
Atacama Copper Corporation Announces Completion of Business Transaction With TCP1

Atacama Copper Corporation Announces Completion of Business Transaction With TCP1

newsfile ·  02/13 19:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 13, 2024) - Atacama Copper Corporation (TSXV: ACOP) ("Atacama Copper" or the "Company" or the "Resulting Issuer"), is pleased to announce completion of its previously announced business combination involving TCP1 Corporation ("TCP1") and 1000723052 Ontario Corporation ("Subco"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company (the "Business Combination"). Pursuant to the Business Combination, the Resulting Issuer has acquired all of the issued and outstanding common shares of TCP1 ("TCP1 Shares") in exchange for common shares of the Resulting Issuer (the "Resulting Issuer Shares"), resulting in the reverse takeover of the Resulting Issuer by TCP1. Subject to receiving final acceptance from the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV"), the Resulting Issuer Shares are expected to resume trading on the TSXV on or about February 15, 2024, as a tier 1 mining issuer under Atacama's current symbol "ACOP".

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 2 月 13 日)-阿塔卡馬銅業公司(TSXV:ACOP)(”阿塔卡馬銅業“或者”公司“或者”最終發行人“),很高興地宣佈其先前宣佈的涉及TCP1公司的業務合併已完成(”TCP1“) 和 1000723052 安大略省公司 (”Subco“),本公司的全資子公司(”業務合併“)。根據業務合併,最終發行人已收購了TCP1的所有已發行和流通普通股(”TCP1 股票“) 以換取最終發行人的普通股(”由此產生的發行人股票“),導致TCP1反向收購了最終發行人。視獲得多倫多證券交易所風險交易所的最終認可而定(”TSXV“),預計由此產生的發行人股票將於2024年2月15日左右在多倫多證券交易所恢復交易,作爲一級礦業發行人,阿塔卡馬目前的股票代碼爲 “ACOP”。

Highlights of the Transaction:


  • Creates a diversified exploration and development company with assets near established operations in geologically prospective regions of Mexico and Chile.

  • Builds a leadership team with a proven history and track record of discovery, exploration success, mine building, operations, and community engagement and relations.

  • Closing of the concurrent financing establishes a well-capitalized company supported by a strong group of stakeholders, including Pierre Lassonde, Trinity Capital Partners, senior executives of Ross Beaty's Lumina Group, and a major strategic investor.

  • Provides multiple avenues of shareholder value creation as the combined asset base is advanced through focused and generative exploration programs that will support expansion of the mineralized footprint, in addition to early engineering and test work that will support future project optimization.

  • Establishes a platform for future acquisition and consolidation opportunities in the Americas.

  • 創建一家多元化的勘探和開發公司,其資產位於墨西哥和智利的地質前景區域的既定業務附近。

  • 建立一支在發現、勘探成功、礦山建設、運營以及社區參與和關係方面有着悠久歷史和往績的領導團隊。

  • 並行融資的完成將建立一家資本充足的公司,該公司得到了包括皮埃爾·拉松德、三一資本合夥人、羅斯·比蒂旗下的Lumina集團的高級管理人員和主要戰略投資者在內的強大利益相關者的支持。

  • 除了支持未來項目優化的早期工程和測試工作外,還通過有針對性和創造性的勘探計劃推進合併後的資產基礎,爲股東創造價值提供了多種途徑,這些計劃將支持礦化足跡的擴大。

  • 爲美洲未來的收購和整合機會建立平台。

A 10,000-metre diamond drilling program will commence at the Company's Cristina precious metals project within the next two weeks. The program is aimed at better delineating and expanding the high-grade zones within the main Guadalupe Vein, as well as other high-grade veins in the area to both increase the size and the grade of the resource at Cristina. The current mineral resource estimate comprises:


  • Indicated resources of 17.5 Mt at 0.51 g/t gold, 33.8 g/t silver, 0.47% zinc, 0.19% lead and 0.04% copper (1.33 g/t AuEq grade), for a contained 752,000 gold-equivalent ounces.

  • Inferred resources of 19.0 Mt at 0.51 g/t gold, 27.5 g/t silver, 0.50% zinc, 0.19% lead and 0.05% copper (1.27 g/t AuEq grade), for a contained 777,000 gold-equivalent ounces.

