
Cerrado Gold Signs Option and Loan Agreements With Subsidiary of Hochschild Mining PLC for the Sale of the Monte Do Carmo Gold Project for Total Consideration of US$60 Million (C$80 Million)

Cerrado Gold Signs Option and Loan Agreements With Subsidiary of Hochschild Mining PLC for the Sale of the Monte Do Carmo Gold Project for Total Consideration of US$60 Million (C$80 Million)

塞拉多黃金與Hochschild Mining PLC的子公司簽署期權和貸款協議,出售Monte Do Carmo黃金項目,總對價爲6000萬美元(合8000萬加元)
Accesswire ·  03/05 15:10
  • Proposed Transaction with Amarillo Mineração do Brasil Ltda. to strengthen balance sheet and address lack of liquidity in the junior mining sector
  • Company well-positioned to drive future growth via its operating Minera Don Nicolas gold mine in Argentina and its Mont Sorcier development project in Quebec
  • 擬議與Amarillo Mineraco do Brasil Ltda進行交易,以加強資產負債表並解決初級採礦業流動性不足的問題
  • 公司完全有能力通過其在阿根廷運營的Minera Don Nicolas金礦和位於魁北克的Mont Sorcier開發項目來推動未來的增長

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / March 5, 2024 / Cerrado Gold Inc. (TSXV:CERT)(OTCQX:CRDOF) ("Cerrado" or the "Company") announces that it has entered into an option agreement with Amarillo Mineração do Brasil Ltda. ("Amarillo") a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hochschild Mining PLC ("Hochschild"), whereby Cerrado has granted to Amarillo the option ("Option") to purchase a 100% interest in the Company's Monte Do Carmo project ("MDC Project") located in the State of Tocantins, Brazil (the "Proposed Transaction"), for total consideration of US$60 million (approximately C$80 million) (the "Purchase Price"), subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions.

安大略省多倫多/ACCESSWIRE/2024年3月5日/塞拉多黃金公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:CERT)(OTCQX: CRDOF)(“塞拉多” 或 “公司”)宣佈已與巴西阿馬裏洛礦業有限公司簽訂期權協議。(“Amarillo”)是Hochschild Mining PLC(“Hochschild”)的全資子公司,塞拉多已向阿馬裏洛授予了購買該公司位於巴西託坎廷斯州的Monte Do Carmo項目(“MDC項目”)(“擬議交易”)100%權益的期權(“期權”),總對價爲6,000萬美元(約合8,000加元)百萬)(“購買價格”),但須滿足某些條件。

The Purchase Price would be payable in the following stages:


  1. US$15 million, initially advanced by way of a 10% interest-bearing secured loan (the "Signing Loan"), of which US$7 million has been advanced as of the date of the grant of the Option (March 4, 2024), US$1 million may be advanced within 60 days, and the balance of US$7 million may be advanced two days following the mailing by Cerrado to its shareholders of a notice of meeting and management information circular in connection with a meeting to approve the Proposed Transaction to be held by June 30, 2024 (the "Cerrado Shareholder Approval"). Upon the Cerrado Shareholder Approval being obtained, the Signing Loan, together with all accrued and unpaid interest thereon and expenses relating thereto, shall be deemed to be repaid in full by Cerrado by the concurrent set off of an amount equal to the Signing Loan due by Amarillo as part of the Purchase Price. If Cerrado fails to secure the Cerrado Shareholder Approval on or before June 30, 2024, the Signing Loan will mature on September 30, 2024.
  2. An aggregate of US$45 million, payable in four installments over the next three years, approximately, as further described below.
  1. 1,500萬美元,最初是通過10%的計息擔保貸款(“簽字貸款”)預付的,其中700萬美元截至授予期權之日(2024年3月4日)已經預付,100萬美元可在60天內預付,餘額700萬美元可能在塞拉多向其股東郵寄與會議有關的會議通知和管理信息通告兩天後預付批准將於2024年6月30日之前舉行的擬議交易(“塞拉多股東批准”)。獲得塞拉多股東批准後,簽約貸款及其所有應計和未付利息以及與之相關的費用將被視爲已由塞拉多全額償還,同時抵消相當於阿馬裏洛作爲購買價格一部分應付的簽約貸款的金額。如果塞拉多未能在2024年6月30日當天或之前獲得塞拉多股東批准,則簽約貸款將於2024年9月30日到期。
  2. 總額爲4,500萬美元,將在未來三年內分四次支付,詳情見下文。

During the Option Period (as defined below) Amarillo will take operational control of the MDC Project and has committed to spending a minimum of US$5m in qualifying expenditures.


