
Highlander Silver Provides Update on La Estrella Geological Model and Drilling Plans

Highlander Silver Provides Update on La Estrella Geological Model and Drilling Plans

Highlander Silver 提供了 La Estrella 地質模型和鑽探計劃的最新信息
Accesswire ·  03/14 21:00

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / March 14, 2024 / HIGHLANDER SILVER CORP. (CSE:HSLV) (THE "COMPANY" OR "HIGHLANDER SILVER") is pleased to provide an update on the geological modelling work developed at La Estrella which will guide drill targeting in the upcoming drilling campaign.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2024 年 3 月 14 日/漢蘭達銀業公司(CSE: HSLV)(“公司” 或 “HIGHLANDER SILVER”)很高興提供La Estrella開發的地質建模工作的最新情況,這將指導即將到來的鑽探活動的鑽探目標。

During Q2 2023, Highlander Silver ́s technical team developed a drill defined near surface exploration target of 15 to 35 Mt averaging between 50 and 60 g/t Ag, and 0.4 to 0.6 g/t Au containing some 25 to 60 Moz Ag and 0.2 to 0.7 Moz Au1 (see news release of July 17th, 2023). In Q3 and Q4 2023, the team re-logged historic drill core and conducted geological mapping to develop an in-house geological model. The work focused on developing a comprehensive understanding of the controls on mineralisation to enable development of a prioritised set of targets for drill testing. The Company is now finalizing its drilling plan and is engaged in the drill permitting process. Highlander is targeting the end of Q2 2024 for mobilizing the drill rig.

在2023年第二季度,漢蘭達銀業的技術團隊開發了一種鑽探,確定了15至35萬噸的近地表勘探目標,平均銀含量在50至60克/噸之間,金含約25至60摩茲銀和0.2至0.7摩茲Au1(見7月17日新聞稿)第四,2023)。在 2023 年第三季度和第四季度,該團隊重新記錄了歷史鑽孔岩心並進行了地質測繪,以開發內部地質模型。這項工作側重於全面了解礦化控制措施,以便制定一組優先的鑽探測試目標。該公司目前正在敲定鑽探計劃,並正在進行鑽探許可程序。漢蘭達的目標是在2024年第二季度末調動鑽機。

1 The potential quantity and grade of the exploration target is conceptual in nature, and more exploration is required to define a mineral resource. Important aspects such as metallurgical processing options need to be investigated to evaluate potential recoveries of Ag and Au. As such, it is uncertain if this work will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource. In addition, further drilling will be required to investigate the extensions and continuity of the mineralization.

1 勘探目標的潛在數量和品位本質上是概念性的,需要進行更多的勘探才能確定礦產資源。需要研究冶金加工方案等重要方面,以評估銀和金的潛在回收率。因此,尚不確定這項工作是否會導致目標被劃定爲礦產資源。此外,還需要進一步鑽探,以調查礦化的延伸和連續性。

David Fincham, Highlander Silver ́s President and CEO commented, "We continue to be impressed with the silver-gold potential at La Estrella. A large and strong alteration footprint, well mineralised historical drill intercepts and significant gaps in the historical drilling suggest excellent potential to improve on the numbers produced from our exploration target modelling. The technical team, led by Leandro Echavarria, has done an excellent job with the geologic model, resulting in a vastly improved understanding of the deposit and of the controls on mineralisation. Highlander Silver has developed the technical foundation to execute a drill program with the best chances of success".

漢蘭達銀業總裁兼首席執行官大衛·芬查姆評論說:“La Estrella的銀金潛力仍然給我們留下深刻的印象。龐大而強烈的蝕變足跡、礦化的歷史鑽探截距以及歷史鑽探中的重大空白表明,在我們的勘探目標建模中得出的數字具有極大的改善潛力。由萊安德羅·埃查瓦里亞領導的技術團隊在地質模型方面做得非常出色,極大地提高了對礦牀和礦化控制的理解。Highlander Silver已經爲執行鑽探計劃奠定了技術基礎,成功的可能性最大”。

Leandro Echavarria, the Company ́s Vice President Exploration commented, "Our geologic model is based on the detailed drill core logging and surface mapping carried out by the technical staff at Highlander Silver. This model serves as the cornerstone for effective drill targeting to expand known mineralization zones. Identification of upflow channels that focused mineralised fluids allow us to target zones with potential for higher grade".


