
Premium Nickel Reports 5.86% NiEq in Additional Assay and Provides Project Update at Selebi North Underground (0.45 Metres of 5.86% NiEq (4.53% Ni, 2.10% Cu, 0.16% Co))

Premium Nickel Reports 5.86% NiEq in Additional Assay and Provides Project Update at Selebi North Underground (0.45 Metres of 5.86% NiEq (4.53% Ni, 2.10% Cu, 0.16% Co))

Premium Nickel在其他化驗中報告了NieQ爲5.86%,並提供了Selebi North Untergrounder的項目最新情況(0.45米,NiEQ(4.53% Ni,2.10% Cu,0.16% Co))
newsfile ·  03/27 20:00

"By the end of March, we will have completed the underground drilling at Selebi North that will be included in our maiden Selebi NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate. The objective of the Selebi MRE, expected in June, is to provide the basis to support the rapid redevelopment of these deposits using the existing shafts and infrastructure. The mineralization continues down plunge and down dip from beyond the drilling to be reported in the MRE, which is evidenced in recent drilling, BHEM results and historic drilling." - CEO, Keith Morrison

“到3月底,我們將完成北塞萊比的地下鑽探,該鑽探將包含在我們首次發佈的北卡羅來納州塞萊比43-101礦產資源估算中。Selebi MRE的目標是爲支持利用現有豎井和基礎設施快速重建這些礦牀提供基礎,預計將於6月完成。礦化繼續從鑽探之外向下、暴跌和向下傾斜,MRE報告了這一點,最近的鑽探、BHEM結果和歷史鑽探都證明了這一點。”-首席執行官Keith Morrison

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - March 27, 2024) - Premium Nickel Resources Ltd. (TSXV: PNRL) (OTCQX: PNRLF) ("PNRL" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on activities and reports additional assay results from drilling at its past-producing nickel-copper-cobalt sulphide ("Ni-Cu-Co") Selebi North underground ("SNUG") mine in Botswana. Previous results for 42 holes were released in eight separate news releases between November 14, 2023 and March 5, 2024. This release highlights results for a further one hole and also summarizes results to-date including a summary of all drillholes released thus far, for an aggregate total of 18,120 metres in 50 holes. Details of the assay results are shown below along with accompanying visuals (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4). Drill core photos for all highlighted holes released to date, including the holes reported herein, are accessible by Clicking Here and can also be found on the Company's website at .

安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 3 月 27 日)- 優質鎳業資源有限公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:PNRL)(場外交易所股票代碼:PNRL)(“PNRL” 或 “公司”) 很高興提供活動的最新情況,並報告了在其過去生產的鎳-銅-鈷硫化物上鑽探的其他化驗結果(”鎳銅鈷“) 塞萊比北部地下 (”舒適“)我在博茨瓦納的。先前的42個洞的結果是在2023年11月14日至2024年3月5日期間的八份單獨的新聞稿中公佈的。本新聞稿重點介紹了再鑽一個洞的結果,還總結了迄今爲止的結果,包括迄今爲止發佈的所有鑽孔的摘要,在50個洞中總共鑽孔18,120米。分析結果的詳細信息以及隨附的視覺效果如下所示(圖 1、圖 2、圖 3 和圖 4)。迄今爲止發佈的所有重點孔洞的鑽芯照片,包括此處報告的孔,均可通過單擊此處獲取,也可以在公司的網站上找到,網址爲。

Highlights to-date include:


  • Completion of $21.6 million financing to fund initial Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") on Selebi Main and Selebi North (see news release December 2023).
  • 完成2160萬美元的融資,爲Selebi Main和Selebi North的初始礦產資源估算(“MRE”)提供資金(見2023年12月新聞稿)。
  • More than 28,000 metres of drilling completed as of the date of this news release from seven underground drill bays at Selebi North.
  • 截至本新聞稿發佈之日,已在北塞萊比的七個地下鑽井灣完成了超過28,000米的鑽探。
  • Repeatedly encountering massive sulphide mineralization when drilling within the historic resource (see historic resource).
    • SNUG-23-053 (South Limb): 6.05 metres of 2.76% NiEq (1.95% Ni; 1.23% Cu; 0.11% Co)
    • SNUG-23-054 (N3 Limb): 6.85 metres of 3.97% NiEq (2.72% Ni; 1.97% Cu; 0.15% Co)
    • SNUG-23-055 (South Limb): 15.30 metres of 2.95% NiEq (1.84% Ni; 1.85% Cu; 0.10% Co)
      incl. 8.45 metres of 3.04% NiEq (2.15% Ni; 1.40% Cu; 0.11% Co)
      and 3.00 metres of 2.98% NiEq (2.13% Ni; 1.28% Cu; 0.12% Co)
    • SNUG-23-056 (South Limb): 30.45 metres of 2.85% NiEq (1.78% Ni; 1.81% Cu; 0.09% Co)
      including 15.80 metres of 2.97% NiEq (1.73% Ni; 2.15% Cu; 0.09% Co)
      and 12.10 metres of 3.12% NiEq (2.06% Ni; 1.73% Cu; 0.11% Co)
    • SNUG-23-057 (N3 Limb): 9.55 metres of 3.90% NiEq (2.72% Ni; 1.81 Cu; 0.16% Co)
    • SNUG-23-058 (N2 Limb): 12.95 metres of 2.45% NiEq (0.74% Ni; 3.23% Cu; 0.04% Co)
      including 10.40 metres of 2.76% NiEq (0.69% Ni; 3.94% Cu; 0.04% Co)
  • 在歷史資源中鑽探時反覆遇到大量硫化物礦化(參見歷史資源)。
    • SNUG-23-053(南邊):6.05 米的 2.76% NiEQ(1.95% Ni;1.23% Cu;0.11% Co)
    • SNUG-23-054(N3 Limb):6.85 米,含量 3.97% NiEQ(2.72% Ni;1.97% Cu;0.15% Co)
    • SNUG-23-055(South Limb):15.30 米的 2.95% NiEQ(1.84% Ni;1.85% Cu;0.10% Co)
      包括 8.45 米的 3.04% NiEQ(2.15% 鎳;1.40% 銅;0.11% 鈷)
      以及 3.00 米的 2.98% NiEQ(2.13% Ni;1.28% Cu;0.12% Co)
    • SNUG-23-056(南邊):30.45 米 2.85% NiEQ(1.78% Ni;1.81% Cu;0.09% Co)
      包括 15.80 米的 2.97% NiEq(1.73% Ni;2.15% Cu;0.09% Co)
      以及 12.10 米的 3.12% NiEQ(2.06% Ni;1.73% Cu;0.11% Co)
    • SNUG-23-057(N3 Limb):9.55 米,含量 3.90% NiEQ(2.72% Ni;1.81 Cu;0.16% Co)
    • SNUG-23-058(N2 Limb):12.95 米的 2.45% NiEQ(0.74% 鎳;3.23% 銅;0.04% Co)
      包括 10.40 米的 2.76% NiEQ(0.69% Ni;3.94% Cu;0.04% Co)
  • Frequently encountering massive sulphide mineralization when drilling down-dip and down-plunge of the historic resource at Selebi North.
    • SNUG-23-017 (South Limb, 180 metres down plunge of historic resource):
      18.15 metres of 2.21% NiEq (1.27% Ni; 1.65% Cu; 0.06% Co)
      incl. 6.25 metres of 3.23% NiEq (2.34% Ni; 1.40% Cu; 0.11% Co)
      and 3.50 metres of 3.22% NiEq (1.06% Ni; 4.08% Cu; 0.05% Co)
    • SNUG-24-089: (South Limb, 403 metres down-plunge and outside of the historic resource) intersected massive sulphide mineralization (assays pending, photos published see news release dated March 5, 2024).
    • *NEW SNUG-24-094 (drilled 400 metres down plunge of N2): intersected massive sulphide mineralization (assays pending).
  • 在Selebi North歷史資源的向下傾和向下鑽探時,經常會遇到大量的硫化物礦化。
    • SNUG-23-017(南緣,歷史資源向下 180 米處墜落):
      18.15 米的 2.21% NiEQ(1.27% 鎳;1.65% 銅;0.06% 鈷)
      包括 6.25 米的 3.23% NiEQ(2.34% Ni;1.40% Cu;0.11% Co)
      以及 3.50 米的 3.22% NiEQ(1.06% Ni;4.08% Cu;0.05% Co)
    • SNUG-24-089:(南緣,向下墜落403米,位於歷史資源之外)與塊狀硫化物礦化相交(化驗待定,照片已發佈) 參見 2024 年 3 月 5 日的新聞稿)。
    • *新的 SNUG-24-094(在氮氣墜落處 400 米處鑽探):相交的塊狀硫化物礦化(化驗待定)。
  • New assay result with greater than 4% Nickel
    • SNUG-23-069: (between N2 and N3 fold noses, outside historic resources):
      5.85 metres of 1.63% NiEq (1.17% Ni, 0.70% Cu, 0.06% Co)
      incl. 2.25 metres of 2.50% NiEq (1.52% Ni, 1.64% Cu, 0.09% Co)
      incl. 0.45 metres of 5.86% NiEq (4.53% Ni, 2.10% Cu, 0.16% Co)
  • 鎳含量大於 4% 的新檢測結果
    • SNUG-23-069:(在 N2 和 N3 折鼻之間,歷史資源之外):
      5.85 米的 1.63% NiEQ(1.17% 鎳,0.70% 銅,0.06% 鈷)
      包括 2.25 米的 2.50% NiEq(1.52% Ni,1.64% Cu,0.09% Co)
      包括 0.45 米的 5.86% NiEQ(4.53% Ni,2.10% Cu,0.16% Co)
  • Significant Copper
    • SNUG-23-026 (N3):
      4.10 m of 3.49% NiEq (1.52 % Ni, 3.65% Cu, 0.07% Co)
      incl. 2.85 m of 3.56% NiEq (0.89 % Ni, 5.09% Cu, 0.05% Co)
    • SNUG-23-036 (N2):
      10.45 m of 1.44% NiEq (0.48 % Ni, 1.82% Cu, 0.02% Co)
      incl. 4.15 metres of 2.53%NiEq (0.48 % Ni, 3.97% Cu, 0.02% Co)
  • 重要的銅
    • SNUG-23-026 (N3):
      410 m 的 3.49% NieQ(1.52% Ni,3.65% Cu,0.07% Co)
      包括 2.85 m 的 3.56% NiEQ(0.89% Ni,5.09% Cu,0.05% Co)
    • SNUG-23-036 (N2):
      1,045 m 的 1.44% NiEQ(0.48% 鎳,1.82% 銅,0.02% 鈷)
      包括 4.15 米的 2.53% NiEQ(0.48% Ni,3.97% Cu,0.02% Co)
  • Consistently reporting world-class assay results from ongoing drilling at Selebi North (see Appendix 1 and 2 for tables of assays and collars released to date)
    • SNUG-23-064 (South Limb/N2): 102.80 metres of 2.20% NiEq (1.41% Ni, 1.30% Cu, 0.08% Co)
    • SNUG-23-067 (South Limb/N2): 110.75 metres of 2.52% NiEq (1.52% Ni, 1.70% Cu, 0.08% Co)
    • SNUG-23-057 (N3): 9.55 metres of 3.94% NiEq (2.72 % Ni, 1.81% Cu, 0.16% Co)
  • 持續報告Selebi North正在進行的鑽探的世界一流的化驗結果(有關迄今發佈的化驗表和項圈,請參閱附錄1和2)
    • SNUG-23-064(South Limb/N2):102.80 米,含量 2.20% NiEQ(1.41% 鎳,1.30% 銅,0.08% 鈷)
    • SNUG-23-067(South Limb/N2):110.75 米的 2.52% NiEQ(1.52% Ni,1.70% Cu,0.08% Co)
    • SNUG-23-057 (N3):9.55 米,含量 3.94% NiEQ(2.72% 鎳,1.81% 銅,0.16% 鈷)
  • Successfully mapping mineralization using Borehole Electromagnetic ("BHEM"), aiding drilling to extend mineralization below the legacy Selebi North resource. To date, 100% of the high conductance modeled plates correlate to massive sulphides within, down-dip and down plunge of the Selebi North historic resource.
  • 使用鑽孔電磁(“BHEM”)成功繪製礦化地圖,幫助鑽探將礦化範圍擴展到傳統的Selebi North資源下方。迄今爲止,100% 的高電導率建模板塊與塞萊比北部歷史資源內部、下傾和向下墜落的塊狀硫化物相關。
  • Exceptional initial hydrometallurgical test results demonstrating high leach rates of Cu, Ni, Co, and PGEs, with equally high extraction rates to precipitates (see news release dated February 22, 2024).
  • 優異的初始溼法冶金測試結果表明,銅、鎳、鈷和鉑金的浸出率很高,沉澱物的提取速率也同樣高(參見 2024 年 2 月 22 日的新聞稿)。
  • On track to publishing the maiden Selebi MRE Q2 2024.
  • 有望在2024年第二季度發佈首部Selebi MRE。

