
Bank DBS Indonesia Garners International Award for Sustainable Financing |

Bank DBS Indonesia Garners International Award for Sustainable Financing |

印尼星展銀行榮獲國際可持續融資獎 |
星展集團控股 ·  03/06 13:00

Indonesia, 06 Mar 2024 - Bank DBS Indonesia continuously strives to maintain its performance and growth. To achieve this goal, many strategic initiatives are implemented by Bank DBS Indonesia through Institutional Banking Group (IBG) unit. With a portfolio of national and multinational corporate clients, IBG is committed to enhancing its capabilities as a trusted advisor in understanding clients' business needs by offering comprehensive banking solutions that suit each company's business characteristics and needs.
In early 2024, Bank DBS Indonesia through this business unit received a prestigious international award from The Asset and Greenwich for its performance in the distribution of Sustainability Loan financing and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)-themed cooperation agreements carried out during 2023. This award demonstrates Bank DBS Indonesia's role as a partner in driving environmentally friendly and sustainable business practices.
Head of Institutional Banking Group PT Bank DBS Indonesia Kunardy Lie said, "We are proud and honored that Bank DBS Indonesia has been recognized for its commitment and performance in driving sustainable and responsible business practices. We recognize that industry players need trusted partners and advisors who can be relied upon to transition to greener businesses, and Bank DBS Indonesia plays a role in meeting this need. We are committed to always considering the green economy of their commitments and strategies and offer various sustainable financing facilities such as sustainable loans or sustainability-linked loans. All these efforts are in support of the government in accelerating the transition to a green economy."
Some of the categories achieved by Bank DBS Indonesia from the Triple A Awards for Sustainable Finance by The Asset include Best Sustainability-linked Loan for NBFI sector and Best Green Utility.
In 2023, Bank DBS Indonesia provided several financing facilities, some of which are:

印尼星展銀行PT銀行集團負責人Kunardy Lie表示:“印尼星展銀行因其在推動可持續和負責任的商業行爲方面的承諾和表現而獲得認可,我們感到自豪和榮幸。我們認識到,行業參與者需要值得信賴的合作伙伴和顧問來過渡到更環保的業務,而印尼星展銀行在滿足這一需求方面發揮了作用。我們承諾始終將綠色經濟納入其承諾和戰略,並提供各種可持續融資工具,例如可持續貸款或可持續發展相關貸款。所有這些努力都是爲了支持政府加快向綠色經濟的過渡。”
印尼星展銀行在The Asset頒發的可持續金融三A獎中獲得的一些類別包括NBFI行業最佳可持續發展掛鉤貸款和最佳綠色公用事業。

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (PT SMI), to finance a maturing USD700 million offshore syndicated term loan. This financing will fund ongoing projects, as well as new financing, especially for sustainable infrastructure projects in Indonesia.
  • PT Indomobil Sukses Internasional, with USD16 million financing to drive the government's sustainability agenda through electric vehicles. Through this financing, Bank DBS Indonesia supports the accelerated purchase of lower carbon electric vehicles to support the realization of a green economy.
  • PT TBS Energi Utama Tbk, with financing by Bank DBS Indonesia and DBS Bank Ltd (DBS) of USD33 million to finance the acquisition of Asia Medical Enviro Services, a pioneering and the largest company focused on medical waste services in Singapore.
  • State Grid (Corporation of China), where Bank DBS Indonesia acted as Lead Arranger, Facility and Security Agent, Account Bank, and Green Loan Advisor of a USD100 million syndicated green loan to China Electric Power Equipment and Technology Co. Ltd. for its first energy efficiency upgrade and emphasizes Bank DBS Indonesia's position as a leading regional banking player.
  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur(PT SMI),爲即將到期的 USD700 百萬美元離岸銀團定期貸款融資。這筆融資將爲正在進行的項目以及新的融資提供資金,特別是爲印度尼西亞的可持續基礎設施項目提供資金。
  • PT Indomobil Sukses Internasional,獲得 USD16 百萬美元的融資,用於通過電動汽車推動政府的可持續發展議程。通過這筆融資,印尼星展銀行支持加快購買低碳電動汽車,以支持實現綠色經濟。
  • PT TBS Energi Utama Tbk,由印度尼西亞星展銀行和星展銀行有限公司(星展銀行)融資 USD33 百萬美元,爲收購亞洲醫療環境服務提供資金。亞洲醫療環境服務是一家開創性的、最大的專注於新加坡醫療廢物服務的公司。
  • 國家電網(中國公司),印尼星展銀行擔任向中國電力設備與技術股份有限公司發放的 USD100 百萬美元銀團綠色貸款的牽頭安排人、設施和安全代理人、賬戶銀行和綠色貸款顧問Ltd. 進行了首次能源效率升級,並強調了印尼星展銀行作爲領先的區域銀行業參與者的地位。

