
Significant Copper and Gold Mineralization Located on Georgetown Project, Australia

Significant Copper and Gold Mineralization Located on Georgetown Project, Australia

GlobeNewswire ·  03/20 18:30

Vancouver, B.C., March 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Rugby Resources Ltd., ("Rugby" or the "Company") (TSX-V: RUG) is pleased to report that recent exploration by Rugby's joint venture partner, EMU NL ("EMU") (ASX: EMU) at Georgetown has located significant copper and gold mineralization. EMU's geological assessment and geochemical sampling program was designed to assess a number of higher-priority prospects (see Figure 3 below).

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024年3月20日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——Rugby Resources Ltd.(“Rugby” 或 “公司”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:RUG)欣然報告,拉格比的合資夥伴荷蘭EMU(“EMU”)(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:EMU)最近在喬治敦的勘探發現了大量的銅和金礦化區。歐洲貨幣聯盟的地質評估和地球化學採樣計劃旨在評估許多優先級更高的前景(見 圖 3 下面)。



  • Visible gold in pan concentrate and a six-gram crystalline gold nugget discovered at Camp Oven Creek Prospect ("Camp Oven"). See Figures 1 and 2.
  • Fiery Creek Copper Prospect ("Fiery Creek") surface rock assay results report up to 23.5% copper.
  • Sampling results highlight strong potential for the presence of critical and strategic minerals (Cu, Bi, In), with precious and base metals.
  • Fiery Creek/Yataga surface rock polymetallic results assayed up to 0.27ppm gold, 460 ppm silver, 1.9% bismuth, 89 ppm indium, 2.7% lead.
  • Alteration mineralogy, mineralization geochemistry and areal extent of the Fiery Creek quartz-copper bismuth vein swarm strongly suggests a possible porphyry Cu-Mo system nearby.
  • Yataga Granitoid Complex termite mound and coincident rock chip sampling returned several anomalous polymetallic zones that require further investigation.
  • Other prospects identified and sampled within the Georgetown Project, including Snake Creek Prospect returning to 0.20 ppm gold, 390 ppm silver and 22.4% lead.
  • 在 Camp Oven Creek Prospect(“Camp Oven”)發現了平底鍋濃縮物中可見的金和一塊六克的結晶金塊。參見 圖 1 和圖 2
  • Fiery Creek Copper Prospect(“Fiery Creek”)地表岩石分析結果顯示,銅含量高達23.5%。
  • 抽樣結果表明,關鍵和戰略礦物(銅、碧、鎳)以及貴金屬和基本金屬存在的巨大潛力。
  • Fiery Creek/Yataga 地表岩石多金屬結果測定了高達 0.27ppm 的金、460 ppm 的銀、1.9% 的鉍、89 ppm 的銦和 2.7% 的鉛。
  • 蝕變礦物學、礦化地球化學和 Fiery Creek 石英銅鉍礦脈群的面積範圍強烈表明附近可能存在斑岩銅鉬系統。
  • Yataga Granitoid Complex 白蟻堆和相應的岩屑採樣返回了幾個需要進一步調查的異常多金屬區域。
  • 在喬治敦項目中確定和抽樣的其他前景,包括蛇溪展望重返0.20 ppm的黃金、390ppm的白銀和22.4%的鉛。

Figure 1. Single pan-concentrate containing 40+ visible gold grains, panned at Camp Oven Creek.

圖 1。含有 40 多種可見金粒的單一泛濃縮物,在 Camp Oven Creek 進行盤點

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Figure 2. Six-gram crystalline gold nugget found in the Camp Oven Creek prospect area.

圖 2。在 Camp Oven Creek 勘探區發現了六克的結晶金塊。

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The region has had a long history of mining, particularly for gold, with over 1,000 mines, prospects and mineral occurrences identified within the district. This includes the Kidston mine located approximately 90 kilometres ("km") to the southeast. Kidston operated from 1985 to 2001 and was one of Australia's largest historical gold producers producing 5.1 million ounces (145 tonnes) of gold*.


EMU's December 2023 Exploration Program

EMU 的 2023 年 12 月探索計劃

Figure 3. EMU's Prospect and sample locations (blue crosses).

圖 3.EMU 的前景和樣本地點(藍十字)。

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EMU's sampling program was designed to assess a number of higher-priority prospects within the Georgetown Project tenements utilizing termite mound and outcrop rock chip geochemistry. A total of 46 rock chip and 489 termite mound samples were collected across eight prospects (Figure 3). The program was curtailed due to the arrival of a cyclone. EMU's announcement "Exploration Update Georgetown, Scale Potential Confirmed" dated March 4 2024, provides details of the work conducted and interpretation of sampling results.