Keith Morrison, CEO of PNRL, commented: "By the end of March we will have completed the underground drilling at Selebi North that will be included in our maiden Selebi NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate. The objective of the Selebi MRE, expected in June, is to provide the basis to support the rapid redevelopment of these deposits using the existing shafts and infrastructure. The mineralization continues down plunge and down dip from beyond the drilling to be reported in the MRE, which is evidenced in recent drilling, BHEM results and historic drilling. News flow will continue with assay results from the latest phase of underground drilling."

PNRL 首席執行官基思·莫里森評論說: “到3月底,我們將完成北塞萊比的地下鑽探,該鑽探將包含在我們首次發佈的北卡羅來納州塞萊比43-101礦產資源估算中。Selebi MRE的目標是爲支持利用現有豎井和基礎設施快速重建這些礦牀提供基礎,預計將於6月完成。礦化繼續從鑽探之外向下傾斜和向下傾斜,MRE報告了這一點,最近的鑽探、BHEM結果和歷史鑽探都證明了這一點。新聞流將繼續提供最新階段地下鑽探的化驗結果。”

The primary focus of this drill program is to define mineralization down plunge of the existing workings that will be used to complete a MRE prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101"). Assay results are given below in Table 1 for SNUG-23-069, and hole collar details are given in Table 2. Assay results and collar coordinates for all Selebi North underground drill holes received to date are provided at the end of this press release as Appendix 1 and 2. Figures 1 through 4 show the location of the holes relative to the historic resource and underground infrastructure.

該鑽探計劃的主要重點是確定現有礦井向下傾斜的礦化作用,這些礦化作用將用於完成根據國家儀器43-101製備的MRE- 礦產項目披露標準 (”在 43-101“)。SNUG-23-069 的化驗結果如下表 1 所示,孔環的詳細信息見表 2。迄今爲止收到的所有Selebi North地下鑽孔的化驗結果和鑽孔座標在本新聞稿的末尾作爲附錄1和2提供。圖 1 至圖 4 顯示了洞穴相對於歷史資源和地下基礎設施的位置。

The various mineralized zones have been historically mined and subsequently named N2 Limb, N3 Limb and South Limb to demarcate their location on the folded mineralized horizon. Additional drilling is needed to properly determine true width of mineralization on each limb and define the folded mineralization.

歷史上曾開採過各種礦化帶,隨後將其命名爲 N2 Limb、N3 Limb 和 South Limb,以劃定它們在摺疊的礦化地平線上的位置。需要進行額外的鑽探,以正確確定每條邊緣上礦化的真實寬度並定義摺疊礦化。

Table 1: Assay Results Selebi North Deposit

表 1:化驗結果 Selebi North Deposit

Hole-ID From
Limb **NiEq
SNUG-23-069264.75 270.60 5.85 1.17 0.70 0.06 N2/N3 1.63
incl.264.75 267.00 2.25 1.52 1.64 0.09 N2/N3 2.50
*incl.266.55 267.00 0.45 4.53 2.10 0.16 N2/N3 5.86
SNUG-23-069510.50 513.30 2.80 2.20 1.42 0.10 N3 3.09
Hole-ID 來自


四肢 **nieQ
SNUG-23-069264.75 270.60 5.85 1.17 0.70 0.06 N2/N3 1.63
包括 264.75 267.00 2.25 1.52 1.64 0.09 N2/N3 2.50
*包括 266.55 267.00 0.45 4.53 2.10 0.16 N2/N3 5.86
SNUG-23-069510.50 513.30 2.80 2.20 1.42 0.10 N3 3.09

*Length refers to drillhole length and not true width. True widths of the South Limb are unknown.


**NiEq was calculated assuming a price of $US 7.86/lb for Ni, $US 4.00/lb for Cu and $US 12.95/lb for Co with no adjustments for recoveries and payabilities.


Table 2: Drill Collar Information Selebi North Deposit

表 2:Selebi North Deposit 的鑽環信息

HOLE ID Mine East Mine North Elevation Dip Mine
Hole Length Comment
SNUG-23-069 35082.7 84843.1 -8.9 -42.8 235.2 545.1 Rig #2 880mL
洞號 Mine East 我的北方 海拔 我的
孔長 評論
SNUG-23-069 35082.7 84843.1 -8.9 -42.8 235.2 545.1 鑽機 #2 880mL

The highlighted results from SNUG-23-069, drilled from 880 metre level, are significant for two reasons: the intercept is located on the limb between the N2 and N3 fold noses where there is no historic resource and this is the first nickel assay greater than 4% nickel.

從 880 米高度鑽探的 SNUG-23-069 的突出結果意義重大,原因有兩個:截距位於 N2 和 N3 摺疊鼻之間的邊緣,那裏沒有歷史資源,這是首次鎳含量大於 4% 的鎳含量。

Drilling and BHEM Continues

鑽探和 BHEM 仍在繼續

Three drills are currently active on the 810 metre level exploration drift. The two drill bays located at the southern most extent of the 810 metre level exploration drift allow for the evaluation of areas further down plunge and outside of the known historic resource estimate.

目前正在810米高的探險漂道上進行三次鑽探。這兩個鑽井灣位於 810 米級勘探漂移的最南端,允許對下沉更遠的區域進行評估,這些區域不在已知的歷史資源估計範圍內。

BHEM surveys are currently underway, with surveys completed in a total of twenty-five underground drillholes including nine 2024 holes drilled from the 810 metre level exploration drift evaluating the down plunge potential of the South Limb. Results from these surveys indicate that the mineralized zones continue down plunge of current drilling, permitting larger step-out intervals.


As of March 25, 2024, a total of 28,574 metres in eighty (80) drillholes have been completed from seven underground drill bays with three of those drillholes currently in-progress. Assay results for completed holes will be released as they are received and confirmed by the Company.


Quality Control


The underground drilling program is being carried out through an agreement with Forage Fusion Drilling Ltd. of Hawkesbury, Ontario, Canada, who have provided three Zinex U-5 drills for purchase and training of local operators. Drill core samples are BQTK (40.7 mm diameter). All samples are 1⁄2 core cut by a diamond saw on site. Half of the core is retained for reference purposes. Samples are generally 1.0 to 1.5 metre intervals or less at the discretion of the site geologists. Sample preparation and lab analysis was completed at ALS Chemex in Johannesburg, South Africa. Commercially prepared blank samples and certified Cu/Ni sulphide analytical control standards with a range of grades are inserted in every batch of 20 samples or a minimum of one set per sample batch. Analyses for Ni, Cu and Co are completed using a peroxide fusion preparation and ICP-AES finish (ME-ICP81).