  • 指示資源量爲1750萬噸,含金量爲0.51克/噸,白銀33.8克/噸,鋅0.47%,鉛0.19%,銅(1.33克/噸AuEq等級),含金當量75.2萬盎司。

  • 推斷資源量爲190萬噸,黃金當量爲0.51克/噸、銀27.5克/噸、0.50%的鋅、0.19%的鉛和0.05%的銅(1.27克/噸AuEq等級),其中含有77.7萬盎司黃金當量盎司。

Details of the Cristina mineral resource estimate can be found in the Company's press release of October 30, 2023, and in the National Instrument 43-101 compliant report titled "Technical Report on the Mineral Resource for the Cristina Project" prepared for TCP1 and Atacama Copper by Jacob W. Richey, PE, with an effective date of January 1, 2023 and issue date of December 1, 2023. Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability.


Highlights from previous drilling campaigns at Cristina include:


Hole From
Guadalupe Vein
ACD17-78 104.5 112.7 4.5 10.31 2.95 442.7 0.42 1.76 0.06
CRD10-11 71.5 80.0 6.0 8.86 1.59 429.3 0.65 1.75 0.06
ACD20-163 272.7 280.6 3.9 8.47 0.99 119.7 2.77 8.22 0.26
ACD17-80 133.15 139.35 4.0 7.63 2.29 233.1 0.99 2.96 0.06
Mexico Libre Vein
ACD19-121 58.85 62.1 1.5 16.90 14.7 55.6 0.83 1.91 0.06
ACD19-103 110.65 115.6 3.6 15.12 10.04 141.9 1.39 4.07 0.27
Los Ingleses Vein
ACD17-70 37.0 37.3 0.2 608.35 601 444 0.69 1.74 0.40
CRD15-53 165.5 169.5 3.1 14.32 7.84 117.7 1.07 6.73 0.41



ACD17-78 104.5 112.7 4.5 10.31 2.95 442.7 0.42 1.76 0.06
CRD10-11 71.5 80.0 6.0 8.86 1.59 429.3 0.65 1.75 0.06
ACD20-163 272.7 280.6 3.9 8.47 0.99 119.7 2.77 8.22 0.26
ACD17-80 133.15 139.35 4.0 7.63 2.29 233.1 0.99 2.96 0.06
ACD19-121 58.85 62.1 1.5 16.90 14.7 55.6 0.83 1.91 0.06
ACD19-103 110.65 115.6 3.6 15.12 10.04 141.9 1.39 4.07 0.27
Los Ingleses Vein
ACD17-70 37.0 37.3 0.2 608.35 601 444 0.69 1.74 0.40
CRD15-53 165.5 169.5 3.1 14.32 7.84 117.7 1.07 6.73 0.41



  • Intercepts are reported as estimated true widths.
  • Metal Prices used in AuEq calculation are: $1700/oz Au, $23.61/oz Ag, $1.32/lb Zn, $0.94/lb Pb and $3.78/lb Cu
  • Gold equivalent formula: AuEq = Au + 0.014*Ag + 0.532*Zn + 0.379*Pb + 1.525*Cu (recoveries were assumed to be 100%.)
  • 截距報告爲估計的真實寬度。
  • auEQ 計算中使用的金屬價格爲:1700 美元/盎司金、23.61 美元/盎司銀、1.32 美元/磅 Zn、0.94 美元/磅 Pb 和 3.78 美元/磅銅
  • 黃金當量公式:auEq = Au + 0.014*Ag + 0.532*Zn + 0.379*Pb + 1.525*Cu(假設回收率爲100%。)

At Yecora, a 3,000-metre diamond drill program is planned to test the depth extension of the multiple breccias currently delineated on the property. We see an exciting opportunity to materially increase the size and scope of the current resource base in the near term. The current mineral resource estimate at Yecora comprises:


  • Indicated resources of 25.3 Mt at 0.30% copper, 28.5 g/t silver, and 749 ppm molybdenum (0.79% CuEq grade), for a contained 444 Mlb of Cu-equivalent.

  • Inferred resources of 11.2 Mt at 0.30% copper, 24.2 g/t silver, and 831 ppm molybdenum (0.78% CuEq grade), for a contained 193 Mlb of Cu-equivalent.

  • 指示的資源 銅含量爲25.3萬噸,含銅量爲28.5克/噸,鉬含量爲749 ppm(CueQ等級爲0.79%),含銅當量爲444毫升。

  • 推斷的資源 銅含量爲11.2噸,含銅量爲0.30%,銀含量爲24.2克/噸,鉬含量爲831 ppm(CueQ品位爲0.78%),含銅當量爲193毫升。

Details of the Yecora mineral resource estimate can be found in the Company's press release of October 30, 2023. Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability.


Activities in Chile will be focused on completing negotiations for surface easements to conduct planned geophysical surveys across the main alteration zones, as well as a follow-on drilling campaign tentatively planned for 2025.


