
FPH Upgrades Earnings Guidance Driven by Currency Rate Movements

FPH Upgrades Earnings Guidance Driven by Currency Rate Movements

sharecafe ·  03/22 05:43

Good news and bad news on Friday from NZ-based Fisher and Paykel Healthcare.

總部位於新西蘭的費舍爾和Paykel Healthcare週五有好消息和壞消息。

Ahead of the March 31 end to its financial year, the company has revealed an upgrade to guidance but it also disclosed that it is facing a hit from a potential fall in property values (which will be a non-cash item in the results).


The company told exchanges on both sides of the Tasman that it had lifted its revenue and earnings outlook for the about to finish financial year.


The company said its full year guidance previously provided on November 29 last year was based on a "NZ:US exchange rate of 58 cents, was for operating revenue to be approximately $1.7 billion and net profit after tax to be in the range of approximately $250 million to $260 million."

該公司表示,其先前於去年11月29日提供的全年指引是基於 “新西蘭與美國的匯率爲58美分,營業收入約爲17億美元,稅後淨利潤約在2.5億美元至2.6億美元之間。”

"Now, assuming a NZ:US exchange rate of approximately 61 cents for the balance of the financial year, the company expects full year operating revenue to be approximately $1.73 billion and underlying profit after tax (excluding any fair value changes) to be in the range of approximately $260 million to $265 million


"In the Hospital product group, there has been a continuation of solid demand for our hospital consumables across the product portfolio throughout the second half, which is towards the upper end of our expectations from November," according to CEO, Lewis Gradon.


""In OSA masks, we have continued to see strong performance from our Evora Full mask. We have received positive feedback on our revolutionary F&P Solo mask after the recent release in early markets, and we look forward to its introduction in more countries in the coming months."

“” 在 OSA 口罩中,我們繼續看到我們的 Evora Full 口罩的強勁性能。我們的革命性F&P Solo面具最近在早期市場上發佈後,我們收到了積極的反饋,我們期待在未來幾個月內將其推廣到更多國家。”

But Fisher and Paykel also warned however that its property valuations are likely to be impaired - with the extent of the impact on 2024 earnings unknown at this stage.


"The company will shortly be commencing a scheduled valuation of the properties that it owns in East Tmaki and Karaka, Auckland and in Tijuana, Mexico as at 31 March 2024.


"In preliminary discussions we have been advised that the higher interest rate environment and current zoning status of our land in Karaka will likely have an adverse impact on the Karaka property valuation.


"Any reduction in the value of the Karaka land would be recognised as a non-cash accounting adjustment in the income statement and will impact our reported net profit after tax for the year. The quantum of any potential reduction in value is currently unknown, and our FY24 earnings guidance excludes this non-cash effect," he said.

“卡拉卡土地價值的任何減少都將在損益表中被確認爲非現金會計調整,並將影響我們報告的當年稅後淨利潤。目前尚不清楚任何潛在價值減少的幅度,我們的24財年收益指引不包括這種非現金效應,” 他說。

"Asset valuations will be undertaken by independent valuers, are subject to final audit and will be confirmed in the financial results for the year ending 31 March 2024, expected to be announced on 29 May 2024.


"Development of the new campus will occur over the next 30 to 40 years. We expect to submit our application for re-zoning of the Karaka land next financial year and the approvals to be granted over the coming years, Grasdon added.



