
Rice Biotech Launch Pad Adds William McKeon to External Advisory Board

Rice Biotech Launch Pad Adds William McKeon to External Advisory Board

Rice Biotech Launch Pad 將威廉·麥堅加入外部顧問委員會
PR Newswire ·  03/14 20:00

HOUSTON, March 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Rice University today announced the addition of William McKeon to its external advisory board for the Rice Biotech Launch Pad, a Houston-based accelerator focused on expediting the translation of the university's health and medical technology discoveries into cures.

休斯頓,2024 年 3 月 14 日 /PRNewswire/ — 萊斯大學今天宣佈增加 威廉·麥基恩 致其外部顧問委員會 賴斯生物技術發射臺,一家總部位於休斯敦的加速器,致力於加快將該大學的健康和醫療技術發現轉化爲治療方法。

Rice Biotech Launch Pad adds William McKeon to external advisory board
Rice Biotech Launch Pad 將威廉·麥堅加入外部顧問委員會

With an extensive background in leadership positions in the pharmaceutical and medical field and an unmatched knowledge of the Houston life sciences space, McKeon will provide crucial insight and collaboration to the Launch Pad as it advances its work to turn Houston into a world-leading hub for medical innovation. He has been the president and chief executive officer of the Texas Medical Center (TMC) since 2017 and has over 40 years of experience in the life sciences industry.

憑藉在製藥和醫療領域擔任領導職務的豐富背景以及對休斯敦生命科學領域的無與倫比的了解,McKeon將爲Launch Pad提供至關重要的見解與合作,推動其將休斯敦轉變爲世界領先的醫療創新中心的工作。他曾擔任該公司的總裁兼首席執行官 德克薩斯州醫療中心 (TMC) 自 2017 年起在生命科學行業擁有 40 多年的經驗。

"The appointment of a figure like Bill McKeon, who heads the largest medical city in the world at TMC, to the Launch Pad's external advisory board marks another highpoint of our commitment to the city of Houston," said Paul Wotton, executive director and chairman of the Rice Biotech Launch Pad. "Under Bill, the TMC has been of massive importance for the Launch Pad in facilitating collaboration with partners and delivering innovative medical technologies. William's appointment further validates this relationship and sets the basis for new successful transitions from lab to clinic."

他說:“任命像TMC世界上最大的醫療城市負責人比爾·麥堅這樣的人物爲Launch Pad的外部顧問委員會成員,這標誌着我們對休斯敦市的承諾的又一高潮。” 保羅·沃頓,Rice Biotech Launch Pad執行董事兼主席。“在比爾的領導下,TMC對Launch Pad在促進與合作伙伴的合作和提供創新的醫療技術方面發揮了至關重要的作用。威廉的任命進一步證實了這種關係,併爲從實驗室到診所的新成功過渡奠定了基礎。”

"We are delighted to welcome Bill McKeon to the Launch Pad's remarkable external advisory board as he is a truly skilled leader whose local influence and strategic guidance will help elevate the Rice Biotech Launch Pad as a source for clinical advancements," said Omid Veiseh, associate professor of bioengineering at Rice and faculty director of the accelerator. "His expertise in business development in various branches of life sciences matches perfectly with the needs of the various, novel startups looking to emerge from the accelerator."

他說:“我們很高興歡迎比爾·麥堅加入Launch Pad傑出的外部顧問委員會,因爲他是一位真正熟練的領導者,他在當地的影響力和戰略指導將有助於提升賴斯生物技術發射臺作爲臨床進步來源的地位。” Omid Veiseh,賴斯大學生物工程學副教授兼加速器系主任。“他在生命科學各個領域的業務發展方面的專業知識與希望從加速器中脫穎而出的各種新穎初創公司的需求完美契合。”

"I am honored to join the exceptional advisory board of the Rice Biotech Launch Pad," said McKeon. "The Launch Pad closely aligns with TMC's ongoing efforts to accelerate the discovery of new advancements through collaboration. I look forward to sharing the insights we have gained at the TMC Innovation Factory and through our TMC Venture Fund to help Rice rapidly bring new, groundbreaking solutions to patients."

麥堅說:“我很榮幸能加入賴斯生物技術發射臺的卓越顧問委員會。”“Launch Pad與TMC通過合作加速發現新進展的持續努力密切相關。我期待分享我們在TMC創新工廠和通過我們的TMC風險投資基金獲得的見解,以幫助Rice迅速爲患者提供新的突破性解決方案。”

As president and CEO of the TMC, McKeon oversees more than 60 institutions and 120,000 employees with an annual GDP exceeding $22 billion. At TMC, he drives strategic, operational and innovation initiatives, positioning it as a global leader in life sciences. McKeon's career began at DuPont, followed by leadership roles at Stanford University Medical Center, Raytel Medical Systems (now part of Philips' health care services), U.S. Oncology and Medtronic. He also served as president and CEO of MicroPort in Shanghai and Cellnovo in London, contributing to their growth and innovation.