地下鑽探計劃是通過與加拿大安大略省霍克斯伯裏的Forage Fusion Drilling Ltd.簽訂的協議進行的,該公司提供了三臺Zinex U-5鑽機,用於購買和培訓當地操作員。鑽芯樣品爲 BQTK(直徑 40.7 毫米)。所有樣品均由現場金剛石鋸切割的 1⁄2 芯。保留了一半的核心以供參考。樣本間隔通常在 1.0 到 1.5 米之間,由現場地質學家自行決定。樣本製備和實驗室分析已在南非約翰內斯堡的ALS Chemex完成。商業製備的空白樣品和不同等級的經過認證的銅/鎳硫化物分析控制標準被插入每批20個樣品中,或者每批樣品至少放入一組。鎳、銅和鈷的分析是使用過氧化物熔融製備和 ICP-AES 表面處理 (ME-ICP81) 完成的。

Holes are numbered as follows: SNUG (Selebi North Underground) + year + hole number starting at 013.

球洞編號如下:SNUG(Selebi North Underground)+ 年份 + 洞號從 013 開始。

BHEM Surveys


The BHEM surveys at Selebi utilize the Crone PEM system operated by local Batswana staff. Survey data is collected using a 3 component fluxgate probe collecting full waveform data. Surveys have been collected using timebases between 50 and 1000ms (0.25 Hz to 5 Hz). The data has been processed to a calculated residual step response to better quantify the conductive sources. This added processing has proven to be invaluable because of the size of the highly conductive mineralized system.

塞萊比的BHEM調查使用了由博茨瓦納當地工作人員運營的Crone PEM系統。使用三分量磁通門探頭收集完整波形數據,收集測量數據。調查是使用介於 50 到 1000 毫秒(0.25 赫茲到 5 赫茲)之間的時基收集的。數據已根據計算出的殘差階躍響應進行處理,以更好地量化傳導源。由於高導電性礦化系統的規模,這種額外的加工已被證明是無價的。

Qualified Person


The scientific and technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Sharon Taylor, Vice President Exploration of the Company, who is a "qualified person" for the purposes of NI 43-101.

本新聞稿的科學和技術內容已經過公司勘探副總裁莎朗·泰勒的審查和批准,就NI 43-101而言,他是 “合格人士”。

Technical Report


Scientific and technical information relating to the Selebi Mine is supported by the technical report titled "Technical Report on the Selebi Mines, Central District, Republic of Botswana, Report for NI 43-101", dated June 16, 2022 (effective date of March 1, 2022) (the "Selebi Technical Report"), and prepared by SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd. for PNRL. Reference should be made to the full text of the Selebi Technical Report, including the assumptions, limitations and data verification therein relating to the historic data compilation presented in this news release, which was prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 and is available electronically on SEDAR+ () under PNRL's issuer profile.

與塞萊比礦有關的科學和技術信息得到題爲 “的技術報告” 的支持 “博茨瓦納共和國中區塞萊比礦山技術報告,NI 43-101報告”,日期爲 2022 年 6 月 16 日(生效日期爲 2022 年 3 月 1 日)(”Selebi 技術報告“),由SLR諮詢(加拿大)有限公司爲PNRL編寫。應參考Selebi技術報告的全文,包括其中與本新聞稿中提供的歷史數據彙編相關的假設、侷限性和數據驗證。該報告根據NI 43-101編寫,可在SEDAR+ () 上以電子方式在PNRL的發行人概況下查閱。

Historic Resource Estimate


The historical mineral resource estimate referenced herein (the "Historic Resource") was calculated for the Selebi North, Selebi Main, Phikwe South and Southeast Extension deposits in accordance with SAMREC, in 2016, and does not comply with NI 43-101. To that end, the Historic Resource is considered to be historical in nature and should not be relied upon as a current mineral resource estimate. While management believes that the Historic Resource could be indicative of the presence of mineralization on the deposits, a qualified person for purposes of NI 43-101 has not completed sufficient work to classify the historical mineral estimates as current mineral resource estimates and PNRL is not treating the historical mineral estimates as current mineral resource estimates.

此處引用的歷史礦產資源估計(”歷史資源“)是根據SAMREC在2016年根據SAMREC對塞萊比北部、塞萊比主幹線、皮克威南部和東南延伸區的礦牀計算得出的,不符合北愛爾蘭43-101的規定。爲此,歷史資源本質上被視爲歷史資源,不應作爲當前的礦產資源估算。儘管管理層認爲歷史資源可能表明礦牀上存在礦化作用,但就NI 43-101而言,合格人員尚未完成足夠的工作,無法將歷史礦產估算值歸類爲當前的礦產資源估計值,PNRL沒有將歷史礦產估算值視爲當前的礦產資源估計。

About Premium Nickel Resources Ltd.


PNRL is a mineral exploration and development company that is focused on the redevelopment of the previously producing nickel, copper and cobalt resources mines owned by the Company in the Republic of Botswana. We are driven by our belief that the demand for these metals will continue to grow in the medium to long term, as a result of global urbanization and the increasing adoption of electric motors over internal combustion engines. These metals are vital for achieving a low-carbon future.


PNRL is committed to governance through transparent accountability and open communication within our team and our stakeholders. Our skilled team has worked over 100 projects collectively, accumulating over 400 years of resource discoveries, mine development and mine re-engineering experience on projects like the Company's Selebi and Selkirk mines. PNRL's senior team members have on average more than 20 years of experience in every single aspect of mine discovery and development, from geology to operations.




Keith Morrison
Director and Chief Executive Officer
Premium Nickel Resources Ltd.


For further information about Premium Nickel Resources Ltd., please contact:
Jaclyn Ruptash
Vice President, Communications and Government and Investor Relations
+1 (604) 770-4334

有關Premium Nickel Resources Ltd. 的更多信息,請聯繫:
Jaclyn Ruptash
+1 (604) 770-4334

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements:


This news release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation based on expectations, estimates and projections as at the date of this news release. Forward-Looking information involves risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events, results, performance, prospects and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Forward-Looking information in this news release includes, but is not limited to: the ability of the Company to implement its drilling, geoscience and metallurgical work on its properties and work plans generally; the implementation of the objectives, goals and future plans of the Company including the proposed advancement of the Selebi Mines as currently contemplated; the ability of exploration activities (including drill results) to accurately predict mineralization; management's belief that the Selebi and Selebi North deposits may be connected at depth; the timing to release of the remaining assay results; the ability of the Company to implement its drilling, geoscience and metallurgical work on its properties and work plans generally; the implementation of the objectives, goals and future plans of the Company including the proposed advancement of the Selebi Mines as currently contemplated; the ability of the Company to define mineral resource estimates on the Selebi Mines in accordance with NI 43-101 and/or obtain an updated MRE in respect of the Selebi Mines; the productivity rates for underground drilling at Selebi North; drilling results confirming the legacy fold pattern continues at depth; the effective targeting activities proposed by the Company; the ability to identify mineralization down plunge of existing workings and the ability of such findings to be used to complete a MRE; the ability and timing of advancing the underground drilling program at Selebi North as contemplated (if at all); the results of the drill program on Selebi North and the timing and disclosures of the Company regarding same; the relationships between, and continuity of, the various deposits (if any); the benefits of the Company's approach to exploration; management's belief that the Historic Resource could be indicative of the presence of mineralization on the deposits; and the anticipated benefits of the Company's approach to the resource development plan. These forward-looking statements, by their nature, require the Company to make certain assumptions and necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in these forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to, capital and operating costs varying significantly from estimates; the preliminary nature of metallurgical test results; the ability of exploration results to predict mineralization or the feasibility of mine production; delays in obtaining or failures to obtain required governmental, environmental or other project approvals; uncertainties relating to the availability and costs of financing needed in the future; changes in equity markets; inflation; fluctuations in commodity prices; delays in the development of projects; the other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry; and those risks set out in the Company's public disclosure record on SEDAR+ () under PNRL's issuer profile. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information, which only applies as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.

本新聞稿包含適用的加拿大證券立法所指的 “前瞻性信息”,這些信息基於截至本新聞發佈之日的預期、估計和預測。前瞻性信息涉及風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際事件、結果、業績、前景和機會與此類前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的內容存在重大差異。本新聞稿中的前瞻性信息包括但不限於:公司就其地產和工作計劃實施鑽探、地球科學和冶金工作的能力;公司宗旨、目標和未來計劃的實施情況,包括目前考慮的塞萊比礦業的擬議進度;勘探活動(包括鑽探結果)準確預測礦化的能力;管理層認爲塞萊比和北塞萊比礦業的看法沉積物可能在深處相連;公佈剩餘化驗結果的時機;公司就其地產和工作計劃開展鑽探、地球科學和冶金工作的能力;公司宗旨、目標和未來計劃的實施情況,包括目前考慮的塞萊比礦業的擬議開發;公司根據NI 43-101確定塞萊比礦山礦產資源估算值和/或獲取有關塞萊比礦的最新MRE報告的能力 Ebi Mines;地下鑽探的生產率爲Selebi North;鑽探結果證實了傳統的深度摺疊模式仍在繼續;公司提議的有效瞄準活動;識別現有工作礦物向下墜落的礦化情況以及利用此類發現完成地下鑽探計劃的能力;按設想推進北塞萊比地下鑽探計劃的能力和時機(如果有的話);Selebi North鑽探計劃的結果以及公司的時間和披露關於相同的;各種之間的關係和連續性礦牀(如果有);公司勘探方法的好處;管理層認爲歷史資源可能表明礦牀上存在礦化作用;以及公司資源開發計劃方法的預期收益。就其性質而言,這些前瞻性陳述要求公司做出某些假設,並且必然涉及已知和未知的風險和不確定性,這些風險和不確定性可能導致實際業績與這些前瞻性陳述中表達或暗示的業績存在重大差異。可能導致實際結果與此類前瞻性信息存在重大差異的因素包括但不限於與估計值相差很大的資本和運營成本;冶金測試結果的初步性質;勘探結果預測礦化或礦山生產可行性的能力;延遲獲得或未能獲得所需的政府、環境或其他項目批准;與未來所需融資的可得性和成本有關的不確定性;權益變動市場;通貨膨脹;大宗商品價格波動;項目開發延遲;礦產勘探和開發行業涉及的其他風險;以及公司根據PNRL發行人簡介在SEDAR+()上的公開披露記錄中列出的風險。儘管公司認爲在本新聞稿中準備前瞻性信息時使用的假設和因素是合理的,但不應過分依賴此類信息,這僅適用於本新聞稿發佈之日,也無法保證此類事件將在披露的時間範圍內發生或根本無法保證。除非法律要求,否則公司不打算或義務更新或修改任何前瞻性信息,無論這些信息是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因造成的。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


