
Will Warren Buffett Invest In 'Gambling Token' Bitcoin? 'Never Say Never,' Says Scaramucci As Berkshire's Cash Hoard Swells To $167B

Will Warren Buffett Invest In 'Gambling Token' Bitcoin? 'Never Say Never,' Says Scaramucci As Berkshire's Cash Hoard Swells To $167B

禾倫·巴菲特會投資 “賭博代幣” 比特幣嗎?隨着伯克希爾的現金儲備激增至1670億美元,斯卡拉穆奇說:“永遠不要說永遠”
Benzinga ·  02/26 05:32

Berkshire Hathaway, Inc.'s (NYSE:BRK) (NYSE:BRK) fourth-quarter earnings report released Saturday showed that the Warren Buffett-led company's cash swelled to over $167 billion. One Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) bull, that same day, expressed hope that the investment guru would consider investing some of the firm's surplus cash in the apex crypto.


What Happened: On Twitter, formerly X, Anthony Scaramucci asked, "Wouldn't [it] be ironic if he [Buffett] winds up buying #bitcoin as a hedge for his cash?" The former investment banker acknowledged that the late Charlie Munger, who served as Buffett's trusted lieutenant until he passed away last November, hated cryptocurrency.

發生了什麼:安東尼·斯卡拉穆奇在 Twitter(前身爲 X)上問道:“如果他(巴菲特)最終購買 #bitcoin 作爲現金對沖工具,[那] 不是很諷刺嗎?”這位前投資銀行家承認,已故的查理·芒格討厭加密貨幣,他在去年11月去世之前一直是巴菲特值得信賴的副手。

Scaramucci also noted that Buffett never bought Microsoft shares despite playing bridge with Bill Gates every month and that he now owned Apple.


"Never say never, said Scaramucci, apparently reflecting his wishful thinking.


I know Charlie Munger hated crypto. Warren Buffett never bought Microsoft even though he played bridge with Bill Gates every month. And now he owns Apple. Wouldn't be be ironic if he winds up buying #bitcoin as a hedge for his cash ? Never say never.

— Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci) February 24, 2024

我知道查理芒格討厭加密貨幣。禾倫·巴菲特從未收購過微軟,儘管他每個月都和比爾·蓋茨一起玩橋牌。現在他擁有蘋果。如果他最後買入 #bitcoin 作爲現金對沖工具,那不是很諷刺嗎?永遠不要說永遠。

— 安東尼·斯卡拉穆奇 (@Scaramucci) 2024 年 2 月 24 日

See Also: How To Buy Bitcoin (BTC)


Why It's Important: In 2013, Munger called Bitcoin "rat poison" in 2013. Five years later, when he was asked to revisit his view on the crypto, which had significantly increased in value by then, he said it was an "expensive rat poison." His aversion to Bitcoin was primarily due to its volatility and a lack of regulatory framework.

爲什麼它很重要:2013年,芒格在2013年稱比特幣爲 “老鼠毒藥”。五年後,當他被要求重新審視自己對加密貨幣的看法時,他說這是一種 “昂貴的老鼠毒藥”。他對比特幣的厭惡主要是由於其波動性和缺乏監管框架。

Buffett himself did not hold any better view about the crypto. In an April 2023 CNBC interview, the investment guru called Bitcoin a "gambling token" and dismissed it as something that doesn't have any intrinsic value. He, however lamented the fact that it hasn't stopped "people from wanting to play the roulette wheel."

巴菲特本人對加密貨幣沒有更好的看法。在2023年4月接受CNBC採訪時,這位投資大師稱比特幣爲 “賭博代幣”,並認爲它沒有任何內在價值。但是,他感到遺憾的是,這並沒有阻止 “人們想玩輪盤”。

Buffett advocates for the value investment strategy, which involves purchasing securities that are trading below their intrinsic value.


Reacting to Scaramucci's post on X, followers commented that Buffett might never buy the crypto as he would never admit that he was wrong. Another said, "Warren Buffett's legacy would be cemented as the GOAT if he buys #Bitcoin."

在回應Scaramucci在X上的帖子時,追隨者評論說,巴菲特可能永遠不會購買加密貨幣,因爲他永遠不會承認自己錯了。另一個人說:“如果禾倫·巴菲特收購 #Bitcoin,他的遺產將作爲GOAT得到鞏固。”

Bitcoin has rallied strongly in 2023, ending the year as one of the best-performing assets, and the momentum has carried over into 2024. On Feb. 12, the crypto broke above the $50,000 mark for the first time in over two years.


At last check, Bitcoin traded up 0.06% at $51,465.60, according to Benzinga Pro data.

根據Benzinga Pro的數據,在最後一次檢查中,比特幣的交易價格上漲了0.06%,至51,465.60美元。

Read Next: 'The Architect' Of Berkshire Hathaway: Read Warren Buffett's Emotional Annual Letter About Late Charlie Munger's Passing

繼續閱讀:伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司的 “建築師”:閱讀禾倫·巴菲特關於已故查理·芒格逝世的激動人心的年度信函

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