
Onyx Gold Launches 2024 Spring Drill Program at the Munro-Croesus Gold Project in Ontario

Onyx Gold Launches 2024 Spring Drill Program at the Munro-Croesus Gold Project in Ontario

Onyx Gold 在安大略省的 Munro-Croesus 黃金項目啓動 2024 年春季鑽探計劃
newsfile ·  03/26 19:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 26, 2024) - Onyx Gold Corp. (TSXV: ONYX) ("Onyx" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the start of the 2024 Spring Drill Program (the "Program") at its Munro-Croesus Project ("Munro-Croesus" of the "Project") in the Timmins gold camp, Ontario.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 3 月 26 日)- 瑪瑙金公司 (TSXV: ONYX) (”黑瑪瑙“或者”公司“)很高興地宣佈2024年春季演習計劃開始(”程式“) 在其 Munro-Croesus 項目中 (”Munro-Croesus“的”項目“)在安大略省蒂明斯金牌訓練營裏。

The Munro-Croesus is the most advanced of Onyx Gold's three Timmins Camp Properties. The Project includes several known high-grade veins and bulk tonnage systems, including the past-producing Croesus Gold Mine, which yielded some of the highest-grade gold ever mined in Ontario. One drill rig is at site with drilling now underway at the newly discovered high-grade GM Vein target.

Munro-Croesus 是 Onyx Gold 的三處蒂明斯營地產中最先進的。該項目包括幾種已知的高品位礦脈和散裝噸位系統,包括過去生產的Croesus金礦,該礦開採了安大略省有史以來最高品位的黃金。一臺鑽機在現場,目前正在新發現的高等級 GM Vein 目標處進行鑽探。

Spring Drill Program Objectives:


  • 3,000 m of diamond drilling (20-25 drill holes) is planned.
  • The program is budgeted at $800k and is estimated to take six weeks to complete.
  • Approximately 50% of the drill meterage will initially be dedicated to expanding the new high-grade GM Vein discovered in the 2023 Fall Drill Program and identifying new high-grade shoots along strike.
  • The remaining drill meterage will be dedicated to step-out drill holes on the bulk-tonnage-style Argus Zone discovered in 2022.
  • The Company is well funded to complete the Program, with over $4.2M in cash and marketable securities.
  • 計劃鑽探 3,000 米的金剛石(20-25 個鑽孔)。
  • 該計劃的預算爲80萬美元,估計需要六週才能完成。
  • 大約 50% 的鑽探計量最初將專門用於擴建在 2023 年秋季鑽探計劃中發現的新高品位通用礦脈,以及在走向沿線識別新的高品位炮擊。
  • 剩餘的鑽探計量將專門用於在2022年發現的散裝噸位式阿格斯區上的階梯鑽孔。
  • 該公司有充足的資金來完成該計劃,擁有超過420萬美元的現金和有價證券。

"We are very excited to be back drilling at Munro-Croesus," said Brock Colterjohn, President & CEO. "We are currently drilling at the newly discovered high-grade GM vein where we are testing for additional bonanza gold grade mineralization and potential high-grade shoots along strike. Once drilling is completed at GM, we will move to the bulk-tonnage Argus zone, where we doubled the strike length last year. Our objective at Argus is to enhance our understanding of the zone, particularly towards the west, where it likely converges with the Pipestone Fault. These two new discoveries in two years validate our strategy in the camp to take a holistic exploration approach in prime geological real estate that we continue to consolidate. We believe this program is timely given the current gold uptick and renewed interest in gold equities."


Click here for further comments on today's news from CEO Brock Colterjohn.


Discussion of Q1-2024 Munro-Croesus Drill Program

Q1-2024 Munro-Croesus 鑽探計劃的討論

The 2024 spring drill program at Munro-Croesus aims to follow up on the high-grade GM Vein discovered in the 2023 Fall Drill Program and the larger bulk-tonnage-style Argus Zone discovered in 2022. The 3,000 meters of drilling will be split between two areas: the GM Vein located 350m northwest of the historic Croesus Mine (Figure 3) and the Argus Zone (Figure 4) situated approximately four (4) kilometers along trend and northwest of Mayfair Gold's multi-million-ounce Fenn Gib gold deposit.