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Figure 1: Selebi North: Location of Reported Drill Holes with Underground Infrastructure, Historic Resources, Exploration Targets and modeled BHEM plates.

圖 1:北塞萊比:報告的鑽孔位置,包括地下基礎設施、歷史資源、勘探目標和建模的 BHEM 板塊。

Figure 2: Selebi North: Location of Reported Drill Holes with Underground Infrastructure, Historic Resources and Exploration Targets

圖 2:北塞萊比:報告的鑽孔位置,包括地下基礎設施、歷史資源和勘探目標

Figure 3: Detailed view showing location of drillholes reported and mentioned in this release

圖 3:顯示本版本中報告和提及的鑽孔位置的詳細視圖

Figure 4: Long Section showing "southern hinge zone" with PNR 2022 Surface and 2023-2024 underground drillholes

圖 4:長截面顯示了 PNR 2022 地表和 2023-2024 年地下鑽孔的 “南部鉸鏈區域”

Appendix 1. Assay Table: Selebi North Underground (SNUG-23-) Drill Holes To-Date

附錄 1.化驗表:塞萊比北部地下(SNUG-23-)迄今爲止的鑽孔

Hole-ID From
Limb **NiEq
SNUG-23-013 314.20 316.15 1.95 1.64 1.22 0.08 N3 2.39
SNUG-23-013 508.50 511.05 2.55 1.90 0.83 0.10 N3 2.49
SNUG-23-014 143.70 144.20 0.50 1.38 0.23 0.07 N2 1.61
SNUG-23-014 267.75 268.80 1.05 0.82 0.43 0.06 N3 1.14
SNUG-23-014 497.25 498.00 0.75 2.49 0.38 0.08 N3 2.82
SNUG-23-015 141.60 152.05 10.45 0.69 0.58 0.04 N2 1.05
incl. 141.60 142.15 0.55 1.38 0.57 0.07 N2 1.79
and 144.90 148.20 3.30 1.44 0.46 0.08 N2 1.81
and 149.00 152.05 3.05 0.35 1.30 0.02 N2 1.04
SNUG-23-015 309.55 317.20 7.65 0.53 0.30 0.04 N3 0.75
incl. 309.55 310.80 1.25 2.09 0.30 0.10 N3 2.41
and 316.25 317.20 0.95 0.90 1.13 0.12 N3 1.67
SNUG-23-015 401.40 404.25 2.85 0.53 0.35 0.03 N3 0.76
SNUG-23-016 168.45 174.55 6.10 0.53 1.02 0.03 N2 1.10
incl. 172.15 174.55 2.40 1.02 2.13 0.06 N2 2.20
SNUG-23-016 463.00 463.45 0.45 1.48 0.29 0.06 N3 1.73
SNUG-23-017 464.55 471.90 7.35 0.75 0.53 0.04 South 1.09
incl. 467.65 471.90 4.25 1.21 0.28 0.06 South 1.45
SNUG-23-017 505.45 523.60 18.15 1.27 1.65 0.06 South/N2 2.21
incl. 507.40 513.65 6.25 2.34 1.40 0.11 South/N2 3.23
and 519.70 523.20 3.50 1.06 4.08 0.05 South /N2 3.22
SNUG-23-018 171.80 181.65 9.85 0.77 0.95 0.04 N2 1.32
incl. 171.80 177.40 5.60 0.50 1.13 0.03 N2 1.12
and 179.20 181.65 2.45 1.75 0.72 0.09 N2 2.26
SNUG-23-018 268.20 268.75 0.55 3.15 3.48 0.10 N3 5.09
SNUG-23-018 466.40 471.20 4.80 0.87 1.96 0.05 N3 1.95
incl. 466.40 469.05 2.65 1.45 0.79 0.07 N3 1.97


SNUG-23-024 266.20 267.75 1.55 1.54 0.37 0.07 N3 1.84
SNUG-23-025 242.00 244.75 2.75 0.68 0.79 0.04 South 1.15
SNUG-23-025 276.45 287.25 10.80 0.49 1.27 0.03 South 1.19
SNUG-23-025 289.90 296.10 6.20 0.67 0.57 0.03 South 1.01
SNUG-23-025 316.35 325.60 9.25 1.35 0.67 0.07 South 1.81
SNUG-23-026 176.75 184.60 7.85 0.85 0.53 0.05 N2 1.20
incl. 177.00 180.90 3.90 1.13 0.71 0.06 N2 1.59
SNUG-23-026 325.10 329.20 4.10 1.52 3.65 0.07 N3 3.49
incl. 325.10 327.95 2.85 0.89 5.09 0.05 N3 3.56
SNUG-23-026 397.80 399.45 1.65 0.29 0.14 0.04 N3 0.43
SNUG-23-026 415.00 417.30 2.30 1.59 1.55 0.07 N3 2.49
SNUG-23-027 40.60 43.25 2.65 0.41 0.24 0.03 N2 0.59
SNUG-23-027 112.65 114.25 1.60 1.25 0.80 0.06 N2 1.76
SNUG-23-027 262.50 262.85 0.35 0.33 9.38 0.03 N3 Main 5.15
SNUG-23-028 168.05 178.00 9.95 0.61 1.50 0.03 SL 1.42
incl. 168.05 171.20 3.15 0.64 2.54 0.03 SL 1.98
and 175.35 178.00 2.65 1.04 1.54 0.05 SL 1.91
SNUG-23-028 184.25 187.80 3.55 1.40 0.54 0.07 SL 1.79
SNUG-23-028 194.60 205.35 10.75 1.15 1.40 0.06 SL 1.96
SNUG-23-028 210.70 211.75 1.05 2.07 3.76 0.11 SL 4.16
SNUG-23-028 215.00 228.50 13.50 1.34 0.84 0.07 SL 1.88
incl. 222.20 228.50 6.30 1.89 0.48 0.10 SL 2.30


SNUG-23-030 287.80 289.35 1.55 2.05 2.03 0.11 N3 3.26
SNUG-23-031 131.25 132.15 0.90 1.19 0.72 0.06 SL 1.66
SNUG-23-031 148.45 154.85 6.40 0.64 0.79 0.03 SL 1.09
incl. 151.30 154.85 3.55 0.97 1.34 0.05 SL 1.73
SNUG-23-032 170.90 171.30 0.40 1.65 0.42 0.08 N2 1.99
SNUG-23-032 180.85 182.10 1.25 2.30 0.19 0.11 N2 2.58
SNUG-23-032 186.00 208.00 22.00 1.22 0.89 0.06 N2 1.77
incl. 192.55 206.00 13.45 1.52 1.17 0.07 N2 2.23
SNUG-23-032 221.75 222.40 0.65 1.44 1.10 0.07 N2 2.11
SNUG-23-032 443.95 444.20 0.25 1.63 1.39 0.10 N3 2.50
SNUG-23-033 43.40 50.30 6.90 0.79 0.33 0.04 N2 1.02
Including 43.40 45.30 1.90 1.50 0.22 0.05 N2 1.69
and 48.30 50.30 2.00 0.87 0.43 0.06 N2 1.19
SNUG-23-033 168.40 169.95 1.55 1.80 0.64 0.08 N3 2.26
SNUG-23-033 333.40 335.40 2.00 1.71 0.08 0.06 N3 1.85


SNUG-23-035 427.95 438.75 10.80 0.43 0.92 0.03 South 0.95
incl. 429.25 435.15 5.90 0.44 1.45 0.03 South 1.23
SNUG-23-035 466.40 469.00 2.60 0.40 0.27 0.03 South 0.59
incl. 466.40 466.80 0.40 1.85 0.24 0.10 South 2.14
SNUG-23-036 148.00 158.45 10.45 0.48 1.82 0.02 N2 1.44
incl. 149.00 153.15 4.15 0.48 3.97 0.02 N2 2.53
SNUG-23-036 238.85 239.00 0.15 1.28 0.60 0.12 N2 1.78
SNUG-23-036 405.70 407.00 1.30 2.37 2.27 0.10 N3 3.69
SNUG-23-037 34.25 40.25 6.00 0.60 1.49 0.03 N2 1.41
incl. 34.25 36.40 2.15 0.27 3.50 0.01 N2 2.07
SNUG-23-037 182.80 185.10 2.30 0.34 1.74 0.02 N3 1.26
SNUG-23-037 228.75 232.20 3.45 0.52 1.45 0.07 N3 1.37
SNUG-23-038 47.90 51.55 3.65 1.05 1.27 0.04 N2 1.76
SNUG-23-038 60.00 62.35 2.35 0.62 0.94 0.02 N2 1.13
SNUG-23-038 65.40 70.10 4.70 0.53 2.09 0.05 N2 1.68
SNUG-23-038 77.25 85.85 8.60 0.48 0.93 0.03 N2 1.00
incl. 77.25 79.75 2.50 0.50 2.60 0.04 N2 1.89
SNUG-23-038 101.80 103.80 2.00 1.20 2.02 0.05 N2 2.31
SNUG-23-038 326.15 332.40 6.25 1.15 0.88 0.06 N3 1.70
SNUG-23-039 353.00 354.00 1.00 0.98 0.23 0.07
SNUG-23-039 361.30 361.60 0.30 0.48 2.20 0.07 N3 1.71
SNUG-23-039 365.60 366.60 1.00 0.81 0.76 0.04 N3 1.26


