
Ridgeline Minerals Identifies New Porphyry Target at Depth With Drone Magnetics Survey at the Selena CRD Project, Nevada

Ridgeline Minerals Identifies New Porphyry Target at Depth With Drone Magnetics Survey at the Selena CRD Project, Nevada

Ridgeline Minerals 在內華達州 Selena CRD 項目通過無人機磁學調查確定了深度新的斑岩目標
newsfile ·  03/14 19:45

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Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 14, 2024) - Ridgeline Minerals Corp. (TSXV: RDG) (OTCQB: RDGMF) (FSE: 0GC0) ("Ridgeline" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the results of its expanded high-resolution drone magnetics geophysical survey at the Selena ("Selena") CRD Project, Nevada. The survey was completed by EarthEx Geophysical Solutions in late 2023 and added 398 line-kilometers ("line-km") to the original 389 line-km survey completed in 2022 for a total surveyed area of 787 line-km. Highlights of the survey include:

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 3 月 14 日)-Ridgeline Minerals Corp.(TSXV:RDG)(場外交易代碼:RDGMF)(FSE:0GC0)(”Ridgeline“或者”公司“)很高興地宣佈其在內華達州賽琳娜(“賽琳娜”)CRD項目擴展的高分辨率無人機磁學地球物理調查的結果。該調查由EarthEx Geophysical Solutions於2023年底完成,在最初於2022年完成的389線公里調查的基礎上,增加了398線公里(“線-千米”),總調查面積爲787線公里。該調查的重點包括:

Magnetic Survey Highlights


  • Identification of a new porphyry anomaly located 1.0 kilometer ("km") to the southeast of the Chinchilla Oxide discovery
    • Magnetic anomaly has never been drilled, measures approximately 2.0 km x 1.0 km across and is interpreted to have intruded to depths of roughly 600-650 meters ("m") below surface (Figure 1a)
    • Anomaly directly correlates with a coincident gravity anomaly suggesting a significant density contrast between the porphyry anomaly and surrounding sediments (Figure 1b)
    • Porphyry target is interpreted as the potential source to a northwest trending, Jurassic-age dike swarm that is intimately associated with both silver ("Ag") - lead ("Pb") - zinc ("Zn) - gold ("Au") and high-grade Copper ("Cu") - Tungsten ("W") mineralization beneath the Chinchilla Oxide zone (a potential vector towards the porphyry target) (Figure 2 & Figure 3)
  • 發現了位於龍貓氧化物發現東南 1.0 千米(“km”)處的新斑岩異常
    • 從未鑽探過磁異常,直徑約爲 2.0 km x 1.0 km,據解釋爲已侵入地表以下大約 600-650 米(“m”)的深度(圖 1a)
    • 異常與重力異常直接相關,這表明斑岩異常與周圍沉積物之間存在明顯的密度對比(圖 1b)
    • 斑岩目標被解釋爲朝西北方向的侏羅紀時代堤壩群的潛在來源,該堤壩群與金奇拉氧化帶(“斑岩目標的潛在載體”)下的銀(“Ag”)-鉛(“Pb”)-鋅(“Zn”)-金(“Au”)和高品位銅(“Cu”)-鎢(“W”)礦化密切相關(圖 2 和圖 3)
  • Highlights a strong magnetic anomaly on the southwest corner of the property interpreted as sulfide skarn mineralization directly off the eastern edge of the Butte Valley copper porphyry (Freeport-McMoRan & Falcon Butte Minerals joint venture) (Figure 4 & Figure 5)
  • 突出顯示了該物業西南角的強磁異常,該異常被解釋爲直接位於比尤特谷銅斑岩東部邊緣的硫化物矽卡巖礦化(弗裏波特-麥克莫蘭和Falcon Butte Minerals合資企業)(圖 4 和圖 5)
  • Survey significantly improved the structural resolution in the geologic model and expanded the strike extent of the high-priority Chinchilla Sulfide target to 2+km north/south (Figure 4)
  • 調查顯著提高了地質模型中的結構分辨率,並將高優先級的金奇拉硫化物目標的打擊範圍擴大到向北/向南 2+km(圖 4)