Mark Brennan, CEO and Chairman commented: "The Proposed Transaction improves Cerrado's immediate short-term capital position and addresses short-term working capital needs while injecting development capital into the Minera Don Nicolas project. Going forward, Cerrado will be well capitalized with a strong gold production profile and leaves the Company positioned to pursue growth programs at our operating Minera Don Nicolas gold mine and our Mont Sorcier high grade iron project."

首席執行官兼董事長馬克·布倫南評論說:”擬議的交易改善了塞拉多的即時短期資本狀況,滿足了短期營運資金需求,同時向Minera Don Nicolas項目注入了開發資金。展望未來,塞拉多將擁有充足的資本,黃金產量強勁,這使公司有能力在運營中的唐尼古拉斯礦和Mont Sorcier高品位鐵項目中推行增長計劃。

He added, "In just five years at MDC, the Cerrado team has defined a proven mineral reserve of approximately 1 million ounces of gold, has completed a robust Feasibility Study, is in the final stages of permitting approval, and has attracted strong capital partners for the majority of a potential project debt construction funding. Despite the achievement of these significant milestones, the Company has been unable to raise the funds necessary to reach the final investment decision for construction. The lack of liquidity and capital available to junior mining companies over the last six to nine months has been unprecedented. It is important to thank the dedicated team at the MDC Project for having done such a tremendous job bringing the MDC Project to its current state of readiness in such an expedited timeframe."


Transaction Summary and Details


Amarillo has agreed to advance the Signing Loan to Cerrado in cash as follows:


  • US$7 million has been advanced by Amarillo (the "First Advance") on the date of the grant of the Option (March 4, 2024);
  • US$1 million to be advanced 60 days after the date of the First Advance; and
  • US$7 million to be advanced within two days following the mailing to Cerrado shareholders of the management information circular to be prepared in connection with the meeting of Cerrado shareholders at which management would seek the Cerrado Shareholder Approval on or before June 30, 2024.
  • 在授予期權之日(2024年3月4日),阿馬裏洛已預付700萬美元(“首次墊款”);
  • 在首次墊款之日起60天后預付100萬美元;以及
  • 700萬美元將在向塞拉多股東郵寄管理信息通告後的兩天內預付700萬美元,該通告將與塞拉多股東會議有關,管理層將在2024年6月30日當天或之前尋求塞拉多股東的批准。

Upon obtaining the Cerrado Shareholder Approval, the Signing Loan, together with all accrued and unpaid interest thereon and expenses relating thereto, shall be deemed to be repaid in full by Cerrado by the concurrent set off of an amount equal to the Signing Loan due by Amarillo as part of the Purchase Price. If Cerrado fails to secure the Cerrado Shareholder Approval on or before June 30, 2024, the Signing Loan will mature on September 30, 2024, at which time Cerrado will be obliged to: (i) repay the Signing Loan and other expenses (and any interest accrued thereon) no later than September 30, 2024; (ii) reimburse Amarillo for any costs incurred on the MDC Project between the date of signing of the Option Agreement (as defined below) and the date of termination of the Option Agreement; and (iii) pay to Amarillo a break fee in the amount of US$2.5 million.


