
BitMine Immersion Technologies, Inc. Announces Innovative Mining Revenue Initiative With Luxor Technology Corporation

BitMine Immersion Technologies, Inc. Announces Innovative Mining Revenue Initiative With Luxor Technology Corporation

BitMine Immersion Technologies, Inc. 宣佈與盧克索科技公司合作推出創新採礦收入
Accesswire ·  03/14 21:00

ATLANTA, GA / ACCESSWIRE / March 14, 2024 / BitMine Immersion Technologies, Inc. ("BitMine" or "the Company") (OTCQX:BMNR) announces that it has entered into a mining computer lease agreement with Luxor Technology Corporation, one of the top Bitcoin service providers and ASIC brokers in the US.

喬治亞州亞特蘭大/ACCESSWIRE/2024年3月14日/BitMine Immersion Technologies, Inc.(“BitMine” 或 “公司”)(OTCQX: BMNR)宣佈已與美國頂級比特幣服務提供商和澳大利亞證券投資委員會經紀商之一盧克索科技公司簽訂了採礦計算機租賃協議。

In what is believed to be the first of its kind transaction by a public bitcoin miner, BitMine is leasing almost 800 Antminer S-19's from Luxor in a short-term lease, which expires at the Bitcoin halving next month, expected on or about April 19th. In exchange for a lump sum lease payment and an agreement to pay 70% of the machine production through regular invoicing, BitMine will receive all the mining proceeds to its wallet for the duration of the lease period. Both Luxor and BitMine hope to renew this lease and/or other leases once this expires. Given the short-term nature of the lease, BitMine views this transaction as a strategic way to add substantial mining revenue moving forward, without the need to come up with large capex that would be required for bulk machine purchases.

據信這是公共比特幣礦商首次進行此類交易,BitMine以短期租約從盧克索租賃了近800臺Antminer S-19,該租約將在下個月的比特幣減半時到期,預計將於4月19日左右。作爲一次性租賃付款和通過定期發票支付70%機器生產的協議的交換,BitMine將在租賃期內將所有采礦收益存入其錢包。Luxor和BitMine都希望在租約到期後續訂該租約和/或其他租約。鑑於租賃的短期性質,BitMine將這筆交易視爲未來增加大量採礦收入的戰略途徑,無需投入批量購買機器所需的巨額資本支出。

Jonathan Bates, BitMine CEO, stated, "This transaction is the first of what we hope to be many of its kind. By acquiring hashrate through commercial contracts rather than purchasing expensive miners, we have the ability to grow our top line substantially and quickly. Furthermore, the predictability and defined duration of the daily bitcoin payouts allows us to manage any hedging activities very tightly. This fits well with our risk management strategy as well as our growth strategy. We are proud to be pioneers amongst our peers in the shared industry goal to add hashrate. This also fits with our DNA of being prudent portfolio managers and efficiently deploying firm capital."


About BitMine Immersion Technologies, Inc.

關於 BitMine 沉浸式技術有限公司

BitMine is a technology company focused on Bitcoin mining using immersion technology, an advanced cooling technique where computers are submerged in specialized oil circulated to keep units operating at optimal ambient temperature. Immersion technology is more environmentally friendly than conventional mining methodologies, while lowering operating expenses and increasing yield. BitMine's operations are located in low-cost energy regions in Trinidad, Pecos, Texas, and Murray, Kentucky. Learn more about BitMine and its operations here

BitMine是一家科技公司,專注於使用浸泡技術進行比特幣挖礦,浸泡技術是一種先進的冷卻技術,計算機浸入循環的特殊油中,以保持設備在最佳環境溫度下運行。沉浸式技術比傳統的採礦方法更環保,同時降低了運營費用並提高了產量。BitMine的業務位於特立尼達、德克薩斯州佩科斯和肯塔基州默裏的低成本能源地區。在此處了解有關 BitMine 及其運營的更多信息

Forward-Looking Statements:


This press release contains statements that constitute "forward-looking statements." The statements in this press release that are not purely historical are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. Actual future performance outcomes and results may differ materially from those expressed in forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are subject to numerous conditions, many of which are beyond BitMine's control, including those set forth in the Risk Factors section of BitMine's Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") on December 14, 2023, and its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with the SEC on January 12, 2024, and any other SEC filings, as amended or updated from time to time. Copies of BitMine's filings with the SEC are available on the SEC's website at BitMine undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this release, except as required by law.

本新聞稿包含構成 “前瞻性陳述” 的陳述。本新聞稿中不純粹是歷史性的陳述是前瞻性陳述,涉及風險和不確定性。未來的實際業績結果和業績可能與前瞻性陳述中表達的結果和業績存在重大差異。前瞻性陳述受許多條件的約束,其中許多條件是BitMine無法控制的,包括BitMine於2023年12月14日向美國證券交易委員會(“SEC”)提交的10-K表年度報告的風險因素部分、2024年1月12日向美國證券交易委員會提交的10-Q表季度報告以及不時修訂或更新的任何其他美國證券交易委員會文件中規定的條件。BitMine向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件副本可在美國證券交易委員會的網站上查閱,網址爲。除非法律要求,否則BitMine沒有義務在本版本發佈之日後更新這些聲明以進行修訂或更改。

BitMine Immersion Technologies Contact:
Jonathan Bates, Chairman and CEO

BitMine 沉浸式技術聯繫人:

SOURCE: BitMine Immersion Technologies Inc.

來源:BitMine 浸入式技術公司