Tim Warman, CEO and Director of Atacama Copper, commented: "With the transaction complete, the Company is well-financed to immediately begin aggressive exploration campaigns at our Cristina precious metals project in Chihuahua, Mexico and later in the year at our Yecora copper-silver project in Sonora, Mexico. With Charlie Ronkos, an incredibly experienced explorationist and the former SVP Exploration of Goldcorp, we will be advancing our projects not only in Mexico but in Chile as well. In addition to Charlie's long involvement with the Mexico assets, he has extensive experience in Chile, particularly working on the El Morro/La Fortuna deposit that lies adjacent to our Placeton and Caballo Muerto projects. We appreciate the continued support from the stakeholders of both TCP1 and Atacama and look forward to an exciting 2024."

阿塔卡馬銅業首席執行官兼董事蒂姆·沃曼評論說:“交易完成後,公司資金充足,可以立即在墨西哥奇瓦瓦州的克里斯蒂娜貴金屬項目開始積極的勘探活動,並於今年晚些時候在墨西哥索諾拉的Yecora銅銀項目開始積極的勘探活動。查理·朗科斯(Charlie Ronkos)是一位經驗豐富的探險家,曾任Goldcorp勘探高級副總裁,我們將不僅在墨西哥而且在智利推進我們的項目。除了Charlie長期涉足墨西哥資產外,他在智利也有豐富的經驗,特別是在我們的Placeton和Caballo Muerto項目附近的El Morro/La Fortuna礦牀工作。我們感謝TCP1和Atacama利益相關者的持續支持,並期待着激動人心的2024年。”

Charlie Ronkos, EVP Exploration and Director of Atacama Copper commented: "This transaction brings together TCP1's Cristina and Yecora projects with two exciting projects in an area of Chile where I have significant past experience. I look forward to collaborating with Tim as we commence our exploration programs over what will be a very active 2024."

阿塔卡馬銅業勘探執行副總裁兼董事查理·朗科斯評論說:“這筆交易彙集了TCP1的克里斯蒂娜和Yecora項目,以及在智利一個我過去有豐富經驗的地區的兩個激動人心的項目。我期待着與蒂姆合作,因爲我們將在 2024 年非常活躍的時候開始勘探計劃。”

John Graham, President of TCP1 Corporation commented: "We are very excited to be partnering with established mining entrepreneurs at Atacama. We believe this transaction provides shareholders of both companies the ability to benefit from value accretion as the company advances projects in Mexico and Chile. We look forward to ongoing exploration success in the upcoming drill program at Cristina. On behalf of the team at TCP1, we would also like to thank Charlie for his commitment to this endeavor as well as the shareholders of TCP1, for their continued support."


Summary of the Business Combination


Pursuant to the terms of the business combination agreement dated December 15, 2023, among the Resulting Issuer, TCP1 and Subco (the "Business Combination Agreement"), Subco and TCP1 completed a three-cornered amalgamation under the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) to form "Amalco", a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Resulting Issuer. Prior to completion of the Business Combination, the Resulting Issuer competed a share consolidation of its issued and outstanding capital on the basis of one (1) post-consolidation Resulting Issuer Share for each six (6) pre-consolidation Resulting Issuer Shares (the "Consolidation").

根據最終發行人於2023年12月15日簽訂的企業合併協議的條款,TCP1和Subco(”業務合併協議“),Subco和TCP1完成了三角合併 《商業公司法》 (安大略省)成立”Amalco“,由此產生的發行人的全資子公司。在業務合併完成之前,由此產生的發行人競爭了其已發行和流通資本的股份合併,其基礎是每六(6)股合併前產生的發行人股份(”合併“)。

Following completion of the Consolidation and pursuant to the Business Combination (with each Resulting Issuer Share being issued on a post-Consolidated basis):


  • the holders of the issued and outstanding TCP1 Shares received 64.815 Resulting Issuer Shares for each one TCP1 Share held;
  • 已發行和流通的TCP1股票的持有人每持有一股TCP1股就獲得64.815股由此產生的發行人股份;
  • all of the in-the-money options to purchase TCP1 Shares ("TCP1 Options") were exercised on a cashless basis; and
  • 購買TCP1股票的所有價內期權(”TCP1 選項“) 是在無現金基礎上行使的;以及
  • all of the out-of-the-money TCP1 Options were replaced with options to purchase 64.815 Resulting Issuer Share for each TCP1 Share issuable on exercise of the TCP1 Options.
  • 所有價外TCP1期權都被行使TCP1期權時每股可發行的TCP1股票購買64.815股產生的發行人股票的期權所取代。

Upon completion of the Business Combination, there were 61,300,981 Resulting Issuer Shares issued and outstanding. An aggregate 7,219,935 Resulting Issuer Shares, and 20,000 Resulting Issuer restricted share units, were placed in escrow pursuant to a surplus security escrow agreement pursuant to the policies of the Exchange and will be released in accordance with the terms thereof.