Amarillo may exercise the Option at its sole discretion at any time during the Option Period by providing an exercise notice to Cerrado, following which an aggregate amount of US$30 million would be payable to Cerrado prior to the closing of the Proposed Transaction in cash as follows:


  • US$10 million (the "Second Payment") in cash, payable within 5 days of the date on which Amarillo gives written notice of its exercise of the Option to Cerrado, which option expires on March 19, 2025.
  • US$20 million (the "Third Payment", and, together with the Signing Loan and the Second Payment, the "Consideration") in cash payable upon either: (i) if necessary, the approval of the Proposed Transaction by Hochschild shareholders, which is to occur no later than June 30, 2025; or (ii) if Hochschild shareholder approval is not required, by no later than March 30, 2025.
  • 1,000萬美元的現金(“第二筆付款”),在阿馬裏洛向塞拉多發出行使期權的書面通知之日起的5天內支付,該期權將於2025年3月19日到期。
  • 2000萬美元(“第三筆付款”,連同簽約貸款和第二筆付款,“對價”),可在:(i)必要時由Hochschild股東批准擬議交易,該交易不遲於2025年6月30日進行;或者(ii)如果不需要Hochschild股東批准,則不遲於2025年3月30日。

In addition, Amarillo will make the following additional payments following the closing of the Proposed Transaction:


  • US$10 million in cash payable within 14 days of the second anniversary of the date of the Cerrado Shareholder Approval (the "Second Anniversary Payment"); and
  • US$5 million in cash payable within 14 days of the earlier of: (i) the commencement of commercial production from the MDC Project; and (ii) March 31, 2027 (the "Production Payment").
  • 自塞拉多股東批准之日起兩週年之內14天內支付的1,000萬美元現金(“兩週年付款”);以及
  • 500萬美元現金應在以下時間較早的14天內支付:(i)MDC項目開始商業化生產;以及(ii)2027年3月31日(“生產付款”)。

The option agreement ("Option Agreement") was entered into among Cerrado, Serra Alta Mineração Ltda., the Company's subsidiary in Brazil which holds the MDC Project, Amarillo, and Hochschild, in its capacity as guarantor of Amarillo's obligations under the Option and Loan Agreements. A loan agreement (the "Loan Agreement") was entered into by Cerrado and Amarillo, pursuant to which Amarillo has made certain credit facilities in the aggregate principal amount of US$15 million available to Cerrado in connection with the Signing Loan.


The closing of the Proposed Transaction is subject to a number of conditions, including: (i) the exercise of the Option by Amarillo; (ii) the payment by Amarillo of the full Consideration; (iii) the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange; (iv) the approval of the shareholders of Cerrado; and (v) satisfaction of other closing conditions customary in a transaction of this nature.


All amounts owing by Cerrado to, or advanced to Cerrado by, the Company or Amarillo, are secured by (i) a first lien on all of the outstanding equity interests (quotas) in Serra Alto, and (ii) a second lien on the assets relating to the MDC Project (the "Security"), until termination of the Option Period (defined below). The security is subject to a security sharing agreement with another secured creditor.


The Option will expire upon the earlier of (the period starting on the date of the Option Agreement and ending upon such expiry being the "Option Period") (i) March 19, 2025, (ii) the exercise of the Option and completion of the Proposed Transaction, and (iii) the termination of the Option Agreement. The Option may be exercised at Amarillo's sole discretion at any time during the Option Period, provided that all required payments have been paid by Amarillo. Pursuant to the terms of the Option Agreement, Amarillo is intended to assume operational control of the MDC Project from the date of the Option Agreement until the expiry of the Option Period, and Amarillo has agreed to incur exploration and other qualified expenditures on the MDC Project totaling no less than US$5 million during the Option Period.

期權將於(“期權期限” 自期權協議簽訂之日起至到期之日結束)(i)2025年3月19日,(ii)行使期權和擬議交易完成,以及(iii)期權協議終止,(以較早者爲準)到期。期權可以在期權期內的任何時候由Amarillo自行決定行使,前提是所有必需的款項均已由Amarillo支付。根據期權協議的條款,阿馬裏洛打算從期權協議簽訂之日起直至期權期滿期間接管MDC項目的運營控制權,阿馬裏洛已同意在期權期內爲MDC項目承擔總額不少於500萬美元的勘探和其他合格支出。

The Proposed Transaction has been unanimously approved by the Board of Directors of Cerrado. The Company's Board of Directors, senior officers and principal shareholder, collectively owning approximately 23.6% of the outstanding common shares of the Company have entered into voting and support agreements to support the Proposed Transaction.