Moreover, Bank DBS Indonesia was also awarded as the Best Loan Advisor by The Asset in the Triple A Awards. This award is a recognition and appreciation of the success of Bank DBS Indonesia's IBG unit as Sole Coordinator for 3 fundraising in Pertamina Group, both at the holding level, Pertamina (Persero) and at the subholding level, Pertamina Hulu Energi throughout 2022 to 2023. Previously in 2023, the IBG unit also received the 2023 Best Foreign Investment Bank in Indonesia award from Global Finance.
In its commitment to sustainability, Bank DBS Indonesia has three pillars that serve as a foundation, namely Responsible Banking, which focuses on delivering responsible banking products, Responsible Business Practice, which emphasizes Bank DBS Indonesia's efforts in running greener business operations, and Impact Beyond Banking, where Bank DBS Indonesia is committed to continually contributing and creating positive impact in the community.
In addition to financial services, Bank DBS Indonesia believes that customer experience is also an important aspect in improving customer satisfaction. Through the Greenwich Leaders 2024 award, Bank DBS Indonesia was recognized first winner in Indonesia in the Large Corporate Coverage Customer Satisfaction Quality category which emphasizes the bank's commitment to continue prioritizing comprehensive banking services. This demonstrates that Bank DBS Indonesia has delivered a consistently excellent customer experience, and affirmed its position as a leader in delivering quality and trusted services in the Indonesian banking market.
For more information about sustainable financing by Bank DBS Indonesia, visit this page.
About DBS
DBS is a leading financial services group in Asia with a presence in 19 markets. Headquartered and listed in Singapore, DBS is in the three key Asian axes of growth: Greater China, Southeast Asia and South Asia. The bank's "AA-" and "Aa1" credit ratings are among the highest in the world.
Recognised for its global leadership, DBS has been named "World's Best Bank" by Global Finance, "World's Best Bank" by Euromoney and "Global Bank of the Year" by The Banker. The bank is at the forefront of leveraging digital technology to shape the future of banking, having been named "World's Best Digital Bank" by Euromoney and the world's "Most Innovative in Digital Banking" by The Banker. In addition, DBS has been accorded the "Safest Bank in Asia" award by Global Finance for 15 consecutive years from 2009 to 2023.
DBS provides a full range of services in consumer, SME and corporate banking. As a bank born and bred in Asia, DBS understands the intricacies of doing business in the region's most dynamic markets.
DBS is committed to building lasting relationships with customers, as it banks the Asian way. Through the DBS Foundation, the bank creates impact beyond banking by supporting businesses for impact: enterprises with a double bottom-line of profit and social and/or environmental impact. DBS Foundation also gives back to society in various ways, including equipping underserved communities with future-ready skills and helping them to build food resilience.
With its extensive network of operations in Asia and emphasis on engaging and empowering its staff, DBS presents exciting career opportunities. For more information, please visit

此外,印尼星展銀行還在《財資》雜誌的三A獎中被評爲最佳貸款顧問。該獎項是對印尼星展銀行IBG分行在2022年至2023年期間成功擔任Pertamina集團3次籌款的獨家協調人的認可和讚賞,這三筆資金分別在控股層面、Persero(Persero)和次級控股層面,即Pertamina Hulu Energi。此前,在2023年,IBG部門還獲得了《環球金融》頒發的2023年印度尼西亞最佳外國投資銀行獎。
在對可持續發展的承諾中,印尼星展銀行有三大支柱作爲基礎,即責任銀行,專注於提供負責任的銀行產品;負責任的商業慣例,強調印尼星展銀行在開展更環保的業務運營方面的努力;以及Impact Beyond Banking,印尼星展銀行致力於繼續爲社區做出貢獻並創造積極影響。
有關印尼星展銀行可持續融資的更多信息,請訪問 這個頁面
星展銀行是亞洲領先的金融服務集團,業務遍及19個市場。星展銀行總部位於新加坡上市,位於亞洲的三個主要增長軸心:大中華區、東南亞和南亞。該銀行的 “AA-” 和 “Aa1” 信用評級是世界上最高的。
星展銀行因其全球領導地位而獲得認可,被命名爲 “世界最佳銀行” 作者:《環球金融》, “世界最佳銀行” 由 Euromoney 和 “年度全球銀行” 作者:《銀行家》。該銀行處於利用數字技術塑造銀行業未來的最前沿,已被命名 “世界最佳數字銀行” 由 Euromoney 和全世界的 “數字銀行領域最具創新性” 由《銀行家》撰寫。此外,星展銀行還被授予 “亞洲最安全的銀行” 從 2009 年到 2023 年,連續 15 年獲得《環球金融》頒發的獎項。