Concurrent Financings


Prior to completion of the Business Combination, the Resulting Issuer completed a private placement of 71,004,956 pre-Consolidation subscription receipts (the "Subscription Receipts") at a price of $0.18, in multiple tranches, for aggregate net proceeds of $12,800,000 (the "Concurrent Financing"), pursuant to the terms of an agency agreement among the Company, TCP1, Cormark Securities Inc. and Stifel Canada, as co-lead agents (the "Agents"). In addition, the Resulting Issuer completed a non-brokered private placement (the "Bridge Financing") of 555,556 pre-Consolidation common shares of the Company a price of $0.18 for gross proceeds of $100,000. Together with the proceeds from the Concurrent Financing, the total gross proceeds raised in connection with the Business Combination was $12,900,000.

在業務合併完成之前,最終發行人完成了71,004,956份合併前認購收據的私募配售(”訂閱收據“)分批定價0.18美元,總淨收益爲12,800,000美元(”並行融資“),根據公司、TCP1、Cormark Securities Inc.和Stifel Canada之間作爲共同牽頭代理人的代理協議條款(”代理商“)。此外,最終發行人完成了非經紀私募配售(”過橋融資“)公司合併前的555,556股普通股,價格爲0.18美元,總收益爲10萬美元。加上並行融資的收益,與業務合併相關的總收益爲12,900,000美元。

Immediately prior to closing of the Business Combination, each Subscription Receipt was automatically converted into one pre-Consolidation Resulting Issuer Share in accordance with the terms of the subscription receipt agreement entered into among the Resulting Issuer, the Agents and TSX Trust Company, as escrow agent. In connection with the Concurrent Financing, the Agents received cash commissions and 2,459,970 compensation warrants, being equal to 6.0% of the aggregate number of subscription receipts sold under the Concurrent Financing (3.0% of the aggregate number of subscription receipts sold to purchasers on the President's List). Each Agents' compensation warrant will entitle the holder to acquire a Resulting Issuer Share at a price of $0.18 (prior to giving effect to the Consolidation) for a period of 24 months following the completion of the Business Combination.


The net proceeds of the Concurrent Financing (including the Bridge Financing) will be used to advance exploration programs across the Resulting Issuer's combined portfolio, with particular focus on 2024 drilling at Cristina and Yecora, and for general corporate purposes.


None of the securities issued pursuant to the Concurrent Financing or the Business Combination have been or will be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or any state securities laws, and any securities issued pursuant thereto will be issued in reliance upon available exemptions from such registration requirements. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities.


New Directors and Senior Management


Concurrently with completion of the Business Combination, Martyn Buttenshaw, Richard Reinhart and Gino Zandonai resigned as directors of the Resulting Issuer. The Resulting Issuer board of directors is now comprised of Tim Warman, Charles J. Ronkos, Scott Hicks, Shannon McCrae, and Colinda Parent. Executive management of the Resulting Issuer is comprised of Tim Warman as Chief Executive Officer, Charles J. Ronkos as Executive Vice President, Exploration, Martin Rip as Chief Financial Officer, and Gino Zandonai as VP Corporate Development and Chile Country Manager.


Tim Warman, Chief Executive Officer and Director


Mr. Warman is a professional geologist and accomplished executive with over thirty years' experience in all aspects of the resource industry, from grassroots exploration through feasibility, from development to operations. Mr. Warman is currently the CEO of Atacama Copper, a Latin-America focused copper explorer. Previously, Mr. Warman served as the President & CEO of Fiore Gold Ltd. ("Fiore") managing Fiore through the successful start-up of the company's Pan Gold Mine and development of the Gold Rock Project, both located in Nevada, USA. Fiore was acquired by Calibre Mining Corp. in a premium transaction for US$151 million in late 2021. Mr. Warman has served as a director of Continental Gold Inc. (2010 to 2018), President of Dalradian Resources Inc. (2012 to 2015), CEO of Malbex Resources Inc. (2009 to 2012), and VP, Corporate Development of Aurelian Resources Inc. (from 2006 until the company's acquisition by Kinross Gold Corp. for $1.2 billion in 2008). Prior to Aurelian, Mr. Warman held senior positions with several mining and exploration companies in North America, Africa, and Europe. Mr. Warman is a graduate of the University of Manitoba (M.Sc.) and McMaster University (B.Sc.) and a member of the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario.

