
Japan Gold - Barrick Alliance Continues to Encounter Significant Mineralized Intervals in Drilling at the Mizobe Project in Southern Kyushu

Japan Gold - Barrick Alliance Continues to Encounter Significant Mineralized Intervals in Drilling at the Mizobe Project in Southern Kyushu

newsfile ·  02/29 21:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 29, 2024) - Japan Gold Corp. (TSXV: JG) (OTCQB: JGLDF) ("Japan Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the second phase of drilling at the Barrick Alliance Mizobe Project in Southern Kyushu, Japan has further expanded the footprint of a largely concealed, multi-phase hydrothermal system with current dimensions of approximately 2.5 by 1.5 kilometres (see Figure 1).

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 2 月 29 日)- 日本黃金公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:JG) (OTCQB: JGLDF) (”日本金“或者”公司“)很高興地宣佈,日本九州南部的巴里克聯盟米佐比項目已進入第二階段的鑽探,進一步擴大了一個基本隱蔽的多相熱液系統的佔地面積,目前的尺寸約爲2.5 x 1.5公里(見 圖 1)。

The new drilling continues to encounter mineralized intervals on an open hydrothermal alteration system at Mizobe. Mineralization encountered in drilling is locally extensive with broad breccia-hosted intervals up to 144 metres in down-hole length (see Figure 2). Multiple alteration and mineralizing events are observed in the drill core including banded chalcedony-sulphide vein clasts, banded carbonate-quartz-sulphide veins (see Figure 3), and hydrothermal brecciation which has provided a permeability pathway and host for a younger gold-sulphide mineralization event. Banded chalcedony is a quartz vein texture that may represent the upper parts of epithermal vein systems, fragments of this banded chalcedony now incorporated into a younger mineralized hydrothermal breccia provide a vector towards potential deeper structure-controlled vein-style mineralization not yet identified.

新的鑽探繼續在Mizobe的開放式熱液蝕變系統上遇到礦化間隔。鑽探中遇到的礦化區域非常廣泛,以角礫岩爲主的間隔很寬,井下長度可達 144 米(見 圖 2)。在鑽芯中觀察到多種變化和礦化事件,包括帶狀玉髓-硫化物礦脈碎石、帶狀碳酸鹽-石英-硫化物礦脈(見 圖 3),以及熱液角礫岩,後者爲較年輕的硫化金礦化事件提供了滲透途徑和宿主。帶狀玉髓是一種石英礦脈紋理,可能代表超熱礦脈系統的上半部分,這種帶狀玉髓的碎片現已融入較年輕的礦化熱液角礫岩中,爲潛在的深層結構控制的礦脈式礦化提供了載體,但尚未確定。

"The dynamic nature of hydrothermal events seen in the drill core at Mizobe is very encouraging, particularly the banded quartz veins which are typical of high-grade epithermal deposits of the district, including the world-class Hishikari deposit, located 20 kilometres to the north. The hydrothermal system shows good scale and complexity, and interpretation of drill core is vectoring us towards a system with potentially significant gold endowment," commented Andrew Rowe, Japan Gold's Vice President of Exploration.


The second phase of drilling at Mizobe completed in Q4|23 comprised four diamond holes for a total of 1,271.3 metres. Based on the strong encouragement from the initial framework drill program completed earlier in 2023, drilling continued to target mineralization on large, up to 500 metres step-outs around the long-mineralized intercept in MZDD23-003, and beneath mineralized breccias located 1.5 kilometres to the west, at the historical Semari antimony workings.

在Mizobe鑽探的第二階段於23年第四季度完成,包括四個金剛石孔,總長度爲1,271.3米。在 2023 年早些時候完成的初始框架鑽探計劃的大力鼓勵下,鑽探繼續將礦化目標定在 MZDD23-003 長礦化截距周圍高達 500 米的大型階梯上,以及位於西部 1.5 公里處的礦化角礫岩下方,即歷史上的 Semari 銻礦開採區。

Drill holes MZDD23-004, 005, 006 and 007 all encountered hydrothermal alteration with variable intervals of gold mineralization including the following notable results, all intervals are down-hole lengths, refer to Tables 1 and 2 for more detail.

