
港股异动 | 海天国际(01882)涨超7% 海外销售大幅增长 开年以来公司订单高增

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Haitian International (01882) rose more than 7%, overseas sales increased sharply, and the company's orders have increased since the beginning of the year

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 21 11:44

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Haitian International (01882) rose by more than 7%, reaching a new high of HK$23.3 since February last year. As of press release, it rose 7.01% to HK$22.9, with a turnover of HK$359.371 million.

According to the news, Haitian International recently announced its annual results for the year ending 2023, with revenue of RMB 13.069 billion, up 6.2% year on year; net profit of RMB 2,492 billion, up 10% year on year. The second interim dividend was HK66 cents, compared to HK55 cents for the same period last year. In addition, the company's sales in key markets such as Europe, North America and Southeast Asia increased significantly year over year, with overseas sales reaching 5.152 billion yuan, up 17.3% year over year.

CICC pointed out that the company's public results conference indicated that 24Q1 orders continued to recover and pick up in the second half of '23, with double-digit year-on-year growth in January and February orders, and observed that the order situation in March may be the best monthly level in nearly 15-20 months. As of March 18, the company's order data for March has exceeded the average monthly level for the whole of last year. Furthermore, the economy has bottomed out since the middle of last year, and the trade-in policy has been beneficial for a long time. The bank believes that the company has both a recovery in the short to medium term and the promotion of long-term strategies and policies.

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