料。這些業務的增長符合印度通過解決氣候變化問題以及弱勢和邊緣化社區面臨的挑戰來實現可持續發展目標的道路。

2024 marks the 10th year of the DBS Foundation's work, championing BFIs and equipping them for success. To date, funding totalling SGD 17 million has been awarded to 140 of the region's most innovative BFIs via the DBS Foundation Grant Award. This has helped to address the funding gap commonly faced by many of these young enterprises and the grant awardees have since gone on to raise more than ten-fold in follow-on funding. Traditional financing options often prioritise short-term profitability metrices and may not be the best fit for BFIs. In contrast, the DBS grant provides catalytic capital along with the time required to further their growth plans.


With DBS Foundation's support, these 24 BFIs aim to collectively achieve the following impact outcomes by end 2025:


  • Positively benefit one million people from underprivileged segments by increasing access to solutions and providing daily needs;
  • Abate and/ or save 30,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions; and
  • Collect, reduce, or recycle 50,000 tonnes of waste.
  • 通過增加獲得解決方案的機會和提供日常需求,使來自弱勢群體的100萬人受益;
  • 減少和/或節省 30,000 噸溫室氣體排放;以及
  • 收集、減少或回收50,000噸廢物。

In August 2023, DBS had pledged up to SGD 1 billion over 10 years to uplifting vulnerable segments in society. In 2022, DBS Bank India in collaboration with Social Alpha, awarded grants to five Indian startups focused on enhancing food security by reducing quantitative and qualitative food loss and waste, under the accelerator programme 'Techtonic – Innovations Towards Zero Food Waste'.

2023 年 8 月,星展銀行有 承諾在10年內高達10億新加坡元 以改善社會中的弱勢群體。2022年,印度星展銀行與Social Alpha合作,在加速器計劃 “Techtonic——實現零食物浪費的創新” 下,向五家印度初創公司提供了補助金,這些初創公司專注於通過減少定量和定性的糧食損失和浪費來增強糧食安全。

To learn more about all 24 awardees please visit: DBS Foundation Grant Programme | DBS Bank

要了解有關所有 24 位獲獎者的更多信息,請訪問: 星展銀行基金會撥款計劃 | 星展銀行



About DBS


DBS is a leading financial services group in Asia with a presence in 19 markets. Headquartered and listed in Singapore, DBS is in the three key Asian axes of growth: Greater China, Southeast Asia, and South Asia. The bank's "AA-" and "Aa1" credit ratings are among the highest in the world. In 2024, CRISIL Ratings reaffirmed its 'CRISIL AAA/Stable' rating on the corporate credit facility of DBS Bank India Ltd (DBIL). The rating on the certificate of deposits programme was also reaffirmed at 'CRISIL A1+'.

星展銀行是亞洲領先的金融服務集團,業務遍及19個市場。星展銀行總部位於新加坡並上市,位於亞洲的三個關鍵增長軸心:大中華區、東南亞和南亞。該銀行的 “AA-” 和 “Aa1” 信用評級位居世界前列。2024年,CRISIL評級重申了對星展銀行印度有限公司(DBIL)企業信貸額度的 “CRISIL AAA/穩定” 評級。存款證計劃的評級也被重申爲 “CRISIL A1+”。

Recognised for its global leadership, DBS has been named "World's Best Bank" by Global Finance, "World's Best Bank" by Euromoney, and "Global Bank of the Year" by The Banker. As a different kind of bank, DBS is at the forefront of leveraging digital technology to shape the future of banking, having been named "World's Best Digital Bank" by Euromoney and the world's "Most Innovative in Digital Banking" by The Banker. In addition, DBS has been accorded the "Safest Bank in Asia" award by Global Finance for 15 consecutive years from 2009 to 2023. In line with its focus on responsible banking, DBS was named the Best Bank for Sustainable Finance – India by Global Finance in 2024. Additionally, DBS Bank was ranked among the top 3 on Forbes' list of the World's Best Banks in India for three consecutive years, from 2020 to 2022.

星展銀行因其全球領導地位而獲得認可,被命名爲”世界最佳銀行“由《環球金融》撰寫,”世界最佳銀行“由《歐洲貨幣》撰寫,以及”年度全球銀行“由《銀行家》撰寫。作爲一家與衆不同的銀行,星展銀行處於利用數字技術塑造銀行業未來的最前沿,被命名爲”世界最佳數字銀行“由 Euromoney and the World's數字銀行領域最具創新性“作者:《銀行家》。此外,星展銀行還被授予”亞洲最安全的銀行“從 2009 年到 2023 年,連續 15 年獲得 Global Finance 的獎項。根據其對責任銀行的關注,星展銀行在2024年被《環球金融》評爲印度最佳可持續金融銀行。此外,從2020年到2022年,星展銀行連續三年在《福布斯》印度全球最佳銀行名單中名列前三。

DBS Bank has been present in India for 29 years, opening its first office in Mumbai in 1994. DBS Bank India Limited is the first among the large foreign banks in India to start operating as a wholly owned, locally incorporated subsidiary of a leading global bank. As a trusted partner, DBS provides a range of banking services for large, medium, and small enterprises and individual consumers in India, focusing on a seamless customer experience that helps them 'Live more, Bank less'. In November 2020, Lakshmi Vilas Bank was merged with DBS Bank India Limited. DBS Bank India now has a network of ~530 branches in 19 Indian states.

星展銀行在印度開展業務已有29年,於1994年在孟買開設了第一家辦事處。印度星展銀行有限公司是印度大型外國銀行中第一家作爲一家領先的全球銀行的全資本地註冊子公司開始運營的銀行。作爲值得信賴的合作伙伴,星展銀行爲印度的大型、中小型企業和個人消費者提供一系列銀行服務,專注於無縫的客戶體驗,幫助他們 “活得更多,銀行更少”。2020年11月,拉克希米·維拉斯銀行與印度星展銀行有限公司合併。印度星展銀行現在在印度19個州擁有約530個分行網絡。

DBS is committed to building lasting relationships with customers as it banks the Asian way and understands the intricacies of doing business in the region's most dynamic markets. Through the DBS Foundation, the bank creates impact beyond banking by supporting businesses for impact: enterprises with a double bottom-line of profit and social and/or environmental impact. DBS Foundation also gives back to society in various ways, including equipping underserved communities with future-ready skills and helping them to build food resilience. In 2020, DBS introduced the purposeful "Towards Zero Food Waste" initiative as part of a global sustainability practice to encourage a shift in behaviours and mindsets to reduce food waste.

星展銀行致力於與客戶建立持久的關係,因爲它以亞洲的方式進行銀行業務,並了解在該地區最具活力的市場中開展業務的複雜性。通過星展銀行基金會,該銀行通過支持企業產生影響力,從而創造銀行以外的影響力:具有雙重利潤和社會和/或環境影響的企業。星展銀行基金會還以各種方式回饋社會,包括爲得不到充分服務的社區提供面向未來的技能,並幫助他們增強糧食抵禦能力。2020年,星展銀行推出了有針對性的 “邁向零食物浪費” 計劃,作爲全球可持續發展實踐的一部分,旨在鼓勵人們轉變行爲和心態,減少食物浪費。

With its extensive network of operations in Asia and emphasis on engaging and empowering its staff, DBS presents exciting career opportunities. For more information, please visit


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