Regional Geology
The area is cut by a set of regional faults that control volcanism and emplacement of dome complexes (Fig. 1). Both the Julcani mine (105 million ounces of silver produced from high grade vein mineralisation averaging 16 ounces per ton since production started by Buenaventura in 1953) and the La Estrella deposit are emplaced along the fertile Julcani-Huancayo fault. La Estrella sits at an important inflection zone on the fault, generating a transtensional structural setting which enabled shallow dome emplacement, hydrothermal activity and Ag-Au ±Pb ±Zn ±Cu mineralisation.

該地區被一系列區域斷層切開,這些斷層控制着火山活動和圓頂建築群的安置(圖 1)。朱爾卡尼礦(自布埃納文圖拉於1953年開始生產以來,從高品位礦化中產出1.05億盎司的銀,平均每噸16盎司)和拉埃斯特雷拉礦牀都位於肥沃的胡爾卡尼-萬卡約斷層沿線。La Estrella 位於斷層的一個重要轉折區,形成了跨張結構環境,從而實現了淺穹頂構造、熱液活動和 Ag-Au ±Pb ±Zn ±Cu 礦化。

Fig. 1 La Estrella regional geology and structural setting

圖 1 拉埃斯特雷拉地區的地質和結構背景

Local geology, hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation
Hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation at La Estrella are associated with a dome complex intruded along transtensional zones, exploiting the rheologic contrast between limestones and red beds (Fig. 2). The dome complex is more than 2 km long in the North to South direction and has a maximum width of 900 m, dipping about 35° West, and it is formed by numerous, irregular intrusion facies, where earlier basal facies are overlain by younger facies (Fig. 3).

La Estrella 的水熱蝕變和礦化與侵入跨張帶的圓頂建築群有關,該建築群利用了石灰岩和紅層之間的流變學對比(圖 2)。圓頂建築群從北到南的長度超過2千米,最大寬度爲900 m,向西傾斜約35°,它由許多不規則的侵入相形成,早期的基底相被較年輕的巖相覆蓋(圖3)。

The dome complex is cut by NE faults producing uplifted and down dropped blocks, with maximum measured displacements of about 80 m. These faults probably acted simultaneously with dome emplacement, acting as upflow channels of the hydrothermal fluids, and exert control on the alteration and mineralisation distribution.

圓頂建築群由東北斷層切割,這些斷層產生了隆起和向下掉落的塊體,測得的最大位移約爲 80 m。這些斷層可能與圓頂佈設同時起作用,充當熱液體的上流通道,控制着蝕變和礦化分佈。

Fig. 2 Lithology map showing dome facies

圖 2 顯示圓頂表面的巖性學地圖

Fig. 3. Cross section showing dome facies and distribution of mineralisation. Note distribution of strongest mineralisation, hosted by the lower dome facies. Mineralised intercepts (not true widths) in hole DDH-E23 include: A) From 111.90 m to 122.5 m (interval 10.60 m) of 0.68 g/t Au and 12.43 g/t Ag. B) From 154.0 m to 163.3 m (interval 9.00 m) of 0.66 g/t Au and 138.58 g/t Ag. C) From 166.6 m to 197.2 m (interval 30.00 m) of 0.63 g/t Au and 7.94 g/t Ag.

圖 3.橫截面顯示圓頂相和礦化分佈。注意最強礦化的分佈,由下部圓頂相承載。DDH-E23 孔中的礦化截距(非真實寬度)包括:A) 從 111.90 m 到 122.5 m(間隔 10.60 m),金含量爲 0.68 g/t Au 和 12.43 g/t Ag。B) 從 154.0 m 到 163.3 m(間隔 9.00 m)爲 0.66 g/t Au 和 138.58 g/t Ag。C) 從 166.6 m 到 197.2 m(間隔 30.00 m)爲 0.63 g/t Au 和 7.94 g/t Ag。

Hydrothermal alteration is mostly hosted within the early facies of the dome complex, with a large silicified core surrounded by strong quartz-sericite alteration and an outer halo of weaker illite-kaolinite or chlorite alteration (Fig. 4). Hydrothermal alteration is pervasive affecting the vitreous-rich early dome facies, and follows upflow channels through a set of North-South and Northeast structures (Fig. 5).

熱液蝕變主要發生在圓頂建築群的早期巖相內,一個大型硅化核心被強烈的石英-絹雲母蝕變和由較弱的伊利特-高嶺石或亞氯酸鹽蝕變組成的外部光環(圖 4)。熱液變化無處不在,影響着富含玻璃體的早期穹頂相,並沿着上流通道穿過一系列南北和東北結構(圖 5)。

The mineralisation is found in disseminated and vein forms, associated with silicification and quartz-sericite alteration.


There are 2 stages of mineralisation: 1. Early stage and 2. Epithermal stage (Fig. 6).