Michael Harp, Ridgeline's Vice President, Exploration commented, "The identification of a second potential porphyry source at Selena is a very exciting development for the project and would indicate the presence of a long lived, multi-phase porphyry complex between Selena and the Butte Valley porphyry located four kilometers to the west, which is currently being explored by Freeport-McMoRan. Large porphyry districts tend to form as clusters with skarn and CRD systems depositing on the margins of these porphyry centers. We are beginning to see the same potential at Selena, with the Chinchilla Oxide CRD discovery located one kilometer northwest of the Selena porphyry target and the Chinchilla Sulfide and Skarn targets located one kilometer to the east of the Butte Valley Porphyry."


Mike Harp continues, "A second porphyry source only increases the discovery potential at Selena and reinforces our belief that the greater Butte Valley porphyry system is a significantly underexplored porphyry and CRD district in Nevada."


Figure 1: Residual magnetic intensity (RMI) map (1a) above residual gravity map (1b) showing the consistent but subtle magnetics anomaly (mag response is subdued in comparison to strong Butte Valley mag high) combined with a strong gravity response (i.e. high-density contrast) over the proposed Selena porphyry target.

圖 1: 剩餘磁強度(RMI)圖(1a)上方的殘餘磁強度(RMI)圖(1a)顯示了持續但微妙的磁學異常(與強的Butte Valley磁強度高相比,磁場響應較弱),同時在擬議的賽琳娜斑岩目標上具有強烈的重力響應(即高密度對比)。

Figure 2: Inclined Long Section looking northwest with 3D magnetic inversion overlay showing km-scale magnetic highs of similar intensity at the Butte Valley Porphyry (Freeport-McMoRan JV) and the proposed Selena Porphyry anomaly to the southeast of the Chinchilla Oxide CRD discovery. Note the majority of the Selena Porphyry anomaly is obscured by a km-scale basal thrust fault.

圖 2: 傾斜的長截面朝西北,三維磁反轉疊加層顯示了比尤特谷斑岩(弗裏波特-麥克莫蘭合資企業)具有相似強度的千米級磁高點,以及金奇拉氧化物CRD發現東南部的擬議賽琳娜斑岩異常。請注意,Selena Porphyry的大多數異常都被千米級基礎推力斷層所掩蓋。

Figure 3: Inclined X-Section looking northeast with 3D magnetic inversion overlay showing the Chinchilla Oxide zone at surface and the Selena Porphyry anomaly (a possible source to Cu-W mineralization) ~1km to the southeast. Note CRD mineralization is hosted within magnetic lows including high-grade Ag-Cu-W endoskarn intercepts beneath the Chinchilla Oxide zone.

圖 3: 傾斜的 X 截面朝東北,三維磁反轉疊加層顯示了地表的龍貓氧化帶和東南約 1 公里處的 Selena Porphyry 異常(銅鎢礦化的可能來源)。注意 CRD 礦化位於磁低點內,包括龍貓氧化帶下方的高品位銀銅鎢內窺鏡截距。

