
StrategX Expands Nagvaak Critical Metals and Graphite Discovery With 45.6m Drill Core Interval

StrategX Expands Nagvaak Critical Metals and Graphite Discovery With 45.6m Drill Core Interval

StrategX 以 4560 萬的鑽芯間隔擴大了 Nagvaak 關鍵金屬和石墨的發現範圍
newsfile ·  03/21 19:41

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 21, 2024) - StrategX Elements Corp. (CSE: STGX) ("StrategX" or the "Company") reports a 45.6-metre drill core interval within the identified 6-kilometre mineralized corridor rich in critical metals, which shows great potential in all directions. This interval is located 4 kilometres from the initial discovery drill hole which returned 58 metres of 2.63% copper equivalent as detailed in our previous press release (click here to view). Furthermore, preliminary results have returned significant high-grade graphite >20% Cg, much higher than typically observed in other graphite deposits in North America.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(新聞檔案公司,2024年3月21日)——StrategX Elements Corp.(CSE:STGX)(“StrategX” 或 “公司”)報告稱,在已確定的6公里富含關鍵金屬的礦化走廊內有45.6米的鑽芯間隔,這在各個方向都顯示出巨大的潛力。該間隔距離最初的發現鑽孔4千米,該鑽孔返回了58米的銅當量2.63%,詳見我們之前的新聞稿(點擊此處查看)。此外,初步結果顯示,顯著的高品位石墨含量大於 20%,遠高於在北美其他石墨礦牀中觀察到的通常值。



  • A significant drill core interval of 45.6m returns 0.41% vanadium pentoxide, 0.26% nickel, 0.14% copper, 0.035% molybdenum, 8.3 g/t silver, 0.10 g/t gold+PGE, and 0.36% zinc.
  • Noteworthy assay values up to 0.59% vanadium pentoxide, 0.54% nickel, 0.31% copper, 0.054% molybdenum, 14.2 g/t silver, 0.27 g/t gold+PGE, and 3.65% zinc.
  • Potential economic importance of graphite discovery realized.
  • High-quality graphite in drill core from 15.4m to 41.0m with grades reaching up to 34.9% Cg.
  • Large tonnage potential exceeding >100Mt in both critical metals and graphite.
  • 4560萬的顯著鑽芯間隔可返回0.41%的五氧化二釩、0.26%的鎳、0.14%的銅、0.035%的鉬、8.3克/噸的銀、0.10克/噸的金+PGE和0.36%的鋅。
  • 值得注意的測定值高達0.59%的五氧化二釩、0.54%的鎳、0.31%的銅、0.054%的鉬、14.2克/噸的銀、0.27克/噸的金+PGE和3.65%的鋅。
  • 石墨髮現的潛在經濟重要性得以實現。
  • 鑽芯中的高品質石墨從 15.4 米到 41.0 米,品位可達 34.9% Cg。
  • 關鍵金屬和石墨的大噸位潛力均超過100Mt。

Nagvaak Critical Metals + Graphite Discovery

Nagvaak 關鍵金屬 + 石墨髮現

Critical Metals
StrategX continued the program of sampling the historical diamond drill core completed by BHP. The recently sampled drill hole DDH#17 is located 4 kilometres east of the first drill core results from DDH#14 (see Figure 1), which returned 58 metres of 2.63% copper equivalent. DDH#17 returned 45.6 metres of 0.41% V2O5, 0.26% Ni, 0.14% Cu, 0.035% Mo, 8.3 g/t Ag, 0.10 g/t Au+PGE, and 0.36% Zn (See Figure 2). These positive drill core results occur below highly anomalous surface rock samples taken from mineralized gossans (see Photo 1) and correlate well with the geophysical anomalies highlighted in Figure 1.