Background to the Proposed Transaction
The Proposed Transaction is the culmination of a prolonged capital-raising process initiated by management in the summer of 2023 in order to explore all possible funding alternatives to address the working-capital needs of the Company and fund the development of the MDC Project. During the second half of 2023, Cerrado undertook several formal attempts to raise equity capital with independent investment banks, and has pursued debt, alternative debt, private equity and strategic partnership alternatives to provide capital for the development of the MDC Project.


Despite the Company filing an extremely robust Feasibility Study positioning the MDC Project as potentially one of the world's lowest-cost producers of gold, with a strong after-tax NPV and IRR, low initial capital requirement, and the sponsorship of strong project debt finance partners, the Company has been unable to attract sufficient capital to meet both the obligations or continue development of the MDC Project, as well as funding the change in working capital position in its Argentinian operations (described below) due to the lack of global liquidity for junior mining companies and development stage projects.


With regards to the Company's Argentina operations, fiscal policy changes implemented in the country following the November 2023 general election, have imposed a significant financial burden to the Minera Don Nicolás ("MDN") operation, adding further strain to Cerrado's working capital position. The material devaluation in the Argentinian peso in December 2023 resulted in hyper-inflation that, in turn, has led suppliers at MDN to increase costs and significantly restrict typical creditors operating terms. These changes occurred during the final stages of a substantial capital investment program at the Company's MDN mine in Santa Cruz province, Argentina. Combined, these events have had a severe impact on Cerrado's overall financial sustainability and led to the decision to enter into the Option Agreement with Amarillo.


The immediate cash consideration received by Cerrado pursuant to the Proposed Transaction combined with anticipated production growth at MDN should address the short-term working capital requirements at MDN, and significantly enhance Cerrado's financial position and ability to progress operations moving forward. The MDN project has now completed a major capital investment program and the Company expects the operation to generate a period of strong cashflows supporting a reduction in debt levels at MDN over the next year.


In addition, recent announcements by the Argentinian government that currency controls may be removed during the second half of 2024, would be a strong catalyst for the fiscal environment for MDN to improve. Management expects that operating cashflow from MDN combined with the immediate proceeds from the Proposed Transaction, and, ultimately the possible exercise of the Option, will put Cerrado in a robust financial position with a strong balance sheet from which it can organically grow and increase shareholder value at the Company's operations.


Subsequent to the recent capital investment program at MDN, the mine is now positioned to start to generate meaningful cash flows to address the balance sheet. In 2023, the construction of a new heap leaching operation at the Las Calandrias South deposit, capable of supporting annual production in the 25-30K oz range once at full capacity, was completed. The mine also undertook the pre stripping required to open up the Calandrias North deposit to send to the CIL plant. The operations are on target to sustain historical production rates of between 50-60K ozs per annum going forward at reduced cash costs relative to previous years. In addition, the Company is evaluating the potential to develop a second smaller heap leach operation near the current Martinetas CIL plant to process known stockpiles and low grade resources as well as to expand the current heap leach capabilities. Exploration activities remain ongoing to develop both new high grade (open pit or underground) and low grade resources for heap leaching as can be seen at the various nearby operating mines in the region.