Magnetic Survey Interpretation


  • Data Processing - The 2023 magnetic survey expanded on the existing 389 line-km survey (25 m-50 m line spacing) drone magnetics survey completed in 2022 (see March 22, 2022 press release HERE) for a total of 786.5 line-km covering the core of the project
    • Survey collected baseline data over the Butte Valley Porphyry expanded on the Chinchilla Sulfide, Skarn and Revival targets
  • 數據處理 -2023 年磁力調查擴展了2022年完成的現有389線-千米測量(線間距爲25 m-50 m)的無人機磁力測量(見2022年3月22日新聞稿此處),總長度爲786.5線公里,覆蓋了該項目的核心
    • 調查收集了比尤特谷斑岩的基線數據,擴展了金奇拉硫化物、Skarn和Revival目標
  • Due to the large survey size and significant magnetic high associated with the Butte Valley porphyry it was necessary to process three different datasets to isolate and enhance different aspects of the 3D model including:
    • Butte Valley Porphyry inversion - Highlights both the Butte Valley and Selena porphyry anomalies and utilizes the entire magnetics dataset (Figure 1a & Figure 2)
    • Selena Porphyry inversion - Removes Butte Valley and Skarn magnetic anomalies to isolate and enhance dataset around the Selena Porphyry anomaly (Figure 3)
    • Structural inversion - Removes the Butte Valley porphyry data to minimize magnetic interference allowing the inversion to highlight structural details within the Skarn, Chinchilla Sulfide and Chinchilla Oxide targets (Figure 5)
  • 由於與比尤特谷斑岩相關的測量規模較大,磁場強度很高,因此有必要處理三個不同的數據集來分離和增強三維模型的不同方面,包括:
    • Butte Valley 斑岩反演-突出顯示了比尤特谷和賽琳娜斑岩異常,並利用了整個磁學數據集(圖 1a 和圖 2)
    • 賽琳娜斑岩反演-移除 Butte Valley 和 Skarn 磁異常,以隔離和增強 Selena Porphyry 異常周圍的數據集(圖 3)
    • 結構反轉-移除比尤特谷斑岩數據以最大限度地減少磁干擾,從而使反演能夠突出錫卡恩、金奇拉硫化物和金奇拉氧化物靶中的結構細節(圖 5)
  • Selena Porphyry Target - A previously unidentified magnetic anomaly (Figure 1a) south of the Chinchilla Oxide zone is interpreted as a possible Jurassic porphyry with associated dike swarms that correlate with mapped QFP dikes at surface and a coincident gravity high anomaly (Figure 1b).
    • One drill core sample of Quartz Feldspar Porphyry ("QFP") intrusive material from the Chinchilla Oxide zone was sent for U-Pb zircon dating at University of Arizona in 2023 that returned a Jurassic age of 160.8 Ma (± 0.98). The Selena Porphyry anomaly is interpreted as the potential source to these Jurassic age Cu-W bearing QFP dikes and sills.
      • The Butte Valley Porphyry is dated as Cretaceous, indicating a potentially earlier phase of magmatism at Selena.
    • QFP dikes and sills intersected in drilling have returned intervals of high Ag-Cu-W in multiple core holes including 1.5m grading 581.0 grams per tonne ("g/t") Ag, 2.2 W, 0.5% Cu in SE22-039A and 0.1m grading 3,335 g/t Ag, 1.3% Pb, 1.1% Cu, 3.4% W in SE23-050 (Figure 3)
  • Skarn and Chinchilla Sulfide Targets - The magnetic survey and its corresponding 3D inversion highlights northwest oriented magnetic "highs" (warm colours) interpreted as dike-filled fault zones. Corresponding magnetic "lows" (cooler colours) are interpreted as silica flooding associated with CRD mineralization along northwest normal faults and east verging thrust faults, which coincide with high-grade intercepts at Chinchilla Oxide and represent high-priority drill targets at Chinchilla Sulfide. (Figure 4 and Figure 5).
    • A strong magnetic response on the southwest portion of the property is interpreted as possible skarn alteration associated with the margins of the Butte Valley porphyry located less than 1 km to the west of the property boundary (Figure 4)
    • Limited drilling in the upper portions of the Chinchilla Sulfide target in 2022 returned 3.0 m grading 605.3 g/t silver equivalent ("AgEq") in SE22-037 and 1.5m grading 342.9 g/t AgEq in SE22-038 but did not drill deep enough to fully test prospective host rocks to depth (Figure 5)
      • Mineralization in SE22-037 was transitioning to semi-massive sulfide at the base of the mineralized intercept
    • Pronounced magnetic "low" beneath SE23-037 is interpreted as a major zone of fluid flow and permeability (Figure 5)
  • 賽琳娜斑岩目標 -金奇拉氧化帶以南的先前未知的磁異常(圖 1a)被解釋爲可能的侏羅紀斑岩,其相關的堤防群與地表測繪的 QFP 堤防以及重力高異常相關(圖 1b)。
    • 一個來自龍貓氧化區的石英長石斑岩(“QFP”)侵入性材料的鑽芯樣本於 2023 年被送到亞利桑那大學進行測年的 U-Pb 鋯石,其侏羅紀年齡爲 160.8 Ma(± 0.98)。賽琳娜斑岩異常被解釋爲這些帶有 QFP 堤壩和基底的侏羅紀時代銅鎢的潛在來源。
      • 比尤特谷斑岩的歷史可以追溯到白堊紀,這表明賽琳娜的岩漿作用可能處於較早的階段。
    • 在鑽探中相交的 QFP 堤防和基臺在多個岩心孔中返回了高 Ag-Cu-W 的間隔,包括 150m 品位每噸 581.0 克(“g/t”)銀、2.2 W、0.5% 銅,SE23-050 中品位爲 3,335 g/t Ag、1.3% Pb、1.1% Cu、3.4% W SE22-039A (圖 3)
  • Skarn 和 Chinchilla 硫化物靶標 -磁場測量及其相應的三維反演突出顯示了西北方向的磁性 “高點”(暖色),這些磁場被解釋爲充滿堤壩的斷層帶。相應的磁性 “低點”(較冷的顏色)被解釋爲與西北正斷層和東部邊緣推力斷層沿線的CRD礦化相關的二氧化硅洪水,這些斷層與Chinchilla Oxide的高品位截獲相吻合,是Chinchilla Sulfide的高優先鑽探目標。(圖 4 和圖 5)。
    • 該物業西南部的強磁響應被解釋爲可能的錫卡巖變化,與位於地產邊界以西不到1公里的比尤特谷斑岩邊緣有關(圖4)
    • 2022年在金奇拉硫化物目標的上半部分恢復了有限的鑽探 3.0 m 品位爲 605.3 g/t 銀當量(“AgeQ”) 在 SE22-037 和 150 m 品位等級 342.9 g/t AgeQ 在 SE22-038 中,但鑽孔的深度不足以對潛在的主巖進行全面的深度測試(圖 5)
      • SE22-037 中的礦化正在向礦化截距底部的半塊狀硫化物過渡
    • SE23-037 下方明顯的磁性 “低位” 被解釋爲流體流動和滲透率的主要區域(圖 5)