沃曼先生是一位專業的地質學家和成就卓著的高管,在資源行業的各個方面擁有三十多年的經驗,從基層勘探到可行性,從開發到運營。沃曼先生目前是專注於拉丁美洲的銅礦勘探公司阿塔卡馬銅業的首席執行官。此前,沃曼先生曾擔任 Fiore Gold Ltd. 的總裁兼首席執行官(”菲奧雷“)通過成功啓動公司的泛金礦和開發金巖項目來管理Fiore,這兩個項目均位於美國內華達州。2021年底,Calibre Mining Corp. 以1.51億美元的溢價交易收購了Fiore。沃曼先生曾擔任大陸黃金公司董事(2010 年至 2018 年)、達爾拉迪安資源公司總裁(2012 年至 2015 年)、馬爾貝克斯資源公司首席執行官(2009 年至 2012 年)和奧勒利安資源公司企業發展副總裁(從 2006 年到 2008 年金羅斯黃金公司以 12 億美元收購該公司)。在加入 Aurelian 之前,Warman 先生曾在北美、非洲和歐洲的多家礦業和勘探公司擔任高級職務。沃曼先生畢業於曼尼託巴大學(理學碩士)和麥克馬斯特大學(理學士),也是安大略省專業地球科學家協會的成員。

Charles J. Ronkos, EVP Exploration and Director

Charles J. Ronkos,探索執行副總裁兼董事

Mr. Ronkos has 45 years of exploration experience mainly in the United States, Canada and Latin America. For more than 25 years, he held executive positions including nine years with Goldcorp Inc. ultimately as Senior Vice President Exploration and seven years with Glamis Gold Ltd. ultimately as Vice President Exploration prior to Glamis' acquisition by Goldcorp. Mr. Ronkos also held the position of Chief Operating Officer for TCP1 Corporation for five years and Executive Vice President with Premier Gold Mines Ltd. In his executive positions, he was associated with the discovery of over 40 million ounces of gold and 1.3 billion ounces of silver. Prior to the executive positions Mr. Ronkos held positions as Country Manager in Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Mexico mostly with Rayrock Resources Inc. prior to its acquisition by Glamis Gold Ltd. Mr. Ronkos is a graduate of Mackay School of Mines University of Nevada, Reno (MSc) and Wittenberg University (BA) and is a QP member of the Mining and Metallurgical Society of America.

Ronkos 先生有 45 年的勘探經驗,主要在美國、加拿大和拉丁美洲。在超過25年的時間裏,他曾擔任高管職務,包括在Goldcorp Inc.工作了九年,最終擔任勘探高級副總裁,以及在Glamis被Glamis收購Goldcorp之前在Glamis Gold Ltd.工作了七年,最終擔任勘探副總裁。朗科斯先生還曾在TCP1 Corporation擔任首席運營官五年,並在Premier Gold Mines Ltd擔任執行副總裁。在他的高管職位上,他參與了超過4000萬盎司黃金和13億盎司白銀的發現。在擔任高管職務之前,朗科斯先生曾在哥倫比亞、哥斯達黎加、巴拿馬、厄瓜多爾、危地馬拉、薩爾瓦多、洪都拉斯和墨西哥擔任區域經理,之後主要在瑞洛克資源公司工作。朗科斯先生畢業於內華達大學雷諾分校麥凱礦業學院(理學碩士)和維滕貝格大學(BA),並且是美國礦業和冶金學會的QP會員。

Scott Hicks, Independent Director


Mr. Hicks is a former investment banker working with RBC Capital Markets and BMO Capital Markets on their respective mining teams. He also served as VP Corporate Development and Communications of Anfield Gold Corp., which was acquired to create Equinox Gold Corp and Luminex Resources Corp., which was acquired by Adventus Mining Corp. He currently serves as the EVP Corporate Development and Director of Strategic Resources Inc. and as VP Corporate Development and Communications of Lumina Gold Corp. Over the last decade he has worked on a variety of equity, debt and advisory assignments while working in Canada and Australia. Mr. Hicks holds a Bachelor of Commerce with Honours from the University of British Columbia.

希克斯先生是一位前投資銀行家,在加拿大皇家銀行資本市場和BMO資本市場分別管理各自的採礦團隊。他還曾擔任安菲爾德黃金公司的企業發展和傳播副總裁,該公司被收購以創建Equinox Gold Corp和Luminex Resources Corp.,後者被Adventus Mining Corp收購。他目前擔任企業發展執行副總裁兼戰略資源公司董事以及Lumina Gold Corp的企業發展和傳播副總裁。在過去的十年中,他在加拿大和澳大利亞工作期間從事過各種股權、債務和諮詢任務。Hicks 先生擁有不列顛哥倫比亞大學商學榮譽學士學位。

Shannon McCrae, Independent Director


Ms. McCrae is a professional geologist and executive who brings over 25 years of experience in the resource industry. Her experience ranges from early-stage exploration to mine sites across multiple commodities, driving economic discoveries and delivering innovation.