MZDD23-004、005、006 和 007 鑽孔都遇到了熱液蝕變,金礦化間隔各不相同,包括以下顯著結果,所有間隔均爲井下長度,請參閱 表 12 以獲取更多細節。

  • MZDD23-004
  • MZDD23-004

33.55 m @ 0.6 g/t Au & 3.1 g/t Ag from 28.3 m

33.55 m @ 0.6 g/t Au 和 3.1 g/t Ag 從 28.3 m

incl: 16.7 m @ 0.8 g/t Au & 3.9 g/t Ag from 28.3 m ;

包括:16.7 m @ 0.8 g/t Au 和 28.3 m 中的 3.9 g/t Ag;

12.0 m @ 1.0 g/t Au & 4.5 g/t Ag from 33.0 m ;

12.0 m @ 1.0 g/t Au 和 4.5 g/t Ag 從 33.0 m 開始;

4.0 m @ 1.6g/t Au & 8.9 g/t Ag from 36.5 m

4.0 m @ 1.6g/t Au 和 8.9 g/t Ag 從 36.5 m

  • MZDD23-006
  • MZDD23-006

1.3 m @ 1.7 g/t Au & 2.2 g/t Ag from 50.7 m

1.3 m @ 1.7 g/t Au 和 2.2 g/t Ag 從 50.7 m 開始

incl: 0.8m @ 2.4 g/t Au & 3.4 g/t Ag from 50.7 m)

包括:0.8m @ 2.4 g/t Au 和 3.4 g/t Ag(從 50.7 m 開始)

The Barrick Alliance sees the importance of structural controls as a key focusing mechanism for high-grade mineralization. The geometry of mineralization and controlling structures is not yet fully understood due to widespread concealment by a veneer of post-mineral ash. The next steps at Mizobe will include a detailed ground magnetics survey, currently underway, to assist in mapping alteration and host rocks toward the definition of gold-fertile structures for the next round of drill targeting.


Figure 1: Simplified Geological Map of the East Side of Mizobe Project with the Completed Drill Holes, Historical Drilling by the Metal Mining Agency of Japan and Rock Outcrop and Float Gold Geochemistry

圖 1:Mizobe 項目東側的簡化地質圖,包括已完成的鑽孔、日本金屬礦業廳的歷史鑽探以及岩石露頭和浮金地球化學

Figure 2: Simplified Geological Cross Section and Interpretive Model Through Drill Holes MZDD23-003 and MZDD23-004 with Significant Mineralized Intervals

圖 2:通過具有顯著礦化間隔的 MZDD23-003 和 MZDD23-004 鑽孔的簡化地質橫截面和解釋性模型

Figure 3: Core Samples from Drill hole MZDD23-004

圖 3: 來自鑽孔 MZDD23-004 的岩心樣品

Drill hole MZDD23-004: Banded chalcedony-carbonate-sulphide vein from 38.3 metres, part of 1.4 metre wide vein zone, assayed interval: 38.0 metres - 38.5 metres: Au 2.3 g/t; Ag 31.3 g/t

MZDD23-004 鑽孔:38.3 米處的帶狀玉髓-碳酸鹽-硫化物礦脈,1.4 米寬礦脈區的一部分,測定間隔:38.0 米至 38.5 米: Au 2.3 g/t; 銀 31.3 克/噸

Drill hole MZDD23-004: Banded carbonate-quartz-sulphide vein from 38.8 metres, part of 1.4-metre-wide vein zone, assayed interval: 38.5 metres - 39.0 metres: Au 1.5 g/t; Ag 11.8 g/t