礦化分爲兩個階段:1.早期階段和 2.超熱階段(圖 6)。

1. Early stage: Related to a late-stage magmatic derived, high temperature hydrothermal fluid, introduced into the dome complex shortly after emplacement, forming a large footprint of ~2,000 m x 600 m controlled by NE and N-S structures. Mineralisation of Au±Cu±As is associated with medium-coarse pyrite, within veinlets, disseminated, cementing hydrothermal breccias or as quartz vein halos.

1。早期階段:與晚期岩漿衍生的高溫熱液體有關,該流體在佈設後不久被引入圓頂建築群,形成了由東北和北南結構控制的約 2,000 m x 600 m 的大型佔地面積。Au±Cu±As的礦化與中等粗糙的黃鐵礦有關,在礦脈內、浸染、粘結熱液角礫岩或作爲石英脈光環。

2. Epithermal stage: Later than the Early stage, consists mainly of quartz with fine-grained dark sulphides (pyrite-Ag sulphosalts and scarce galena and chalcopyrite) with polymetallic mineralisation of Ag±Au-Pb>Cu>Zn. The epithermal stage is commonly emplaced in discontinuous and thin structures, and as diffuse halos around early stage pyrite, mainly related to NE upflow structures.


Fig. 4. Map showing the widespread distribution of hydrothermal alteration, which forms a large zone of about 2,000 m x 500 m with a silicified core surrounded by quartz-sericite alteration.

圖 4.該地圖顯示了熱液蝕變的廣泛分佈,形成了大約 2,000 m x 500 m 的大區域,硅化岩心被石英-絹雲母蝕變所包圍。

Fig. 5. a. Silicified (quartz+pyrite) and mineralised ridge (1) with halos of quartz-sericite alteration (2), which is part of a large set of prospective Northeast structures at the central block of the dome complex. b. Detailed of upflow channel formed by hydrothermal breccia cemented by fine-grained black sulphides and quartz (1) hosted by early dome facies with quartz-sericite alteration (2).

圖 5. a. 硅化(石英+黃鐵礦)和礦化山脊(1),帶有石英-絹雲母蝕變光環(2),這是圓頂建築群中心區塊大量潛在東北構造的一部分。b. 詳細介紹由細顆粒黑色硫化物粘結的熱液角礫岩形成的上升流通道,石英(1)由早期圓頂相承載石英-絹雲母蝕變 (2)。

Fig. 6. Core photos from Early stage and Epithermal stage mineralisation.

圖 6.早期和淺熱階段礦化的核心照片。

1. Early stage mineralisation:


a. Fine-grained porphyritic dacite with veinlets, irregular open space filling and disseminations. DDH-E26: 177 m, 2.49 g/t Au, 13 g/t Ag.

a. 帶有靜脈、不規則空地填充和散佈的細顆粒斑狀斑岩石。DDH-E26:177 m,2.49 g/t Au,13 g/t Ag。

b. Amygdale - rich andesite, mineralisation in irregular quartz veinlets and amygdale filling with pyritic halos. DDH-E24: 128 m, 0.79 g/t Au, 4 g/t Ag.

b. Amygdale-富含安山岩,礦化爲不規則石英脈和充滿黃鐵礦光環的杏仁谷。DDH-E24:128 m,0.79 g/t Au,4 g/t Ag

2. Epithermal stage mineralisation:


c. Quartz+fine-grained sulphides veinlet. DDH-E24: 244 m, 0.25 g/t Au, 97 g/t Ag.

c. 石英+細顆粒硫化物靜脈。DDH-E24:244 m,0.25 g/t Au,97 g/t Ag

d. Structurally controlled hydrothermal breccia cemented by quartz+sulphides. DDH-E12, 182.5-183.5 m. 0.75 g/t Au, 216 g/t Ag, 7.06% Pb, 2.72% Zn.

d. 由石英+硫化物粘結的結構控制的熱液角礫岩。DDH-E12,182.5-183.5 m. 0.75 g/t Au,216 g/t Ag,7.06% 鉛,2.72% 鋅。

The understanding gained from development of the 3D geologic model enables targeting of the most prospective areas for economic mineralisation. The upcoming drill program will have two main objectives: a) expand the zone of known Ag-Au mineralsation and b) target structurally favourable zones for high grade feeder potential.

通過開發三維地質模型獲得的理解,可以瞄準最具前景的經濟礦化區域。即將到來的鑽探計劃將有兩個主要目標:a) 擴大已知的銀金礦化區域,b) 瞄準結構上有利於高品位饋線潛力的區域。

The Company looks forward to providing further updates over the coming weeks.


