
Falco Reaches Another Major Milestone and Confirms Admissibility of Its Horne 5 Project's Environmental Impact Assessment

Falco Reaches Another Major Milestone and Confirms Admissibility of Its Horne 5 Project's Environmental Impact Assessment

Falco達到了又一個重要里程碑,並確認其Horne 5項目的環境影響評估是可接受的
GlobeNewswire ·  03/27 19:00

MONTREAL, March 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Falco Resources Ltd. (TSX.V: FPC) ("Falco" or the "Corporation") is pleased to announce the receipt of confirmation of the admissibility of its Environmental Impact Assessment ("EIA") for the Horne 5 Project located in Rouyn-Noranda (the "Admissibility") from the Ministry of the Environment, the Fight Against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks ("MEFCCWP").

蒙特利爾,2024年3月27日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——法爾科資源有限公司(TSX.V:FPC)(“Falco” 或 “公司”)欣然宣佈,已收到環境、應對氣候變化、野生動物和公園部對位於魯安-諾蘭達的Horne 5項目(“可受理性”)的環境影響評估(“EIA”)的可受理性的確認 (“MEFCCWP”)。

Since the initial EIA filing in 2018, Falco has completed extensive field work and studies, in addition to providing the documentation in order to respond to questions and requests for information raised by the MEFCCWP. Driven by ESG principles, the EIA was conducted by a multidisciplinary team comprised of Falco's employees, experts and partners, and highlights the Horne 5 Project's benefits and impacts on its physical, biological and human environments. The EIA includes various measures to avoid, mitigate or compensate for these impacts, and to enhance the project's overall benefits, in a strong corporate governance environment. The EIA and all related documentation are publicly available on the Environmental Assessment Register of the MEFCCWP.

自2018年首次提交環境影響評估以來,Falco除了提供文件以回應MEFCCWP提出的問題和信息請求外,還完成了廣泛的實地工作和研究。在ESG原則的推動下,環境影響評估由Falco員工、專家和合作夥伴組成的多學科團隊進行,重點介紹了Horne 5項目對其物理、生物和人文環境的好處和影響。環境影響評估包括各種措施,以避免、減輕或補償這些影響,並在強大的公司治理環境中提高項目的整體收益。環境影響評估和所有相關文件均在MEFCCWP的環境評估登記冊上公開。

Luc Lessard, President and Chief Executive Officer of Falco noted: "In addition to the recent conclusion of the Operating License and Indemnity Agreement with Glencore Canada Corporation on January 23, 2024, the Horne 5 Project's EIA Admissibility from the MEFCCWP constitutes another significant milestone in advancing closer to the development and realization of the Horne 5 Project. Falco's team has been working extremely hard on the environmental permitting process, and the EIA Admissibility provides the path forward for the advancement of the Project. Although important steps remain, we strongly believe in the Horne 5 Project as a green and world-class polymetallic project that will benefit the surrounding communities. We would like to thank everyone involved at the MEFCCWP for their work and continued assistance throughout this process. Falco would also like to thank the communities of Rouyn-Noranda for their engaged and active participation and continuous support."

法爾科總裁兼首席執行官盧克·萊薩德指出:”除了最近於2024年1月23日與加拿大嘉能可公司簽訂的運營許可和賠償協議外,MEFCCWP的Horne 5項目的環境影響評估受理性是朝着更接近Horne 5項目的開發和實現邁進的又一個重要里程碑。Falco的團隊一直在環境許可程序上非常努力地工作,環境影響評估的可受理性爲該項目的推進提供了前進的道路。儘管仍有重要步驟,但我們堅信Horne 5項目是一個綠色和世界一流的多金屬項目,將使周邊社區受益。我們要感謝所有參與MEFCCWP的人在整個過程中所做的工作和持續的幫助。法爾科還要感謝魯安-諾蘭達社區的積極參與和持續支持。”

Public Hearing Process


The EIA Admissibility allows Falco to progress towards the public hearing process to be hosted by the Bureau d'audiences publiques sur l'environnement ("BAPE") following the issuance by the MEFCCWP of a BAPE mandate to conduct such public hearing process, which notably involves a 45-day public information period, beginning April 24, 2024, in addition to a 4-month public hearing process. Falco's stakeholders will be invited to this public information period which will allow them to meet Falco's team, ask questions and obtain information on the Horne 5 Project. For more information, please refer to the following MEFCCWP link:

環境影響評估的可受理性使Falco能夠在由Falco主持的公開聽證會方面取得進展 環境問題公共聽衆局 (“BAPE”)繼MEFCCWP發佈了BAPE授權進行此類公開聽證會程序之後,該程序主要涉及從2024年4月24日開始的45天公共信息期,以及爲期4個月的公開聽證會。Falco的利益相關者將被邀請參加這個公開信息期,這將使他們能夠與Falco的團隊會面,提問並獲取有關Horne 5項目的信息。欲了解更多信息,請參閱以下 MEFCCWP 鏈接:

Since 2019, Falco has been interacting and working with its host milieu and stakeholders, including its Consultation Committee. The comments, questions and ideas collected during these discussions have helped Falco gain a better understanding of the challenges and concerns of our stakeholders in order to develop a proposal for the Horne 5 Project that fosters the harmonious cohabitation of all stakeholders in the region with this mining project of a new generation.

自2019年以來,Falco一直在與其東道國環境和利益相關者(包括其磋商委員會)進行互動和合作。在這些討論中收集的評論、問題和想法幫助Falco更好地了解利益相關者的挑戰和擔憂,從而爲Horne 5項目制定提案,促進該地區所有利益相關者與這個新一代採礦項目的和諧共處。

Hélène Cartier, Vice President, Environment, Sustainable Development and Community Relations added: "We are extremely grateful to our stakeholders and host communities, who participate in our consultation activities and initiatives, allowing us to develop a great project for the Rouyn-Noranda region. We remain committed to continuing to develop a collaborative project and making it a source of pride for our communities. Our team is ready and proud to initiate the BAPE process."


About Falco

關於 Falco

Falco Resources Ltd. is one of the largest mineral claim holders in the Province of Québec, with extensive land holdings in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt. Falco owns approximately 67,000 hectares of land in the Noranda Mining Camp, which represents 67% of the entire camp and includes 13 former gold and base metal mine sites. Falco's principal asset is the Horne 5 Project located under the former Horne mine that was operated by Noranda from 1927 to 1976 and produced 11.6 million ounces of gold and 2.5 billion pounds of copper. Osisko Development Corp. is Falco's largest shareholder owning a 17.3% interest in the Corporation.

Falco Resources Ltd.是魁北克省最大的礦產索賠持有者之一,在阿比蒂比綠巖帶擁有大量土地。法爾科在諾蘭達採礦營地擁有約67,000公頃的土地,佔整個營地的67%,包括13個以前的金礦和賤金屬礦址。法爾科的主要資產是位於前霍恩礦下的霍恩5號項目,該礦在1927年至1976年期間由諾蘭達運營,生產了1160萬盎司的黃金和25億磅的銅。奧西斯科開發公司是法爾科的最大股東,擁有該公司17.3%的權益。

For further information, please contact:


Luc Lessard
President and Chief Executive Officer
514 261-3336

514 261-3336

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Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (together, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable securities laws, in particular Falco's ability to complete the BAPE, to obtain receipt of permits and approvals required to develop the Horne 5 Project and the ability of Falco to efficiently develop and operate the Horne 5 Project based on the terms of the Operating License and Indemnity Agreement concluded with Glencore Canada Corporation ("OLIA"). These statements are based on information currently available to the Corporation and the Corporation provides no assurance that actual results will meet management's expectations. The occurrence of such events or the realization of such statements is subject to a number of risk factors, including, without limitation, the ability of Falco to provide the financial assurance guarantees required by the OLIA and the exercise by Glencore Canada of rights under the OLIA which could affect the development and operation of the Horne 5 Project, together with the other risk factors identified in Falco's Annual Information Form and other continuous disclosure documents available at . Although Falco believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on these statements, which only apply as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. Except where required by applicable law, Falco disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述和前瞻性信息(共計,”前瞻性陳述“)根據適用的證券法,特別是Falco完成BAPE的能力,獲得開發Horne 5項目所需的許可證和批准的能力,以及Falco根據與加拿大嘉能可公司簽訂的運營許可和賠償協議條款有效開發和運營Horne 5項目的能力(”OLIA“)。這些聲明基於公司目前獲得的信息,公司不保證實際業績將符合管理層的預期。此類事件的發生或此類陳述的實現受多種風險因素的影響,包括但不限於Falco提供OLIA要求的財務擔保的能力,以及加拿大嘉能可根據OLIA行使可能影響Horne 5項目開發和運營的權利,以及Falco年度信息表和其他持續披露文件中確定的其他風險因素,可在以下網址查閱 。儘管法爾科認爲編制前瞻性陳述時使用的假設和因素是合理的,但不應過分依賴這些陳述,這些陳述僅適用於本新聞發佈之日,也無法保證此類事件將在披露的時間範圍內發生或根本無法保證。除非適用法律要求,否則Falco不打算或義務更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