鑽孔 MZDD23-004:38.8 米處的帶狀碳酸石英硫化物礦脈,1.4 米寬礦脈區的一部分,測定間隔:38.5 米至 39.0 米: 金 1.5 克/噸;銀 11.8 克/噸

Drill hole MZDD23-004: Carbonate-quartz-sulphide vein with fine-grained colloform sulphide infil, assayed interval: 41.5 metres - 42.0 metres: Au 0.7 g/t; Ag 0.1 g/t

鑽孔 MZDD23-004:碳酸石英硫化物礦脈,內含細顆粒的膠狀硫化物,測定間隔:41.5 米-42.0 米: 金 0.7 克/噸;銀 0.1 克/噸

Drill hole MZDD23-004: Hydrothermal breccia incorporating angular clasts of finely laminated colloform banded chalcedony, potentially to have been brought up from depth by a hydrothermal brecciation event, assayed interval 45.0 metres - 45.5 metres: Au 0.4 g/t; Ag 4.9 g/t

鑽孔 MZDD23-004:含有精細層壓膠質帶狀玉髓的角質碎屑的水熱角礫岩,可能是由熱液角礫岩事件從深處冒出來的,測定間隔 45.0 米至 45.5 米: 金 0.4 克/噸;銀 4.9 克/噸

Mizobe Project

Mizobe 項目

The Mizobe Project is located 20 kilometres south of the world-class Hishikari gold mine in the Hokusatsu Region of Southern Kyushu. The Hishikari mine has produced 8.49 million ounces of gold at a grade of more than 20 g/t since 19851. The Hokusatsu Region is Japan's largest gold-producing district, with more than 12 million ounces of combined production from low-sulphidation epithermal deposits1-5. Japan Gold holds a large portion, more than 90,000 hectares of prospective ground within the Hokusatsu Region as prospecting rights or reserved as prospecting rights applications.


Table 1: Significant Drill Hole Intersections from Initial Framework and Phase 2 Drilling at Mizobe

表 1: Mizobe 初始框架和第 2 階段鑽探中的重要鑽孔交叉點

Drill Hole Number From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t)
MZDD23-001 345.00 347.00 2.00 0.9 5.5
incl. 345.00 346.00 1.00 1.1 2.9
MZDD23-002 126.70 132.80 6.10 1.4 7.5
incl. 126.70 129.30 2.60 2.2 10.6
MZDD23-003 47.00 191.00 144.00 0.7 2.1
incl. 47.00 100.75 53.75 0.6 2.3
incl. 77.50 86.50 9.00 1 4.1
incl. 122.75 191.00 68.25 0.9 2.1
incl. 122.75 138.75 16.00 2.8 4.5
incl. 122.75 132.75 10.00 4.3 6.6
incl. 124.75 128.75 4.00 6.2 10.2
MZDD23-004 28.30 61.85 33.55 0.6 3.1
incl. 28.30 45.00 16.70 0.8 3.9
incl. 33.00 45.00 12.00 1.0 4.5
incl. 36.50 40.50 4.00 1.6 8.9
MZDD23-005 180 181 1.00 0.5 3.7
MZDD23-005 331.00 332.00 1.00 0.8 1.9
MZDD23-006 50.70 52.00 1.30 1.7 2.2
incl. 50.70 51.50 0.80 2.4 3.4
MZDD23-007 150.20 151.00 0.80 0.9 2.8
MZDD23-007 173.3 174.3 1.00 0.7 4.2
MZDD23-007 174.30 175.20 0.90 0.7 3.8
鑽孔編號 從 (m) 到 (m) 長度 (m) 金 (g/t) 銀 (g/t)
MZDD23-001 345.00 347.00 2.00 0.9 5.5
包括。 345.00 346.00 1.00 1.1 2.9
MZDD23-002 126.70 132.80 6.10 1.4 7.5
包括。 126.70 129.30 2.60 2.2 10.6
MZDD23-003 47.00 191.00 144.00 0.7 2.1
包括。 47.00 100.75 53.75 0.6 2.3
包括。 77.50 86.50 9.00 1 4.1
包括。 122.75 191.00 68.25 0.9 2.1
包括。 122.75 138.75 16.00 2.8 4.5
包括。 122.75 132.75 10.00 4.3 6.6
包括。 124.75 128.75 4.00 6.2 10.2
MZDD23-004 28.30 61.85 33.55 0.6 3.1
包括。 28.30 45.00 16.70 0.8 3.9
包括。 33.00 45.00 12.00 1.0 4.5
包括。 36.50 40.50 4.00 1.6 8.9
MZDD23-005 180 181 1.00 0.5 3.7
MZDD23-005 331.00 332.00 1.00 0.8 1.9
MZDD23-006 50.70 52.00 1.30 1.7 2.2
包括。 50.70 51.50 0.80 2.4 3.4
MZDD23-007 150.20 151.00 0.80 0.9 2.8
MZDD23-007 173.3 174.3 1.00 0.7 4.2
MZDD23-007 174.30 175.20 0.90 0.7 3.8