Qualified Person
All scientific and technical information contained in this news release was prepared and approved by Walter La Torre, (Qualified Person), MAusIMM (CP). Mr. La Torre has verified the scientific and technical information disclosed in this news release by reviewing the sampling, analytical and drilling data from the Property.

本新聞稿中包含的所有科學和技術信息均由MauSimm(CP)沃爾特·拉託雷(合格人員)編寫和批准。La Torre先生通過審查該物業的採樣、分析和鑽探數據,覈實了本新聞稿中披露的科學和技術信息。

About Highlander Silver
Highlander Silver Corp., backed by the Augusta Group and the Lundin Family, is a mineral exploration company focused on the discovery of exceptional silver-gold projects in the Central Andes, leveraging the team's significant technical and operational experience in Peru and South America more widely. Currently the Company is developing the La Estrella project in central Peru. Highlander Silver announced entering into a share purchase agreement for the San Luis project from SSR on November 30th 2023. Closing of the Transaction is subject to certain conditions, including receipt of all required regulatory approvals. Closing is currently expected to occur in April 2024.

Highlander Silver Corp. 在奧古斯塔集團和隆丁家族的支持下,是一家礦產勘探公司,專注於在安第斯山脈中部發現特殊的銀金項目,更廣泛地利用該團隊在秘魯和南美的豐富技術和運營經驗。目前,該公司正在秘魯中部開發La Estrella項目。漢蘭達白銀宣佈於2023年11月30日與SSR簽訂聖路易斯項目的股票購買協議。交易的完成受某些條件的約束,包括獲得所有必要的監管批准。目前預計將於2024年4月關閉。

The Company is listed on the CSE under the ticker symbol HSLV and additional information about Highlander Silver and its mineral projects can be viewed on the Company's SEDAR+ profile at () and its website at

該公司在CSE上市,股票代碼爲HSLV,有關漢蘭達白銀及其礦產項目的更多信息可以在該公司的SEDAR+簡介上查看,網址爲 () 及其網站

Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) nor the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


For further information, please contact:
David Fincham
Chief Executive Officer
Highlander Silver Corp.
(604) 283 7630

(604) 283 7630

Forward-Looking Information
Certain information contained in this news release constitutes "forward-looking information" under Canadian securities legislation. This includes, but is not limited to, information or statements with respect to the future exploration plans of the Company, permitting and timing of future exploration, timing for the Company's mobilization of the drill rig, and the acquisition of the San Luis silver-gold project, which has not yet closed.. Such forward-looking information or statements can be identified by the use of words such as "anticipates", "plans", "suggests", "targets" or "prospects" or variations (including negative variations) of such words and phrases, or state that certain actions, events or results "will" be taken, occur, or be achieved. Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of the Company and/or its subsidiaries to be materially different from any future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. Such factors include, among others, general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties, the actual results of current exploration activities, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, accident, labour disputes and other risks of the mining industry, and delays in obtaining governmental approvals or financing. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that could cause actions, events or results to differ from those anticipated, estimated or intended. Forward-looking information contained herein are made as of the date of this news release. There can be no assurance that forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change, except as required by applicable securities laws. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information.

根據加拿大證券法,本新聞稿中包含的某些信息構成 “前瞻性信息”。這包括但不限於有關公司未來勘探計劃、未來勘探的許可和時機、公司動員鑽機的時機以及收購尚未結束的聖路易斯銀金項目的信息或聲明。此類前瞻性信息或陳述可以通過使用 “預期”、“計劃”、“建議”、“目標” 或 “前景” 等詞語或此類詞語和短語的變體(包括負面變體)來識別,或者聲明 “將” 採取、發生或實現某些行動、事件或結果。前瞻性信息涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致公司和/或其子公司的實際業績、業績或成就與前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的任何未來業績、業績或成就存在重大差異。除其他外,這些因素包括一般業務、經濟、競爭、政治和社會的不確定性、當前勘探活動的實際結果、計劃不斷完善後項目參數的變化、採礦業的事故、勞資糾紛和其他風險,以及延遲獲得政府批准或融資。儘管公司試圖確定可能導致實際行動、事件或結果與前瞻性信息中描述的重大差異的重要因素,但可能還有其他因素可能導致行動、事件或結果與預期、估計或預期的不同。此處包含的前瞻性信息是自本新聞發佈之日起發佈的。無法保證前瞻性信息會被證明是準確的,因爲實際結果和未來事件可能與此類陳述中的預期存在重大差異。除非適用的證券法要求,否則如果情況或管理層的估計或觀點發生變化,公司沒有義務更新前瞻性信息。因此,提醒讀者不要過分依賴前瞻性信息。

SOURCE: Highlander Silver Corp.


