
South Star Battery Metals Announces Approval of the Environmental Permits for the Santa Cruz Graphite Mine Phases 2 & 3 in Bahia, Brazil

South Star Battery Metals Announces Approval of the Environmental Permits for the Santa Cruz Graphite Mine Phases 2 & 3 in Bahia, Brazil

South Star Battery Metals宣佈批准巴西巴伊亞州聖克魯斯石墨礦第二和第三階段的環境許可
Accesswire ·  02/06 20:30



VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / February 6, 2024 / South Star Battery Metals Corp. ("South Star" or the "Company") (TSXV:STS)(OTCQB:STSBF), is pleased to announce that the environmental permits for Santa Cruz Graphite Mine Phases 2 and 3 have been approved for up to 50,000 tonne per annum ("tpa") of concentrate for eight mining claims. Following approval of the environmental permits, five of the principal claims were approved by the regional office of the National Mining Agency ("ANM") and forwarded to the Ministry of Mines and Energy ("MME") in Brasilia for final review of the life-of-mine permit applications. The Phases 2 and 3 environmental permits were approved with conditions generally in line with the Phase 1 permit and are consistent with the current environmental and community engagement programs already underway.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2024年2月6日/南星電池金屬公司(“南星” 或 “公司”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:STS)(OTCQB: STSBF)欣然宣佈,聖克魯斯石墨礦第二和第三階段的環境許可證已獲批准,每年最多可生產5萬噸(“tpa”)的八項採礦索賠。環境許可證獲得批准後,國家礦業局 (“ANM”) 區域辦事處批准了其中五項主要索賠,並轉交巴西利亞礦業和能源部 (“MME”) 對礦山壽命許可證申請進行最後審查。第二和第三階段環境許可證的批准條件基本符合第一階段的許可證,並且與當前已經在進行的環境和社區參與計劃一致。

South Star President, Richard Pearce, commented, "This important approval is another big achievement for Santa Cruz and is a key step forward in derisking our future operations and scaling our production at a critical time for battery metals. Once the full mining concessions incorporating Phases 2 and 3 are approved by the MME, we will be able to increase our Phase 1 production to name plate capacity of 13,000 tpa from 5,000 tpa and deliver more high-quality Brazilian flake graphite to our clients. Our goal is to have all permits/licenses in hand shortly for 50,000 tpa of production and advancing the Santa Cruz feasibility study so we are ready to make an investment decision shortly after delivery of the report in December 2024. Up to US$18M is available through our agreement with Sprott Streaming for Phase 2 production expansion upon delivery of the FS. I would like to sincerely thank our team, the Municipality of Itabela and all stakeholders for their continuing support of Santa Cruz as we responsibly scale our operations in one of the most proven graphite districts in the world. Santa Cruz will be the first new graphite production in the Americas since 1996, and we look forward to scaling operations soon as our clients request additional production from us."

南星總裁理查德·皮爾斯評論說:“這一重要批准是聖克魯斯的又一重大成就,也是我們在電池金屬的關鍵時刻降低未來運營風險和擴大生產規模方面向前邁出的關鍵一步。一旦 MME 批准了包含第 2 階段和第 3 階段的全部採礦特許權,我們將能夠將第一階段的產量從 5,000 噸/年提高到 13,000 噸/年,併爲我們的客戶提供更高質量的巴西片狀石墨。我們的目標是儘快獲得年產量50,000噸的所有許可證/許可證,並推進聖克魯斯可行性研究,以便我們準備在2024年12月報告發布後不久做出投資決定。通過我們與Sprott Streaming達成的協議,在FS交付後,第二階段的生產擴張可獲得高達1800萬美元的資金。我要衷心感謝我們的團隊、伊塔貝拉市政府和所有利益相關者對聖克魯斯的持續支持,因爲我們負責任地擴大了在世界上最成熟的石墨區之一的業務。聖克魯斯將是自1996年以來美洲第一家新的石墨生產廠,我們期待在客戶要求我們增加產量後儘快擴大業務規模。”

Upcoming catalysts in 2024 include advancing the Santa Cruz NI 43-101 Feasibility Study ("FS"), which will build on the Prefeasibility Study previously released in 2021. The FS will advance Santa Cruz operations with a phased, modular design plant facility and will include the following milestones:


  • Approximately 4,000m of diamond and reverse circulation drilling
  • Updated Resource/Reserve estimate
  • Updated mine plans
  • Flow sheet optimizations
  • Natural flake graphite concentrate production expansion
    • Phase 1: 5,000 scaling to 13,000 tpa
    • Phase 2: +25,000 tpa module
    • Phase 3: +25,000 tpa module
  • Infrastructure and access
  • Project CAPEX/OPEX
  • Project Economics
  • 大約 4,000 米的鑽石鑽探和反循環鑽探
  • 更新的資源/儲備估計
  • 更新的採礦計劃
  • 流程表優化
  • 天然片狀石墨濃縮物產量擴大
    • 第 1 階段:5,000 擴展至 13,000 tpa
    • 第 2 階段:+25,000 tpa 模塊
    • 第 3 階段:+25,000 tpa 模塊
  • 基礎設施和接入
  • 項目資本支出/運營支出
  • 項目經濟學

About South Star Battery Metals Corp
South Star Battery Metals Corp. is a Canadian battery metals project developer focused on the selective acquisition and development of near-term production projects in the Americas. South Star's Santa Cruz Graphite Project, located in Southern Bahia, Brazil is the first of a series of industrial and battery metals projects that will be put into production. Brazil is the second-largest graphite-producing region in the world with more than 80 years of continuous mining. Santa Cruz has at-surface mineralization in friable materials, and successful large-scale pilot-plant testing (> 30t) has been completed. The results of the testing show that approximately 65% of Cg concentrate is +80 mesh with good recoveries and 95%-99% Cg. With excellent infrastructure and logistics, South Star is fully funded for Phase 1, and the construction and commissioning are underway. Santa Cruz will be the first new graphite production in the Americas since 1996 with Phase 1 commercial production projected in Q1 2024. Phase 2 production (25,000 tpa) is partially funded and planned for 2026, while Phase 3 (50,000 tpa) is scheduled for 2028.