Ms. McCrae is the Managing Director of Athena Geoscience, a mining and exploration consultancy, and is a Director of Boart Longyear Group Ltd. She was previously Director of Exploration and Growth for Barrick Gold, a global role operating as a member of the senior management team. Her experience also includes senior roles with De Beers Canada and as Vice President of Business Development with Novamera.She holds an Honours Bachelor of Science degree in Geology (BSc) from Western University and is a registered Professional Geoscientist (P.Geo.) in Ontario.

麥克雷女士是礦業和勘探諮詢公司Athena Geoscience的董事總經理,也是博爾特·朗伊爾集團有限公司的董事。她曾是巴里克黃金公司的勘探與增長總監,該公司的全球職位是高級管理團隊的成員。她的經歷還包括在加拿大戴比爾斯擔任高級職務以及在Novamera擔任業務發展副總裁。她擁有西部大學地質學榮譽理學學士學位(BSc),並且是安大略省註冊的專業地球科學家(P.Geo.)。

Colinda Parent, Independent Director


Ms. Parent is an investment banking specialist focused on the mining sector with extensive experience valuing and selling mining royalties and raising capital for junior mining companies through flow-through shares, common shares and strategic partnerships with other mining companies. Transactions include advising Newmont on the sale of 54 royalties to Maverix Metals, advising Maverix Metals on a purchase of royalties from Gold Fields, advising B2Gold on the sale of a Lynn Lake royalty and advising Elliott Management on the creation of a royalty company. In 2019, Ms. Parent founded Mine Equities Ltd., an EMD focused on raising money for the junior mining sector. Since inception, Mine Equities Ltd. has participated in over 75 junior mining financings that raised over $120M.

帕倫特女士是一位投資銀行專家,專注於採礦業,在估值和出售礦業特許權使用費以及通過流通股、普通股和與其他礦業公司的戰略合作伙伴關係爲初級礦業公司籌集資金方面擁有豐富的經驗。交易包括就向Maverix Metals出售54份特許權使用費向紐蒙特提供諮詢,就收購Gold Fields的特許權使用費向Maverix Metals提供諮詢,就出售林恩湖特許權使用費向B2Gold提供諮詢以及就成立特許權使用費公司向埃利奧特管理公司提供諮詢。2019年,帕倫特女士創立了礦業股票有限公司,這是一家專注於爲初級採礦業籌集資金的EMD。自成立以來,Mine Equities Ltd.已參與了超過75筆初級礦業融資,籌集了超過1.2億美元。

Martin Rip, Chief Financial Officer


Mr. Rip is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CA) with over 25 years' experience in industry and public practice providing business advice to a variety of clients, primarily in the mining sector. Currently, Mr. Rip is CFO of Miedzi Copper Corp. and Lumina Gold Corp. He is the former CFO of Anfield Gold Corp, Lumina Copper Corp., Lumina Royalty Corp. and Luminex Resources Corp. In public practice, Mr. Rip worked at Grant Thornton LLP where he served as a Senior Manager in the Assurance and Business Advisory practice. He holds a law degree from the University of Birmingham and is a member of the Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia and The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Mr. Rip has extensive experience in financial reporting and internal controls compliance for public companies.

Rip先生是一名特許專業會計師(CPA,CA),在行業和公共實踐方面擁有超過25年的經驗,爲各種客戶(主要是採礦業)提供商業建議。目前,裏普先生是Miedzi Copper Corp. 和Lumina Gold Corp.的首席財務官。他曾是安菲爾德黃金公司、Lumina銅業公司、Lumina皇家公司和Luminex資源公司的首席財務官。在公共執業方面,裏普先生曾在格蘭特桑頓律師事務所擔任保險和商業諮詢業務高級經理。他擁有伯明翰大學的法律學位,並且是不列顛哥倫比亞省特許專業會計師協會和英格蘭和威爾士特許會計師協會的成員。Rip 先生在上市公司的財務報告和內部控制合規方面擁有豐富的經驗。

Gino Zandonai, VP Corporate Development and Chile Country Manager

Gino Zandonai,企業發展副總裁兼智利區域經理

Mr. Zandonai has more than thirty years of experience in international mining consulting in over 40 countries and was the South American Managing director of Behre Dolbear Inc., a mineral consulting firm. Mr. Zandonai was a director and Vice President of Atacama Copper. Mr. Zandonai is a Competent Person and has been the main geostatistician for NGEx Resources Inc (Lundin Mining) activities in Chile among other listed companies. He is fluent in Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese and holds a MSc degree in Mining Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines, and a minor in Mineral Economics.

