
Fury Identifies Éléonore Style Target at Éléonore South Gold Project

Fury Identifies Éléonore Style Target at Éléonore South Gold Project

Fury 在 Eüleonore South Gold Project 確定了 E'le'onore 風格的目標
Accesswire ·  03/05 20:00

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / March 5, 2024 / Fury Gold Mines Limited (TSX:FURY)(NYSE American:FURY) ("Fury" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has identified a robust geochemical gold anomaly within the same sedimentary rock package that hosts Newmont's Éléonore Mine at the Éléonore South gold project located in the Eeyou Istchee Territory in the James Bay region of Quebec.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2024 年 3 月 5 日/Fury Gold Mines Limited(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:Fury)(“Fury” 或 “公司”)欣然宣佈,它已在位於 Eeyou Ister 的 E'leonore South 金礦項目中發現了一個強烈的地球化學金異常,該沉積岩群與位於埃萊奧諾雷南方金礦項目中的紐蒙特埃萊奧諾雷礦山相同魁北克詹姆斯灣地區的奇奇領地。

The orientation level biogeochemical sampling survey was designed to target an interpreted fold nose within the Low Formation sediments in an area where conventional soil or till sampling was not possible due to the ground conditions. The targeted area exhibited similar geological, geophysical, and structural characteristics to those present at the nearby Éléonore Mine. The identified anomaly is up to 200x the background value in gold and outlines the folded sedimentary package (Figure 1). The Company intends to complete the biogeochemical sampling program in early summer 2024 with the goal of identifying drill targets for later in 2024.


"We recently acquired 100% ownership of Éléonore South because of the tremendous amount of potential for new discovery at the project, as well as its strategic location close to a major mining company," commented Tim Clark, CEO of Fury. "These geochemical results out of Éléonore South could be meaningful given the similar style of mineralization to Newmont's Éléonore Mine, as such, we are excited to follow up this coming year."

Fury首席執行官蒂姆·克拉克評論說:“我們最近收購了Ele'onore South的100%所有權,因爲該項目具有巨大的新發現潛力,而且其戰略位置靠近一家大型礦業公司。”“鑑於與紐蒙特的埃萊奧諾雷礦相似的礦化方式,這些來自南埃萊奧諾雷的地球化學結果可能很有意義,因此,我們很高興明年能跟進。”

Éléonore South Project
The Éléonore South project is strategically located in an area of prolific gold mineralization with Newmont's Éléonore Mine to the north and Sirios' Cheechoo deposit to the east (Figure 1 inset). Two distinct styles of mineralization have been identified to date; structurally controlled quartz veins hosted within sedimentary rocks similar to the high-grade mineralization observed at the Éléonore Mine; and intrusion-related disseminated gold mineralization similar to that seen at the low-grade bulk tonnage Cheechoo deposit with higher grade potential as seen at the JT and Moni prospects on the project (Table 1).

南埃萊奧諾雷項目地理位置優越,位於一個多產的金礦化區域,北邊是紐蒙特的埃萊奧諾雷礦,東邊是西里奧斯的奇楚礦牀(圖 1 插圖)。迄今爲止,已經確定了兩種不同的礦化類型:沉積岩中存在結構控制的石英脈,類似於在埃萊奧諾雷礦觀察到的高品位礦化;以及與侵入相關的浸染金礦化,類似於低品位散裝噸位Cheechoo礦牀,其品位潛力更高,如該項目的JT和Moni前景所示(表1)。

A total of 641 biogeochemical samples were collected at 25 metre (m) intervals along four north-south and two east-west oriented survey lines. The variable spacing of the lines, covering an area of 4.5 by 2.0 kilometers, was designed to better test the interpreted fold structure identified through geophysics. The survey lines targeted the limbs and the nose of an interpreted fold within a sedimentary rock package with coincident chargeability highs. The biogeochemical survey successfully identified continuous robust gold and arsenic anomalies which followed closely with the geology and geophysics (Figure 1).