Munro-Croesus的2024年春季鑽探計劃旨在對2023年秋季鑽探計劃中發現的高品位轉基因礦脈和2022年發現的更大的散裝噸位式阿格斯區域採取後續行動。3,000 米的鑽探將分爲兩個區域:位於歷史悠久的 Croesus 礦西北 350 米處的 GM 礦脈 (圖 3)和阿格斯區(圖 4)位於梅費爾金業數百萬盎司的芬恩吉布金礦牀沿線約四(4)千米處和西北方。

GM Vein


The GM Vein was discovered in the 2023 fall drill program when drill hole MC23-132 intersected a 30 cm wide quartz vein with abundant visible gold that returned 363 grams per tonne ("g/t") (10.59 ounces per ton ("opt")) gold over 0.3 meters. This intersection represents the single highest assay in the Company's drill hole database for the Project. The high-grade vein occurs within a broader zone of mineralization averaging 121.8 g/t (3.55 opt) Au over 0.9 meters and was intersected approximately 60 meters vertically below surface. This discovery represents an entirely new bonanza-grade quartz vein in a geological setting comparable to the mined-out, very high-grade Croesus vein, located 350 meters to the southeast, along the prospective Croesus pillowed mafic flow.

GM 礦脈是在 2023 年秋季鑽探計劃中發現的,當時 MC23-132 鑽孔與一條 30 厘米寬的石英礦脈相交,石英礦脈上有大量可見的金回歸 每噸 363 克(“g/t”)(每噸 10.59 盎司(“可選”))超過 0.3 米的黃金。該交叉點是該公司該項目鑽孔數據庫中最高的單次檢測。高品位礦脈位於更寬的礦化平均區域內 121.8 克/噸(3.55 可選)金 超過 0.9 米 並在地表以下垂直方向約60米處相交。這一發現代表了一條全新的博南扎級石英礦脈,其地質環境與位於東南350米處的開採的高品位Croesus礦脈相當,位於潛在的Croesus枕狀基質流沿線。

Approximately 50% of the drill meterage will be allocated to the GM Vein for the following objectives:

大約 50% 的鑽探計量將分配給通用汽車礦脈,用於以下目標:

  • expand the known high-grade gold mineralization around drill hole MC23-132 by determining a potential plunge control on the gold "shoots";
  • identify new, repeated "shoots" by targeting the GM Vein along strike; and
  • test for a carbonaceous, sulfidic "flow top" breccia at the stratigraphic top of the unique Croesus Flow along strike from the GM Vein discovery. This distinctive breccia hosts the higher-grade portion of the Croesus Vein and represents an attractive reducing environment for gold deposition.
  • 通過確定對金 “枝條” 的潛在跌落控制,擴大 MC23-132 鑽孔周圍已知的高品位金礦化範圍;
  • 通過在攻擊中瞄準轉基因靜脈,識別新的、重複的 “射擊”;以及
  • 沿着轉基因礦脈發現的走向,在獨特的Croesus Flow的地層頂部測試碳質硫化物 “流頂” 角礫岩。這種獨特的角礫岩擁有克洛埃蘇斯礦脈中更高品位的部分,爲金沉積提供了一個有吸引力的還原環境。

Argus Zone


The Argus Zone is located three kilometers west-northwest of the past-producing Croesus Gold Mine and immediately north of the Pipestone Fault. It is a broad zone of near-surface gold mineralization within the influence of the regional gold-bearing Pipestone Fault. The Argus Zone has now been defined over a strike length of 525m and a width of 200m and remains open in all directions.


The remaining 50% of the drill meterage will be dedicated to the Argus Zone. The objective of drilling is to:


  • expand the known mineralized gold zone beyond the current strike length of 525 meters and 200-meter thickness through a series of 100-meter step-out holes to the west towards the convergence of the Argus Zone with the regional Pipestone Fault;
  • follow up with 50-meter step-out holes on the best intersection from the fall 2023 drilling (0.96 g/t Au over 27.6 m in drill hole MC23-140); and
  • test the continuity of the Argus Zone to the west in an area of structural complexity with a coincident airborne magnetic low and define the interpreted late cross-faulting that is expected to offset the Argus Zone and Pipestone Fault towards the south.
  • 通過一系列向西的100米階出孔,將已知的礦化金區擴大到目前的525米和200米厚度的走向之外,朝着阿格斯區與區域派普斯通斷層的匯合點方向發展;
  • 隨後在 2023 年秋季鑽探的最佳十字路口處鑽出 50 米的階梯孔 (27.6 m 以上 0.96 g/t Au 在鑽孔中(MC23-140);以及
  • 在結構複雜的區域測試阿格斯區域向西的連續性,並定義解釋的晚期交叉斷層,該斷層預計將向南偏移阿格斯區域和派普斯通斷層。

The Program is estimated to take six weeks to complete. Assay results will be released on an ongoing basis pending review and meeting Company quality assurance-quality control protocols.


The Munro-Croesus Project

Munro-Croesus 項目

The Munro-Croesus Project is located along Highway 101 in the heart of the Abitibi greenstone belt, Canada's premier gold mining jurisdiction (Figure 1). This large, 100% owned land package includes the past-producing Croesus Gold Mine, which yielded some of the highest-grade gold ever mined in Ontario. Extensive land consolidation from 2020-2023 has unified the patchwork of patented and unpatented mining claims surrounding the Croesus Gold Mine into one coherent package (Figure 2) and enhanced the exploration potential of the Project.

