


PR Newswire ·  03/15 06:50

-Meeting Scheduled, Two Directors Resign


- The Board unanimously recommends Debentureholders vote FOR the Restructuring Transaction and for the Trustee Authorization
- Your vote is important regardless of how many Debentures you own, and we urge you to vote even if you are not able to attend the Debentureholder Meeting

- 董事會一致建議債券持有人投票 爲了 重組交易和受託人授權
- 無論您擁有多少債券,您的投票都很重要,即使您無法參加債券持有人會議,我們也敦促您投票

VANCOUVER, BC, March 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Chemistree Technology Inc. (CSE: CHM) (US OTC: CHMJF) (the "Company" or "Chemistree"), announces that it has filed a Notice of Meeting on SEDAR+ calling an extraordinary meeting of the holders of the 10% senior unsecured convertible debentures of the Company due March 29, 2024 (the "Debentures") to be held on April 5, 2024, with a record date of March 6, 2024 (the "Debentureholder Meeting"). In conjunction with the planned Restructuring Transaction (as defined below), the Company has accepted the resignations of Nicolas Zitelli and Gina Dickson from their roles as directors of the Company.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024年3月14日 /PRNewswire/-Chemistree Technology Inc.(CSE:CHM)(美國場外交易代碼:CHMF)(the”公司“或”Chemistree“),宣佈已提交關於SEDAR+的會議通知,召集將於2024年3月29日到期的公司10%優先無抵押可轉換債券的持有人特別會議(”債券“) 將於 2024 年 4 月 5 日舉行,創紀錄的日期爲 2024 年 3 月 6 日(債券持有人會議“)。在計劃中的重組交易(定義見下文)的同時,公司已接受尼古拉斯·齊泰利和吉娜·迪克森辭去公司董事職務。


At the Debentureholder Meeting, the Company will put forward the following extraordinary resolutions to the holders of the Debentures (the "Debentureholders"), which are governed by the trust indenture between the Company and Odyssey Trust Company dated March 29, 2019, as supplemented on January 17, 2022 (the "Indenture"):


(i) To consider and, if deemed appropriate, approve an extraordinary resolution, the full text of which is set forth in Appendix "A" to the management information circular dated March 12, 2024 (the "Circular"), pursuant to which all of the principal of the outstanding Debentures will be settled and all claims of the Debentureholders thereunder will be extinguished in exchange for common shares ("Common Shares") in the capital of the Company (the "Restructuring Transaction"). Pursuant to the Restructuring Transaction, the Company intends to issue an aggregate of 683,700,000 Common Shares at a price of $0.01 per Common Share to Debentureholders. Following the closing of the Restructuring Transaction, the Debentureholders will hold Common Shares representing approximately 90.3% of the outstanding Common Shares, representing 100,000 Common Shares issued for every $1,000 in principal amount of Debentures held.

(i) 考慮並在認爲適當的情況下批准一項特別決議,該決議的全文載於2024年3月12日管理信息通報附錄 “A”(通告“),根據該協議,未償債券的所有本金將得到清償,債券持有人根據該債券提出的所有索賠將被消滅,以換取普通股(”普通股“) 在公司的資本中(”重組 交易“)。根據重組交易,公司打算以每股普通股0.01美元的價格向債券持有人發行共計683,700,000股普通股。重組交易完成後,債券持有人將持有普通股,約佔已發行普通股的90.3%,相當於每持有1,000美元的債券本金即可發行10萬股普通股。

(ii) To consider and, if deemed appropriate, approve an extraordinary resolution, the full text of which is set forth in Appendix "B" to the Circular, pursuant to which Odyssey Trust Company (the "Trustee"), as trustee under the Indenture, shall have the right and be authorized to accept or consent on behalf of the Debentureholders to any plan of reorganization or restructuring transaction that may be made in any bankruptcy, liquidation, restructuring, or other insolvency proceeding relative to the Company, by taking action of any character in such proceeding without any further extraordinary resolution being required prior to such acceptance or consent being granted (the "Trustee Authorization").

