
DBS Bank India Announces USD 250 Million Lending Support for Start-ups and 'new Economy' Companies

DBS Bank India Announces USD 250 Million Lending Support for Start-ups and 'new Economy' Companies

印度星展銀行宣佈爲初創企業和 “新經濟” 公司提供2.5億美元的貸款支持
星展集團控股 ·  03/19 12:00

India, 19 Mar 2024 - DBS Bank India announced a lending commitment of USD 250 million for new-age startups today. The initiative is part of the bank's focus on fostering innovation and entrepreneurship within the country's thriving startup ecosystem.


The Indian start-up sector, a foundational pillar of the country's development goals, has seen significant expansion over the years with over 90,000 start-ups and more than 100 unicorns as of 2024. Despite their growing resilience, access to capital for these companies in the current dynamic environment presents an ongoing challenge. Recognising the disruptive power of the startup segment, particularly those harnessing emerging technologies, DBS Bank India has earmarked lending support of USD 250 million, focusing on enterprises that are set to redefine industry standards with innovative solutions.


Rajat Verma, Managing Director & Head, Institutional Banking Group, DBS Bank India said, "We are inspired by the ability of new age entrepreneurs to harness innovation to solve real world challenges and hope to play a constructive role in their growth. We believe that our lending commitment of USD 250 million for startups comes at an opportune time as the sector has been demonstrating improved operating metrics and a sharper focus on profitability in recent years. DBS Bank India intends to leverage our advanced digital expertise, deep Asian connectivity, and ecosystem partnerships to offer holistic support, even going beyond banking to empower these innovators to streamline operations, manage logistics and gain access to larger business networks. As a different kind of bank, our overarching objective is to become a trusted partner for startups across sectors and support them throughout the business lifecycle."


The bank's advanced risk assessment framework, which combines traditional metrics with modern analytical tools, ensures a balanced approach to financing. The comprehensive evaluation process ensures that DBS Bank India can deliver tailored banking solutions that match the dynamism of the industry innovators it partners with. Given the unique hurdles encountered by startups in the digital economy, DBS goes the extra mile to offer a host of exclusive benefits curated from across partners, which will enable these companies to bolster agility and unlock growth. Through platforms like DBS Businessclass FoundED, the bank celebrates modern-day founders, engaging with over 1000 startups and 50 incubators across India till date.

該銀行的高級風險評估框架將傳統指標與現代分析工具相結合,確保了平衡的融資方式。全面的評估流程確保印度星展銀行能夠提供量身定製的銀行解決方案,使其與其合作的行業創新者的活力相匹配。鑑於初創企業在數字經濟中遇到的獨特障礙,星展銀行不遺餘力地提供一系列由合作伙伴精心策劃的獨家福利,這將使這些公司能夠增強靈活性並解鎖增長。通過星展銀行Businessclass FaUlded等平台,該銀行慶祝現代創始人,迄今爲止,他們與印度各地的1000多家初創公司和50家孵化器進行了合作。



About DBS


DBS is a leading financial services group in Asia with a presence in 19 markets. Headquartered and listed in Singapore, DBS is in the three key Asian axes of growth: Greater China, Southeast Asia, and South Asia. The bank's "AA-" and "Aa1" credit ratings are among the highest in the world. In 2024, CRISIL Ratings reaffirmed its 'CRISIL AAA/Stable' rating on the corporate credit facility of DBS Bank India Ltd (DBIL). The rating on the certificate of deposits programme was also reaffirmed at 'CRISIL A1+'.

星展銀行是亞洲領先的金融服務集團,業務遍及19個市場。星展銀行總部位於新加坡並上市,位於亞洲的三個關鍵增長軸心:大中華區、東南亞和南亞。該銀行的 “AA-” 和 “Aa1” 信用評級位居世界前列。2024年,CRISIL評級重申了對星展銀行印度有限公司(DBIL)企業信貸額度的 “CRISIL AAA/穩定” 評級。存款證計劃的評級也被重申爲 “CRISIL A1+”。

Recognised for its global leadership, DBS has been named "World's Best Bank" by Global Finance, "World's Best Bank" by Euromoney, and "Global Bank of the Year" by The Banker. As a different kind of bank, DBS is at the forefront of leveraging digital technology to shape the future of banking, having been named "World's Best Digital Bank" by Euromoney and the world's "Most Innovative in Digital Banking" by The Banker. In addition, DBS has been accorded the "Safest Bank in Asia" award by Global Finance for 15 consecutive years from 2009 to 2023. In line with its focus on responsible banking, DBS was named the Best Bank for Sustainable Finance – India by Global Finance in 2024. Additionally, DBS Bank was ranked among the top 3 on Forbes' list of the World's Best Banks in India for three consecutive years, from 2020 to 2022.