StrategX繼續對必和必拓完成的歷史鑽石鑽芯進行採樣計劃。最近採樣的鑽孔 DDH #17 位於 DDH #14 的第一批鑽孔岩心結果以東 4 公里處(見圖 1),該鑽孔返回了 58 米的 2.63% 銅當量。DDH #17 返回 45.6 米 0.41% V2O5、0.26% 鎳、0.14% 銅、0.035% 鉬、8.3 g/t Ag、0.10 g/t Au+PGE 和 0.36% 鋅(見圖 2)。這些積極的鑽芯結果出現在從礦化高山採集的高度異常的地表岩石樣本下方(見照片 1),與圖 1 中突出顯示的地球物理異常密切相關。

Figure 1 - Nagvaak Target Map showing location of DDH#17

圖 1-顯示 DDH 位置的 Nagvaak 目標地圖 #17

Figure 2 - Critical Metals & Graphite Grade Profiles for DDH#17

圖 2-DDH 的關鍵金屬和石墨等級概況 #17

Photo 1 - Mineralized gossan looking westward near DDH#17 toward historical drilling DDH #1 & 2, and further west DDH #14

照片 1-礦化鵝在 DDH #17 附近向西望向歷史鑽探 DDH #1 和 2,再往西看 DDH #14

Nagvaak Graphite
The preliminary graphite results returned impressive grades up to 34.9% Cg with a significant portion of samples grading over 20% Cg. The results are some of the highest grades reported in North America and rank high with the world's graphite deposits and mines (see Figure 3).

Nagvaak 石墨
初步的石墨結果顯示了令人印象深刻的品位,最高可達 34.9% Cg,很大一部分樣品的重量超過 20% Cg。這些結果是北美報告的最高品位之一,在世界石墨礦牀和礦山中排名靠前(見圖 3)。

Source: World's richest graphite ore deposits. Deposits ranked by mean carbon content (wt. %), collated from publicly available technical reports for exploration projects. Parnell J, Brolly C, and Boyce AJ. Graphite from Paleoproterozoic enhanced carbon burial, and its metallogenic legacy. Geological Magazine

來源: 世界上最豐富的石墨礦牀。礦牀按平均碳含量(重量%)排序,整理自勘探項目的公開技術報告。帕內爾 J、Brolly C 和 Boyce AJ。來自古元古代的石墨增強了碳掩埋及其成礦遺產。地質雜誌

Figure 3 - World's richest graphite ore deposits. Deposits ranked by % Carbon content.

圖 3-世界上最豐富的石墨礦牀。礦牀按碳含量百分比排序。

Furthermore, the characteristics of the recently analyzed graphite in the core are comparable to the results previously announced in a press release (click here to view). Below are photos of the core in DDH#17 and the link to the table of assay results (click here to view).

此外,最近分析的岩心中石墨的特性與先前在新聞稿中公佈的結果相當(點擊此處查看)。以下是 DDH #17 中核心的照片和化驗結果表的鏈接(點擊此處查看)。

Photo A: graphitic schist with 20% Cg and Mo, Ni, Zn and Ag mineralization from 22-23m.

照片 A: 22-23m 處含有 20% Cg 和 Mo、Ni、Zn 和 Ag 礦化的石墨片岩。

Photo B: up to 300-micron graphite flakes observed in thin sections from 27-28m. 2,380 ppm Ni, 283 ppm Mo, and 1,915 ppm Cu.

照片 B:在 27-28 米的薄片中觀察到高達 300 微米的石墨片。2,380 ppm Ni、283 ppm Mo 和 1,915 ppm Cu。

Photo C: 34.9% graphitic carbon in the sample from 36 to 37m - brecciated graphitic schist.