(ii) 考慮並在認爲適當的情況下批准一項特別決議,該決議的全文載於通告附錄 “B”,奧德賽信託公司(”受託人“)作爲契約下的受託人,有權並有權代表債券持有人接受或同意在與公司有關的任何破產、清算、重組或其他破產程序中可能制定的任何重組或重組交易計劃,在此類程序中採取任何性質的行動,在給予這種接受或同意之前無需任何進一步的特別決議(”受託人授權“)。


The principal amount of the Debentures, being $6,837,000, will mature and become due on March 29, 2024. The board of directors of Chemistree (the "Board") has concluded that the Company will not have sufficient funds to settle the principal amount of the Debentures with cash on maturity and that the Company will not be able to successfully raise the requisite amount of cash necessary to pay the principal amount of Debentures with its current capital structure.

債券的本金爲6,837,000美元,將於2024年3月29日到期併到期。Chemistree 的董事會(”“)得出結論,公司將沒有足夠的資金以到期現金結算債券的本金,並且公司將無法成功籌集到以其當前資本結構支付債券本金所需的必要現金量。

The Company has identified the Restructuring Transaction as an avenue to address these issues and to enhance securityholder value in the long run. The Board believes that the Restructuring Transaction will:


(i) eliminate the Company's convertible debt and debt service obligations, thereby providing the Company with added liquidity;

(i) 取消公司的可轉換債務和償債義務,從而爲公司提供更多的流動性;

(ii) allow management additional flexibility to focus on the Company's operations, as opposed to focusing on debt-servicing obligations and repayment;

(ii) 允許管理層更靈活地專注於公司的運營,而不是專注於償債義務和還款;

(iii) increase the strength of the Company's balance sheet;

(iii) 增加公司資產負債表的實力;

(iv) provide the Debentureholders with an aggregate ownership stake in the Company of approximately 90%;

(iv) 向債券持有人提供約90%的公司總所有權;

(v) allow Debentureholders to participate more effectively and efficiently in the equity upside of the Company; and

(v) 允許債券持有人更有效、更高效地參與公司的股權上行空間;以及

(vi) simplify the Company's capital structure.

(vi) 簡化公司的資本結構。

The Company believes in its growth potential, and it believes the Restructuring Transaction is in the best interests of Debentureholders.


Should the Restructuring Transaction not be approved by the Debentureholders or the Company determines not to proceed with the Restructuring Transaction for any reason, the Company has identified the Trustee Authorization as an avenue to simplify Debentureholder participation in any plan of reorganization or restructuring transaction that may be made in any bankruptcy, liquidation, restructuring, or other insolvency proceeding relative to the Company. By approving the Trustee Authorization, Debentureholders authorize the Trustee to act on their behalf in such proceedings, meaning that the Trustee can make decisions without the need for a further extraordinary resolution from the Debentureholders. If the Trustee Authorization is not approved, the Debentureholders may be responsible for their own costs related to plan of reorganization or restructuring transaction that may be made in any bankruptcy, liquidation, restructuring, or other insolvency proceeding relative to the Company, which may increase the timeline for recovery of the principal amounts of the Debentures.



Chemistree will hold the Debentureholder Meeting to consider the Restructuring Transaction and the Trustee Authorization on April 5, 2024. Pursuant to the Indenture, an extraordinary resolution approving either of the Restructuring Transaction and the Trustee Authorization is required to be passed at a meeting of Debentureholders in which the holders of not less than 25% of the principal amount of Debentures outstanding on the date of the Debentureholder Meeting are present in person or by proxy. The resolution must be passed by holders of at least 662⁄3% of the principal amount of the Debentures present in person or by proxy at the Debentureholder Meeting, or any adjournment thereof. Alternatively, each resolution can be passed, in writing, by the holders of at least 662⁄3% of the outstanding principal amount of the Debentures. Each Debentureholder present in person or represented by proxy at the Debentureholder Meeting shall be entitled to one vote in respect of each $1,000 principal amount of Debentures held by such Debentureholder.

Chemistree將於2024年4月5日舉行債券持有人會議,審議重組交易和受託人授權。根據契約,債券持有人會議必須通過一項批准重組交易和受託人授權的特別決議,屆時債券持有人會面或通過代理人出席,屆時債券持有人不少於25%的未償債券本金的持有人出席。該決議必須由親自出席或通過代理人出席債券持有人大會或其任何續會的債券本金的至少 662⁄3% 的持有人通過。或者,每項決議均可由債券未償還本金的至少 662⁄3% 的持有人以書面形式通過。每位親自出席或由代理人代表出席債券持有人會議的債券持有人有權就該債券持有人持有的每1,000美元的債券本金獲得一票表決。

About Chemistree Technology Inc.