沿着四條南北和兩條東西向的勘測線,以 25 米(m)的間隔共採集了 641 個生物地球化學樣本。這些線的可變間距爲 4.5 x 2.0 千米,旨在更好地測試通過地球物理學識別的解釋摺疊結構。測量線的目標是沉積岩包裹中解釋後的褶皺的四肢和鼻子,其可充電性高點重合。生物地球化學調查成功地發現了持續的強勁金和砷異常,緊隨其後的是地質學和地球物理學(圖 1)。

In addition to the newly identified Éléonore style biogeochemical targets several gold in-till anomalies remain undrilled throughout the project (Figure 1). These gold in-till anomalies have similar geological and geochemical characteristics to the Cheechoo style of mineralization. Furthermore, the JT and Moni prospects represent a potential higher-grade style of intrusion-related gold mineralization with historical drilling intercepting 53.25m of 4.22 g/t gold (Au); 6.0m of 49.50 g/t Au and 23.8m of 3.08 g/t Au.

除了新發現的埃萊奧諾雷式生物地球化學目標外,整個項目中還存在一些金礦開採異常(圖 1)。這些金礦開採異常具有與 Cheechoo 式礦化相似的地質和地球化學特徵。此外,JT和Moni前景代表了一種潛在的更高品位的入侵相關金礦化形式,歷史鑽探截獲了53.25米4.22克/噸的金(金);600萬克/噸的49.50克金和23.8米的3.08克/噸金。

Table 1: Regional styles of gold mineralization

表 1:金礦化的區域風格


Éléonore Style

Cheechoo Style


Quartz-diopside-tourmaline-sx veins and stockwork. Silica-carbonate-diopside-actinolite-phlogopite alteration. Quartz-feldspar-amphibole-sx veins and stockworks. Strong strain zones. Feldspar-sericite-carbonate alteration.


5-6m, up to 20m wide

40-50m wide vein networks


Massive to thinly bedded wacke, pelite, conglomerate. Pegmatites.

Contacts of tonalite intrusions into sediments, pegmatites


Folded stratigraphy, strong strain zones

Strong strain zones, rigid intrusive contacts





Chargeability highs associated with mineralization

Magnetic lows/highs associated with intrusion margins



(32.6Mt @ 7.8g/t Au)


(67.0Mt @ 0.87g/t Au)


E'le'onore 風格

Cheechoo 風格


石英透輝石-電氣石-SX 礦脈和原料。二氧化硅-碳酸鹽-透輝石-陽起石-金雲母的變化。 Quartz-Feldspar-Amphibole-SX 礦脈和庫存。強應變區。Feldspar-sericite-碳酸鹽的變化。


5-6m,最大 20m 寬

40-50m 寬靜脈網絡


從龐大到薄層的 wacke、pelite、企業集團。偉晶岩。

tonalite 侵入沉積物、偉晶岩的接觸












(32.6Mt @ 7.8g/t Au)


(67.0Mt @ 0.87g/t Au)

Figure 1: Éléonore South Project Location.
圖 1:南埃萊奧諾雷項目地點。

"With samples returning results over 200x the background value in gold and nearly 20x background in arsenic the results from this orientation biogeochemical survey indicate that there may be a large, mineralized body nearby. Our technical team benefits from direct experience working at the Éléonore mine and we plan to leverage that experience as we develop this target to the drilling stage through 2024," stated Bryan Atkinson, P.Geol., SVP Exploration of Fury.

“樣本返回的結果是黃金背景值的200倍以上,砷背景值的近20倍,本次定向生物地球化學調查的結果表明,附近可能有一個大型的礦化物體。我們的技術團隊受益於在埃萊奧諾雷礦工作的直接經驗,我們計劃利用這些經驗,將這一目標制定到2024年的鑽探階段。” P.Geol.、Fury勘探高級副總裁布萊恩·阿特金森說。

Biogeochemical Sampling
Biogeochemical samples were taken by collecting approximately 200 grams of black spruce twigs and sent to ALS Lab in Vancouver, BC (ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 9001:2015 accredited facility) for preparation and analysis. Preparation included drying, separation of needles from twigs and ashing of needles only at 475°C for 24 hours (VEG-ASH01). Ashed samples are analyzed for 65 elements using nitric/hydrochloric acid digestion with ICP-MS finish (ME-VEG41a). QA/QC programs using lab duplicates, standards, and blanks indicate good accuracy.