贊多奈先生在40多個國家的國際礦業諮詢方面擁有三十多年的經驗,曾是礦業諮詢公司Behre Dolbear Inc. 的南美董事總經理。贊多奈先生曾是阿塔卡馬銅業的董事兼副總裁。贊多奈先生是一位合格人士,曾是NgEx資源公司(隆丁礦業)在智利和其他上市公司的業務的主要地質統計學家。他精通西班牙語、法語、意大利語和葡萄牙語,擁有科羅拉多礦業學院採礦工程碩士學位和礦物經濟學輔修學位。

Quality Assurance/Quality Control


QA/QC protocols currently include the insertion of blanks and standards at regular intervals in each sample batch. Prior to 2022, blanks and duplicate assays were used but standards were not, and this was addressed by a check assay program in late 2021. Core intervals to be sampled are sawn in half with a diamond saw and half the core is placed in a plastic sample bag labeled with the sample number. Sample bags of half core are stored at the core cutting shed until they are picked up and transferred in a pickup truck to Culiacan by Company staff. In Culiacan, they are placed on a shipping pallet and are shipped to the ALS laboratory in Hermosillo. All reported core samples are analyzed for Au by fire assay (30g) with either an AA or gravimetric finish. Samples are also subject to a multielement analysis by four-acid digestion with ICP-AES or ICP-MS finish. All mineralized intervals are reported as core lengths and estimated true thickness.

目前,質量保證/質量控制協議包括在每批樣品中定期插入空白和標準。在2022年之前,使用了空白和重複檢測,但沒有使用標準,2021年底的一項支票分析計劃解決了這個問題。要採樣的岩心間隔用金剛石鋸切成兩半,將一半的岩心放入標有樣品編號的塑料樣品袋中。半芯樣品袋存放在巖芯切割棚裏,直到公司員工取回並用皮卡車運送到庫利亞坎。在庫利亞坎,它們被放在裝運托盤上,然後運往埃莫西約的ALS實驗室。所有報告的岩心樣本均通過火法檢驗(30g)進行金分析,並採用AA或重力法完成。樣品還需要通過四酸消解進行多元素分析,並進行 ICP-AES 或 ICP-MS 表面處理。所有礦化間隔均報告爲岩心長度和估計的真實厚度。

Qualified Person


The Mineral Resource Estimate for the Cristina deposit was prepared for TCP1 by Independent Mining Consultants Inc. (IMC), with an effective date of January 1, 2023. Mr. Jacob W. Richey, P.E. of IMC is the Qualified Person ("QP") responsible for the MRE.

克里斯蒂娜礦牀的礦產資源估算由獨立礦業顧問公司(IMC)爲TCP1編制,生效日期爲2023年1月1日。IMC的P.E. Jacob W. Richey先生是負責MRE的合格人員(“QP”)。

The Mineral Resource Estimate for the Yecora deposit was prepared for TCP1 by Sepor Services LLC ("Sepor"), with an effective date of August 4, 2023. The Qualified Person for the statement of Mineral Resources is Jaime Andres Beluzan of Sepor.

Yecora礦牀的礦產資源估算由Sepor Services LLC(“SEPOR”)爲TCP1編制,生效日期爲2023年8月4日。礦產資源聲明的合格人選是SEPOR的海梅·安德烈斯·貝魯贊。

Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. The estimate of Mineral Resources may be materially affected by environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing, or other relevant issues. The Mineral Resources were estimated using the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM), CIM Standards on Mineral Resources and Reserves. Definitions and Guidelines prepared by the CIM Standing Committee on Reserve Definitions and adopted by the CIM Council. Numbers may not add due to rounding.


All other scientific and technical information contained in this news release was approved by Charlie Ronkos, MMSA, Atacama's EVP Exploration, and a "Qualified Person" under National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿中包含的所有其他科學和技術信息均已獲得阿塔卡馬勘探執行副總裁查理·朗科斯(MMSA)和國家儀器43-101下的 “合格人員” 的批准。

Securities Based Compensation


Following completion of the Business Combination, the Resulting Issuer issued: (i) an aggregate of 1,425,000 stock options of the Resulting Issuer to purchase Resulting Issuer Shares ("Options"); and (ii) an aggregate of 700,000 restricted share units in the capital of the Company ("RSUs") consisting of a right to receive a Common Share, cash payment or a combination thereof upon settlement of such RSU, to certain directors, officers and employees of the Resulting Issuer in accordance with its Long Term Incentive Plan. The Options are exercisable at a price of $1.26 per Resulting Issuer Share for a period of five years following the date of grant. Additional details regarding the grant of the Options and RSUs can be found in the filing statement dated February 7, 2024, filed on SEDAR+ ().


