
Avanti Gold Corp. Appoints Martino De Ciccio as Senior Advisor

Avanti Gold Corp. Appoints Martino De Ciccio as Senior Advisor

Avanti Gold Corp. 任命馬蒂諾·德西喬爲高級顧問
newsfile ·  02/10 01:49

Grants Options and RSU's

補助期權和 RSU

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 9, 2024) - AVANTI GOLD CORP. (CSE: AGC) (FSE: X370) (the "Company") is pleased to announce that, effective February 15, 2024, Martino De Ciccio has been appointed as a senior advisor to the Company.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 2 月 9 日)- 阿凡提黃金公司(案例:AGC)(FSE:X370) (那個”公司“)高興地宣佈,自2024年2月15日起,馬蒂諾·德西西奧被任命爲公司的高級顧問。

Martino De Ciccio commented: "I am pleased to join the advisory Board of Avanti Gold, alongside mining veterans such as Sir Samuel Jonah, Robert Cross, and Paul Matysek, given our shared belief that the Democratic Republic of the Congo hosts significant potential for the discovery of world-class mineral properties."

Martino De Ciccio評論說:“我很高興與塞繆爾·喬納爵士、羅伯特·克羅斯和保羅·馬蒂塞克等礦業資深人士一起加入Avanti Gold的顧問委員會,因爲我們共同相信剛果民主共和國擁有發現世界級礦產的巨大潛力。”

About Martino De Ciccio


Martino De Ciccio has over 15 years of experience in mining industry with a strong value creation track record and significant knowledge across strategy, capital markets, corporate finance, and ESG, coupled with a profound understanding of the African mining landscape.

Martino De Ciccio在採礦業擁有超過15年的經驗,擁有良好的價值創造記錄,在戰略、資本市場、企業融資和ESG方面擁有豐富的知識,並且對非洲礦業格局有深刻的理解。

Martino De Ciccio currently serves as Deputy CFO and Head of Investor Relations at Endeavour Mining (TSX: EDV), a position he assumed in January 2023, from which he will be stepping down from in mid-February to pursue other opportunities. He joined Endeavour Mining in 2015 as Vice President, Strategy and Investor relations and played a pivotal role in Endeavour's transformation from a $250 million market cap to a FTSE100 company and one of the largest gold producers in the world, garnering over 25 investor relations achievement nominations, including repeatedly winning best across all sectors.

馬蒂諾·德西西奧目前在奮進礦業(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:EDV)擔任副首席財務官兼投資者關係主管,他於2023年1月上任,他將於2月中旬辭職,尋求其他機會。他於 2015 年加入奮進礦業,擔任戰略和投資者關係副總裁,在奮進號從 2.5 億美元市值向 FTSE100 公司和全球最大的黃金生產商之一的轉型中發揮了關鍵作用,獲得了超過 25 項投資者關係成就提名,包括多次獲得所有行業最佳提名。

Prior to joining Endeavour, Martino played a key role in growing La Mancha Resources from a $20 million market cap which culminated into a $500 million take-private offer. As Strategy and Business Development Manager, he then helped lead the private company's transformation from an emerging gold producer into one of the largest gold investment funds with cornerstone holdings in Evolution Mining and Endeavour, which was recognized with an Emerging Leader Award.

在加入奮進號之前,馬蒂諾在將拉曼恰資源從2000萬美元的市值發展成5億美元的私有化要約方面發揮了關鍵作用。作爲戰略和業務發展經理,他隨後幫助領導這傢俬營公司從一家新興的黃金生產商轉變爲最大的黃金投資基金之一,擁有Evolution Mining和Endeavor的基石,後者獲得了新興領袖獎。

Martino currently serves on the Board of Northisle Copper and Gold (TSXV: NCX) and Bluestone Resources (TSXV: BSR).


Martino earned a B.Com in Finance from McGill University and is a CFA charterholder.


Avanti Gold Corp. further announces that it has granted a total of 1,735,000 stock options ("Options") to purchase common shares of the Company to certain consultants pursuant to the Company's Stock Option Plan. Such Options are exercisable into common shares of the Company at an exercise price of $0.22 per common share for a period of five years from the date of grant. The Options vest 1/4 immediately and 1/4 bi-annually thereafter. All of the Options expire on February 8, 2029.

