
MDM Permian Inc Announces the Second $500,000 Capital Infusion Into Essence Wells, LP for Strategic Rework of East Texas and Permian Basin Wells

MDM Permian Inc Announces the Second $500,000 Capital Infusion Into Essence Wells, LP for Strategic Rework of East Texas and Permian Basin Wells

MDM Permian Inc宣佈向Essence Wells有限責任公司注資第二筆50萬美元,用於東德克薩斯州和二疊紀盆地油井的戰略返工
Accesswire ·  02/21 00:50

DALLAS, TX / ACCESSWIRE / February 20, 2024 / MDM Permian, Inc. (OTC PINK:MDMP) is pleased to announce as the Managing Partner of Essence Wells, LP a recent capital infusion of $500,000 from two accredited, sophisticated individual investors. To uphold our prior commitments to minimize shareholder dilution and maximize shareholder value, MDM is raising this capital through a 506 C Reg D offering. The objective is to generate income through the wells, benefiting both the investors of our company and MDM in its role as the Managing Partner of Essence Wells, LP.

德克薩斯州達拉斯/ACCESSWIRE/2024年2月20日/MDM Permian, Inc.(場外交易代碼:MDMP)欣然宣佈,兩位經認可的資深個人投資者作爲Essence Wells, LP的管理合夥人最近注入了50萬美元的資金。爲了兌現我們先前關於最大限度地減少股東稀釋和最大化股東價值的承諾,MDM正在通過發行506 C Reg D籌集這筆資金。目標是通過油井創造收入,使我們公司的投資者和作爲Essence Wells, LP管理合夥人的MDM都受益。

MDM Permian, Inc. will serve as one of two Managing Partners of Essence Wells, LP. The Managing Partners will have complete and exclusive power (except as limited by the Partnership Agreement and applicable law) to manage and control the business, properties, and affairs of the Partnership. The Managing Partners will control the day‐to‐day operations of the Partnership.

MDM Permian, Inc.將成爲Essence Wells, LP的兩名管理合夥人之一。管理合夥人將擁有管理和控制合夥企業的業務、財產和事務的完整和專有權力(受合夥協議和適用法律的限制除外)。管理合夥人將控制合夥企業的日常運營。

The two investments come from MDM Permian, Inc. as one of the managing partners. This investment by MDM further illustrates MDM's belief and commitment in the projects outlined in the Reg D offering. The other investment has come from FireDream Resources, LLC, the majority stockholder of MDM Permian, Inc. This investment underscores MDM's steadfast dedication to the potential inherent in the projects outlined for Essence Wells. It also illuminates management's commitment to minimize dilution to the current shareholders of MDM.

這兩項投資來自作爲管理合夥人之一的MDM Permian, Inc.MDM的這項投資進一步說明了MDM對Reg D產品中概述的項目的信念和承諾。另一項投資來自MDM Permian, Inc.的大股東FireDream Resources, LLC。這項投資凸顯了MDM對Essence Wells概述的項目固有潛力的堅定承諾。它還闡明瞭管理層對最大限度地減少對MDM現有股東的稀釋的承諾。

Essence will use the allocated capital to rework one of the existing wells situated on our East Texas Basin acreage. The designated operator for this project anticipates the completion of the work by mid-February. Conservative estimates on the potential initial production from the well are anticipated to be 2000/mcf of gas a month and 1050 barrels of oil. Assuming production at these levels, the anticipated gross revenue, after factoring in landowner royalties, state severance taxes, and operating expenses, could exceed $55,000, contingent upon prevailing oil and gas prices.


Simultaneously, the other project scheduled to be reworked will be the Ogelsby well in the Permian Basin. The Ogelsby log shows 5 separate producible layers in the target Wichita Albany formation within the existing well. Our geologist and the original drilling company have both independently identified the same 5 layers in the Wichita Albany as potentially productive. Expected production from the Wichita Albany formation in this well, based on comparable wells in the local area, is estimated to be 1500 barrels per month of oil, with no gas. Given that Essence is acquiring only a 50% working interest in the well, the income generated from 1500 barrels per month is estimated to generate over $26,000 per month for investors and over $44,000 in income for MDM, after accounting for all expenses.


Mark Warner, President and CEO of MDM Permian said, "We are excited to begin using the capital on these two wells to demonstrate to our investors that we are making progress to significantly increase shareholder value. Reworking these wells stands as the best use of the capital available to us at the present time. This approach to income generation for MDM aligns with our commitment to MDMP shareholders to minimize shareholder dilution as much as possible."

MDM Permian總裁兼首席執行官馬克·華納表示:“我們很高興開始使用這兩口油井的資金,向投資者證明我們在大幅增加股東價值方面正在取得進展。改造這些油井是我們目前可用資金的最佳用途。MDM的這種創收方法符合我們對MDM股東的承諾,即儘可能減少股東稀釋。”

About MDM Permian Inc

MDM Permian Inc 公司簡介

MDM Permian, Inc. is an emerging oil and gas exploration and production company committed to delivering sustainable energy solutions. With a focus on responsible resource extraction, operational excellence, and environmental stewardship, MDM Permian, Inc. aims to meet the growing energy demands while minimizing its ecological footprint. The company's diverse portfolio spans across multiple regions, driving economic growth and creating value for its stockholders and stakeholders.

MDM Permian, Inc. 是一家新興的石油和天然氣勘探和生產公司,致力於提供可持續的能源解決方案。MDM Permian, Inc. 專注於負責任的資源開採、卓越運營和環境管理,旨在滿足不斷增長的能源需求,同時最大限度地減少其生態足跡。該公司的多元化投資組合跨越多個地區,推動了經濟增長,爲股東和利益相關者創造了價值。

For media inquiries, contact:


Rachel D. Green
V.P. Investor Relations


SOURCE: MDM Permian, Inc.

資料來源:MDM Permian, Inc.