繼MDN最近的資本投資計劃之後,該礦現在有望開始產生有意義的現金流,以解決資產負債表問題。2023年,拉斯卡蘭德里亞斯南部礦牀新堆浸廠的建設竣工,該礦牀滿負荷後能夠支持25-3萬盎司範圍內的年產量。該礦還進行了必要的預剝離,以開採北卡蘭德里亞斯礦牀,送往CIL工廠。與往年相比,這些業務的目標是保持每年50-6萬盎司的歷史產量,同時降低現金成本。此外,該公司正在評估在目前的Martinetas CIL工廠附近開發第二座小型堆浸廠的可能性,以處理已知庫存和低品位資源,並擴大目前的堆浸能力。勘探活動仍在進行中,以開發新的高品位(露天或地下)和低品位的堆浸資源,從該地區附近各個正在運營的礦山中可以看出。

In addition to the MDN producing gold mine, Cerrado also owns 100% of the Mont Sorcier Iron Ore project located just outside of Chibougamau, Quebec held by its fully owned subsidiary, Voyager Metals. A Preliminary Economic Assessment completed in 2022, outlined a project producing 5 million tonnes of 65% grade iron concentrates over a 21-year mine life with an initial NPV of US$1.6 billion. The project benefits from significant rail and port facilities already being in place, reducing substantially customary capital requirements. Historical results assumed the production of iron concentrates grading 65%, however, recent test work has demonstrated the ability to produce high purity, DRI grade material grading 67% iron, capable of being used in the Direct Reduction Injection steel production process. DRI grade iron receives a material premium in the market due to the significant environmental benefits of reducing green house gas emissions in the steel making process and are taking market share from conventional lower grade iron ore materials. Cerrado is currently working towards completing a bankable feasibility study to move the project forward based on the improved metallurgical test results. The robust nature of this project has resulted in the Company already being able to mandate TD Bank as lead arranger for a UK Export Credit Agency supported project financing for up to US$598 million to cover 70% of required upfront capital (see Cerrado press release dated November 21, 2023).

除了生產MDN的金礦外,塞拉多還擁有其全資子公司Voyager Metals持有的位於魁北克希布加莫郊外的Mont Sorcier鐵礦石項目的100%股份。2022年完成的初步經濟評估概述了一個在21年礦山壽命內生產500萬噸 65% 品位的鐵精礦的項目,初始淨現值爲16億美元。該項目受益於已經建成的大量鐵路和港口設施,從而大大減少了傳統資本需求。歷史結果假設鐵精礦的產量爲65%,但是,最近的測試工作表明,它能夠生產高純度的DRI級材料,鐵等級爲67%,能夠用於直接還原注射鋼的生產工藝。由於減少鍊鋼過程中的溫室氣體排放具有顯著的環境效益,DRI 級鐵在市場上獲得了材料溢價,並且正在從傳統的低品位鐵礦石材料中奪取市場份額。塞拉多目前正在努力完成一項銀行可行性研究,以根據改進的冶金測試結果推動該項目向前發展。該項目的穩健性質使該公司已經能夠委託道明銀行作爲英國出口信貸機構支持的項目融資的牽頭安排人,融資額高達5.98億美元,以支付所需前期資本的70%(見2023年11月21日的塞拉多新聞稿)。

Amendment to Sellers Agreement at MDN
Additionally, the Company has signed on March 3, 2024 an amendment to the purchase greement for the Minera Don Nicolas Project with Compañía Inversora en Minas S.A. and
Compañía Inversora Argentina Para La Exportación S.A. (together, the "Sellers"). The amendment allows for the balance of funds presently due to be paid from the escrow account to the Sellers by March 16, 2024 (corresponding to the Third Installment), being approximately $2.686 million, will instead be paid to the Sellers by June 7, 2024. Regarding the Final Installment, the monthly instalments due under Section 4.1 in respect of April 2024 through March 2025, will be reduced by 50%.

對 MDN 賣家協議的修訂
此外,該公司已於2024年3月3日與CompaníaInversora en Minas S.A. 簽署了對唐尼古拉斯礦業項目購買協議的修正案,以及
阿根廷投資公司 Para La Exportacion S.A.(統稱爲 “賣方”)。該修正案允許在2024年3月16日之前從託管賬戶向賣方支付的資金餘額(對應於第三期付款),約爲268.6萬美元,改爲在2024年6月7日之前支付給賣方。關於最後一期付款,根據第4.1節,2024年4月至2025年3月的每月分期付款將減少50%。

The balance of payments due in respect of April 2024 through March 2025 will be paid by as a lump sum payment of $5.0M by no later than March 28, 2025.


