
Bayridge Signs Letters of Intent to Acquire Interests in Two Uranium Exploration Properties in the Athabasca Basin

Bayridge Signs Letters of Intent to Acquire Interests in Two Uranium Exploration Properties in the Athabasca Basin

Bayridge 簽署意向書,收購阿薩巴斯卡盆地兩處鈾勘探地產的權益
newsfile ·  02/14 19:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 14, 2024) - Bayridge Resources Corp. (CSE: BYRG) ("Bayridge" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has entered into Letters of Intent ("LOI") with CanAlaska Uranium Ltd. ("CanAlaska") to allow the Company to earn up to an 80% interest in each of CanAlaska's Waterbury East and Constellation Projects (the "Projects") in the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 2 月 14 日)- Bayridge 資源公司 (案例:BYRG)(”拜裏奇“或者”公司“) 很高興地宣佈它已簽訂意向書 (”LOI“) 與 Canalaska 鈾業有限公司 (”加拿大阿拉斯加“)允許公司在Canalaska的沃特伯裏東部和星座項目中獲得高達80%的權益(”項目“)在薩斯喀徹溫省的阿薩巴斯卡盆地。

Under the terms of the LOIs, Bayridge may earn up to an 80% interest in each of the Projects by undertaking work and making cash and share payments in three defined earn-in stages: an initial 40% interest (Stage 1), an additional 20% interest for a total 60% interest (Stage 2), and an additional 20% interest for a total 80% interest (Stage 3).


The LOI contemplates the following work and payment obligations for each earn-in stage:


  • Waterbury East Project

    • Stage 1 (40% interest): Pay $265,000 cash, issue $370,000 of common shares of Bayridge ("Common Shares"), and incur $1,500,000 in exploration expenditures within 18 months of the date of the definitive agreement (the "Waterbury East Agreement Date");

    • Stage 2 (60% interest): Pay a further $220,000 cash, issue an additional $385,000 of Common Shares, and incur a further $1,500,000 in exploration expenditures within 12 months of commencing the Stage 2 earn-in (approximately 2.5 years after the Waterbury East Agreement Date); and

    • Stage 3 (80% interest): Pay a further $275,000 cash, issue an additional $550,000 of Common Shares, and incur an additional $2,000,000 in exploration expenditures within 12 months of commencing the Stage 3 earn-in (approximately 3.5 years after the Waterbury East Agreement Date).

  • Constellation Project

    • Stage 1 (40% interest): Pay $225,000 cash, issue $315,000 of common shares of Bayridge ("Common Shares"), and incur $1,500,000 in exploration expenditures within 18 months of the date of the definitive agreement (the "Constellation Agreement Date");

    • Stage 2 (60% interest): Pay a further $165,000 cash, issue an additional $290,000 of Common Shares, and incur a further $1,500,000 in exploration expenditures within 12 months of commencing the Stage 2 earn-in (approximately 2.5 years after the Constellation Agreement Date); and

    • Stage 3 (80% interest): Pay a further $210,000 cash, issue an additional $415,000 of Common Shares, and incur an additional $2,000,000 in exploration expenditures within 12 months of commencing the Stage 3 earn-in (approximately 3.5 years after the Constellation Agreement Date).

  • 東沃特伯裏項目

    • 第 1 階段(40% 的利息): 支付 265,000 美元現金,發行 370,000 美元的 Bayridge 普通股(”普通股“),並在最終協議簽訂之日起18個月內產生150萬美元的勘探支出(”東沃特伯裏協議日期“);

    • 第 2 階段(60% 的利息): 在第二階段收益開始後的12個月內(大約在沃特伯裏東部協議簽署之日後2.5年),再支付22萬美元的現金,額外發行38.5萬澳元的普通股,並再產生150萬美元的勘探支出;以及

    • 第 3 階段(80% 的利息): 在第三階段盈利開始後的12個月內(大約在沃特伯裏東部協議簽署之日起3.5年),再支付27.5萬美元的現金,額外發行55萬美元的普通股,並額外產生200萬美元的勘探支出。

  • 星座項目

    • 第 1 階段(40% 的利息): 支付 22,000 美元現金,發行 31.5 萬美元的 Bayridge 普通股(”普通股“),並在最終協議簽訂之日起18個月內產生150萬美元的勘探支出(”星座協議日期“);

    • 第 2 階段(60% 的利息): 在第二階段收益開始後的12個月內(大約在Constellation協議生效後的2.5年內),再支付16.5萬美元的現金,額外發行29萬澳元的普通股,並再產生150萬美元的勘探支出;以及

    • 第 3 階段(80% 的利息): 在第三階段盈利開始後的12個月內(大約在星座協議簽署之日起3.5年),再支付21萬美元的現金,額外發行41.5萬美元的普通股,並額外產生200萬美元的勘探支出。

With respect to each Project, after successful completion of (a) Stage 1, if Bayridge elects to not enter the next stage or fails to make the Stage 2 option payments when and as required; or (b) Stage 2, if Bayridge elects to not enter the next stage or fails to make the Stage 3 option payments when and as required; or (c) Stage 3, a joint venture will be formed and the parties will either co-contribute thereafter on a simple pro-rata basis or dilute on a pre-defined straight-line dilution formula. Any party diluting to a 10% interest will automatically forfeit its interest in the Project and in lieu thereof will be granted a 2% net smelter return royalty on the Project.