星展銀行因其全球領導地位而獲得認可,被命名爲”世界最佳銀行“由《環球金融》撰寫,”世界最佳銀行“由《歐洲貨幣》撰寫,以及”年度全球銀行“由《銀行家》撰寫。作爲一家與衆不同的銀行,星展銀行處於利用數字技術塑造銀行業未來的最前沿,被命名爲”世界最佳數字銀行“由 Euromoney and the World's數字銀行領域最具創新性“作者:《銀行家》。此外,星展銀行還被授予”亞洲最安全的銀行“從 2009 年到 2023 年,連續 15 年獲得 Global Finance 的獎項。根據其對責任銀行的關注,星展銀行在2024年被《環球金融》評爲印度最佳可持續金融銀行。此外,從2020年到2022年,星展銀行連續三年在《福布斯》印度全球最佳銀行名單中名列前三。

DBS Bank has been present in India for 29 years, opening its first office in Mumbai in 1994. DBS Bank India Limited is the first among the large foreign banks in India to start operating as a wholly owned, locally incorporated subsidiary of a leading global bank. As a trusted partner, DBS provides a range of banking services for large, medium, and small enterprises and individual consumers in India, focusing on a seamless customer experience that helps them 'Live more, Bank less'. In November 2020, Lakshmi Vilas Bank was merged with DBS Bank India Limited. DBS Bank India now has a network of ~530 branches in 19 Indian states.

星展銀行在印度開展業務已有29年,於1994年在孟買開設了第一家辦事處。印度星展銀行有限公司是印度大型外國銀行中第一家作爲一家領先的全球銀行的全資本地註冊子公司開始運營的銀行。作爲值得信賴的合作伙伴,星展銀行爲印度的大型、中小型企業和個人消費者提供一系列銀行服務,專注於無縫的客戶體驗,幫助他們 “活得更多,銀行更少”。2020年11月,拉克希米·維拉斯銀行與印度星展銀行有限公司合併。印度星展銀行現在在印度19個州擁有約530個分行網絡。

DBS is committed to building lasting relationships with customers as it banks the Asian way and understands the intricacies of doing business in the region's most dynamic markets. Through the DBS Foundation, the bank creates impact beyond banking by supporting businesses for impact: enterprises with a double bottom-line of profit and social and/or environmental impact. DBS Foundation also gives back to society in various ways, including equipping underserved communities with future-ready skills and helping them to build food resilience. In 2020, DBS introduced the purposeful "Towards Zero Food Waste" initiative as part of a global sustainability practice to encourage a shift in behaviours and mindsets to reduce food waste.

星展銀行致力於與客戶建立持久的關係,因爲它以亞洲的方式進行銀行業務,並了解在該地區最具活力的市場中開展業務的複雜性。通過星展銀行基金會,該銀行通過支持企業產生影響力,從而創造銀行以外的影響力:具有雙重利潤和社會和/或環境影響的企業。星展銀行基金會還以各種方式回饋社會,包括爲得不到充分服務的社區提供面向未來的技能,並幫助他們增強糧食抵禦能力。2020年,星展銀行推出了有針對性的 “邁向零食物浪費” 計劃,作爲全球可持續發展實踐的一部分,旨在鼓勵人們轉變行爲和心態,減少食物浪費。

With its extensive network of operations in Asia and emphasis on engaging and empowering its staff, DBS presents exciting career opportunities. For more information, please visit


Media Contacts:


DBS Bank India

Rohini Rego

99305 49207

Adfactors PR

Chennakeshav Shenoy




99305 49207

廣告因子 PR

Chennakeshav Shenoy