About Hochschild Mining PLC
Hochschild Mining PLC is a leading precious metals company listed on the London Stock Exchange (HOCM.L / HOC LN) and crosstrades on the OTCQX Best Market in the U.S. (HCHDF), with a primary focus on the exploration, mining, processing and sale of silver and gold. Hochschild has over fifty years' experience in the mining of precious metal epithermal vein deposits and operates two underground epithermal vein mines: Inmaculada, located in southern Peru; and San Jose in southern Argentina, and an open pit gold mine, Mara Rosa, located in the state of Goiás, Brazil. Hochschild also has numerous long-term projects throughout the Americas.

Hochschild Mining PLC是一家領先的貴金屬公司,在倫敦證券交易所(HOCM.L/HOC LN)上市,並在美國OTCQX最佳市場(HCHDF)上市,主要專注於白銀和黃金的勘探、開採、加工和銷售。霍奇柴爾德在貴金屬超熱礦脈礦牀開採方面擁有五十多年的經驗,經營着兩個地下超熱礦脈:位於秘魯南部的Inmaculada和阿根廷南部的聖何塞,以及位於巴西戈亞斯州的露天金礦Mara Rosa。霍奇柴爾德還在美洲各地開展了許多長期項目。

About Cerrado
Cerrado Gold is a Toronto-based gold production, development, and exploration company focused on gold projects in South America. The Company is the 100% owner of both the producing MDN and Las Calandrias mine in Santa Cruz province, Argentina, and the MDC Project, located in Tocantins State, Brazil. In Canada, Cerrado Gold is developing it's 100% owned Mont Sorcier Iron Ore and Vanadium project located outside of Chibougamou, Quebec.

Cerrado Gold是一家總部位於多倫多的黃金生產、開發和勘探公司,專注於南美的黃金項目。該公司是位於阿根廷聖克魯斯省生產的MDN和拉斯卡蘭德里亞斯礦以及位於巴西託坎丁斯州的MDC項目的100%所有者。在加拿大,Cerrado Gold正在開發其100%擁有的Mont Sorcier鐵礦石和釩項目,該項目位於魁北克省希布加穆郊外。

In Argentina, Cerrado is maximizing asset value at its MDN operation through continued operational optimization and is growing production through its operations at the Las Calandrias Heap Leach project. An extensive campaign of exploration is ongoing to further unlock potential resources in our highly prospective land package in the heart of the Deseado Masiff.

在阿根廷,塞拉多正在通過持續的運營優化最大化其MDN業務的資產價值,並通過其在Las Calandrias Heap Leach項目的運營來提高產量。我們正在進行大規模的勘探活動,以進一步釋放我們位於Deseado Masiff中心地帶的極具前景的一攬子土地中的潛在資源。

In Brazil, Cerrado has rapidly advanced the Serra Alta deposit at its MDC Project, through feasibility and into production. Serra Alta is expected to be a high-margin and high-return project with significant exploration potential on an extensive and highly prospective 82,542 hectare land package.

在巴西,塞拉多在其MDC項目中迅速推進了塞拉阿爾塔礦牀的可行性並投入生產。預計Serra Alta將是一個高利潤和高回報的項目,在佔地82,542公頃的廣闊且極具前景的土地上具有巨大的勘探潛力。

In Canada, Cerrado holds a 100% interest in the Mont Sorcier Iron Ore and Vanadium project, which has the potential to produce a premium iron ore concentrate over a long mine life at low operating costs and low capital intensity. Furthermore, its high grade and high purity product facilitates the migration of steel producers from blast furnaces to electric arc furnaces contributing to the decarbonisation of the industry and the achievement of SDG goals.

在加拿大,塞拉多持有Mont Sorcier鐵礦石和釩項目的100%權益,該項目有可能在較長的礦山壽命內以低運營成本和低資本密集度生產優質的鐵礦石精礦。此外,其高品位和高純度的產品促進了鋼鐵生產商從高爐向電弧爐的遷移,這有助於該行業的脫碳和實現可持續發展目標的目標。

For more information about Cerrado please visit our website at: .


