Notice of Exclusive Negotiation Regarding Potential Sale of KB's Fully Owned Subsidiary VN 42, S.r.o.
Notice of Exclusive Negotiation Regarding Potential Sale of KB's Fully Owned Subsidiary VN 42, S.r.o.
Komerční banka, a.s., with its registered seat at Praha 1, Na Příkopě 33/969, Zip Code 114 07, Id. No. 45317054, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, section B, file No.1360 (hereinafter also Komerční banka or the Bank), announces that
Komercni′ banka,a.s.,註冊地址爲 Praha 1,Na Prikope33/969,郵政編碼 114 07,Id.在布拉格市法院保存的商業登記冊B部分第1360號文件(以下簡稱Komercnibanka或銀行)註冊的第45317054號公告說:
On 12 March 2024, Komerční banka, through Knight Frank, spol. s r.o. real estate agent, called interested parties to submit bids for acquisition of KB's fully owned subsidiary VN 42, s.r.o., with registered seat at Praha 1, Václavské náměstí 796/42, Nové Město, Id. No. 020 22 818, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague under file number C 214638 (hereinafter VN 42).
2024年3月12日,Komercni‑banka通過其房地產經紀人奈特·弗蘭克召集有關各方提交收購KB全資子公司VN 42, s.r.o的投標,註冊地址爲普拉哈一號,瓦克拉夫斯基796/42,愛達荷州諾維梅斯托。編號020 22 818,在布拉格市法院保存的商業登記處註冊,檔案編號爲C 214638(以下簡稱VN 42)。
VN 42 owns the head office building at Wenceslas Square 42, which VN 42 subsequently leases to Komerční banka and other tenants. In September 2023, VN42 reclassified its owned real estate into the category held for sale, due to the expected sale.
VN 42擁有位於瓦茨拉夫廣場42號的總部大樓,VN 42隨後將其租給了Komercnibanka和其他租戶。2023年9月,由於預計會出售,VN42將其自有房地產重新歸類爲待售房產。
Upon contemplating the received bids, the Board of Directors decided to enter into exclusive negotiation to define terms and conditions of the potential future sale of VN 42 with a bidder that offered the best bid, the City of Prague.
在考慮收到的投標後,董事會決定與出價最佳的投標人布拉格市進行獨家談判,以確定VN 42未來可能出售的條款和條件。
This decision does not represent an obligation to conclude the transaction or to agree on its terms and condition. The validation of the final terms and conditions of the transaction will be subject to a further decision of KB's Board of Directors.
KB will aim to reach the agreement and conclude the sale of VN 42 in the second quarter of 2024.
KB的目標是在2024年第二季度達成協議並完成對VN 42的銷售。