Avanti Gold Corp. 進一步宣佈,根據公司的股票期權計劃,它已向某些顧問授予總共173.5萬股股票期權(“期權”),用於購買公司的普通股。此類期權自授予之日起五年內可按每股普通股0.22美元的行使價行使公司普通股。期權立即歸屬 1/4,之後每半年歸屬 1/4。所有期權將於2029年2月8日到期。

In addition, the Company has issued a total of 2,600,000 restricted share units ("RSUs") to certain consultants of the Company in accordance with the Company's Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan. Once vested, each RSU represents the right to receive one common share of the Company or the equivalent cash value thereof at the Company's discretion.

此外,該公司共發行了2600,000股限制性股票單位(”RSU“)根據公司的綜合股權激勵計劃,向公司的某些顧問提供。歸屬後,每個 RSU 均代表公司有權自行決定獲得公司一股普通股或其等值現金價值。

About Avanti Gold Corp.

Avanti Gold 公司簡介

Avanti Gold Corporation is a mineral exploration company working on a Tier-1 gold opportunity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo ("DRC"), located in the Fizi territory of South Kivu province in the DRC. The Misisi Gold Project (or the "Project") has a contained Inferred Mineral Resource of 3 million ounces of gold as reported in the Company's National Instrument 43-101 technical report on the Misisi Gold Project (the "Technical Report").

Avanti Gold Corporation是一家礦產勘探公司,致力於在剛果民主共和國開發一級黃金機會(”剛果民主共和國“),位於剛果民主共和國南基伍省的菲齊縣。米西西黃金項目(或”項目“) 包含的推斷礦產資源爲300萬盎司的黃金,正如該公司關於米西西黃金項目的國家儀器43-101號技術報告所報告的那樣(技術報告“)。

The Project is located 250 kilometres south of Bukavu, the provincial capital of the South Kivu Province, in the DRC. The Project is comprised of three contiguous 30-year mining leases, valid until 2045, covering 133 square kilometres of prospective exploration ground along the 55-kilometre-long Kibara Gold Belt. The Kibara Belt is a well-known metallogenic province and hosts several other deposits, including the Twangiza (5.1 Moz oz Au, source: S&P Global) and Namoya (1.9 Moz, source: S&P Global) gold mines. The Project is host to the Akyanga deposit, which is the subject to an Inferred Resource of 40.8 million tonnes at an average grade of 2.37 grams per tonne of gold containing 3.11 million ounces.

該項目位於剛果民主共和國南基伍省省會布卡武以南250公里處。該項目由三份連續的30年採礦租約組成,有效期至2045年,涵蓋55公里長的木原金帶沿線133平方公里的潛在勘探地帶。木原帶是一個著名的成礦省份,還有其他幾個礦牀,包括Twangiza(5.1 Moz oz Au,來源:標普全球)和納莫亞(1.9 Moz,來源:標普全球)金礦。該項目是阿克揚加礦牀的所在地,該礦牀的推斷資源量爲4,080萬噸,平均品位爲每噸含311萬盎司的黃金2.37克。

Qualified Person


Ephraim Masibhera, a "Qualified Person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101"), has reviewed the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for this news release and has approved the disclosure herein. Historical information contained in this news release cannot be relied upon as the Company's Qualified Person, as defined under NI 43-101 has not prepared nor verified the historical information.

Ephraim Masibhera,National Instrument 43-101 定義的 “合格人員”- 礦產項目披露標準 (”在 43-101“),已經審查了構成本新聞稿基礎的科學和技術信息,並批准了此處的披露。本新聞稿中包含的歷史信息不可靠,因爲根據NI 43-101的定義,公司的合格人員尚未準備或驗證歷史信息。

This news release also includes references with respect to the Twangiza (5.1 Moz oz Au, source: S&P Global) and Namoya (1.9 Moz, source: S&P Global) gold mines, which are located near the Misisi Gold Project. The Company advises that, notwithstanding their proximity of location, discoveries of minerals on such properties, any promising results thereof are not necessarily indicative of the mineralization of, or located on the Misisi Gold Project, or the Company's ability to commercially exploit the minerals claims which comprise the property or to locate any commercially exploitable deposits therefrom.

本新聞稿還提到了位於密西西黃金項目附近的Twangiza(5.1 Moz Oz Au,來源:S&P Global)和Namoya(1.9 Moz,資料來源:S&P Global)金礦。該公司表示,儘管這些礦產位於附近,但在這些礦產上發現的礦物,但其任何令人鼓舞的結果都不一定表明米西西黃金項目已經礦化或位於該項目上,也不一定表明公司有能力對構成該財產的礦產索賠進行商業開發或從中找到任何商業可開採的礦牀。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


Colin Porter
Chief Executive Officer


Office: +1 (604) 908-1679

辦公室:+1 (604) 908-1679

Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