Mark Brennan
CEO and Chairman


Mike McAllister
Vice President, Investor Relations
Tel: +1-647-805-5662




This press release contains statements that constitute "forward-looking information" (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of the applicable Canadian securities legislation. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements and are based on expectations, estimates and projections as at the date of this news release. Any statement that discusses predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions, future events or performance (often but not always using phrases such as "expects", or "does not expect", "is expected", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", "plans", "budget", "scheduled", "forecasts", "estimates", "believes" or "intends" or variations of such words and phrases or stating that certain actions, events or results "may" or "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken to occur or be achieved) are not statements of historical fact and may be forward-looking statements.

本新聞稿包含構成適用的加拿大證券立法所指的 “前瞻性信息”(統稱 “前瞻性陳述”)的聲明。除歷史事實陳述外,所有陳述均爲前瞻性陳述,基於截至本新聞稿發佈之日的預期、估計和預測。任何討論預測、預期、信念、計劃、預測、目標、假設、未來事件或績效的陳述(通常但不總是使用諸如 “期望”、“不期望”、“預期” 或 “未預期”、“計劃”、“預算”、“預期”、“計劃”、“預期”、“預測”、“估計”、“相信” 或 “打算” 之類的短語或陳述某些行動、事件或結果(“可能” 或 “可能”、“會”、“可能會” 或 “將會” 採取或實現)不是對歷史事實的陳述,也可能是前瞻性陳述。

Forward-looking statements contained in this press release include, without limitation, statements regarding the business and operations of Cerrado, the completion of the Proposed Transaction including receipt by Cerrado of the Consideration, the Second Anniversary Payment and the Third Anniversary Payment, anticipated production growth at the MDN, the Company's short term working capital requirements, and the completion of a feasibility study for the Company's Mont Sorcier Iron Ore project. In making the forward- looking statements contained in this press release, Cerrado has made certain assumptions, including, but not limited to the satisfactory completion of due diligence by Amarillo and the exercise of the Option by Amarillo, the satisfaction of all conditions to closing of the Proposed Transaction, including the receipt of all required approvals (including regulatory and shareholder approval), cash flow generated from MDN and changes in economic and monetary policies and regulations in jurisdictions in which Cerrado and its subsidiaries operate. Although Cerrado believes that the expectations reflected in forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that the expectations of any forward-looking statements will prove to be correct. Known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results and future events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements and information contained in this press release. Except as required by law, Cerrado disclaims any intention and assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, whether as a result of new information, future events, changes in assumptions, changes in factors affecting such forward-looking statements or otherwise.

本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述包括但不限於有關塞拉多業務和運營的聲明、包括塞拉多收到對價、二週年付款和三週年付款在內的擬議交易的完成、MDN的預期產量增長、公司的短期營運資金要求以及公司Mont Sorcier鐵礦石項目可行性研究的完成。在發表本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性聲明時,塞拉多做出了某些假設,包括但不限於阿馬裏洛令人滿意地完成盡職調查和阿馬裏洛行使期權、完成擬議交易的所有條件的滿足,包括獲得所有必要的批准(包括監管和股東批准)、MDN產生的現金流以及Cerrl所在司法管轄區的經濟和貨幣政策法規的變化 Ado 及其子公司運營。儘管塞拉多認爲前瞻性陳述中反映的預期是合理的,但它無法保證任何前瞻性陳述的預期都會被證明是正確的。可能導致實際業績和未來事件與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的重大差異的已知和未知風險、不確定性和其他因素。這些因素包括但不限於一般商業、經濟、競爭、政治和社會的不確定性。因此,讀者不應過分依賴本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述和信息。除非法律要求,否則塞拉多無意更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述以反映實際業績,無論是由於新信息、未來事件、假設變化、影響此類前瞻性陳述的因素的變化還是其他原因造成的。

SOURCE: Cerrado Gold Inc.


