
Alam Flora Motivates People to Embrace Reusable Containers

Alam Flora Motivates People to Embrace Reusable Containers

Alam Flora 激勵人們採用可重複使用的容器
The Malaysian Reserve ·  03/31 17:58

ALAM Flora Environmental Solutions Sdn Bhd (AFES), a subsidiary of Malakoff Corp Bhd, is advocating for the widespread use of reusable food containers at Ramadhan bazaars during Kongsi Rezeki Bubur Lambuk 2024 event in Wangsa Maju last Friday.

上週五在旺沙馬朱舉行的Kongsi Rezeki Bubur Lambuk 2024活動期間,馬拉科夫公司的子公司ALAM Flora環境解決方案私人有限公司(AFES)主張在齋月集市上廣泛使用可重複使用的食品容器。

This initiative was aimed at reducing waste and curbing unnecessary purchases that contribute to landfill overflow.


As a part of its initiative, Alam Flora recently distributed 1,500 servings of bubur lambuk in reusable containers at their Drive Through Recycling Centre (DTRC) located in Aeon Wangsa Maju.

作爲其計劃的一部分,Alam Flora最近在其位於永旺沙馬珠的直通回收中心(DTRC)分發了1,500份裝在可重複使用的容器中的bubur lambuk。

Alam Flora Sdn Bhd CEO Adam Saffian Ghazali underscored the importance of this shift.

Alam Flora Sdn Bhd 首席執行官亞當·薩菲安·加扎利強調了這種轉變的重要性。

"By replacing three plastic bags with food containers each month during Ramadhan, one person can prevent up to 90 plastic bags and polystyrene packs from being thrown away. Imagine the collective impact if everyone adopts this approach," he said.

“通過在齋月期間每月用食物容器更換三個塑料袋,一個人可以防止多達90個塑料袋和聚苯乙烯包被丟棄。想象一下如果每個人都採用這種方法會產生什麼集體影響,” 他說。

Encouraging responsible food purchasing, Adam Saffian urged both the public and traders to avoid waste.


"One of our main objectives today is to raise awareness to fellow citizens regarding recycling and the use of reusable food containers that can be used repeatedly," he added.


He also recommended donating excess food to those in need and assured uninterrupted waste collection services during the upcoming Aidilfitri celebration.


For Ramadhan bazaars, Alam Flora is also organising a used cooking oil collection campaign, where stall owners or residents will be rewarded RM2.80 per litre.


Used cooking oil can be sent to Alam Flora's RISE in Batu Caves and Putrajaya, or at DTRC Wangsa Maju. The campaign ends on April 4.

用過的食用油可以送到位於黑風洞和布城的 Alam Flora's RISE,也可以送到 DTRC Wangsa Maju。該活動將於4月4日結束。

