
Tintina Announces Investment in Chile and Debt Reorganization

Tintina Announces Investment in Chile and Debt Reorganization

GlobeNewswire ·  02/07 03:23

TORONTO, Feb. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tintina Mines Limited ("Tintina" or the "Company") (TSXV: TTS) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement dated as of today's date with Andean Belt Resources SpA ("ABR"), a mining exploration company incorporated under the laws of Chile, to acquire a 65%-75% equity ownership interest in ABR for cash consideration in the amount of $4,000,000 (USD). As described in greater detail below, ABR is a related party of the Company. The terms of the agreement are set out in a term sheet signed by both of the parties, and it is anticipated that a definitive agreement regarding the transaction will be negotiated and entered into in due course.

多倫多,2024年2月6日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——Tintina Mines Limited(“Tintina” 或 “公司”)(TSXV:TTS)欣然宣佈,它已與根據智利法律註冊的礦業勘探公司安第斯貝爾特資源公司(“ABR”)簽訂了截至今天的協議,以現金對價收購ABR65%-75%的股權所有權金額爲4,000,000美元(美元)。如下文所述,ABR是公司的關聯方。協議的條款載於雙方簽署的條款表中,預計將在適當時候談判並達成有關該交易的最終協議。

ABR owns approximately 22,819 hectares across five different properties in Chile, with the flagship property being the Domeyko Sulfuros project in Northern Chile. Management believes that this investment will enable the Company to gain a majority interest in the ABR portfolio which will also grant it access to high quality exploration projects located in a geographically favourable setting in Chile. It is anticipated that, as a result of the acquisition, the Company will hold between 65%-75% of the issued and outstanding share capital of ABR, with the exact percentage to be determined based on due diligence and exchange rates. As described below, this will be a related party transaction for the Company.

ABR在智利的五處不同地產中擁有約22,819公頃的土地,旗艦地產是智利北部的Domeyko Sulfuros項目。管理層認爲,這項投資將使該公司能夠獲得ABR投資組合的多數股權,這也將使其有機會參與位於智利地理位置有利的高質量勘探項目。預計收購後,公司將持有ABR已發行和流通股本的65%-75%,確切百分比將根據盡職調查和匯率確定。如下所述,這將是公司的關聯方交易。

The funds provided as consideration for the acquisition are intended to be used primarily to finance exploration and technical studies at the Domeyko Sulfuros property in Chile. The immediate plan will be to conduct a comprehensive exploration of the primary sulfide mineralization at the Domeyko Sulfuros property, with the central objective of advancing the project towards a resource definition stage supported by reports generated in accordance with international standards.

作爲收購對價提供的資金主要用於資助智利Domeyko Sulfuros地產的勘探和技術研究。近期計劃將是對Domeyko Sulfuros地產的原生硫化物礦化進行全面勘探,其中心目標是在根據國際標準生成的報告的支持下,將該項目推進到資源定義階段。

"We are excited about this investment, our first outside of Canada, since this gives us access to a world-class exploration portfolio with great potential to generate substantial value to our shareholders," stated Eugenio Ferrari, CEO and Director of Tintina Mines.

Tintina Mines首席執行官兼董事Eugenio Ferrari表示:“我們對這項投資感到興奮,這是我們在加拿大以外的首次投資,因爲這使我們能夠獲得世界一流的勘探投資組合,極有可能爲股東創造可觀的價值。”

In addition, the Company also has reached an agreement with its shareholder and sole creditor, Mr. Juan Enrique Rassmuss, to fully reorganize the Company's debt (currently in the amount of $12,071,484.57 (CAD)). The proposed debt reorganization would take place through two processes. The first is a partial conversion through the issuance of the lower of (i) 252,382,833 new common shares of the Company and (ii) such number of common shares of the Company that would result in no less than 10% of the common shares of the Company being in the "public float" (as defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange), at a price of $0.03 per common share for an aggregate of up to $7,571,484.57 (CAD). The second component of the debt reorganization is the restructuring and reprofiling of the remaining debt (in the amount of approximately $4,500,000 (CAD)) that is anticipated to enhance the investment profile of the Company mainly by eliminating the current shareholders' deficiency and suspending the on-demand condition for a period of two years. This will be a related party transaction for the Company and will only be completed subject to the approval of the investment in ABR.

此外,公司還與其股東兼唯一債權人胡安·恩裏克·拉斯姆斯先生達成協議,全面重組公司的債務(目前爲12,071,484.57美元(加元))。擬議的債務重組將通過兩個程序進行。第一種是通過發行(i)公司252,382,833股新普通股中的較低者進行部分轉換,以及(ii)如此數量的公司普通股,這將導致公司不少於10%的普通股處於 “公衆流通量”(定義見多倫多證券交易所風險交易所的政策),價格爲每股普通股0.03美元,合計不超過57,577,57,577美元 484.57 (加元)。債務重組的第二個部分是重組和重組剩餘債務(金額約爲450萬加元(加元)),預計這將主要通過消除當前股東的缺陷和暫停按需條件兩年來改善公司的投資狀況。這將是公司的關聯方交易,只有在獲得對ABR投資的批准後才能完成。

Both of the transactions described above are subject to all necessary regulatory and other approvals, including but not limited to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange and the approval of the shareholders of the Company. Additional terms and details relating to each of the transactions described herein will be provided in further press releases.