SNUG-23-051 159.60 163.75 4.15 0.50 0.69 0.03 South 0.90
SNUG-23-051 182.10 183.40 1.30 0.37 1.47 0.02 South 1.15


SNUG-23-052A 140.40 148.00 7.60 0.97 0.97 0.05 N2 1.55
incl. 145.55 148.00 2.45 1.02 1.85 0.05 N2 2.04
SNUG-23-052A 238.45 238.75 0.30 2.68 0.07 0.07 N3 2.83
SNUG-23-052A 357.30 358.75 1.45 1.59 0.31 0.07 N3 1.86
SNUG-23-053 74.95 81.00 6.05 1.95 1.23 0.11 South 2.76
SNUG-23-053 95.40 98.00 2.60 1.05 0.65 0.05 South 1.46
SNUG-23-054 28.10 28.40 0.30 0.76 3.76 0.04 N2 2.74
SNUG-23-054 110.80 116.80 6.00 0.87 1.23 0.04 N3 1.56
incl. 111.25 114.80 3.55 1.37 1.49 0.06 N3 2.23
SNUG-23-054 182.25 189.10 6.85 2.72 1.97 0.15 N3 3.97
SNUG-23-055 91.70 107.00 15.30 1.84 1.85 0.10 South 2.95
incl. 91.70 100.15 8.45 2.15 1.40 0.11 South 3.04
and 104.00 107.00 3.00 2.13 1.28 0.12 South 2.98
SNUG-23-056 119.90 150.35 30.45 1.78 1.81 0.09 South 2.85
incl. 122.10 137.90 15.80 1.73 2.15 0.09 South 2.97
and 138.25 150.35 12.10 2.06 1.73 0.11 South 3.12
SNUG-23-056 252.90 256.20 3.30 0.67 4.89 0.04 South 3.22
SNUG-23-056 257.90 260.50 2.60 1.13 0.73 0.06 South 1.60
SNUG-23-056 297.05 297.95 0.90 0.33 8.84 0.03 South 4.88
SNUG-23-056 307.85 312.90 5.05 1.81 0.49 0.10 N2 2.22
SNUG-23-057 32.45 41.45 9.00 1.08 0.50 0.06 N2 1.43
incl. 32.45 34.65 2.20 2.17 0.56 0.12 N2 2.65
and 37.15 41.45 4.30 1.01 0.70 0.05 N2 1.45
SNUG-23-057 45.70 47.65 1.95 0.88 1.10 0.05 N2 1.52
SNUG-23-057 79.70 87.30 7.60 0.88 1.00 0.04 N2/N3 1.45
SNUG-23-057 90.30 94.30 4.00 0.54 0.46 0.03 N2/N3 0.82
SNUG-23-057 190.40 199.95 9.55 2.72 1.81 0.16 N3 3.90
SNUG-23-058 43.55 56.50 12.95 0.74 3.23 0.04 N2 2.45
incl. 46.10 56.50 10.40 0.69 3.94 0.04 N2 2.76
SNUG-23-058 221.95 222.60 0.65 2.96 0.55 0.17 N3 3.52
SNUG-23-058 227.90 228.80 0.90 2.94 0.77 0.16 N3 3.60
SNUG-23-059 141.10 142.50 1.40 0.24 1.15 0.02 N2 0.86
SNUG-23-059 230.25 237.15 6.90 0.80 1.22 0.04 N3 1.49
incl. 230.25 236.00 5.75 0.71 1.29 0.04 N3 1.43
SNUG-23-059 368.55 371.75 3.20 0.49 0.34 0.04 N3 0.73
incl. 370.25 371.75 1.50 0.95 0.67 0.06 N3 1.39
SNUG-23-060 173.90 210.25 36.35 1.01 1.00 0.05 South 1.60
incl. 173.90 189.30 15.40 1.14 1.42 0.06 South 1.96
*Incl* 173.90 178.95 5.05 0.72 3.88 0.04 South 2.76
and 180.65 186.50 5.85 2.02 0.29 0.10 South 2.33
SNUG-23-060 195.20 199.30 4.10 1.44 1.00 0.08 South 2.08
SNUG-23-060 204.65 210.25 5.60 1.84 1.41 0.10 South 2.72
SNUG-23-060 283.15 321.35 38.20 1.06 0.97 0.06 South/N2 1.65
incl. 283.15 285.35 2.20 1.32 0.70 0.07 South 1.79
and 289.50 293.75 4.25 1.03 1.08 0.06 South 1.68
and 296.30 321.35 25.05 1.27 1.20 0.07 South/N2 2.00
*incl.* 299.00 307.30 8.30 1.98 1.72 0.10 South/N2 3.02
and 317.35 321.35 4.00 1.76 0.41 0.09 N2 2.12
SNUG-23-060 348.50 350.65 2.15 1.94 1.09 0.10 N2 2.66
SNUG-23-061 57.20 59.10 1.90 1.31 2.50 0.11 N2 2.76
SNUG-23-061 240.85 241.40 0.55 2.22 0.15 0.11 N3 2.48
SNUG-23-061 283.15 285.35 2.20 1.32 0.70 0.07 South 1.79
SNUG-23-062 168.90 189.75 20.85 0.85 1.35 0.04 N2 1.60
incl. 172.30 183.15 10.85 1.06 1.79 0.05 N2 2.05
SNUG-23-062 209.10 220.30 11.20 0.70 0.94 0.04 N2 1.24
incl. 211.00 214.00 3.00 0.39 2.32 0.03 N2 1.62
and 218.95 220.30 1.35 1.72 0.38 0.09 N2 2.06
SNUG-23-062 432.85 434.40 1.55 1.68 0.57 0.09 N3 2.12
SNUG-23-063 287.15 288.20 1.05 2.45 0.83 0.11 N3 3.05
SNUG-23-064 73.00 175.80 102.80 1.41 1.30 0.08 South/N2 2.20
incl. 91.20 177.95 86.75 1.66 1.55 0.09 South/N2 2.60
*incl.* 94.50 107.45 12.95 1.92 1.49 0.10 South 2.84
and 116.60 131.30 14.70 1.90 2.23 0.10 South 3.20
and 139.00 158.70 19.70 1.99 1.43 0.11 South 2.90
and 163.55 175.80 12.25 1.69 1.62 0.09 N2 2.66
SNUG-23-064 204.10 206.35 2.25 1.11 0.55 0.06 N2 1.49
SNUG-23-065 292.40 293.25 0.85 2.25 0.60 0.11 N3 2.74
SNUG-23-066 486.65 487.20 0.55 1.28 1.41 0.11 N3 2.18
SNUG-23-067 114.00 224.75 110.75 1.52 1.70 0.08 South/N2 2.52
incl. 114.00 119.25 5.25 2.26 0.76 0.12 South 2.84
and 124.00 135.30 11.30 1.38 3.33 0.07 South 3.19
and 136.90 151.55 14.65 2.06 1.58 0.11 South 3.05
and 154.50 172.00 17.50 2.08 1.87 0.11 South 3.21
and 174.90 182.30 7.40 2.11 2.03 0.11 South 3.32
and 194.30 202.40 8.10 2.25 3.70 0.11 South 4.31
and 207.70 219.30 11.60 1.61 1.60 0.08 South_N2 2.56
and 223.15 224.75 1.60 2.06 1.58 0.11 N2 3.05
SNUG-23-068 319.50 320.35 0.85 0.99 0.36 0.05 N3 1.26
SNUG-23-069 203.65 212.00 8.35 0.76 0.78 0.04 N2 1.22
SNUG-23-069 264.75 270.60 5.85 1.17 0.70 0.06 N2/N3 1.63
incl. 264.75 267.00 2.25 1.52 1.64 0.09 N2/N3 2.50
*incl. 266.55 267.00 0.45 4.53 2.10 0.16 N2/N3 5.86
SNUG-23-069 510.50 513.30 2.80 2.20 1.42 0.10 N3 3.08
SNUG-23-071 276.60 279.90 3.30 1.60 0.58 0.08 N3 2.03
incl. 276.60 279.50 2.90 1.77 0.55 0.09 N3 2.20
SNUG-23-072 188.05 190.85 2.80 1.40 1.39 0.06 N2 2.21
SNUG-23-073 305.40 308.24 2.84 1.34 1.87 0.07 N3 2.41
SNUG-23-074 190.85 201.15 10.30 0.59 0.31 0.03 N2 0.80
incl. 190.85 196.40 5.55 0.93 0.54 0.05 N2 1.29