Munro-Croesus 項目位於 101 號高速公路沿線,位於加拿大首屈一指的金礦開採管轄區阿比提比綠巖帶的中心地帶 (圖 1)。這座 100% 自有的大型土地一攬子計劃包括過去生產的Croesus金礦,該金礦開採的黃金是安大略省有史以來開採的最高品位的黃金。從2020-2023年起,進行了大規模的土地整合,將圍繞Croesus金礦的專利和非專利採礦索賠的拼湊而成的統一爲一個連貫的一攬子計劃(圖 2)並增強了該項目的勘探潛力。

The Project covers 70 km2 (27 mi2) of highly prospective geology within the influence of major gold-bearing structural breaks. Bulk-tonnage gold deposits located in the immediate region include the Fenn-Gib gold project being developed by Mayfair Gold Corp. that contains an Indicated Resource of 3.38 Moz at 0.93 g/t Au and an Inferred Resource of 157 koz at 0.85 g/t Au, and the Tower Gold Project being developed by Moneta Gold Inc. that contains an open pit Indicated Resource of 4.46 Moz at 0.92 g/t Au and an Inferred Resource of 8.29 Moz at 1.09 g/t Au1.

該項目覆蓋 70 千米2 (27 英里)2)在主要含金結構斷裂的影響下,地質前景廣闊。位於附近地區的散裝噸位金礦牀包括梅費爾黃金公司正在開發的芬恩-吉布金礦項目,該項目包含3.38 Moz(0.93 g/t Au)和推斷資源量爲157 koz(0.85 g/t Au),以及莫內塔黃金公司正在開發的塔金項目,該項目包含4.46 Moz、0.92 g/t Au的推斷資源和推斷資源爲在 1.09 克/噸金時爲 8.29 摩茲1

Figure 1 - Onyx Gold's Land Position In Timmins, Ontario

圖 1-Onyx Gold 在安大略省蒂明斯的土地位置

Figure 2 - Location of Munro-Croesus Gold Project, Ontario

圖 2-安大略省 Munro-Croesus 黃金項目的位置

Figure 3 - Plan Map of 2023 Highlights from the GM Vein & Croesus Mine Area

圖 3-2023 年 GM Vein & Croesus 礦區亮點規劃圖

Figure 4 - Plan Map of 2023 Drill Highlights from the Argus Zone

圖 4-阿格斯區 2023 年鑽探要點的計劃圖

About the Timmins Area Gold Properties


Onyx owns 100% of each of its three Timmins properties. The Munro-Croesus Gold Project is located approximately 75 kilometers (47 miles) east of Timmins, proximal to the Porcupine-Destor and Pipestone Faults, and approximately two kilometers (1.2 miles) northwest and along trend of Mayfair Gold Corp.'s multi-million ounce Fenn-Gib gold deposit. Mining occurred intermittently at Munro-Croesus between 1915 and 1936. The Golden Mile 140 square kilometer (54 square miles) property is located nine kilometers (5.6 miles) northeast of Newmont's multi-million-ounce Hoyle Pond deposit in Timmins. The Timmins South (Golden Perimeter) 187 square kilometers (72 square miles) property is located to the south and southeast of Timmins and surrounds the Shaw dome structure.

Onyx擁有其三處蒂明斯房產的100%股份。Munro-Croesus Gold Project 位於蒂明斯以東約 75 千米(47 英里)處,靠近 Porcupine-Destor 和 Pipestone 斷層,向西北約兩千米(1.2 英里),沿梅費爾黃金公司往前走數百萬盎司的 Fenn-Gib 金礦。1915 年至 1936 年間,芒羅-克羅蘇斯斷斷續續地進行了採礦。這座佔地140平方千米(54平方英里)的黃金地產位於蒂明斯紐蒙特數百萬盎司的霍伊爾池塘礦牀東北九千米(5.6英里)處。蒂明斯南部(黃金邊界)佔地187平方公里(72平方英里)的房產位於蒂明斯的南部和東南部,環繞着肖穹頂結構。

About Onyx Gold

關於 Onyx Gold

Onyx Gold is an exploration company focused on well-established Canadian mining jurisdictions, with assets in Timmins, Ontario, and Yukon Territory. The Company's extensive portfolio of quality gold projects in the greater Timmins gold camp includes the Munro-Croesus Gold property, renowned for its high-grade mineralization, plus two additional earlier-stage large exploration properties, Golden Mile and Timmins South. Onyx Gold also controls four properties in the Selwyn Basin area of Yukon Territory, which is currently gaining significance due to recent discoveries in the area. Onyx Gold's experienced board and senior management team are committed to creating shareholder value through the discovery process, careful allocation of capital, and environmentally/socially responsible mineral exploration.