Table 2: Drill Hole Collar Data

表 2: 鑽孔項圈數據

Drill Hole Number Location Easting Northing RL Azimuth Dip Length (m)
MZDD23-004 Mizobe East 660676 3519299 177 138 50 132.5
MZDD23-005 Mizobe East 660210 3519654 266 138 50 341.0
MZDD23-006 Mizobe East 659139 3520150 189 123 50 354.5
MZDD23-006A Mizobe East 659198 3520109 98 126 51.6 37.6
MZDD23-007 Mizobe East 660845 3519889 210 113 50 405.7
TOTAL 1,271.3
鑽孔編號 地點 向東 北方 RL 方位角 長度 (m)
MZDD23-004 Mizobe East 660676 3519299 177 138 50 132.5
MZDD23-005 Mizobe East 660210 3519654 266 138 50 341.0
MZDD23-006 Mizobe East 659139 3520150 189 123 50 354.5
MZDD23-006A Mizobe East 659198 3520109 98 126 51.6 37.6
MZDD23-007 Mizobe East 660845 3519889 210 113 50 405.7
總計 1,271.3



1 Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., LTD. Integrated Report, September 2023
2 Watanabe Y, 2005. Late Cenozoic evolution of epithermal gold metallogenic provinces in Kyushu, Japan. Mineralium Deposita (2005) 40: pp 307-323
3 Garwin, S.G. et al. 2005. Tectonic setting, Geology, and gold and copper mineralization in the Cenozoic magmatic arcs of Southeast Asia and the West Pacific. Economic Geology 100th Anniversary Vol. pp 891-930
4 Shikazono, N. 2003. Geochemical and Tectonic Evolution of Arc-Backarc Hydrothermal Systems, Volume 1. Elsevier, 2003
5 Metal Mining Agency of Japan, June 2001, Regional Geological Structure Survey Report for Fiscal Year 2000, Hokusatsu, Kushikino District

1 住友金屬礦業株式會社綜合報告,2023 年 9 月
2 渡邊 Y,2005 年。日本九州淺熱液金成礦省份的新生代晚期演化。Mineralium Deposita (2005) 40:第 307-323 頁
3 Garwin、S.G. 等人。2005 年。東南亞和西太平洋新生代岩漿弧的構造背景、地質學以及金銅礦化。經濟地質學 100 週年紀念卷第 891-930 頁
4 Shikazono,2003 年出生。Arc-Backarc 熱液系統的地球化學和構造演化,第 1 卷。愛思唯爾,2003
5 日本金屬礦業廳,2001年6月,《2000財年區域地質結構調查報告》,北津,串木野區

Sampling Techniques and Assaying


The drilling results discussed in this news release are from drill core samples obtained by PQ, HQ and NQ-size triple-tube diamond core drilling using a PMC700 and PMC-400 man-portable drill rigs owned and operated by the Company. Company senior geologists fully supervised the drilling program at the drilling site.