Hole-ID 來自


四肢 **nieQ
SNUG-23-013 314.20 316.15 1.95 1.64 1.22 0.08 N3 2.39
SNUG-23-013 508.50 511.05 2.55 1.90 0.83 0.10 N3 2.49
SNUG-23-014 143.70 144.20 0.50 1.38 0.23 0.07 N2 1.61
SNUG-23-014 267.75 268.80 1.05 0.82 0.43 0.06 N3 1.14
SNUG-23-014 497.25 498.00 0.75 2.49 0.38 0.08 N3 2.82
SNUG-23-015 141.60 152.05 10.45 0.69 0.58 0.04 N2 1.05
包括。 141.60 142.15 0.55 1.38 0.57 0.07 N2 1.79
144.90 148.20 3.30 1.44 0.46 0.08 N2 1.81
149.00 152.05 3.05 0.35 1.30 0.02 N2 1.04
SNUG-23-015 309.55 317.20 7.65 0.53 0.30 0.04 N3 0.75
包括。 309.55 310.80 1.25 2.09 0.30 0.10 N3 2.41
316.25 317.20 0.95 0.90 1.13 0.12 N3 1.67
SNUG-23-015 401.40 404.25 2.85 0.53 0.35 0.03 N3 0.76
SNUG-23-016 168.45 174.55 6.10 0.53 1.02 0.03 N2 1.10
包括。 172.15 174.55 2.40 1.02 2.13 0.06 N2 2.20
SNUG-23-016 463.00 463.45 0.45 1.48 0.29 0.06 N3 1.73
SNUG-23-017 464.55 471.90 7.35 0.75 0.53 0.04 南方 1.09
包括。 467.65 471.90 4.25 1.21 0.28 0.06 南方 1.45
SNUG-23-017 505.45 523.60 18.15 1.27 1.65 0.06 南方/N2 2.21
包括。 507.40 513.65 6.25 2.34 1.40 0.11 南方/N2 3.23
519.70 523.20 3.50 1.06 4.08 0.05 南方 /N2 3.22
SNUG-23-018 171.80 181.65 9.85 0.77 0.95 0.04 N2 1.32
包括。 171.80 177.40 5.60 0.50 1.13 0.03 N2 1.12
179.20 181.65 2.45 1.75 0.72 0.09 N2 2.26
SNUG-23-018 268.20 268.75 0.55 3.15 3.48 0.10 N3 5.09
SNUG-23-018 466.40 471.20 4.80 0.87 1.96 0.05 N3 1.95
包括。 466.40 469.05 2.65 1.45 0.79 0.07 N3 1.97

國家安全局 國家安全局 國家安全局

SNUG-23-024 266.20 267.75 1.55 1.54 0.37 0.07 N3 1.84
SNUG-23-025 242.00 244.75 2.75 0.68 0.79 0.04 南方 1.15
SNUG-23-025 276.45 287.25 10.80 0.49 1.27 0.03 南方 1.19
SNUG-23-025 289.90 296.10 6.20 0.67 0.57 0.03 南方 1.01
SNUG-23-025 316.35 325.60 9.25 1.35 0.67 0.07 南方 1.81
SNUG-23-026 176.75 184.60 7.85 0.85 0.53 0.05 N2 1.20
包括。 177.00 180.90 3.90 1.13 0.71 0.06 N2 1.59
SNUG-23-026 325.10 329.20 4.10 1.52 3.65 0.07 N3 3.49
包括。 325.10 327.95 2.85 0.89 5.09 0.05 N3 3.56
SNUG-23-026 397.80 399.45 1.65 0.29 0.14 0.04 N3 0.43
SNUG-23-026 415.00 417.30 2.30 1.59 1.55 0.07 N3 2.49
SNUG-23-027 40.60 43.25 2.65 0.41 0.24 0.03 N2 0.59
SNUG-23-027 112.65 114.25 1.60 1.25 0.80 0.06 N2 1.76
SNUG-23-027 262.50 262.85 0.35 0.33 9.38 0.03 N3 主要 5.15
SNUG-23-028 168.05 178.00 9.95 0.61 1.50 0.03 SL 1.42
包括。 168.05 171.20 3.15 0.64 2.54 0.03 SL 1.98
175.35 178.00 2.65 1.04 1.54 0.05 SL 1.91
SNUG-23-028 184.25 187.80 3.55 1.40 0.54 0.07 SL 1.79
SNUG-23-028 194.60 205.35 10.75 1.15 1.40 0.06 SL 1.96
SNUG-23-028 210.70 211.75 1.05 2.07 3.76 0.11 SL 4.16
SNUG-23-028 215.00 228.50 13.50 1.34 0.84 0.07 SL 1.88
包括。 222.20 228.50 6.30 1.89 0.48 0.10 SL 2.30

國家安全局 國家安全局 國家安全局

SNUG-23-030 287.80 289.35 1.55 2.05 2.03 0.11 N3 3.26
SNUG-23-031 131.25 132.15 0.90 1.19 0.72 0.06 SL 1.66
SNUG-23-031 148.45 154.85 6.40 0.64 0.79 0.03 SL 1.09
包括。 151.30 154.85 3.55 0.97 1.34 0.05 SL 1.73
SNUG-23-032 170.90 171.30 0.40 1.65 0.42 0.08 N2 1.99
SNUG-23-032 180.85 182.10 1.25 2.30 0.19 0.11 N2 2.58
SNUG-23-032 186.00 208.00 22.00 1.22 0.89 0.06 N2 1.77
包括。 192.55 206.00 13.45 1.52 1.17 0.07 N2 2.23
SNUG-23-032 221.75 222.40 0.65 1.44 1.10 0.07 N2 2.11
SNUG-23-032 443.95 444.20 0.25 1.63 1.39 0.10 N3 2.50
SNUG-23-033 43.40 50.30 6.90 0.79 0.33 0.04 N2 1.02
包括 43.40 45.30 1.90 1.50 0.22 0.05 N2 1.69
48.30 50.30 2.00 0.87 0.43 0.06 N2 1.19
SNUG-23-033 168.40 169.95 1.55 1.80 0.64 0.08 N3 2.26
SNUG-23-033 333.40 335.40 2.00 1.71 0.08 0.06 N3 1.85

國家安全局 國家安全局 國家安全局

SNUG-23-035 427.95 438.75 10.80 0.43 0.92 0.03 南方 0.95
包括。 429.25 435.15 5.90 0.44 1.45 0.03 南方 1.23
SNUG-23-035 466.40 469.00 2.60 0.40 0.27 0.03 南方 0.59
包括。 466.40 466.80 0.40 1.85 0.24 0.10 南方 2.14
SNUG-23-036 148.00 158.45 10.45 0.48 1.82 0.02 N2 1.44
包括。 149.00 153.15 4.15 0.48 3.97 0.02 N2 2.53
SNUG-23-036 238.85 239.00 0.15 1.28 0.60 0.12 N2 1.78
SNUG-23-036 405.70 407.00 1.30 2.37 2.27 0.10 N3 3.69
SNUG-23-037 34.25 40.25 6.00 0.60 1.49 0.03 N2 1.41
包括。 34.25 36.40 2.15 0.27 3.50 0.01 N2 2.07
SNUG-23-037 182.80 185.10 2.30 0.34 1.74 0.02 N3 1.26
SNUG-23-037 228.75 232.20 3.45 0.52 1.45 0.07 N3 1.37
SNUG-23-038 47.90 51.55 3.65 1.05 1.27 0.04 N2 1.76
SNUG-23-038 60.00 62.35 2.35 0.62 0.94 0.02 N2 1.13
SNUG-23-038 65.40 70.10 4.70 0.53 2.09 0.05 N2 1.68
SNUG-23-038 77.25 85.85 8.60 0.48 0.93 0.03 N2 1.00
包括。 77.25 79.75 2.50 0.50 2.60 0.04 N2 1.89
SNUG-23-038 101.80 103.80 2.00 1.20 2.02 0.05 N2 2.31
SNUG-23-038 326.15 332.40 6.25 1.15 0.88 0.06 N3 1.70
SNUG-23-039 353.00 354.00 1.00 0.98 0.23 0.07
SNUG-23-039 361.30 361.60 0.30 0.48 2.20 0.07 N3 1.71
SNUG-23-039 365.60 366.60 1.00 0.81 0.76 0.04 N3 1.26

國家安全局 國家安全局 國家安全局

SNUG-23-051 159.60 163.75 4.15 0.50 0.69 0.03 南方 0.90
SNUG-23-051 182.10 183.40 1.30 0.37 1.47 0.02 南方 1.15

