
Unilever Food Solutions Unveils 'Future Menus 2024'

Unilever Food Solutions Unveils 'Future Menus 2024'

聯合利華食品解決方案推出 “2024年未來菜單”
PR Newswire ·  03/26 17:30

New Trend Report spotlights Gen Z's influence on food industry and opportunities for chefs


ROTTERDAM, Netherlands, March 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Unilever Foods Solutions (UFS) has released its annual trend report, Future Menus 2024, which sets out the eight global trends shaping the food service industry. The key shifts expected in restaurants this year include a rising demand for unexpected flavour combinations, the mainstreaming of plant-based dishes, and a focus on maximising ingredients to reduce food waste in the kitchen.1

荷蘭鹿特丹,2024年3月26日 /PRNewswire/ — 聯合利華食品解決方案(UFS)發佈了其年度趨勢報告, 2024 年未來菜單,它闡述了塑造餐飲服務行業的八個全球趨勢。預計今年餐廳的主要轉變包括對意想不到的口味組合的需求不斷增加,植物性菜餚的主流化,以及注重最大限度地利用食材以減少廚房的食物浪費。1

Generation Z, known for their substantial spending on dining out and for regularly making dining choices based on social media content2, are influencing dining experiences around the world. The report highlights a demand from this generation for 'Flavour Shock', characterized by unexpected flavour combinations and twists on classic dishes such as incorporating Mexican sauces to create modern pastas.

Z 世代,以在外出就餐上的巨額支出以及定期根據社交媒體內容做出用餐選擇而聞名2,正在影響世界各地的用餐體驗。該報告強調了這一代人對以下方面的需求 'Flavor Shock',其特點是意想不到的口味組合和對經典菜餚的改動,例如加入墨西哥醬汁來製作現代意大利麪。

To support chefs in creating these surprising flavour combinations, UFS provides its customers with key techniques such as smoking, pickling and fermenting as a way to combine different tastes and textures, as well as products that deliver on flavour while reducing preparation time. Off the back of this demand for cooking aids, Knorr Professional's bouillons and seasonings grew 15% last year.


With 48% of Generation Z considering how environmentally responsible, or sustainable a product or service is as the most important factor when making a purchase decision3, chefs are also seeing an increased demand for 'Low-Waste Menus'. In the face of sustainability concerns, 65% of food service operators consider this trend the most relevant and expect this trend to grow.4 To help chefs deliver on this, UFS provides techniques on how to utilise ingredients fully, including tips on using scraps and trimmings to create secondary dishes.

有48%的Z世代認爲產品或服務的環境責任或可持續性是做出購買決策時最重要的因素3,廚師們也看到需求增加 “低浪費菜單”。 面對可持續發展問題,65%的餐飲服務運營商認爲這一趨勢最爲重要,並預計這一趨勢將增長。4 爲了幫助廚師實現這一目標,UFS提供了有關如何充分利用食材的技巧,包括使用殘渣和配料製作輔助菜餚的技巧。

When it comes to offering plant-based menu items, despite reports that veganism is on the decline, diners continue to seek more variety in their meal choices, with the report highlighting 'Irresistible Vegetables' as a continued trend. Generation Z is the most likely to be interested in vegetarian, vegan, and conscious eating options.5 To help chefs deliver plant-based options that don't compromise on taste, UFS has seen an increased demand for Hellmann's Vegan Mayo which has experienced 50% compound annual growth over the last two years.

在提供植物性菜單方面,儘管有報道稱素食主義呈下降趨勢,但食客仍在尋求更多種類的膳食選擇,報告強調了不可抗拒的蔬菜'是一種持續的趨勢。Z 世代最有可能對素食、純素食和有意識的飲食選擇感興趣。5 爲了幫助廚師提供不影響口味的植物性食品,UFS看到了對Hellmann純素蛋黃醬的需求增加,在過去兩年中,該產品的複合年增長率爲50%。

Star Chen CEO Unilever Food Solutions said: "Unilever Food Solutions (UFS) is a business of chefs for chefs. The expertise of our global network of in-house chefs informs everything we do, including the development of unmissably superior products from our power brands Knorr Professional and Hellmann's, as well as solutions that help chefs deliver consistently stand-out dishes, in less time."