Both of the transactions described above are "related party transactions" under the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange and Multilateral Instrument 61-101 Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101") due to the involvement of Mr. Juan Enrique Rassmuss in each transaction. Mr. Rassmuss is the President and Chairman and a director of the Company, and also holds approximately 30% of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company. With respect to the investment into ABR, the local ownership entity for the ABR properties is affiliated with the Rassmuss Group of Companies, a diversified conglomerate with over 50 years of experience operating across various industries, including mining, oil and gas, metallurgy, and textiles in South America. Juan Enrique Rassmuss is the President and CEO of the Rassmuss Group.

根據多倫多證券交易所風險交易所和多邊文書 61-101 的政策,上述兩筆交易均爲 “關聯方交易” 在特殊交易中保護少數證券持有人 (“MI 61-101”),因爲胡安·恩裏克·拉斯姆斯先生參與了每筆交易。拉斯姆斯先生是公司的總裁、董事長和董事,還持有公司約30%的已發行和流通普通股。在對ABR的投資方面,ABR物業的當地所有權實體隸屬於拉斯姆斯集團公司,這是一家多元化企業集團,在南美的採礦、石油和天然氣、冶金和紡織等各個行業擁有超過50年的運營經驗。胡安·恩裏克·拉斯姆斯是拉斯姆斯集團的總裁兼首席執行官。

As these are related party transactions, shareholder approval on a disinterested basis will be required in order to each of them to proceed. The Company intends to rely on the exemption from the valuation requirement found in section 5.5(b) of MI 61-101.


With respect to the transactions described in this press release: (i) there are no finder's fees payable; and (ii) the Company is not taking on any long term debt.


Trading in the common shares of the Company is currently halted and it is not anticipated that trading will resume prior to the completion of the transactions described herein.


About Tintina

關於 Tintina

Tintina is a Canadian-based company with over twenty years of experience in the junior mining industry. Tintina currently owns two main properties, both of which are located in Yukon. The common shares of Tintina are listed for trading on the TSXV under the symbol "TTS".

Tintina是一家總部位於加拿大的公司,在初級採礦業擁有二十多年的經驗。Tintina目前擁有兩處主要房產,均位於育空地區。Tintina的普通股在多倫多證券交易所上市交易,股票代碼爲 “TTS”。

Tintina Contact:


Tintina Mines Limited
Mr. Jing Peng
82 Richmond Street East
Toronto, Ontario
M5C 1P1
Phone: (416) 848-9888

里士滿東街 82 號
M5C 1P1
電話:(416) 848-9888

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Forward-looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions and accordingly, actual results and future events could differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. You are hence cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of present or historical fact are forward-looking statements and the forward-looking statements in this press release include but are not limited to statements regarding completion of the transactions described in this press release on the terms described herein, or at all, and the potential benefits of such transactions. Forward-looking statements include words or expressions such as "proposed", "will", "subject to", "near future", "in the event", "would", "expect", "prepared to" and other similar words or expressions. Where the Company expresses or implies an expectation or belief as to future events or results, such expectation or belief is based on assumptions made in good faith and believed to have a reasonable basis. Such assumptions include, without limitation: that existing the Company will be able to negotiate definitive terms with respect to the transactions described herein on the terms as currently expected or at all; and that the Company will be able to receive all necessary approvals that are required in order to complete such transactions.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和假設,因此,實際結果和未來事件可能與此類陳述中表達或暗示的結果和未來事件存在重大差異。因此,提醒您不要過分依賴前瞻性陳述。除現狀或歷史事實陳述以外的所有陳述均爲前瞻性陳述,本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述包括但不限於有關本新聞稿中描述的按此處描述的條款完成或根本完成交易以及此類交易的潛在收益的陳述。前瞻性陳述包括 “提議”、“將”、“受制於”、“不久的將來”、“在事件中”、“將”、“期望”、“準備” 等詞語或表述以及其他類似的詞語或表達。如果公司表達或暗示對未來事件或結果的期望或信念,則此類期望或信念是基於真誠做出的假設,並認爲這些假設具有合理的依據。此類假設包括但不限於:現有公司將能夠按照目前預期的條款或完全按照目前預期的條款就此處所述的交易談判最終條款;公司將能夠獲得完成此類交易所需的所有必要批准。

Factors that could cause future results or events to differ materially from current expectations expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements include: the risk that the terms of a definitive agreement cannot be reached or cannot be reached; the risk that the Company will not obtain all necessary approvals for the transactions described herein to proceed; general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties; the state of capital markets; failure to realize the anticipated benefits of the transactions described herein; other unforeseen events, developments, or factors causing any of the aforesaid expectations, assumptions, and other factors ultimately being inaccurate or irrelevant; and any risks associated with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

可能導致未來業績或事件與前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的當前預期存在重大差異的因素包括:無法達成或無法達成最終協議條款的風險;公司無法獲得本文所述交易的所有必要批准的風險;一般業務、經濟、競爭、政治和社會的不確定性;資本市場狀況;未能實現本文所述交易的預期收益;其他導致上述任何預期、假設和其他因素最終不準確或不相關的不可預見的事件、發展或因素;以及與持續的 COVID-19 疫情相關的任何風險。

You can find further information with respect to these and other risks in filings made with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities that are available at . The Company disclaims any obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable law.