照片 C: 樣品中34.9%的石墨碳在36至37m之間-角礫岩石墨片岩。

Qualified Person
The geological and technical data contained in this press release was reviewed and approved by Gary Wong, P. Eng., a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿中包含的地質和技術數據經過 Gary Wong, P. Eng. 的審查和批准,他是《國家儀器 43-101 礦業項目披露標準》所定義的合格人士。

Sampling & QA/QC
All core samples were of historically sawn half-core and no verification of the original sawing and sampling techniques, or core recovery calculations was possible. Samples taken were of pre-existing half-core and submitted to ALS Geochemistry for analysis. Samples were crushed entirely to 70% passing - 2mm, 250g split off and pulverized to better than 85% passing 75 microns. Multi-Element Ultra Trace uses a four-acid digestion performed on a 0.25g sample to quantitatively dissolve most geological materials culminating in analytical analysis performed with a combination of ICP-AES and ICP-MS (method ME-MS61). From there, either PGM-ICP23 or Au-ICP21 was used, depending on whether platinum group metals were suspected. Both methods use a 30g lead fire assay with ICP-AES finish. Graphitic C is determined by digesting a sample in 50% HCl to evolve carbonate as CO2. The residue is filtered, washed, dried, and then roasted at 425C. The roasted residue is analyzed for carbon by oxidation, induction furnace and infrared spectroscopy. No field QA/QC samples (blanks, duplicates, and standards) were inserted because appropriate QA/QC samples are still being sourced.

所有岩心樣本均爲歷史上開採的半核,無法驗證原始鋸切和採樣技術,也無法計算岩心回收率。採集的樣本是先前存在的半核,並提交給ALS地球化學進行分析。樣品被完全粉碎到 70%,通過 2 毫米,分離 250 克,然後粉碎至超過 85%,通過 75 微米。多元素 Ultra Trace 使用對 0.25g 樣品進行的四酸消解來定量溶解大多數地質材料,最終使用ICP-AES和ICP-MS(方法 ME-MS61)進行分析分析。從那以後,使用了 PGM-ICP23 或 Au-ICP21,具體取決於是否懷疑是鉑族金屬。兩種方法均使用30g的鉛火試驗,並經過ICP-AES處理。石墨酸 C 是通過消化 50% 的鹽酸中的樣品,將碳酸鹽演化爲二氧化碳來確定的。殘留物經過過濾、洗滌、乾燥,然後在 425 攝氏度下烘烤。通過氧化、感應爐和紅外光譜分析焙燒殘留物中的碳。由於仍在採購相應的 QA/QC 樣本,因此未插入任何現場 QA/QC 樣本(空白、重複項和標準)。

About StrategX
StrategX is a Canadian-based exploration company focused on discovering critical metals in northern Canada. With five strategic projects situated on the East Arm of the Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories and the Melville Peninsula, Nunavut, we're leading discovery in untapped regions. This first-mover advantage in underexplored regions presents a unique opportunity for investors to be part of multiple discoveries and the development of new districts for critical metals essential for the global green energy shift. For updates and the latest insights, explore our Investor Portal.

關於 StrategX
StrategX是一家總部位於加拿大的勘探公司,專注於在加拿大北部發現關鍵金屬。我們的五個戰略項目分別位於大奴湖東臂、西北地區和努納武特的梅爾維爾半島,正在引領未開發地區的發現。這種在未開發地區的先發優勢爲投資者提供了一個難得的機會,使他們能夠參與多項發現以及全球綠色能源轉型所必需的關鍵金屬新區域的開發。如需了解最新動態和最新見解,請瀏覽我們的 投資者門戶

On Behalf of the Board of Directors


Darren G. Bahrey
CEO, President & Director


For further information, please contact:


StrategX Elements Corp.
Phone: 778.231.2767

StrategX 元素公司

For further information about the Company, please visit our website at


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All statements included in this press release that address activities, events, or developments that the Company expects, believes, or anticipates will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve numerous assumptions made by the Company based on its experience, perception of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors it believes are appropriate in the circumstances. In addition, these statements involve substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties that contribute to the possibility that the predictions, forecasts, projections, and other forward-looking statements will prove inaccurate, certain of which are beyond the Company's control. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Except as required by law, the Company does not intend to revise or update these forward-looking statements after the date hereof or revise them to reflect the occurrence of future unanticipated events.