本新聞稿中討論的鑽探結果來自PQ、HQ和NQ尺寸的三管金剛石巖芯鑽探使用該公司擁有和運營的 PMC700 和 PMC-400 便攜式鑽機獲得的鑽芯樣本。公司的高級地質學家對鑽探現場的鑽探計劃進行了全面監督。

Drill core was collected in plastic core trays at the drill site and transported by road in Company vehicles to its core shed storage facility in the nearby Urushi Village, near the project area. The drill core was carefully logged, photographed and sample intervals were marked-up along predicted mineralized and selected unmineralized intervals by Japan Gold senior project geologists.


Sample lengths varied from 0.25 to 1.0 metres; depending on the positions of geological contacts and variations in alteration composition. The core was split by diamond rock saw supervised by project geologists. Half-core sample was collected from the entire length of each designated sample interval and placed into individual-labelled, self-sealing calico bags for secure packaging and transport to the laboratory. The half-core samples weighed between 0.25 to 5 kilograms depending on the sample length and core size. A chain of custody was established between the Company and receiving laboratory to ensure the integrity of the samples during transportation from site to the lab. The samples were sent in batches to ALS Laboratories in Vancouver, Canada for sample preparation and assaying.


Samples were crushed, pulverized and assayed for gold 50 grams charge Fire Assay / AAS Finish (Au-AA24; 0.005 ppm lower detection limit) and a 48 multi-element by 4-acid digest with ICP-MS determination (ME-MS61L; Ag 0.002 ppm lower detection limit). Over-limit Au and Ag samples were re-assayed by fire-assay and gravimetric finish (GRA-22, LDL of 0.5 and 5 ppm for Au and Ag respectively).

對樣品進行壓碎、粉碎和化驗,以獲得50克電荷的金 Fire Assay/AAS Finish(Au-AA24;檢出下限爲0.005 ppm),通過ICP-MS測定(ME-MS61L;Ag 0.002 ppm 下限檢出限)進行48種多元素。超限金和銀樣品通過火法測定和重量法重新測定(GRA-22,金和銀的低密度脂率分別爲0.5和5 ppm)。

Japan Gold KK inserted Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) at every 20th sample to assess repeatability and assaying precision of the laboratory. In addition, the laboratory applied its own internal Quality Control procedure that includes sample duplicates, blanks & geochemical standards. They report these results with the certified Assay Report. Laboratory procedures and QAQC protocols adopted are considered appropriate. The CRMs and internal QC-QA results fall within acceptable levels of accuracy & precision and are considered to lack any bias.

Japan Gold KK在每20份樣本中插入認證參考材料(CRM),以評估實驗室的可重複性和分析精度。此外,該實驗室還採用了自己的內部質量控制程序,包括樣本副本、空白樣本和地球化學標準。他們使用認證的化驗報告報告這些結果。所採用的實驗室程序和 QAQC 協議被認爲是適當的。CRM 和內部 QC-QA 結果在可接受的準確性和精度範圍內,被認爲沒有任何偏差。

Rock results presented in this news release and accompanying figures are from 1 to 3 kilograms selected grabs of river float samples, and continuous chip-channel samples. The grab samples of float material reported in this announcement are believed to originate from the underlying bedrock of the drainage basin from which they were collected. The Company cautions that grab and float samples are selective by nature and may not be representative of typical mineralization on the property. Composited chip-channel samples have been collected continuously along exposures of bedrock at intervals between 0.5 to 1.5 metres. Sample preparation and assaying were done by ALS Perth, WA, Australia. Samples were crushed and pulverised and gold was analysed by 50 gram-charge Fire Assay and AAS finish. A 48 multielement analysis including silver was done by four-acid digest and ICP-MS determination.