Figure 4: iView2 Magnetics map (EarthEx processing method) has removed the Butte Valley porphyry data in order to better highlight northwest trending magnetic highs (fault zones) and coincident magnetic "lows" (alteration zones) at the Chinchilla Sulfide and Skarn targets.

圖 4: iView2 Magnetics地圖(EarthEx處理方法)刪除了比尤特谷斑岩數據,以便更好地突出顯示金奇拉硫化物和錫卡恩目標的西北趨勢磁高點(斷層帶)和重合的磁性 “低點”(變化區域)。

Figure 5: Long-section A-A' with the 2023 magnetic inversion overlay showing a strong magnetic high at the Skarn target directly adjacent to the Butte Valley copper porphyry. The Chinchilla Sulfide target exhibits high-grade Ag-Au-Zn-Pb intercepts (see hole SE22-037 & SE22-038) but was not drilled deep enough in 2022 to fully test the proposed sulfide CRD target at depth.

圖 5: 帶有 2023 年磁反轉覆蓋層的長截面 A-A' 顯示緊鄰比尤特谷銅斑岩的 Skarn 目標處存在強磁高位。金奇拉硫化物目標具有高品位的銀金鋅鉛截距(參見 SE22-037 和 SE22-038 孔),但在 2022 年鑽得還不夠深,無法在深度上全面測試擬議的硫化物 CRD 目標。

