
Bnbfinder Survey Reveals 68% of Americans Are Using a Travel Hack to Save on Vacation Rental Service Fees

Bnbfinder Survey Reveals 68% of Americans Are Using a Travel Hack to Save on Vacation Rental Service Fees

PR Newswire ·  03/20 20:48

92% of American travelers say price is a top factor when choosing accommodations, yet nearly 3 in 4 plan to spend the same or more on travel in 2024 compared to last year


AUSTIN, Texas, March 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As millions of travelers begin to plan their summer trips, more than two thirds of Americans admit to using major vacation rental platforms to find a property for their trip and then look for that same place online to book directly in order to avoid the service fees, according to a new survey by bnbfinder. At the same time, nearly 3 in 4 said they plan to spend the same or more on travel in 2024, with 73% planning on taking more trips than they did last year.

得克薩斯州奧斯汀,2024年3月20日 /PRNewswire/ — 一項新的調查顯示,隨着數百萬旅行者開始計劃夏季旅行,超過三分之二的美國人承認使用主要的度假租賃平台爲旅行尋找房產,然後在網上尋找同一個地方直接預訂,以避免服務費 bnbfinder。同時,近四分之三的人表示,他們計劃在2024年花費相同或更多的旅行費用,73%的人計劃比去年更多的旅行。

vacation rentals without service fees

"The data tells us there's a growing trend among savvy travelers to use sites like Airbnb or Vrbo almost like a search engine to source a vacation rental, and then explore ways to book that same property directly to sidestep paying service fees," said Eric Goldreyer, CEO and owner of bnbfinder. "At the same time, with many Americans expecting to spend more on their trips this year, it's evident travelers aren't just budget-driven -- they're craving overall value in their vacation rentals. At bnbfinder, we're committed to delivering a convenient and transparent one-stop-shop to find and book a range of professionally managed vacation rentals, without getting hit by service fees other platforms charge."


The survey, based on 681 U.S. adults, also found that:


  • Traveler frustration with vacation rental website service fees is an 8 on a 1-10 scale.
  • More than 9 out of 10 (91%) are likely or very likely to use a site that offered some of the same benefits as platforms, like Airbnb or Vrbo, that did not charge service fees.
  • An overwhelming majority (92%) of Americans say the best price is the most important factor when choosing where they book a vacation rental or other accommodation.
  • Nearly 95% visit multiple websites before making a booking decision.
  • 旅行者對度假租賃網站服務費的不滿情緒按1-10的比例計算爲8%。
  • 超過十分之九(91%)的人可能或很可能使用與Airbnb或Vrbo等不收取服務費的平台具有相同優惠的網站。
  • 絕大多數(92%)的美國人表示,在選擇預訂度假屋或其他住宿地點時,最優惠的價格是最重要的因素。
  • 在做出預訂決定之前,將近95%的人訪問了多個網站。

With bnbfinder's book direct approach, travelers get access to professionally managed vacation rentals without service fees so they can enjoy paying the least and getting the best value.

通過bnbfinder的直接預訂方式,旅行者可以獲得專業管理的度假租賃 不收服務費 這樣他們就可以享受支付最少的費用並獲得最大的價值。

Additional travel trends from the bnbfinder survey include:


  • Heightened Value for Professionally Managed Vacation Rentals: 67% of travelers consider properties that are professionally run an important factor in their booking decisions. The top three reasons contributing to this trend include a superior level of overall quality and experience (55%), secure online transactions (54%), and assurance of vetted and verified listings to guard against misrepresented or fraudulent vacation rentals (51%).
  • Screen-Inspired Getaways Come to Life: Whether it's the tropical allure of Hawaii from 'White Lotus,' the hometown charm of Laurel, Mississippi showcased in 'Home Town,' or the glitz of Los Angeles, as seen in 'Barbie,' 1 in 5 travelers are heading to destinations influenced by their favorite movies or TV shows for a creative spin on their 2024 vacation experiences.
  • Coastal Escapes Lead the Vacation Scene: In 2024, the call for sand and sunshine is strong, with 58% of travelers opting for beach vacations. Road trips followed closely at 52% for self-paced exploration. Visiting family and friends is a priority for 47% of travelers, while 34% are planning romantic getaways. For the adventurous spirits, 30% are gearing up for outdoor vibes.
  • Road Trippers are Going the Distance: For the travelers planning road trips this year, 41% intend to drive 150 miles or less and another 56% plan to hit the road for more than 150 miles. When asked why they're opting for road trips, 57% want to avoid flight delays and other headaches that can come from air travel, with more than 1 in 4 saying it's easier to bring their pet friends.
  • Sustainable and Socially-Conscious Accommodations Increasingly Favored: Nearly 1 in 5 travelers say they always choose properties that prioritize sustainable and/or socially conscious efforts, with 79% Gen Zers and Millennials factoring these types of properties into booking decisions.
  • "Bleisure" Trips Among Least Popular Types of Trips: Only 10% of travelers are planning trips that combine business with leisure ("bleisure") in 2024, a shift away from the widespread work-from-anywhere culture that emerged from the pandemic. Other types of trips low on the list for travelers this year include solo trips (17%), traditional business trips (9%), and culinary tours (8%).
  • 專業管理的度假租賃的價值有所提高: 67% 的旅行者認爲專業經營的房產是他們做出預訂決策的重要因素。促成這一趨勢的三大原因包括卓越的整體質量和體驗(55%)、安全的在線交易(54%)以及保證房源經過審查和驗證,以防出現虛假陳述或欺詐性的度假租賃(51%)。
  • 屏幕風格的度假勝地變爲現實: 無論是《白蓮花》中的夏威夷熱帶魅力,還是《家鄉》中展現的密西西比州勞雷爾的故鄉魅力,還是《芭比》中描繪的洛杉磯浮華,每五名旅行者中就有一人前往受他們最喜歡的電影或電視節目影響的目的地,對2024年的度假體驗進行一次創造性的改造。
  • 沿海逃生引領度假場景: 2024年,人們對沙灘和陽光的需求非常強烈,有58%的旅行者選擇海灘度假。自定進度探索的公路旅行緊隨其後,佔52%。47%的旅行者將探親訪友作爲優先事項,而34%的旅行者計劃浪漫之旅。對於喜歡冒險的人來說,30% 的人正在爲戶外氛圍做準備。
  • 公路旅行者正在走得更遠:對於計劃今年公路旅行的旅行者來說,有41%的人打算行駛150英里或更少,另有56%的人計劃上路行駛超過150英里。當被問及爲什麼選擇公路旅行時,有57%的人希望避免航空旅行可能帶來的航班延誤和其他麻煩,超過四分之一的人表示帶寵物朋友更容易。
  • 可持續和具有社會意識的住宿越來越受青睞: 近五分之一的旅行者表示,他們總是選擇優先考慮可持續發展和/或具有社會意識的房產,79%的Z世代和千禧一代在預訂決策中會考慮這些類型的房產。
  • 最不受歡迎的旅行類型中的 “Bleisure” 旅行: 2024年,只有10%的旅行者計劃將商務與休閒(“bleisure”)相結合的旅行,這與疫情中出現的廣泛的 “隨時隨地工作” 文化背道而馳了。今年旅行者名單中排名靠前的其他類型的旅行包括單人旅行(17%)、傳統商務旅行(9%)和美食之旅(8%)。

Additional survey findings from bnbfinder, the vacation rental site without service fees, can be found here.

可以找到不收取服務費的度假租賃網站bnbfinder的其他調查結果 這裏

Methodology: This survey was conducted from Jan. 24 to Feb. 6, 2024. Respondents were made up of 681 Americans ages 18+.

方法: 這項調查於 2024 年 1 月 24 日至 2 月 6 日進行。受訪者由681名年齡在18歲以上的美國人組成。

About bnbfinder
For over 25 years, bnbfinder has been connecting travelers with unique bed and breakfasts, inns and boutique hotel accommodations - without the fees. In 2023, we expanded our platform to include professionally managed vacation rentals so guests can book directly with trusted property managers and avoid the service fees associated with other vacation rental travel sites. Our mission is to put hospitality back in travel by empowering professional property managers while making travel more affordable. To learn more about our vacation rentals without service fees, head over to .

關於 bnbfinder
25年來,bnbfinder一直在免費爲旅行者提供獨特的住宿加早餐旅館、旅館和精品酒店住宿。2023 年,我們將平台擴展到包括專業管理的度假租賃,這樣房客可以直接向值得信賴的物業經理預訂,從而避免與其他度假租賃旅遊網站相關的服務費。我們的使命是通過賦予專業物業經理權力,同時讓旅行更實惠,讓酒店業重返旅行界。要了解有關我們不收服務費的度假租賃的更多信息,請前往 。

SOURCE bnbfinder

來源 bnbfinder