作爲TMC的總裁兼首席執行官,麥堅管理着60多家機構和12萬名員工,年國內生產總值超過220億美元。在TMC,他推動戰略、運營和創新計劃,將其定位爲生命科學領域的全球領導者。McKeon 的職業生涯始於 杜邦,其次是領導職務 斯坦福大學醫學中心,Raytel Medical Systems(現爲 飛利浦的 醫療保健服務), 美國腫瘤學美敦力。他還曾擔任總裁兼首席執行官 微型端口 在上海和倫敦的Cellnovo爲他們的發展和創新做出了貢獻。

McKeon currently serves as vice chairman of the Board of Trustees at Roger Williams University and sits on various other boards, including Greater Houston Partnership, Deep 6 AI, TMC Venture Fund and the TMC. He holds a Bachelor of Science in legal studies from Roger Williams University and a Master of Science in health care business management from the University of San Francisco.

麥堅目前在羅傑·威廉姆斯大學擔任董事會副主席,並擔任其他多個董事會成員,包括大休斯敦夥伴關係、Deep 6 AI、TMC風險基金和TMC。他擁有羅傑·威廉姆斯大學法律研究理學學士學位和舊金山大學醫療保健業務管理理學碩士學位。

McKeon is the 14th member of the Launch Pad's external advisory board. The other members are Jason Bock, founder and CEO of CTMC; Albert Cha, managing partner of Frazier Life Sciences; Rima Chakrabarti, partner at KdT Ventures and adjunct professor of neuroscience at the Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine; John Flavin, founder and CEO of Portal Innovations, co-founder and chairman of Pyxis Oncology and entrepreneurial advisor of Argonne National Laboratory; Pierre Jacquet, managing director and vice chairman of L.E.K.'s health care consulting practice; Robert Langer, professor at the David H. Koch Institute for Integrated Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Dennis Lee, senior program officer, accelerator at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Ferran Prat, senior vice president of research administration and industry relations at the MD Anderson Cancer Center; Josh Richardson, managing director and senior investor on the life sciences investigating team at Goldman Sachs; David Schull, president of Russo Partners; Lisa Wright, president and CEO of Community Health Choice; Kevin Sheridan, managing director and joint global head of health care investment banking at Jefferies; and Robert Ruffolo, chairman of Aragen Biosciences.

McKeon 是 Launch Pad 外部顧問委員會的第 14 位成員。其他成員包括CTMC創始人兼首席執行官傑森·博克;弗雷澤生命科學管理合夥人查艾伯特;KdT Ventures合夥人兼蓋辛格聯邦醫學院神經科學兼職教授裏瑪·查克拉巴蒂;Portal Innovations創始人兼首席執行官、Pyxis腫瘤學聯合創始人兼主席兼阿貢國家實驗室創業顧問約翰·弗拉文;董事總經理皮埃爾·雅克也是 L.E.K. 的副主席。”的醫療保健諮詢業務;麻省理工學院戴維·科赫綜合研究所教授羅伯特·蘭格;比爾和梅琳達·蓋茨基金會加速器高級項目官丹尼斯·李;馬里蘭·安德森癌症中心研究管理和行業關係高級副總裁費蘭·普拉特;高盛生命科學調查小組董事總經理兼高級投資者喬什·理查森;總裁大衛·舒爾 Russo Partners;社區總裁兼首席執行官麗莎·賴特Health Choice;傑富瑞集團董事總經理兼醫療保健投資銀行業務全球聯席主管凱文·謝里丹;以及Aragen Biosciences董事長羅伯特·魯弗洛。

About the Rice Biotech Launch Pad


The Rice Biotech Launch Pad is a Houston-based accelerator focused on expediting the translation of Rice University's health and medical technology discoveries into cures. This initiative is designed to help advance internally discovered platform technologies from concept to clinical studies and commercialization. The Rice Biotech Launch Pad will identify and support highly differentiated projects while driving the expansion of Houston as a world-class medical innovation ecosystem. The accelerator will bring together local researchers with a network of industry executives. For more information, please visit .

Rice Biotech Launch Pad是一家總部位於休斯敦的加速器,致力於加快將萊斯大學的健康和醫療技術發現轉化爲治療方法。該計劃旨在幫助推進內部發現的平台技術從概念到臨床研究和商業化。Rice Biotech Launch Pad將確定和支持高度差異化的項目,同時推動休斯敦作爲世界級醫療創新生態系統的擴張。該加速器將彙集當地研究人員和行業高管網絡。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 。

Media Contacts:


Jeff Falk
[email protected]


Andrew Bell
[email protected]


SOURCE Rice University