Onyx Gold是一家勘探公司,專注於加拿大完善的採礦司法管轄區,資產位於蒂明斯、安大略省和育空地區。該公司在大蒂明斯金礦區擁有廣泛的優質黃金項目組合,包括以其高品位礦化而聞名的Munro-Croesus Gold地產,以及另外兩個較早階段的大型勘探地產,即黃金地帶和蒂明斯南部。Onyx Gold還控制着育空地區塞爾溫盆地地區的四處房產,由於該地區最近的發現,該地區的四處房產目前正變得越來越重要。Onyx Gold經驗豐富的董事會和高級管理團隊致力於通過發現過程、謹慎的資本配置和對環境/社會負責的礦產勘探創造股東價值。

On Behalf of Onyx Gold Corp.

代表 Onyx Gold Corp.

"Brock Colterjohn"

Brock Colterjohn

President & CEO


For further information, please visit the Onyx Gold Corp. website at or contact:

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 Onyx Gold Corp. 網站或聯繫:

Brock Colterjohn, President & CEO
Nicole Hoeller, VP of Corporate Communications

Brock Colterjohn,總裁兼首席執行官
Nicole Hoeller,企業傳播副總裁

Phone: 1-604-629-1165 or North American toll-free 1-855-629-1165
Email: or
Twitter : @ HYPERLINK ""OnyxGoldCorp

電話: 1-604-629-1165 或北美免費電話 1-855-629-1165
電子郵件 或。
推特:@ HYPERLINK “” onyxGoldCorp

Additional Notes:


1. Fenn-Gib Gold Project and Tower Gold Project mineral resources compiled from public sources and are provided for general information purposes. Readers are cautioned that the Company has no interest in or right to acquire any interest in adjacent properties and they are not indicative of mineral deposits on the Company's properties or any potential exploration thereof.


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Forward-Looking information: This news release includes certain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation and "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (collectively "forward-looking statements").

前瞻性信息:本新聞稿包括加拿大證券立法所指的某些 “前瞻性信息” 和1995年《美國私人證券訴訟改革法》所指的 “前瞻性陳述”(統稱爲 “前瞻性陳述”)。

Forward-Looking statements include predictions, projections, and forecasts and are often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "seek", "anticipate", "believe", "plan", "estimate", "forecast", "expect", "potential", "project", "target", "schedule", "budget" and "intend" and statements that an event or result "may", "will", "should", "could" or "might" occur or be achieved and other similar expressions and includes the negatives thereof. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this release, including, without limitation, statements regarding the Company's planned exploration programs and drill programs and potential significance of results are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Forward-Looking statements are based on a number of material factors and assumptions. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from Company's expectations include actual exploration results, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, results of future resource estimates, future metal prices, availability of capital, and financing on acceptable terms, general economic, market or business conditions, uninsured risks, regulatory changes, defects in title, availability of personnel, materials, and equipment on a timely basis, accidents or equipment breakdowns, delays in receiving government approvals, unanticipated environmental impacts on operations and costs to remedy same, and other exploration or other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the filings made by the Company with securities regulators. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events, or results to differ from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause such actions, events, or results to differ materially from those anticipated. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, and accordingly readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

前瞻性陳述包括預測、預測和預測,通常但並非總是使用 “尋求”、“預測”、“相信”、“計劃”、“估計”、“預測”、“預期”、“潛在”、“項目”、“目標”、“時間表”、“預算” 和 “打算” 等詞語來識別,並陳述某一事件或結果 “可能”、“將”、“應該”,“可能” 或 “可能” 出現或實現以及其他類似的表述,包括其否定詞。除歷史事實陳述外,本新聞稿中包含的所有陳述,包括但不限於有關公司計劃勘探計劃和鑽探計劃以及結果潛在意義的陳述,均爲前瞻性陳述,涉及各種風險和不確定性。無法保證此類陳述會被證明是準確的,實際結果和未來事件可能與此類聲明中的預期有重大差異。前瞻性陳述基於許多重要因素和假設。可能導致實際結果與公司預期存在重大差異的重要因素包括實際勘探結果、計劃不斷完善後項目參數的變化、未來資源估算的結果、未來金屬價格、資本可用性和可接受條件的融資、總體經濟、市場或商業狀況、未投保的風險、監管變化、所有權缺陷、人員、材料和設備的及時可用性、事故或設備故障、延遲獲得政府批准,對運營的意想不到的環境影響和補救成本,以及其他勘探或其他風險,在本公司向證券監管機構提交的文件中不時詳述。儘管公司試圖確定可能導致實際行動、事件或結果與前瞻性陳述中描述的有所不同的重要因素,但可能還有其他因素導致此類行動、事件或結果與預期存在重大差異。無法保證前瞻性陳述會被證明是準確的,因此提醒讀者不要過分依賴前瞻性陳述。