歐洲貨幣聯盟的採樣計劃旨在利用白蟻堆和露出岩屑地球化學來評估喬治敦項目物業單位內的許多優先級更高的前景。在八個勘探區共收集了46個岩屑和489個白蟻丘樣本(圖 3)。由於颶風的到來,該計劃被縮短了。歐洲貨幣聯盟的公告”喬治敦勘探最新情況,規模潛力已確認“日期爲2024年3月4日,提供了所進行工作的詳細信息以及對抽樣結果的解釋。

Table 1. EMU's Significant Assay Results – December Program

表 1。歐洲貨幣聯盟的重要化驗結果——十二月計劃

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Fiery Creek Copper Prospect


The area of the high-grade quartz+copper oxide vein swarm at Fiery Creek is strongly localised within the Yataga Granitoid Complex and covers an area of 1.6km x 400 metres (Figure 4). The copper mineralization is now almost exclusively supergene altered to the copper oxide assemblage chrysocolla, malachite, tenorite, cuprite, and sooty chalcocite (Figures 5 and 6). Most samples from Fiery Creek host grades ≥ 1% with a high of 23.5% Cu including bismuth grades between 0.2% and 1.89% Bi. Additionally, the samples host significant lead, zinc and silver grades with strongly associated anomalous arsenic, antimony and tellurium.

Fiery Creek 的高級石英+氧化銅靜脈群區域位於亞塔加花崗岩複合體內,佔地面積爲 1.6 千米 x 400 米(圖 4)。現在,銅礦化幾乎完全是超基因改變爲氧化銅組合 chrysocolla、孔雀石、tenorite、cuprite、cuprite 和 sooty chalcocite(圖 5 和圖 6)。來自Fiery Creek的大多數樣品的品位≥1%,最高銅含量爲23.5%,包括鉍品位在0.2%至1.89%之間。此外,樣品中含有大量的鉛、鋅和銀等級,以及強烈相關的異常砷、銻和鉭。

Figure 4. Fiery Creek Copper/Yataga Granodiorite summarizing rock (brown diamonds) and termite mound sample results (black crosses).

圖 4.Fiery Creek Copper/Yataga 花崗閃長巖總結了岩石(棕色鑽石)和白蟻堆樣本結果(黑色十字架)。

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Petrology studies on outcrop indicate that the host quartz+copper oxide veins are unlikely to be associated with a simple mesothermal quartz+base metal vein system. The veins appear to be unusually vuggy and lined with a second phase of silica deposition. These phases appear to have been subsequently overprinted by a late and lower temperature sulphide only stage dominated by copper sulphides with an unusually high content of bismuth sulfosalts.


Figure 5. Sample ESS02116 – 774610E 8007802N (63 ppm Ag, 815 ppm Bi, 6.26% Cu, 2090 ppm Pb). Disseminated and stockwork veinlet oxide copper mineralization postdating host cataclastically brecciated granodiorite.

圖 5.樣品 ESS02116 — 774610E 8007802N(63 ppm Ag,815 ppm Bi,6.26% 銅,2090 ppm Pb)。在宿主災難性角礫化花崗閃長巖之後,滲透和儲存的氧化銅礦化脈絡氧化銅礦化.

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Figure 6. Sample ESS02494 – 773511E 8007365N (460 ppm Ag, 1.25% Ba, 23.51% Cu, 14ppm In). White frosty quartz vein invaded by a later massive sulfide event as a mix of black tenorite (CuO) and sooty to dark grey chalcocite (Cu2S) replaced at its margins by crystalline fibrous malachite and minor chrysocolla.

圖 6.樣品 ESS02494 — 773511E 8007365N(460 ppm Ag,1.25% Ba,23.51% 銅,14ppm In)。後來的大規模硫化物事件侵入了白色霜狀石英礦脈,其邊緣由結晶纖維孔雀石和少量硅孔雀石(CuO)和菸灰色至深灰色輝石(Cu2S)的混合物所取代。

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Camp Oven Creek Prospect


An access restricted field investigation to Camp Oven, with historic surface sample assays greater than 200 g/t Au recorded (refer to ASX release EMU Records Gold Assays to 36.1 g/t at Georgetown QLD), Rain storms limited reconnaissance over the Camp Oven prospect produced a gold pan-concentrate from a shallow drain-way of up to 40 visible gold points in a single pan in addition to a 6 gram crystalline gold nugget discovered nearby (Figures 1 and 2) . The crystallinity of the nugget suggests that the gold source is proximal.