Selena Project


Selena is located in White Pine County, Nevada, approximately sixty-four kilometers ("km") north of the town of Ely, NV. The Project shares a property boundary with the Butte Valley project, a US $33M earn-in agreement between Freeport-McMoRan and Falcon Butte Minerals. The 100% owned project is comprised of 39 square kms of highly prospective exploration ground including Ridgeline's shallow-oxide 2020 Ag-Au ± Pb-Zn Chinchilla discovery. Subsequent drilling has continued to highlight the potential for high-grade CRD type mineralization (Ag-Au-Pb-Zn ±Cu-W) between Chinchilla and the Butte Valley Cu-Au-Ag-Zn porphyry located directly west of the property. (View the Selena VRIFY Deck Here)

賽琳娜位於內華達州懷特派恩縣,位於內華達州伊利鎮以北約六十四公里(“km”)處。該項目與Butte Valley項目共享財產邊界,該項目是弗裏波特-麥克莫蘭金和Falcon Butte Minerals之間達成的3300萬美元的收益協議。這個 100% 控股的項目由39平方公里的極具前景的勘探地組成,其中包括裏奇林在2020年發現的淺氧化銀金剛鸚鵡 Ag-Au ± Pb-Zn Chinchilla。隨後的鑽探繼續凸顯了金奇拉和位於該物業正西部的比尤特谷銅金銀鋅斑岩之間可能出現高品位的CRD型礦化(銀金鉛鋅±Cu-W)。(在此處查看 Selena VRIFY 套牌)

QAQC Procedures


Samples are submitted to American Assay Laboratories (AAL) of Sparks, Nevada, which is a certified and accredited laboratory, independent of the Company. Independent check samples are sent to Paragon Geochemical Labs (PAL) of Sparks, Nevada. Samples are prepared using industry-standard prep methods and analysed using FA-PB30-ICP (Au; 30 g fire assay) and ICP-5AM48 (48 element Suite; 0.5 g 5-acid digestion/ICP-MS) methods. AAL also undertakes its own internal coarse and pulp duplicate analysis to ensure proper sample preparation and equipment calibration. Ridgeline's QA/QC program includes regular insertion of CRM standards, duplicates, and blanks into the sample stream with a stringent review of all results completed by the Company's Qualified Person, Michael T. Harp, Vice President, Exploration.

樣本提交給內華達州斯帕克斯的美國化驗實驗室(AAL),這是一個獨立於公司的認證和認可實驗室。獨立檢查樣本被送往內華達州斯帕克斯的帕拉貢地球化學實驗室(PAL)。樣品採用行業標準制備方法制備,並使用 FA-PB30-ICP(金;30 g 火試驗)和 ICP-5AM48(48 元素套件;0.5 g 5 酸消化/ICP-MS)方法進行分析。AAL 還進行自己的內部粗糙和紙漿重複分析,以確保正確的樣品製備和設備校準。Ridgeline的質量保證/質量控制計劃包括定期在樣本流中插入CRM標準、副本和空白,並由公司的合格人員、勘探副總裁邁克爾·哈普對所有結果進行嚴格審查。

Technical information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Michael T. Harp, CPG. the Company's Vice President, Exploration, who is Ridgeline's Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101 and responsible for technical matters of this release.

本新聞稿中包含的技術信息已經過CPG公司勘探副總裁邁克爾·哈普的審查和批准,他是Ridgeline在National Instrument 43-101下的合格人員,負責本新聞稿的技術事務。

About Ridgeline Minerals Corp.


Ridgeline Minerals is a discovery focused precious and base metal explorer with a proven management team and a 192km2 exploration portfolio across five projects in Nevada, USA. The Company boasts two earn-in exploration agreements with Nevada Gold Mines at its Swift and Black Ridge projects, which are being aggressively explored in 2024. More information about Ridgeline can be found at .

