
Elon Musk On Gemini, ChatGPT — At This Point, 'I Can't Tell If It's Parody Or Reality'

Elon Musk On Gemini, ChatGPT — At This Point, 'I Can't Tell If It's Parody Or Reality'

埃隆·馬斯克談雙子座,ChatGPT — 此時,“我無法分辨這是模仿還是現實”
Benzinga ·  03/18 17:01

Over the weekend, in a X Spaces hosted by Gad Saad, who has introduced himself in his bio on the platform as professor, evolutionary behavioral scientist, and author, Elon Musk said that at this point he isn't sure what is AI generated and what's not.

上週末,在由加德·薩德主持的X Spaces中,埃隆·馬斯克在平台的個人簡歷中以教授、進化行爲科學家和作家的身份進行了自我介紹。埃隆·馬斯克表示,目前他不確定人工智能產生了什麼,什麼不是。

What Happened: During the conversation which was filled with glitches, Musk spoke about his AI startup, xAI, which is pursuing "maximally truth seeking AI." According to Musk, this is extremely important.

發生了什麼:在充滿故障的對話中,馬斯克談到了他的人工智能初創公司xAI,該公司追求 “最大限度地尋求真相的人工智能”。根據馬斯克的說法,這非常重要。

"I think a lot of people are like why do we need such a thing? Surely the other ones will be truth seeking. I'm like, have you seen Gemini?"


The tech billionaire was referring to Alphabet Inc.'s Google Gemini which has come under fire after the chatbot generated historically inaccurate images and texts.

這位科技億萬富翁指的是Alphabet Inc。”s Google Gemini,它在聊天機器人生成了歷史上不準確的圖像和文本後遭到了抨擊。

Musk's xAI Releases Its AI Model Grok To The Open Source Community, But With A Small Tweak

馬斯克的 xAI 向開源社區發佈了其 AI 模型 Grok,但稍作調整

Musk said, "People should be concerned about the stuff they see in Gemini and ChatGPT. Like ChatGPT is better at hiding it, but still. It's kind of good that Google overplayed their hands with Gemini."

馬斯克說:“人們應該擔心他們在雙子座和ChatGPT中看到的東西。就像 ChatGPT 一樣,它更擅長隱藏它,但仍然如此。谷歌誇大了他們對雙子座的牌真是太好了。”

The tech mogul had co-founded ChatGPT-parent OpenAI in 2015 and left it in 2018 over some differences.


"They must have just beaten the AI with stick so hard," he said about Gemini. "Nothing you do can get it to produce a picture of a Pope who is a white guy."


When the host of Spaces, Saad, said that he put up a satirical set of memes where the prompt was "what does Elon look like" with the answer showcasing former CNN host Don Lemon. Saad said he shared this meme before the duo got involved in a debacle involving a canceled partnership between them.

Spaces的主持人薩德說,他提出了一組諷刺性的模因,提示是 “埃隆長什麼樣”,答案是前CNN主持人唐·萊蒙。薩德說,在兩人捲入一場涉及取消雙方合作關係的慘敗之前,他分享了這個模因。

"Are you serious?" he asked; when Saad confirmed that it was a meme, Musk laughed and said, "At this point, I can't tell if it's parody or reality."


— Gad Saad (@GadSaad) March 17, 2024
— Gad Saad (@GadSaad) 2024 年 3 月 17 日

Why It's Important: Musk has Musk also criticized Gemini AI for its racial and gender bias. He later took to X and announced that Google is making efforts to address these concerns.


The tech mogul has also expressed concerns after the House Judiciary Committee, led by Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), revealed that it is probing the extent to which the White House may have influenced the development of the Gemini AI model.


Photo courtesy: Shutterstock


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