對Camp Oven進行了限制實地調查,記錄的歷史表面樣本化驗結果金含量超過200 g/t(參見澳大利亞證券交易所新聞稿) EMU 記錄昆士蘭州喬治敦的黃金化驗量爲36.1 g/t),暴雨限制了對Camp Oven前景的偵察,除了在附近發現了一塊重達6克的晶體金塊外,還從淺排水道中提取了金盤濃縮物,單個平底鍋中最多有40個可見的金點(圖 1 和圖 2)。金塊的結晶度表明金源位於最近。

Georgetown Future Work


Initial field work has highlighted the significant potential of the Fiery Creek Copper Prospect and Southern Yataga Granitoid Pluton areas with strong indications of the presence of a Cu-Mo-style porphyry system.

初步的實地考察突顯了Fiery Creek銅礦勘探區和南亞塔加花崗岩體區域的巨大潛力,有強烈的跡象表明存在銅鉬式斑岩系統。

Following the wet season in Q2, EMU plans to continue geological mapping and systematic geochemistry to delineate the extent and tenor of mineralization at Camp Oven, Fiery Creek, Yataga South and Snake Creek prospects. This work will be designed to generate geophysical survey and drill targets for the latter half of 2024.

繼第二季度雨季之後,歐洲貨幣聯盟計劃繼續進行地質測繪和系統地球化學,以描繪Camp Oven、Fiery Creek、Yataga South和Snake Creek勘探區的礦化範圍和主旨。這項工作將旨在制定2024年下半年的地球物理調查和鑽探目標。

The geochemistry programs that were curtailed due to the early onset of seasonal wet weather will be completed at highly prospective gold and base metal targets to determine the full potential of the Georgetown Project.


Joint venture with Rugby

與 Rugby 合資企業

EMU has the right to earn up to an 80% interest in 3 exploration permits for minerals (EPM's), covering 850km2 in the Georgetown mining district, Queensland, under a Heads of Agreement and Joint Venture Agreement with Rugby RUG-FS-Q3-2024

歐洲貨幣聯盟有權在3份礦產勘探許可證(EPM)中賺取高達80%的權益,涵蓋850公里2 根據與拉格比簽訂的負責人協議和合資協議,在昆士蘭州的喬治敦礦區 RUG-FS-Q3-2024

Technical Information and Quality Control & Quality Assurance


Data and the interpretation of results have been provided by EMU in the following ASX releases:


Exploration Update Georgetown, Scale Potential Confirmed


EMU Records Gold Assays to 36.1 g/t at Georgetown QLD

EMU 記錄昆士蘭州喬治敦的黃金化驗量爲36.1 g/t

Qualified Person


Paul Joyce, Rugby's Chief Operating Officer, Director and a "qualified person" ("QP") within the definition of that term in National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has verified the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for this news release. Paul Joyce is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (registered member # 1908).

橄欖球首席運營官、董事兼National Instrument 43-101《礦業項目披露標準》中定義的 “合格人員”(“QP”)保羅·喬伊斯已經驗證了構成本新聞稿基礎的科學和技術信息。保羅·喬伊斯是澳大利亞地球科學家協會會員(註冊成員編號1908)。

About Rugby


Rugby is an exploration company conducting "discovery stage" exploration on targets in Argentina, Australia, Chile, Colombia and the Philippines. The Company's focus is the potential discovery of high-grade copper molybdenum gold porphyry and IOCG systems in Chile, Colombia and the Philippines in addition to high grade gold-silver projects in the prolific mineralized belt in Santa Cruz Province, Argentina.

Rugby是一家勘探公司,對阿根廷、澳大利亞、智利、哥倫比亞和菲律賓的目標進行 “發現階段” 勘探。該公司的重點是在智利、哥倫比亞和菲律賓潛在發現高品位銅鉬金斑岩和IOCG系統,以及阿根廷聖克魯斯省多產礦化帶中的高品位金銀項目。

Rugby benefits from the experience of its directors and management, a team that has either been directly responsible for world-class mineral discoveries or have been part of the management teams responsible for such discoveries. Prior companies under their management included Exeter Resource Corporation and Extorre Gold Mines Limited, which held significant projects in South America. These companies were taken over by Goldcorp (Newmont) and Yamana respectively.


For additional information you are invited to visit the Rugby Resources Ltd. website at: .


Rob Grey, VP, Corporate Communications
Tel: 604.688.4941 Fax: 604.688.9532
Toll-free: 1.855.688.4941
Suite–1890 - 1075 West Georgia St.
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6E 3C9
Rob Grey,企業傳播副總裁
電話:604.688.4941 傳真:604.688.9532
套房—1890-西喬治亞街 1075 號
加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華 V6E 3C9