國家安全局 國家安全局 國家安全局

SNUG-23-052A 140.40 148.00 7.60 0.97 0.97 0.05 N2 1.55
包括。 145.55 148.00 2.45 1.02 1.85 0.05 N2 2.04
SNUG-23-052A 238.45 238.75 0.30 2.68 0.07 0.07 N3 2.83
SNUG-23-052A 357.30 358.75 1.45 1.59 0.31 0.07 N3 1.86
SNUG-23-053 74.95 81.00 6.05 1.95 1.23 0.11 南方 2.76
SNUG-23-053 95.40 98.00 2.60 1.05 0.65 0.05 南方 1.46
SNUG-23-054 28.10 28.40 0.30 0.76 3.76 0.04 N2 2.74
SNUG-23-054 110.80 116.80 6.00 0.87 1.23 0.04 N3 1.56
包括。 111.25 114.80 3.55 1.37 1.49 0.06 N3 2.23
SNUG-23-054 182.25 189.10 6.85 2.72 1.97 0.15 N3 3.97
SNUG-23-055 91.70 107.00 15.30 1.84 1.85 0.10 南方 2.95
包括。 91.70 100.15 8.45 2.15 1.40 0.11 南方 3.04
104.00 107.00 3.00 2.13 1.28 0.12 南方 2.98
SNUG-23-056 119.90 150.35 30.45 1.78 1.81 0.09 南方 2.85
包括。 122.10 137.90 15.80 1.73 2.15 0.09 南方 2.97
138.25 150.35 12.10 2.06 1.73 0.11 南方 3.12
SNUG-23-056 252.90 256.20 3.30 0.67 4.89 0.04 南方 3.22
SNUG-23-056 257.90 260.50 2.60 1.13 0.73 0.06 南方 1.60
SNUG-23-056 297.05 297.95 0.90 0.33 8.84 0.03 南方 4.88
SNUG-23-056 307.85 312.90 5.05 1.81 0.49 0.10 N2 2.22
SNUG-23-057 32.45 41.45 9.00 1.08 0.50 0.06 N2 1.43
包括。 32.45 34.65 2.20 2.17 0.56 0.12 N2 2.65
37.15 41.45 4.30 1.01 0.70 0.05 N2 1.45
SNUG-23-057 45.70 47.65 1.95 0.88 1.10 0.05 N2 1.52
SNUG-23-057 79.70 87.30 7.60 0.88 1.00 0.04 N2/N3 1.45
SNUG-23-057 90.30 94.30 4.00 0.54 0.46 0.03 N2/N3 0.82
SNUG-23-057 190.40 199.95 9.55 2.72 1.81 0.16 N3 3.90
SNUG-23-058 43.55 56.50 12.95 0.74 3.23 0.04 N2 2.45
包括。 46.10 56.50 10.40 0.69 3.94 0.04 N2 2.76
SNUG-23-058 221.95 222.60 0.65 2.96 0.55 0.17 N3 3.52
SNUG-23-058 227.90 228.80 0.90 2.94 0.77 0.16 N3 3.60
SNUG-23-059 141.10 142.50 1.40 0.24 1.15 0.02 N2 0.86
SNUG-23-059 230.25 237.15 6.90 0.80 1.22 0.04 N3 1.49
包括。 230.25 236.00 5.75 0.71 1.29 0.04 N3 1.43
SNUG-23-059 368.55 371.75 3.20 0.49 0.34 0.04 N3 0.73
包括。 370.25 371.75 1.50 0.95 0.67 0.06 N3 1.39
SNUG-23-060 173.90 210.25 36.35 1.01 1.00 0.05 南方 1.60
包括。 173.90 189.30 15.40 1.14 1.42 0.06 南方 1.96
*包括* 173.90 178.95 5.05 0.72 3.88 0.04 南方 2.76
180.65 186.50 5.85 2.02 0.29 0.10 南方 2.33
SNUG-23-060 195.20 199.30 4.10 1.44 1.00 0.08 南方 2.08
SNUG-23-060 204.65 210.25 5.60 1.84 1.41 0.10 南方 2.72
SNUG-23-060 283.15 321.35 38.20 1.06 0.97 0.06 南方/N2 1.65
包括。 283.15 285.35 2.20 1.32 0.70 0.07 南方 1.79
289.50 293.75 4.25 1.03 1.08 0.06 南方 1.68
296.30 321.35 25.05 1.27 1.20 0.07 南方/N2 2.00
*包括* 299.00 307.30 8.30 1.98 1.72 0.10 南方/N2 3.02
317.35 321.35 4.00 1.76 0.41 0.09 N2 2.12
SNUG-23-060 348.50 350.65 2.15 1.94 1.09 0.10 N2 2.66
SNUG-23-061 57.20 59.10 1.90 1.31 2.50 0.11 N2 2.76
SNUG-23-061 240.85 241.40 0.55 2.22 0.15 0.11 N3 2.48
SNUG-23-061 283.15 285.35 2.20 1.32 0.70 0.07 南方 1.79
SNUG-23-062 168.90 189.75 20.85 0.85 1.35 0.04 N2 1.60
包括。 172.30 183.15 10.85 1.06 1.79 0.05 N2 2.05
SNUG-23-062 209.10 220.30 11.20 0.70 0.94 0.04 N2 1.24
包括。 211.00 214.00 3.00 0.39 2.32 0.03 N2 1.62
218.95 220.30 1.35 1.72 0.38 0.09 N2 2.06
SNUG-23-062 432.85 434.40 1.55 1.68 0.57 0.09 N3 2.12
SNUG-23-063 287.15 288.20 1.05 2.45 0.83 0.11 N3 3.05
SNUG-23-064 73.00 175.80 102.80 1.41 1.30 0.08 南方/N2 2.20
包括。 91.20 177.95 86.75 1.66 1.55 0.09 南方/N2 2.60
*包括* 94.50 107.45 12.95 1.92 1.49 0.10 南方 2.84
116.60 131.30 14.70 1.90 2.23 0.10 南方 3.20
139.00 158.70 19.70 1.99 1.43 0.11 南方 2.90
163.55 175.80 12.25 1.69 1.62 0.09 N2 2.66
SNUG-23-064 204.10 206.35 2.25 1.11 0.55 0.06 N2 1.49
SNUG-23-065 292.40 293.25 0.85 2.25 0.60 0.11 N3 2.74
SNUG-23-066 486.65 487.20 0.55 1.28 1.41 0.11 N3 2.18
SNUG-23-067 114.00 224.75 110.75 1.52 1.70 0.08 南方/N2 2.52
包括。 114.00 119.25 5.25 2.26 0.76 0.12 南方 2.84
124.00 135.30 11.30 1.38 3.33 0.07 南方 3.19
136.90 151.55 14.65 2.06 1.58 0.11 南方 3.05
154.50 172.00 17.50 2.08 1.87 0.11 南方 3.21
174.90 182.30 7.40 2.11 2.03 0.11 南方 3.32
194.30 202.40 8.10 2.25 3.70 0.11 南方 4.31
207.70 219.30 11.60 1.61 1.60 0.08 South_N2 2.56
223.15 224.75 1.60 2.06 1.58 0.11 N2 3.05
SNUG-23-068 319.50 320.35 0.85 0.99 0.36 0.05 N3 1.26
SNUG-23-069 203.65 212.00 8.35 0.76 0.78 0.04 N2 1.22
SNUG-23-069 264.75 270.60 5.85 1.17 0.70 0.06 N2/N3 1.63
包括。 264.75 267.00 2.25 1.52 1.64 0.09 N2/N3 2.50
*包括。 266.55 267.00 0.45 4.53 2.10 0.16 N2/N3 5.86
SNUG-23-069 510.50 513.30 2.80 2.20 1.42 0.10 N3 3.08
SNUG-23-071 276.60 279.90 3.30 1.60 0.58 0.08 N3 2.03
包括。 276.60 279.50 2.90 1.77 0.55 0.09 N3 2.20
SNUG-23-072 188.05 190.85 2.80 1.40 1.39 0.06 N2 2.21
SNUG-23-073 305.40 308.24 2.84 1.34 1.87 0.07 N3 2.41
SNUG-23-074 190.85 201.15 10.30 0.59 0.31 0.03 N2 0.80
包括。 190.85 196.40 5.55 0.93 0.54 0.05 N2 1.29

國家安全局 國家安全局 國家安全局

NSA = no significant assays

NSA = 無顯著檢測

*abandoned hole


**NiEq was calculated assuming a price of $US 7.86/lb for Ni, $US 4.00/lb for Cu and $US 12.95/lb for Co with no adjustments for recoveries and payabilities.


Appendix 2. Collar Table: Selebi North Underground (SNUG-23-) Drill Holes To-Date

