
NioBay Metals Signs Option Agreement to Acquire High-potential Titanium and Phosphate Properties

NioBay Metals Signs Option Agreement to Acquire High-potential Titanium and Phosphate Properties

NioBay Metals簽署期權協議,收購高潛力的鈦和磷酸鹽地產
GlobeNewswire ·  02/07 20:30

MONTREAL, Feb. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NioBay Metals Inc. ("NioBay" or the "Company") (TSX-V: NBY) (OTCQB: NBYCF) is pleased to announce the execution of a definitive option agreement (the "Option Agreement", the "Option"), with Vior Inc. ("Vior") (TSX-V: VIO) (OTCQB: VIORF) to acquire an 80% undivided interest in Vior's Foothills Project (the "Project"), with strong potential for the discovery of critical and strategic metals.

蒙特利爾,2024年2月7日(環球新聞專線)——NioBay Metals Inc.(“NIOBay” 或 “公司”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:NBYCF)欣然宣佈與Vior Inc.(“Vior”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:VIO)(OTCQB)(OTCQB)(OTCQB)簽署最終期權協議(“期權協議”,“期權”)(OTCQB): VIORF)將收購Vior山麓項目(“項目”)80%的不可分割權益,該項目具有發現關鍵和戰略金屬的巨大潛力。

The Foothills Project is located north of St. Urbain, 100km north of Québec City and 90km south of Saguenay (La Baie area), Québec. The Project covers an area of approximately 285km2 and is comprised of 5 separate claims blocks. It covers most of the contact of the intrusive zone known as the St. Urbain anorthosite. This zone has demonstrated the presence of rutile-ilmenite with results up to 57% of titanium dioxide (TiO2), as well as apatite (Note: Vior referred to as phosphate). Of 139 outcrop samples collected, 67 contain P2O5 values of 4.0 to 6.3%, and boulder samples reveal some historic higher-grade mineralization of over 10% P2O5 (Sigeom, QC). See Vior Press Release, September 20, 2023.

山麓項目位於聖厄爾班以北,魁北克市以北 100 公里,魁北克薩格奈(拉拜地區)以南 90 公里處。該項目佔地面積約285千米2 並由5個獨立的索賠區塊組成。它涵蓋了被稱爲聖烏爾班斜巖的侵入區的大部分接觸。該區域已證明存在金紅石鈦鐵礦,結果高達二氧化鈦(TiO)的57%2),以及磷灰石(注意:Vior 被稱爲磷酸鹽)。在收集的139個露頭樣本中,有67個含有P2O5 值爲 4.0 到 6.3%,巨石樣本顯示了一些歷史上超過 10% 的更高品位礦化2O5 (質量控制州西格姆)。請參閱 Vior 新聞稿,2023 年 9 月 20 日。

A word from the President & CEO, Jean-Sebastien David
"With this Option Agreement, we are delighted to add the Foothills Project to our portfolio of projects. The areas of interest are mainly located on Séminaire de Québec property. This project strengthens our "green" portfolio by adding two important elements in the decarbonization of our economy: titanium and phosphate," stated Jean-Sébastien David, President and CEO of NioBay. "The results obtained previously by Vior, and particularly during their 2023 work, caught our attention. Samples were taken with high phosphate content, an element newly added to Québec's list of critical and strategic metals. Our objective is clear: to find a homogeneous zone, supported by a resource calculation, and thus prove the mineral potential of this sector. We look forward to returning to the field and continuing Vior's work," added Mr. David.

“通過這份期權協議,我們很高興將Foothills項目添加到我們的項目組合中。感興趣的區域主要位於魁北克半島的地產上。該項目通過增加經濟脫碳的兩個重要元素:鈦和磷酸鹽來加強我們的 “綠色” 投資組合。” NioBay總裁兼首席執行官讓-塞巴斯蒂安·戴維說。“Vior先前獲得的結果,尤其是在2023年工作期間獲得的結果,引起了我們的注意。採集的樣品中磷酸鹽含量很高,這是魁北克關鍵和戰略金屬清單中新增的一種元素。我們的目標很明確:在資源計算的支持下找到同質區域,從而證明該行業的礦產潛力。我們期待着重返該領域,繼續Vior的工作。” 戴維先生補充說。

The Option Agreement provides for the following terms and schedule:


Period Cash Payments Share Payments Minimum Work
Closing Date $40,000 1,250,000 NioBay shares N/A
December 31, 2024 $40,000 1 250 000 NioBay shares $400,000
December 31, 2025 $60,000 $150,000(*) in NioBay shares, subject to a minimum of 1,000,000 NioBay shares $1,100,000
December 31, 2026 $60,000 $250,000(*) in NioBay shares, subject to a minimum of 1,000,000 NioBay shares. -
December 31, 2027 $200,000 $500,000(*) in NioBay shares, subject to a minimum of 1,000,000 NioBay shares $2,500,000
時期 現金支付 分享付款 最低限度工作量
截止日期 40,000 美元 1,250,000 股 NioBay 股票 不適用
2024年12月31日 40,000 美元 1 250 000 股 NioBay 股票 400,000 美元
2025年12月31日 60,000 美元 15萬美元(*) 在 NioBay 股票中,至少有 1,000,000 股 NioBay 股票 1,100,000 美元
2026年12月31日 60,000 美元 25萬美元(*) NioBay股票,但至少持有100萬股NioBay股票。 -
2027年12月31日 200,000 美元 500,000 美元(*) 在 NioBay 股票中,至少有 1,000,000 股 NioBay 股票 2,500,000美元
(1) All referenced dollar amounts are stated in Canadian Dollars.
(*) Installments will be payable in NioBay shares at a price per share equal to a 10-day VWAP, subject to a minimum issue price of $0.055 per NioBay share.
(1) 所有參考的美元金額均以加元表示。
(*) NioBay股票將分期付款,每股價格等於10天的VWAP,最低發行價爲每股0.055美元。

NioBay can accelerate the vesting period of this 80% undivided interest by incurring expenditures, making cash payments and making share-based payments at any time before December 31, 2027. NioBay will act as operator during the Option period.


The operative date for a contractual joint venture between Niobay and Vior (the "Joint Venture") will be the date on which the Option will be completed. The Option Agreement provides that once one party's interest in the Foothills Project and/or the Joint Venture falls below 10%, this interest will transferred to the other party and converted into a 1.5% NSR (Net Smelter Return) on precious and base metals and a 1.5% GRR (Gross Revenue Royalty) on mineral substances other than precious or base metals), with a 0.5% NSR/0.5% GRR being collectively redeemable for an aggregate amount of $1,500,000.

Niobay和Vior之間的合約合資企業(“合資企業”)的運營日期將是期權完成的日期。期權協議規定,一旦一方在Foothills項目和/或合資企業中的權益降至10%以下,該權益將轉移給另一方,並轉換爲貴金屬和基本金屬的1.5%的NSR(淨冶煉廠回報率)和1.5%的GRR(除貴金屬或基本金屬以外的礦物質)GRR(總收入特許權使用費),其中 0.5% 的NSR/ 0.5% GRR可集體兌換,總金額爲 1,500,000 美元。

Vior and NioBay deal at arm's length and no finders fees will be payable in connection with this transaction. The Option Agreement is subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.


Qualified Person
This press release has been reviewed and approved by Jean-Sébastien David, P.Geo., a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101. Mr. David is President and CEO of NioBay.


About NioBay Metals Inc.
NioBay aims to become a leader in the development of mine(s) with low carbon consumption and responsible water and wildlife management practices while prioritizing the environment, social responsibility, good governance, and the inclusion of all stakeholders. Our top priority, which is critical to our success, is the consent and full participation of the Indigenous communities in whose territories and/or on ancestral lands we operate.

關於NioBay Metals Inc.

In addition to others properties, NioBay holds a 100% interest in the James Bay Niobium Project located 45 km south of Moosonee, in the Moose Cree Traditional Territory of the James Bay Lowlands in Ontario. NioBay also holds a 72.5% interest in the Crevier Niobium and Tantalum project located in Québec and on the Nitassinan territory of the Pekuakamiulnuatsh First Nation.


Cautionary Statement
Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking information under the provisions of Canadian securities laws including statements about the Company's plans. Such statements are necessarily based upon a number of beliefs, assumptions, and opinions of management on the date the statements are made and are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results and future events to differ materially from those anticipated or projected. The Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors should change, except as required by law.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.




NioBay Metals Inc.
Jean-Sebastien David, geo.
President & Chief Executive Officer

NioBay Metals Inc.

Kimberly Darlington
Investor Relations