South Star Battery Metals Corp. 是一家加拿大電池金屬項目開發商,專注於選擇性收購和開發美洲的短期生產項目。South Star的聖克魯斯石墨項目位於巴西巴伊亞州南部,是將投入生產的一系列工業和電池金屬項目中的第一個。巴西是世界第二大石墨產區,連續開採已有 80 多年。聖克魯斯存在易碎材料的地表礦化現象,併成功完成了大規模試點工廠測試(> 30t)。測試結果表明,大約65%的Cg濃縮物爲+80目,具有良好的回收率和95%-99%的Cg。憑藉良好的基礎設施和物流,South Star已爲第一階段提供全額資金,施工和調試正在進行中。聖克魯斯將是自1996年以來美洲首次生產新的石墨,第一階段的商業化生產預計將於2024年第一季度進行。第二階段的生產(25,000噸/年)已獲得部分資金,計劃於2026年進行,而第三階段(每年5萬噸)計劃於2028年進行。

South Star's second project in the development pipeline is strategically located in Alabama in the center of a developing electric vehicle, aerospace, and defense hub in the southeastern United States. The BamaStar Project is a historic mine active during World Wars I & II. A NI43-101 technical report with the maiden resource estimate has been filed on SEDAR. Trenching, phase 1 drilling, sampling, analysis, and preliminary metallurgical testing have been completed. The testing indicates a traditional crush/grind/flotation concentration circuit that achieved grades of approximately 94-97% Cg with approximately 86% recoveries. South Star is executing on its plan to create a multi-asset, diversified battery metals company with near-term operations in strategic jurisdictions. South Star trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol STS, and on the OTCQB under the symbol STSBF.

South Star的第二個正在開發中的項目戰略性地位於阿拉巴馬州,位於美國東南部正在發展的電動汽車、航空航天和國防樞紐的中心。BamaStar 項目是一座歷史悠久的礦山,活躍於第一次和第二次世界大戰期間。包含首次資源估算值的 NI43-101 技術報告已在 SEDAR 上提交。挖溝、第一階段的鑽探、取樣、分析和初步的冶金測試已經完成。測試表明,傳統的破碎/研磨/浮選濃縮回路可達到約94-97%的Cg等級,回收率約爲86%。South Star正在執行其創建多資產、多元化電池金屬公司的計劃,該公司的短期業務將在戰略司法管轄區內運營。南星在多倫多證券交易所風險交易所上市,代碼爲STS,在OTCQB上交易代碼爲STSBF。

South Star is committed to a corporate culture, project execution plan and safe operations that embrace the highest standards of ESG principles based on transparency, stakeholder engagement, ongoing education, and stewardship. To learn more, please visit the Company website at .

South Star致力於在透明度、利益相關者參與、持續教育和管理的基礎上,推行符合ESG原則的最高標準的企業文化、項目執行計劃和安全運營。要了解更多信息,請訪問公司網站

This news release has been reviewed and approved by Richard Pearce, P.E., a "Qualified Person" under National Instrument 43-101 and President and CEO of South Star Battery Metals Corp.

本新聞稿已獲得美國國家儀器43-101旗下的 “合格人士”、南星電池金屬公司總裁兼首席執行官理查德·皮爾斯的審查和批准

On behalf of the Board,


Chief Executive Officer


For additional information, please contact:
South Star Investor Relations
+1 (604) 706-0212

+1 (604) 706-0212







YouTube: South Star Battery Metals - YouTube


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Forward-Looking Information
This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. Forward-looking statements relate to information that is based on assumptions of management, forecasts of future results, and estimates of amounts not yet determinable. Any statements that express predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements in this press release include, but are not limited to, statements relating to the successful closing of the Private Placement and anticipated timing thereof and the intended use of proceeds and statements regarding moving Santa Cruz into production and scaling operations as well as advancing the Alabama project; and the Company's plans and expectations.

本新聞稿包含適用證券立法所指的 “前瞻性陳述”。前瞻性陳述涉及基於管理層假設、未來業績預測以及對尚未確定的金額估計的信息。任何表達預測、預期、信念、計劃、預測、目標、假設或未來事件或業績的陳述都不是歷史事實陳述,可能是 “前瞻性陳述”。本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述包括但不限於與成功完成私募股權及其預期時間和所得款項的預期用途有關的聲明、有關將聖克魯斯投入生產和規模化運營以及推進阿拉巴馬州項目的聲明;以及公司的計劃和預期。

Forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: risks related to failure to obtain adequate financing on a timely basis and on acceptable terms; risks related to the outcome of legal proceedings; political and regulatory risks associated with mining and exploration; risks related to the maintenance of stock exchange listings; risks related to environmental regulation and liability; the potential for delays in exploration or development activities or the completion of feasibility studies; the uncertainty of profitability; risks and uncertainties relating to the interpretation of drill results, the geology, grade and continuity of mineral deposits; risks related to the inherent uncertainty of production and cost estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses; results of prefeasibility and feasibility studies, and the possibility that future exploration, development or mining results will not be consistent with the Company's expectations; risks related to commodity price fluctuations; and other risks and uncertainties related to the Company's prospects, properties and business detailed elsewhere in the Company's disclosure record. Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described in forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned against attributing undue certainty to forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and the Company does not assume any obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Company's expectations or projections.


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SOURCE: South Star Battery Metals Corp.


