
Immerse Yourself in Luxury: SKYWORTH Launches 100" Eye-Max QLED TV for Ultimate Home Cinema

Immerse Yourself in Luxury: SKYWORTH Launches 100" Eye-Max QLED TV for Ultimate Home Cinema

讓自己沉浸在奢華中:創維推出適用於終極家庭影院的 100 英寸 Eye-Max QLED 電視
PR Newswire ·  03/14 13:45

MANILA, Philippines, March 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SKYWORTH proudly introduced the ground-breaking 100" Eye-Max QLED TV, which redefines luxury and sophistication in home entertainment all throughout the Philippines. This exceptional product ensures customers will enjoy a top-tier viewing experience characterized by top-notch quality and luxury.

菲律賓馬尼拉,2024年3月14日 /PRNewswire/ — 創維自豪地推出了開創性的100英寸Eye-Max QLED電視,它重新定義了整個菲律賓家庭娛樂的奢華和精緻。這種卓越的產品可確保客戶享受以一流品質和奢華爲特徵的頂級觀看體驗。

Transforming any living space into a high-end private theater, the SKYWORTH 100" QLED TV elevates the concept of home cinema to unprecedented heights. Featuring a large screen and advanced QLED technology, viewers can enjoy a captivating visual experience with vibrant colors, sharp details, and immersive imagery. SKYWORTH is offering consumers a chance to experience a cinematic journey from their homes.

創維 100 英寸 QLED 電視將任何生活空間轉變爲高端私人影院,將家庭影院的概念提升到前所未有的高度。憑藉大屏幕和先進的 QLED 技術,觀衆可以通過鮮豔的色彩、清晰的細節和身臨其境的圖像享受引人入勝的視覺體驗。創維爲消費者提供了在家中體驗電影之旅的機會。

SKYWORTH 100" Eye-Max SUG8800 QLED+ TV

創維 100 英寸 Eye-Max SUG8800 QLED+ 電視

The SKYWORTH Eye-Max QLED TV boasts a massive 100-inch screen, surpassing the total screen size of traditional 98" and 19" TVs. It offers an immersive viewing experience that is sure to captivate your senses. With the incorporation of Dolby Vision and HDR 10+ technologies, every frame is filled with exceptional clarity and brightness, immersing viewers in a world of top-notch audio-visual excellence.

創維Eye-Max QLED電視擁有100英寸的超大屏幕,超過了傳統98英寸和19英寸電視的總屏幕尺寸。它提供身臨其境的觀看體驗,一定會吸引您的感官。通過結合杜比視界和 HDR 10+ 技術,每幀都充滿了卓越的清晰度和亮度,讓觀衆沉浸在一個一流的卓越視聽世界中。

Enhancing its impressive visuals, the SKYWORTH 100" SUG8800 features a cutting-edge sound system with five carefully tuned speakers. Designed by expert tuners, these speakers guarantee that every sound is reproduced with exceptional accuracy, whether it's the powerful explosions of an action movie or the gentle tunes of classical compositions. Featuring Dolby Atmos integration, audiences can experience the pulsating waves of sound enveloping them, elevating the immersive experience.

創維 100 英寸 SUG8800 採用尖端音響系統和五個經過精心調校的揚聲器,增強了其令人印象深刻的視覺效果。這些揚聲器由專業調諧師設計,無論是動作片的強勁爆炸聲,還是古典作品的柔和曲調,都能保證以非凡的精確度再現每種聲音。集成杜比全景聲(Dolby Atmos),觀衆可以體驗包圍他們的脈動聲波,從而提升身臨其境的體驗。

With its exceptional performance, the SKYWORTH 100" Eye-Max QLED TV focuses on ensuring viewer safety and comfort with a range of well-thought-out design elements. By using a direct DC dimming method, Flicker Free technology eliminates the risk of eye strain. Additionally, Auto Volume Control prevents sudden volume fluctuations, protecting against ear irritation. SKYWORTH focuses on integrating the latest technology with a keen eye for detail to enhance the viewing experience for ultimate satisfaction and comfort.

憑藉其卓越的性能,創維 100 英寸 Eye-Max QLED 電視專注於通過一系列深思熟慮的設計元素確保觀衆的安全和舒適。通過使用直接直流調光方法,Flicker Free 技術消除了眼睛疲勞的風險。此外,自動音量控制可防止音量突然波動,防止耳朵刺激。創維專注於將最新技術與對細節的敏銳洞察相結合,以增強觀看體驗,從而獲得極致的滿意度和舒適度。

Introducing the SKYWORTH 100" Eye-Max QLED TV marks a new chapter of sophistication and elegance in the world of home entertainment, establishing itself as the top pick for savvy consumers in the Philippines. This product is crafted to provide top-notch picture and sound quality, along with advanced eye protection technology, ensuring a luxurious and indulgent experience. Enhance your entertainment experience with the SKYWORTH 100" QLED TV and embrace a lifestyle of unparalleled sophistication and distinction.

創維100英寸Eye-Max QLED電視的推出標誌着家庭娛樂領域精緻和優雅的新篇章,成爲菲律賓精明消費者的首選。該產品旨在提供一流的畫面和聲音質量,以及先進的眼部保護技術,確保奢華和縱情的體驗。使用創維 100 英寸 QLED 電視增強您的娛樂體驗,享受無與倫比的精緻和與衆不同的生活方式。