Chemistree Technology Inc. is a Canadian investment company whose strategy is to focus on opportunistic investments across a broad range of industries, and is seeking to invest in early stage, promising companies where it may be the lead investor and can additionally provide investees with advisory services, mentoring and access to the Company's management expertise. Existing holdings are in a consumer-targeted biotechnology venture, a renewable energy developer in the wind and solar sector ("REVV"), a plant-based wellness company ("FUEL") and an Ontario limited partnership ("ONLP") to take advantage of opportunistic long/short equity opportunities in both potential upside and downside expected price moves. Additional information about the Company, including the documents referenced above, is available at the Company's website and on the SEDAR+ website at .

Chemistree Technology Inc. 是一家加拿大投資公司,其戰略是專注於各行各業的機會性投資,並正在尋求投資於早期的、有前途的公司,在這些公司中,它可能成爲主要投資者,還可以爲被投資人提供諮詢服務、指導和獲得公司管理專業知識的機會。現有股份屬於一家以消費者爲目標的生物技術企業,一家風能和太陽能領域的可再生能源開發商(”REVV“),一家植物性健康公司(”燃料“)和安大略省有限合夥企業(”ONLP“)在潛在的上行和下行預期價格走勢中利用機會性的多頭/空頭股票機會。有關公司的更多信息,包括上述文件,可在公司網站和SEDAR+網站上獲得,網址爲。

"Karl Kottmeier"


Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Market Regulator (as that term is defined in the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


Information set forth in this news release includes forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements are statements that relate to future, not past, events. In this context, forward-looking statements often address expected future business and financial performance, and often contain words such as "anticipate", "believe", "plan", "estimate", "expect", "budget", "scheduled" and "intend", statements that an action or event "may", "might", "could", "should", or "will" be taken or occur, or other similar expressions. In particular, but without limiting the foregoing, this news release contains forward-looking statements pertaining to: the timing and resolutions put forward at the Debentureholder Meeting; receipt of Debentureholder approval for the Restructuring Transaction and the Trustee Authorization; the Company's inability to settle the principal amount of Debentures on the maturity date; the Company's ability to successfully raise an amount to settle the principal amount of Debentures on the maturity date; the Trustee agreeing to act on behalf of the Debentureholders in connection with any insolvency proceeding; the expected growth potential of the Company; and the expected benefits of the Restructuring Transaction, including to enhance securityholder value; and the expected benefits of the Trustee Authorization.

本新聞稿中提供的信息包括適用證券法規定的前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述是與未來而不是過去的事件相關的陳述。在這種情況下,前瞻性陳述通常涉及預期的未來業務和財務業績,通常包含 “預測”、“相信”、“計劃”、“估計”、“預期”、“預算”、“計劃” 和 “打算” 等詞語,關於某項行動或事件 “可能”、“可能”、“應該” 或 “將” 採取或發生的陳述,或其他類似的表述。特別是,在不限制上述內容的前提下,本新聞稿包含與以下內容有關的前瞻性陳述:債券持有人大會提出的時間和決議;收到債券持有人對重組交易的批准和受託人授權;公司無法在到期日結算債券本金;公司在到期日成功籌集資金以結算債券本金的能力;受託人同意代表債券持有人行事與任何破產程序的關係;公司的預期增長潛力;重組交易的預期收益,包括提高證券持有人價值;以及受託人授權的預期收益。

By their nature, forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, the risks identified in the Company's reports and filings with the applicable Canadian securities regulators, including risks related to the Company's ability to secure Debentureholder approval at the Debentureholder Meeting and the Company's inability to pay the principal amount of Debentures when they become due. Forward-looking statements are made based on management's beliefs, estimates and opinions on the date that statements are made, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if these beliefs, estimates and opinions or other circumstances should change, except as required by applicable securities laws. Investors are cautioned against attributing undue certainty to forward-looking statements. The Company assumes no responsibility to update or revise forward-looking information to reflect new events or circumstances unless required by applicable law.


SOURCE Chemistree Technology Inc.

來源 Chemistree 科技公司