聯合利華食品解決方案首席執行官陳星表示:“聯合利華食品解決方案(UFS)是一家由廚師爲廚師服務的企業。我們的全球內部廚師網絡的專業知識爲我們所做的一切提供了信息,包括開發我們的強力品牌Knorr Professional和Hellmann's不可錯過的優質產品,以及幫助廚師在更短的時間內持續提供出色菜餚的解決方案。”

"By providing chefs with products that reduce food preparation time, whilst satisfying growing consumer appetite for on-trend dishes, UFS has seen consistent growth, now accounting for 20% of the Unilever Nutrition business," said Star Chen.


UFS is helping chefs tap into these menu trends by providing recipe inspiration, culinary training, and professional products to more than 3 million food service operators around the world, contributing to double-digit growth for the UFS business in 2023.


The second annual Future Menu Trends Report 2024 features recipes, insights, and practical tips drawn from the expertise of 250 in-house UFS chefs and elaborative feedback of more than 1,600 chef professionals across 21 markets, with the aim to assist foodservice operators worldwide in meeting evolving diner needs.


  1. The Forge Trendsetter Report, July 2023.
  2. GlobalData Economy TrendSights Analysis: Experience Economy, 2023.
  3. GlobalData Global Consumer Survey, Sustainability & Ethics, Q2 2023.
  4. Kantar e-Panel Global Trendsetter Report, August 2023.
  5. Gen Z Is Craving A More Sustainable Food System, McKinsey & Company, 2022.
  1. 《Forge 潮流引領者報告》,2023 年 7 月。
  2. 全球數據經濟趨勢分析:體驗經濟,2023 年。
  3. 全球數據全球消費者調查,可持續發展與道德,2023年第二季度。
  4. 凱度電子面板全球潮流引領者報告,2023年8月。
  5. Z世代渴望更可持續的糧食系統,麥肯錫公司,2022年。

About this report


The Unilever Food Solutions (UFS) Future Menu Trends Report 2024 was compiled from robust global data and extensive chef inputs, including industry reports of leading third-party sources, social media analytics using 77K keywords representing 69M searches across more than 21 countries, perspectives from UFS' 250 professional chefs and elaborative feedback of more than 1,600 chef professionals located in 21 markets worldwide via UFS e-panels. The Future Menu Trends Report findings have been translated into practical, action-driven solutions for foodservice operators globally, including recipe suggestions, preparation techniques and ingredient solutions operators can use on their menus. The eight trends are: Flavour Shock, Low-Waste Menus, Plant Powered Protein, Irresistible Vegetables, Local Abundance, Modernised Comfort Food, The New Sharing, and Feel-Good Food.

聯合利華食品解決方案(UFS)《2024年未來菜單趨勢報告》是根據強大的全球數據和大量廚師意見編制而成的,包括領先的第三方來源的行業報告、使用代表超過21個國家的6900萬次搜索的7.7萬個關鍵字的社交媒體分析、UFS250名專業廚師的觀點以及來自全球21個市場的1,600多名廚師通過UFS電子面板提供的詳盡反饋。《未來菜單趨勢報告》的調查結果已轉化爲面向全球餐飲服務運營商的切實可行、以行動爲導向的解決方案,包括食譜建議、製備技術和運營商可以在菜單上使用的配料解決方案。八個趨勢是: 味覺衝擊低浪費菜單植物動力蛋白不可抗拒的蔬菜當地豐富現代化的舒適食品全新共享,以及 Feel-Good 的食物

About Unilever Food Solutions


Unilever Food Solutions (UFS), part of Unilever's Nutrition Business Group, operates in over 70 countries as a dedicated supplier for the food service industry. With over 250 professional in-house chefs, UFS has a leading-edge portfolio featuring power brands Knorr Professional and Hellmann's. We offer food service professionals superior products, menu solutions, and comprehensive training and support for kitchen teams. Through Future Menus, UFS provides chefs with on-trend recipe inspiration and sustainable menu ideas. For details, visit .

聯合利華食品解決方案(UFS)是聯合利華營養業務集團的一部分,作爲餐飲服務行業的專門供應商,在70多個國家開展業務。UFS 擁有 250 多名專業內部廚師,擁有領先的產品組合,包括強力品牌家樂專業和赫爾曼品牌。我們爲餐飲服務專業人員提供卓越的產品、菜單解決方案以及爲廚房團隊提供全面的培訓和支持。通過未來菜單,UFS爲廚師提供流行的食譜靈感和可持續的菜單創意。有關詳情,請訪問。

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