附錄 2.項圈表:塞萊比北部地下(SNUG-23-)迄今爲止的鑽孔

HOLE ID Mine East Mine North Elevation Dip Mine Azimuth Hole Length Comment
SNUG-23-013 35089.5 84760.8 -52.5 -43.8 226.5 545.1 Rig #1 935mL
SNUG-23-014 35089.3 84761.4 -52.4 -44.6 244.5 545.4 Rig #1 935mL
SNUG-23-015 35089.3 84760.7 -52.5 -37.4 224.4 523.7 Rig #1 935mL
SNUG-23-016 35083.5 84842.9 -9.0 -35.7 229.2 500.2 Rig #2 880mL
SNUG-23-017 35094.6 84759.5 -52.8 -35.3 155.3 548.8 Rig #1 935mL
SNUG-23-018 35083.6 84842.7 -9.0 -34.4 241.1 503.2 Rig #2 880mL
SNUG-23-019 34917.3 84909.7 -9.3 -44.1 268.3 149.2 Rig #3 895mL
SNUG-23-024 34917.3 84909.8 -8.4 -15.3 267.6 308.4 Rig #3 895mL
SNUG-23-025 35095.3 84760.3 -52.5 -32.2 157.0 551.3 Rig #1 935mL
SNUG-23-026 35083.7 84842.6 -9.0 -33.7 223.2 464.2 Rig #2 880mL
SNUG-23-027 34919.6 84906.8 -8.9 -28.0 214.6 314.4 Rig #3 895mL
SNUG-23-028 35095.4 84760.2 -52.0 -25.4 160.2 425.4 Rig #1 935mL
SNUG-23-029 35083.7 84843.0 -8.8 -40.9 253.4 299.2 Rig #2 880mL
SNUG-23-030 34918.5 84908.3 -8.9 -32.7 243.1 320.4 Rig #3 895mL
SNUG-23-031 35095.0 84759.7 -52.1 -18.9 148.9 191.7 Rig #1 935mL
SNUG-23-032 35082.5 84843.0 -8.9 -28.4 260.1 479.8 Rig #2 880mL
SNUG-23-033 34920.0 84906.2 -9.4 -32.7 204.6 370.3 Rig #3 895mL
SNUG-23-034 35094.6 84759.5 -52.6 -30.0 130.0 137.8 Rig #1 935mL
SNUG-23-035 35094.6 84759.4 -52.4 -27.1 130.2 665.4 Rig #1 935mL
SNUG-23-036 35081.5 84843.4 -9.0 -21.6 259.7 443.2 Rig #2 880mL
SNUG-23-037 34919.8 84906.5 -8.8 -24.1 202.9 278.2 Rig #3 895mL
SNUG-23-038 34919.3 84907.2 -9.0 -36.9 220.9 374.3 Rig #3 895mL
SNUG-23-039 34918.9 84907.6 -9.2 -43.1 230.1 407.5 Rig #3 895mL
SNUG-23-050 35081.6 84843.4 -8.3 -37.9 260.6 302.0 Rig #2 880mL
SNUG-23-051 35094.4 84759.3 -51.9 -15.9 129.9 311.7 Rig #1 935mL
SNUG-23-052 35081.7 84843.7 -7.8 -17.0 255.0 5.1 Rig #2 880mL
SNUG-23-052A 35081.7 84843.7 -7.8 -17.5 255.2 395.0 Rig #2 880mL
SNUG-23-053 35095.1 84759.6 -51.5 -1.4 148.1 134.2 Rig #1 935mL
SNUG-23-054 34918.9 84907.5 -8.2 -12.5 224.5 224.4 Rig #3 895mL
SNUG-23-055 35094.4 84759.0 -50.8 -1.6 165.0 136.7 Rig #1 935mL
SNUG-23-056 35094.3 84759.1 -51.2 -13.9 164.9 354.0 Rig #1 935mL
SNUG-23-057 34918.2 84908.8 -7.8 -1.5 245.4 239.4 Rig #3 895mL
SNUG-23-058 34918.1 84908.8 -8.1 -11.5 246.1 257.8 Rig #3 895mL
SNUG-23-059 35081.6 84844.0 -7.7 -10.3 264.6 410.7 Rig #2 880mL
SNUG-23-060 35094.2 84759.2 -51.7 -28.4 163.9 373.7 Rig #1 935mL
SNUG-23-061 34917.5 84909.8 -7.9 -5.3 265.2 279.5 Rig #3 895mL
SNUG-23-062 35081.7 84844.1 -7.9 -20.6 268.1 455.4 Rig #2 880mL
SNUG-23-063 34917.0 84910.9 -7.9 -6.6 280.0 326.1 Rig #3 895mL
SNUG-23-064 35094.0 84759.1 -50.7 -1.6 175.1 239.2 Rig #1 935mL
SNUG-23-065 34917.2 84910.9 -8.3 -18.4 280.2 321.5 Rig #3 895mL
SNUG-23-066 35082.4 84843.4 -9.1 -40.7 247.3 538.4 Rig #2 880mL
SNUG-23-067 35094.0 84759.1 -51.1 -11.5 175.5 530.2 Rig #1 935mL
SNUG-23-068 34916.9 84911.5 -7.9 -5.7 292.3 368.8 Rig #3 895mL
SNUG-23-069 35082.7 84843.1 -8.9 -42.8 235.2 545.1 Rig #2 880mL
SNUG-23-070 35094.1 84758.7 -51.7 -20.8 173.6 599.0 Rig #1 935mL
SNUG-23-071 34918.0 84908.7 -8.9 -26.2 258.7 320.4 Rig #3 895mL
SNUG-23-072 35083.7 84841.7 -8.9 -21.4 209.9 231.6 Rig #2 880mL
SNUG-23-073 34918.1 84908.6 -8.9 -39.6 260.0 341.3 Rig #3 895mL
SNUG-23-074 35084.2 84842.6 -8.9 -30.9 211.1 257.1 Rig #2 880mL
SNUG-23-075 35084.6 84843.4 -8.9 -41.6 211.8 274.7 Rig #2 880mL
洞號 Mine East 我的北方 海拔 我的方位角 孔長 評論
SNUG-23-013 35089.5 84760.8 -52.5 -43.8 226.5 545.1 鑽機 #1 935mL
SNUG-23-014 35089.3 84761.4 -52.4 -44.6 244.5 545.4 鑽機 #1 935mL
SNUG-23-015 35089.3 84760.7 -52.5 -37.4 224.4 523.7 鑽機 #1 935mL
SNUG-23-016 35083.5 84842.9 -9.0 -35.7 229.2 500.2 鑽機 #2 880mL
SNUG-23-017 35094.6 84759.5 -52.8 -35.3 155.3 548.8 鑽機 #1 935mL
SNUG-23-018 35083.6 84842.7 -9.0 -34.4 241.1 503.2 鑽機 #2 880mL
SNUG-23-019 34917.3 84909.7 -9.3 -44.1 268.3 149.2 鑽機 #3 895mL
SNUG-23-024 34917.3 84909.8 -8.4 -15.3 267.6 308.4 鑽機 #3 895mL
SNUG-23-025 35095.3 84760.3 -52.5 -32.2 157.0 551.3 鑽機 #1 935mL
SNUG-23-026 35083.7 84842.6 -9.0 -33.7 223.2 464.2 鑽機 #2 880mL
SNUG-23-027 34919.6 84906.8 -8.9 -28.0 214.6 314.4 鑽機 #3 895mL
SNUG-23-028 35095.4 84760.2 -52.0 -25.4 160.2 425.4 鑽機 #1 935mL
SNUG-23-029 35083.7 84843.0 -8.8 -40.9 253.4 299.2 鑽機 #2 880mL
SNUG-23-030 34918.5 84908.3 -8.9 -32.7 243.1 320.4 鑽機 #3 895mL
SNUG-23-031 35095.0 84759.7 -52.1 -18.9 148.9 191.7 鑽機 #1 935mL
SNUG-23-032 35082.5 84843.0 -8.9 -28.4 260.1 479.8 鑽機 #2 880mL
SNUG-23-033 34920.0 84906.2 -9.4 -32.7 204.6 370.3 鑽機 #3 895mL
SNUG-23-034 35094.6 84759.5 -52.6 -30.0 130.0 137.8 鑽機 #1 935mL
SNUG-23-035 35094.6 84759.4 -52.4 -27.1 130.2 665.4 鑽機 #1 935mL
SNUG-23-036 35081.5 84843.4 -9.0 -21.6 259.7 443.2 鑽機 #2 880mL
SNUG-23-037 34919.8 84906.5 -8.8 -24.1 202.9 278.2 鑽機 #3 895mL
SNUG-23-038 34919.3 84907.2 -9.0 -36.9 220.9 374.3 鑽機 #3 895mL
SNUG-23-039 34918.9 84907.6 -9.2 -43.1 230.1 407.5 鑽機 #3 895mL
SNUG-23-050 35081.6 84843.4 -8.3 -37.9 2606 302.0 鑽機 #2 880mL
SNUG-23-051 35094.4 84759.3 -51.9 -15.9 129.9 311.7 鑽機 #1 935mL
SNUG-23-052 35081.7 84843.7 -7.8 -17.0 255.0 5.1 鑽機 #2 880mL
SNUG-23-052A 35081.7 84843.7 -7.8 -17.5 255.2 395.0 鑽機 #2 880mL
SNUG-23-053 35095.1 84759.6 -51.5 -1.4 148.1 134.2 鑽機 #1 935mL
SNUG-23-054 34918.9 84907.5 -8.2 -12.5 224.5 224.4 鑽機 #3 895mL
SNUG-23-055 35094.4 84759.0 -50.8 -1.6 165.0 136.7 鑽機 #1 935mL
SNUG-23-056 35094.3 84759.1 -51.2 -13.9 164.9 354.0 鑽機 #1 935mL
SNUG-23-057 34918.2 84908.8 -7.8 -1.5 245.4 239.4 鑽機 #3 895mL
SNUG-23-058 34918.1 84908.8 -8.1 -11.5 246.1 257.8 鑽機 #3 895mL
SNUG-23-059 35081.6 84844.0 -7.7 -10.3 264.6 410.7 鑽機 #2 880mL
SNUG-23-060 35094.2 84759.2 -51.7 -28.4 163.9 373.7 鑽機 #1 935mL
SNUG-23-061 34917.5 84909.8 -7.9 -5.3 265.2 279.5 鑽機 #3 895mL
SNUG-23-062 35081.7 84844.1 -7.9 -20.6 268.1 455.4 鑽機 #2 880mL
SNUG-23-063 34917.0 84910.9 -7.9 -6.6 280.0 326.1 鑽機 #3 895mL
SNUG-23-064 35094.0 84759.1 -50.7 -1.6 175.1 239.2 鑽機 #1 935mL
SNUG-23-065 34917.2 84910.9 -8.3 -18.4 280.2 321.5 鑽機 #3 895mL
SNUG-23-066 35082.4 84843.4 -9.1 -40.7 247.3 538.4 鑽機 #2 880mL
SNUG-23-067 35094.0 84759.1 -51.1 -11.5 175.5 530.2 鑽機 #1 935mL
SNUG-23-068 34916.9 84911.5 -7.9 -5.7 292.3 368.8 鑽機 #3 895mL
SNUG-23-069 35082.7 84843.1 -8.9 -42.8 235.2 545.1 鑽機 #2 880mL
SNUG-23-070 35094.1 84758.7 -51.7 -20.8 173.6 599.0 鑽機 #1 935mL
SNUG-23-071 34918.0 84908.7 -8.9 -26.2 258.7 320.4 鑽機 #3 895mL
SNUG-23-072 35083.7 84841.7 -8.9 -21.4 209.9 231.6 鑽機 #2 880mL
SNUG-23-073 34918.1 84908.6 -8.9 -39.6 260.0 341.3 鑽機 #3 895mL
SNUG-23-074 35084.2 84842.6 -8.9 -30.9 211.1 257.1 鑽機 #2 880mL
SNUG-23-075 35084.6 84843.4 -8.9 -41.6 211.8 274.7 鑽機 #2 880mL