Ridgeline Minerals 是一家專注於發現的貴金屬和基本金屬勘探公司,擁有成熟的管理團隊和 192 公里的路程2 美國內華達州五個項目的勘探組合。該公司與內華達金礦的斯威夫特和黑嶺項目簽訂了兩份盈利勘探協議,這些項目將於2024年積極勘探。有關 Ridgeline 的更多信息,請訪問。

On behalf of the Board
"Chad Peters"
President & CEO


Further Information:
Chad Peters, P.Geo.
President, CEO & Director
Ridgeline Minerals Corp.
+1 775 304 9773

+1 775 304 9773

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Cautionary Note regarding Forward Looking Statements


Statements contained in this press release that are not historical facts are "forward-looking information" or "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "Forward-Looking Information") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation and the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-Looking Information includes, but is not limited to, the potential benefits of the Transaction and the anticipated timing for completion of the Transaction and filing of the material change report in respect thereof. The words "potential", "anticipate", "meaningful", "discovery", "forecast", "believe", "estimate", "expect", "may", "will", "project", "plan", "historical", "historic" and similar expressions are intended to be among the statements that identify Forward-Looking Information. Forward-Looking Information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results to be materially different from any future results expressed or implied by the Forward-Looking Information. In preparing the Forward-Looking Information in this news release, Ridgeline has applied several material assumptions, including, but not limited to, assumptions that TSX Venture Exchange approval will be granted in a timely manner subject only to standard conditions; that all conditions precedent to completion of the Transaction will be satisfied in a timely manner; the current objectives concerning the Project and the Company's other projects can be achieved and that its other corporate activities will proceed as expected; that general business and economic conditions will not change in a materially adverse manner; and that all requisite information will be available in a timely manner. Forward-Looking Information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of Ridgeline to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the Forward-Looking Information. Such risks and other factors include, among others, risks related to dependence on key personnel; risks related to unforeseen delays; risks related to historical data that has not been verified by the Company; as well as those factors discussed in Ridgeline's public disclosure record. Although Ridgeline has attempted to identify important factors that could affect Ridgeline and may cause actual actions, events, or results to differ materially from those described in Forward-Looking Information, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that Forward-Looking Information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on Forward-Looking Information. Except as required by law, Ridgeline does not assume any obligation to release publicly any revisions to Forward-Looking Information contained in this news release to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

本新聞稿中包含的非歷史事實的陳述是適用的加拿大證券立法和1995年《美國私人證券訴訟改革法》所指的 “前瞻性信息” 或 “前瞻性陳述”(統稱爲 “前瞻性信息”)。前瞻性信息包括但不限於交易的潛在收益,以及完成交易和提交有關該交易的重大變更報告的預期時間。“潛在”、“預測”、“有意義”、“發現”、“預測”、“相信”、“估計”、“期望”、“可能”、“將”、“項目”、“計劃”、“歷史”、“歷史”、“歷史”、“歷史” 和類似的表述旨在成爲識別前瞻性信息的陳述之一。前瞻性信息涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際結果與前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的任何未來業績存在重大差異。在準備本新聞稿中的前瞻性信息時,Ridgeline運用了幾項重要假設,包括但不限於以下假設:多倫多證券交易所風險交易所的批准將按標準條件及時獲得批准;交易完成之前的所有條件都將得到及時滿足;與該項目和公司其他項目有關的當前目標可以實現,其其他公司活動將按預期進行;一般業務和經濟活動條件不會發生重大不利的變化;所有必要的信息將及時提供。前瞻性信息涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致Ridgeline的實際業績、業績或成就與前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的任何未來業績、業績或成就存在重大差異。此類風險和其他因素包括與依賴關鍵人員相關的風險;與不可預見的延誤相關的風險;與公司未驗證的歷史數據相關的風險;以及Ridgeline的公開披露記錄中討論的因素。儘管Ridgeline試圖確定可能影響Ridgeline並可能導致實際行動、事件或結果與前瞻性信息中描述的有重大差異的重要因素,但可能還有其他因素導致行動、事件或結果與預期、估計或預期的不同。無法保證前瞻性信息會被證明是準確的,因爲實際結果和未來事件可能與此類陳述中的預期存在重大差異。因此,讀者不應過分依賴前瞻性信息。除非法律要求,否則Ridgeline不承擔任何義務公開發布本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性信息的任何修訂,以反映本新聞稿發佈之日之後的事件或情況或反映意外事件的發生。