生物地球化學樣本是通過收集大約200克的黑雲杉樹枝採集的,並送往不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華的ALS實驗室(ISO/IEC 17025:2017 和ISO 9001:2015 認證設施)進行製備和分析。準備工作包括乾燥、將針頭與樹枝分開,以及僅在 475°C 下將針頭擦乾 24 小時(VEG-ASH01)。使用硝酸/鹽酸消解和 ICP-MS 完成 (Me-VEG41a) 分析灰化樣品中的 65 種元素。使用實驗室副本、標準和空白的質量保證/質量控制程序表明準確性良好。

David Rivard, P.Geo, Exploration Manager at Fury, is a "qualified person" within the meaning of Canadian mineral projects disclosure standards instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical disclosures in this press release.

Fury的勘探經理David Rivard是加拿大礦業項目披露標準工具43-101所指的 “合格人員”,他已經審查並批准了本新聞稿中的技術披露。

About Fury Gold Mines Limited
Fury Gold Mines Limited is a well-financed Canadian-focused exploration company positioned in two prolific mining regions across Canada and holds a 59.5 million common share position in Dolly Varden Silver Corp (22% of issued shares). Led by a management team and board of directors with proven success in financing and advancing exploration assets, Fury intends to grow its multi-million-ounce gold platform through rigorous project evaluation and exploration excellence. Fury is committed to upholding the highest industry standards for corporate governance, environmental stewardship, community engagement and sustainable mining. For more information on Fury Gold Mines, visit .

Fury Gold Mines Limited是一家資金充足、專注於加拿大的勘探公司,位於加拿大兩個多產的礦區,持有多利瓦爾登銀業公司的5,950萬股普通股(佔已發行股份的22%)。在管理團隊和董事會的領導下,Fury打算通過嚴格的項目評估和卓越的勘探來發展其數百萬盎司的黃金平台,這些團隊和董事會在勘探資產融資和推進方面取得了巨大成功。Fury 致力於維護公司治理、環境管理、社區參與和可持續採礦的最高行業標準。有關 Fury Gold Mines 的更多信息,請訪問。

For further information on Fury Gold Mines Limited, please contact:
Margaux Villalpando, Manager Investor Relations
Tel: (844) 601-0841

有關 Fury Gold Mines Limited 的更多信息,請聯繫:
Margaux Villalpando,投資者關係經理
電話:(844) 601-0841

Forward-Looking Statements and Additional Cautionary Language
This release includes certain statements that may be deemed to be "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities laws, which statements relate to the future exploration operations of the Company and may include other statements that are not historical facts. Forward-looking statements contained in this release primarily relate to statements that suggest that the future work at Éléonore South will potentially increase or upgrade the gold resources.

本新聞稿包括某些可能被視爲適用證券法所指的 “前瞻性陳述” 的陳述,這些陳述與公司未來的勘探業務有關,可能包括其他非歷史事實的陳述。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述主要涉及一些陳述,這些陳述表明南埃萊奧諾雷未來的工作可能會增加或升級黃金資源。

Although the Company believes that the assumptions and expectations reflected in those forward-looking statements were reasonable at the time such statements were made, there can be no certainty that such assumptions and expectations will prove to be materially correct. Mineral exploration is a high-risk enterprise.


Readers should refer to the risks discussed in the Company's Annual Information Form and MD&A for the year ended December 31, 2022 and subsequent continuous disclosure filings with the Canadian Securities Administrators available at and the Company's Annual Report available at Readers should not place heavy reliance on forward-looking information, which is inherently uncertain.


SOURCE: Fury Gold Mines Limited

來源:Fury Gold Mines Limited