Certain of the statements made and information contained herein is "forward-looking information" within the meaning of the British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario Securities Acts. This includes statements concerning the Company's proposed exploration plans for the Cobrasco project in Colombia and the El Zanjon and Venidero projects in Argentina, progress on obtaining approval for its exploration concession applications in Colombia, the expected timing of drilling and/or geophysics programs, budgeted costs to conduct exploration programs including drilling, high grade potential and potential for mineral discoveries at its projects and the style or occurrence of the mineralization which involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company, or industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Rugby holds certain of its projects under option agreements, which require annual cash payments, expenditure and/ or drilling requirements in order to maintain its interest. Should the Company not be able to meet its obligations or renegotiate the agreements it will lose its rights under the option agreement. Forward-looking information is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking information, including, without limitation, the effect on prices of major mineral commodities such as copper and gold by factors beyond the control of the Company; events which cannot be accurately predicted such as political and economic instability, terrorism, environmental factors and changes in government regulations and taxes; the shortage of personnel with the requisite knowledge and skills to design and execute exploration programs; difficulties in arranging contracts for drilling and other exploration services; the Company's dependency on equity market financings to fund its exploration programs and maintain its mineral exploration properties in good standing; political risk that a government will change, environmental regulations, taxes or mineral royalties in a manner that could have an adverse effect on the Company's assets or financial condition and impair its ability to advance its mineral exploration projects or raise further funds for exploration; risks associated with title to resource properties due to the difficulties of determining the validity of certain claims as well as the potential for problems arising from the interpretation of laws regarding ownership or exploration of mineral properties in the Philippines, Argentina, Chile and Colombia and in the sometimes ambiguous conveyancing characteristic of many resource properties, currency risks associated with foreign operations, the timing of obtaining permits to conduct exploration activities, the ability to conclude agreements with local communities and other risks and uncertainties; risks related to geopolitical conflicts; and including those described in each of the Company's management discussion and analysis and those contained in its financial statements for the year ended February 28, 2023 filed with the Canadian Securities Administrators and available at . In addition, forward-looking information is based on various assumptions including, without limitation, assumptions associated with exploration results and costs and the availability of materials and skilled labour. Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described in forward-looking statements. Accordingly, readers are advised not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Except as required under applicable securities legislation, the Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

根據《不列顛哥倫比亞省、艾伯塔省和安大略省證券法》的定義,此處所作的某些陳述和包含的信息是 “前瞻性信息”。這包括有關該公司在哥倫比亞的Cobrasco項目以及阿根廷的El Zanjon和Venidero項目的擬議勘探計劃、其在哥倫比亞的勘探特許權申請獲得批准方面的進展、鑽探和/或地球物理計劃的預期時間、進行勘探計劃的預算成本,包括鑽探、其項目中發現礦產的高品位潛力和潛在礦化以及涉及已知和未知風險、不確定性和其他礦化的類型或發生情況的聲明可能導致公司的實際業績、業績或成就或行業業績與此類前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的任何未來業績、業績或成就存在重大差異的因素。Rugby根據期權協議持有其某些項目,期權協議要求每年支付現金、支出和/或鑽探要求才能維持其利益。如果公司無法履行其義務或重新談判協議,它將失去期權協議下的權利。前瞻性信息受到各種風險和不確定性的影響,這些風險和不確定性可能導致實際事件或結果與前瞻性信息中反映的有所不同,包括但不限於公司無法控制的因素對銅和黃金等主要礦產商品價格的影響;無法準確預測的事件,例如政治和經濟不穩定、恐怖主義、環境因素以及政府法規和稅收的變化;具備必要知識的人員短缺以及設計和執行勘探計劃的技能;難以安排鑽探和其他勘探服務合同;公司依賴股票市場融資來爲其勘探計劃提供資金並維持其礦產勘探資產的良好信譽;政府可能以可能對公司資產或財務狀況產生不利影響並損害其推進礦產勘探項目或爲其籌集更多資金的能力的方式發生變動、環境法規、稅收或礦產特許權使用費的政治風險勘探;由於難以確定某些索賠的有效性而導致的與資源財產所有權相關的風險,以及菲律賓、阿根廷、智利和哥倫比亞礦產所有權或勘探法律的解釋以及許多資源財產的轉讓特徵有時模糊不清、與外國業務相關的貨幣風險、獲得勘探活動許可證的時機、與當地簽訂協議的能力社區和其他風險和不確定性;與地緣政治衝突相關的風險;包括公司每份管理層討論和分析中描述的風險以及向加拿大證券管理人提交的截至2023年2月28日的年度財務報表中描述的風險,可在以下網址查閱。此外,前瞻性信息基於各種假設,包括但不限於與勘探結果和成本以及材料和熟練勞動力的可用性相關的假設。如果其中一種或多種風險和不確定性成爲現實,或者基本假設被證明不正確,則實際結果可能與前瞻性陳述中描述的結果存在重大差異。因此,建議讀者不要過分依賴前瞻性信息。除非適用的證券立法要求,否則公司沒有義務公開更新或修改前瞻性信息,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。