All Common Shares issued to CanAlaska under both option agreements will be subject to a hold period expiring four months and one day after their date of issue pursuant to applicable Canadian securities laws. In addition, CanAlaska has agreed to voluntary resale restrictions on such shares whereby 25% of the shares will be released from voluntary resale restrictions 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after their issue date.


During all stages of both option agreements, Bayridge will be operator of the Projects and will be entitled to charge an operator fee. Bayridge will have deciding voting rights on annual exploration programs while sole funding at the various option stages. An Area of Mutual Interest will extend two kilometres from the outer boundary of the Projects, excluding all properties within such area that are currently held by CanAlaska at time of signing the definitive agreement.


Bayridge is currently conducting due diligence on the properties comprising the Projects. Upon successful due diligence, the parties will work towards finalizing and executing a formal agreement. Completion of the transactions contemplated under the LOIs is subject to a number of standard conditions for transactions of this nature, including, among other things, the negotiation and execution of definitive option agreements, and the approval of the Canadian Securities Exchange. Bayridge will provide updates on this transaction if and when they become available.


Bayridge CEO, Charn Deol, comments, "Bayridge is excited that the company was able to negotiate LOIs for two uranium exploration projects in the prolific Athabasca region of Canada, which is one of the world's leading sources of high-grade uranium and currently supplies approximately 15% of the world's uranium."

Bayridge 首席執行官 Charn Deol 評論說, “Bayridge很高興該公司能夠就加拿大多產的阿薩巴斯卡地區的兩個鈾勘探項目談判意向書,該地區是世界主要的高品位鈾來源之一,目前供應全球約15%的鈾。”

Update on Sharpe Lake Property


The Company would also like to provide an update on its Sharpe Lake property located in Ontario. As described in the Company's final prospectus dated November 10, 2023, the Company has the right to acquire a 100% interest in the Sharpe Lake property, subject to a 3% net smelter royalty, by making certain cash and share payments, and by completing certain exploration expenditures on the property. To date, the Company has engaged a contractor to carry out an airborne survey on the property and has paid a down payment in connection therewith. The Issuer intends to carry out the airborne survey and the rest of the phase 1 exploration program in the Spring or Summer of 2024, once weather conditions permit.


About Bayridge Resources Corp.


Bayridge Resources Corp. is a mining exploration company concentrating on battery metals projects. Currently, the Company operates a lithium exploration project in Ontario, the Sharpe Lake property.

Bayridge Resources Corp. 是一家礦業勘探公司,專注於電池金屬項目。目前,該公司在安大略省經營一個鋰勘探項目,即夏普湖地產。

For more information, please contact:


Charn Deol, Director and Chief Executive Officer
Tel: ‎ 604-760-1781

Charn Deol,董事兼首席執行官
電話:‎ 604-760-1781

Forward-looking information


All statements included in this press release that address activities, events or developments that Bayridge expects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. Such statements may involve, but are not limited to, statements with respect to: the terms of the proposed option agreements with CanAlaska; the execution of definitive option agreements; the performance of Bayridge's obligations under the option agreements and the exercise of Bayridge's options thereunder; the terms of the proposed joint venture between Bayridge and CanAlaska; approval by the Canadian Securities Exchange of the transactions contemplated under the LOIs; and the Company's plans with respect to the Sharpe Lake property. These forward-looking statements involve numerous assumptions made by Bayridge based on its experience, perception of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors it believes are appropriate in the circumstances. In addition, these statements involve substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties that contribute to the possibility that the predictions, forecasts, projections and other forward-looking statements will prove inaccurate, certain of which are beyond Bayridge's control. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Except as required by law, Bayridge does not intend to revise or update these forward-looking statements after the date hereof or revise them to reflect the occurrence of future unanticipated events.

本新聞稿中涉及Bayridge預期、相信或預期未來將發生或可能發生的活動、事件或事態發展的所有陳述均爲前瞻性陳述。此類聲明可能涉及但不限於以下方面的聲明:與Canalaska的擬議期權協議的條款;最終期權協議的執行;Bayridge根據期權協議承擔的義務的履行以及Bayridge在該協議下的期權的行使;Bayridge和CanAlaska之間擬議合資企業的條款;加拿大證券交易所批准的意向書;以及公司有關Sharalaska的計劃 Pe Lake 房產。這些前瞻性陳述涉及Bayridge根據其經驗、對歷史趨勢的看法、當前狀況、預期的未來發展以及其認爲適合具體情況的其他因素做出的許多假設。此外,這些陳述涉及大量已知和未知的風險和不確定性,這使得預測、預測、預測和其他前瞻性陳述有可能被證明不準確,其中一些是Bayridge無法控制的。讀者不應過分依賴前瞻性陳述。除非法律要求,否則Bayridge無意在本文發佈之日之後修改或更新這些前瞻性陳述,也無意對其進行修改以反映未來意外事件的發生。

The CSE has not reviewed, approved, or disapproved the contents of this press release.