Escrow Release


The TSXV has granted a waiver from escrow for three principals who hold in the aggregate less than 1% of the total issued and outstanding shares of the Company.


About Atacama Copper Corporation


Atacama Copper is a well-funded resource company adding value through the acquisition, exploration and development of copper and precious metals projects in the Americas. The company is carrying out an aggressive drilling campaign at its Cristina precious metals project in Chihuahua Mexico, with the goal of significantly expanding the existing mineral resource estimate. Drilling is also planned for the Yecora copper project in Sonora Mexico. In Chile, the Placeton/Caballo Muerto project hosts several untested porphyry copper targets situated between the large-scale Relincho and El Morro/La Fortuna copper-gold deposits of the Nueva Union joint venture between Teck and Newmont Mining.

Atacama Copper是一家資金充足的資源公司,通過收購、勘探和開發美洲的銅和貴金屬項目來增加價值。該公司正在墨西哥奇瓦瓦州的Cristina貴金屬項目中進行積極的鑽探活動,目標是大幅擴大現有的礦產資源估算。墨西哥索諾拉州的Yecora銅礦項目也計劃進行鑽探。在智利,Placeton/Caballo Muerto項目擁有幾個未經測試的斑岩銅目標,位於泰克和紐蒙特礦業合資企業的新埃瓦聯盟的大型雷林喬和埃爾莫羅/拉福爾圖納銅金礦牀之間。

Atacama's corporate presentation can be found at: .


Additional Information - Please Contact


Further information regarding the Business Combination and the Concurrent Financing can be found in the filing statement dated February 7, 2024, filed on SEDAR+ ().


For more information, please contact:


Tim Warman
Chief Executive Officer and Director
Atacama Copper Corporation


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This news release includes certain "forward-looking statements" under applicable Canadian securities legislation. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to the to: (a) timing and listing of the Resulting Issuer Shares on the TSXV and (b) details with respect to the business of the Resulting Issuer, including its drilling program, exploration and development activities and resource estimates. Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable, are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results and future events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: the synergies expected from the Transaction not being realized; business integration risks; fluctuations in general macroeconomic conditions; fluctuations in securities markets; fluctuations in spot and forward prices of gold, silver, base metals or certain other commodities; fluctuations in currency markets (such as the Canadian dollar to Chilean Peso exchange rate); change in national and local government, legislation, taxation, controls, regulations and political or economic developments; risks and hazards associated with the business of mineral exploration, development and mining (including environmental hazards, industrial accidents, unusual or unexpected formations pressures, cave-ins and flooding); inability to obtain adequate insurance to cover risks and hazards; the presence of laws and regulations that may impose restrictions on mining; employee relations; relationships with and claims by local communities and indigenous populations; availability of and increasing costs associated with mining inputs and labour; the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development (including the risks of obtaining necessary licenses, permits and approvals from government authorities); and title to properties.

本新聞稿包括適用的加拿大證券立法下的某些 “前瞻性陳述”。前瞻性陳述包括但不限於以下方面的陳述:(a)由此產生的發行人股票在多倫多證券交易所上市的時間和上市以及(b)與最終發行人業務有關的詳細信息,包括其鑽探計劃、勘探和開發活動以及資源估計。前瞻性陳述必然基於許多估計和假設,這些估計和假設雖然被認爲是合理的,但受已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素的影響,這些因素可能導致實際結果和未來事件與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的結果和未來事件存在重大差異。這些因素包括但不限於:交易的預期協同效應未實現;業務整合風險;總體宏觀經濟條件的波動;證券市場的波動;黃金、白銀、基本金屬或某些其他商品現貨和遠期價格的波動;貨幣市場(例如加元兌智利披索的匯率)的波動;國家和地方政府、立法、稅收、控制、監管以及政治或經濟發展的變化;風險和危害與礦產勘探、開發和採礦業務有關(包括環境危害、工業事故、異常或意外的地層壓力、塌陷和洪水);無法獲得足夠的保險來承保風險和危害;存在可能限制採礦的法律法規;僱員關係;與當地社區和土著居民的關係和索賠;與採礦投入和勞動力相關的可用性和成本的增加;礦產勘探的投機性質和開發 (包括從政府當局獲得必要執照, 許可證和批准的風險); 以及財產所有權.

There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Resulting Issuer disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


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