本新聞稿和隨附數據中顯示的岩石結果爲1至3千克的精選河浮樣本和連續的芯片通道樣本。據信,本公告中報告的浮體樣本來自採集浮動物的流域的下層基岩。該公司警告說,採集和浮動樣本質上是選擇性的,可能無法代表該物業的典型礦化作用。沿着基岩暴露地連續採集複合芯片通道樣本,間隔在0.5至1.5米之間。樣本製備和化驗由澳大利亞西澳大利亞州珀斯ALS完成。樣品被壓碎和粉碎,並通過電荷50克的火焰分析和AAS表面處理對金進行了分析。通過四酸消化和 ICP-MS 測定完成了包括銀在內的 48 種多元素分析。

A chain of custody was established between the Company and the receiving laboratory to ensure the integrity of the samples during transportation from the site to the lab. Japan Gold inserted Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) at every 20th sample to assess the repeatability and assaying precision of the laboratory. In addition, the laboratory applied its own internal Quality Control procedure that includes sample duplicates, blanks & geochemical standards. They report these results with the certified Assay Report. Laboratory procedures and QA|QC protocols adopted are considered appropriate. The CRMs and internal QA|QC results fall within acceptable levels of accuracy & precision and are considered to lack any bias.

公司與接收實驗室之間建立了監管鏈,以確保樣品在從現場運送到實驗室期間的完整性。Japan Gold在每20份樣本中插入認證參考材料(CRM),以評估實驗室的可重複性和分析精度。此外,該實驗室還採用了自己的內部質量控制程序,包括樣本副本、空白樣本和地球化學標準。他們使用認證的化驗報告報告這些結果。採用的實驗室程序和 QA|QC 協議被認爲是適當的。CRM 和內部 QA|QC 結果在可接受的準確性和精度範圍內,被認爲沒有任何偏差。

Qualified Person


The technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Japan Gold's Vice President of Exploration, Andrew Rowe, BAppSc, FAusIMM, FSEG, who is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿中的技術信息已經過日本黃金勘探副總裁、BappSC、FausIMM、FSEG的安德魯·羅(Andrew Rowe)的審查和批准,他是國家儀器43-101定義的合格人士。

About Japan Gold Corp.


Japan Gold Corp. is a Canadian mineral exploration company solely focused on gold exploration across Japan. The Company holds a portfolio of over 3,000 square kilometres of prospecting applications and prospecting rights which cover areas with known gold occurrences, a history of mining and is prospective for high-grade epithermal gold mineralization. The Japan Gold leadership and operational team of geologists, drillers and technical advisors, have extensive experience exploring and operating in Japan.


Japan Gold has an alliance with Barrick Gold Corporation to jointly explore, develop, and mine certain gold mineral properties and mining projects with the potential to host Tier 1 or Tier 2 gold ore bodies.


On behalf of the Board of Japan Gold Corp.
John Proust
Chairman & CEO


For further information, please contact:
Brenda Dayton
Vice President, Corporate Communications
Phone: 604.417.7952


Cautionary Note


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as such term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This news release contains forward-looking statements relating to expected or anticipated future events and anticipated results related to future partnerships and the Company's 2024 gold exploration program. These statements are forward-looking in nature and, as a result, are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that include, but are not limited to, the timing and granting of prospecting rights; the Company's ability to convert prospecting rights into digging rights within the timeframe prescribed by the Mining Act; general economic, market and business conditions; competition for qualified staff; the regulatory process and actions; technical issues; new legislation; potential delays or changes in plans; working in a new political jurisdiction; results of exploration; the Company's ability to execute and implement future plans, arrange or conclude a joint venture or partnership; and the occurrence of unexpected events. Actual results achieved may differ from the information provided herein and, consequently, readers are advised not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The forward-looking information contained herein speaks only as of the date of this News Release. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise forward‐looking information or to explain any material difference between such and subsequent actual events, except as required by applicable laws.


