
Ophir Provides an Update on the Pilipas Lithium Project in James Bay, Quebec

Ophir Provides an Update on the Pilipas Lithium Project in James Bay, Quebec

newsfile ·  01/30 20:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 30, 2024) - Ophir Gold Corp. (TSXV: OPHR) (OTCQB: OPHRF) (FSE: 80M) ("Ophir" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on the Pilipas lithium project ("Project") in James Bay Quebec. The Project is located proximal to existing hydroelectric power, all-season road infrastructure, and is situated in highly prospective greenstone terrain.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 1 月 30 日)- 奧菲爾黃金公司 (TSXV:OPHR)(場外交易代碼:OPHRF)(FSE:80M) (”Ophir“或者”公司“)很高興提供位於魁北克詹姆斯灣的Pilipas鋰項目(“項目”)的最新情況。該項目靠近現有的水力發電,四季皆宜的道路基礎設施,並且位於極具前景的綠巖地形中。

Following to the announced option agreement with Azimut Exploration Inc. (see news release dated December 11 2023), the Company has identified numerous documented occurrences of pathfinder elements in historical sampling on Pilipas that indicate further potential for a fertile LCT geological setting. From historical literature, rock samples with anomalous concentrations of Ta (tantalum), Ce (cesium), Nb (niobium) and Sn (tin) geochemistry have been reported. Additionally, numerous tourmaline within white pegmatite dykes have been documented (Figure 1). Collectively, the information is strongly suggestive of a fertile LCT environment.

繼宣佈與Azimut Exploration Inc. 簽訂期權協議(見2023年12月11日新聞稿)之後),該公司已在Pilipas的歷史採樣中發現了許多記錄在案的探路者元素,這表明LCT地質環境的肥沃潛力更大。根據歷史文獻,已經報道了Ta(鉭)、Ce(銫)、Nb(鈮)和錫(錫)地球化學濃度異常的岩石樣品。此外,還記錄了白色偉晶岩岩脈中的大量碧璽(圖 1)。總的來說,這些信息強烈暗示了LCT的肥沃環境。

The geochemical findings are in addition to the encouraging LCT potential reported in the news release on December 11 2023 and recapped below.


  • Two district scale shears, and secondary structures with multiple large-scale folds with dilation along fold axis and in folds, have potential to host potential LCT pegmatites. (Figure 2)
  • 兩個區域規模的剪切機以及具有多個大面積褶皺的次級結構,這些褶皺沿着摺疊軸和褶皺處擴張,有可能成爲潛在的LCT偉晶岩的棲息地。(圖 2)
  • The SIGEOM database contains records of several pegmatite outcrops (SIGEOM code I1G), while hyperspectral and high-resolution satellite imagery suggests numerous large white pegmatite dykes that straddle the greenstone contact, and major fault zones. (Figure 3)
  • SIGEOM 數據庫包含幾處偉晶岩露頭的記錄(SIGEOM 代碼 I1G),而高光譜和高分辨率的衛星圖像則顯示了許多橫跨綠巖接觸點的大型白色偉晶岩岩脈和主要斷層帶。(圖 3)
  • Pilipas is immediately adjacent to the newly discovered 175-metre long by 42-metre wide Ninaaskumuwin spodumene pegmatite immediately to the south. (Figure 1)
  • Pilipas緊鄰新發現的長175米、寬42米的Ninaaskumuwin鋰輝石偉晶岩位於南邊。(圖 1)

"High resolution satellite imagery of the numerous documented pegmatites on Pilipas, resemble in size, shape, and color to the spodumene bearing pegmatite dyke discovered south of Pilipas and elsewhere in the region. Coupled with the geology and geochemistry, Pilipas has the potential to host a significant number of large scale LCT pegmatites," comments, Ophir CEO, Shawn Westcott. "We are eager to get crews on site, to rapidly advance any new LCT Pegmatite discoveries."

“Pilipas上記錄的衆多偉晶岩的高分辨率衛星圖像在大小、形狀和顏色上與在皮利帕斯以南和該地區其他地方發現的含有偉晶岩的鋰輝石堤壩相似。再加上地質學和地球化學,Pilipas有可能擁有大量的大規模 LCT 偉晶岩,” 評論,奧菲爾首席執行官肖恩·韋斯科特。 “我們渴望讓工作人員到現場,以迅速推進任何新的LCT偉晶岩發現。”

Management cautions that discoveries on adjacent properties (i.e. Spodumene on the Ninaaskumuwin discovery at Elmer East and gold on the InSight prospect on the Munischiwan Property which are noted in Figure 2) may not necessarily be indicative to the presence of mineralization on the Pilipas Property. The Company considers the Pilipas Property to host significant potential for spodumene pegmatites (LCT) due to its favorable greenstone geological setting, regional faulting, sheer zones and hinge fold, as well as anomalous Ta, Cs, Nb and Sn geochemistry and numerous observed tourmaline in described white pegmatites.


Qualified Person


The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Nathan Schmidt, P. Geo., Senior Geologist for Dahrouge Geological Consulting Ltd., and a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101, who has prepared and reviewed the content of this press release.

本新聞稿的技術內容已經過達魯日地質諮詢有限公司高級地質學家Nathan Schmidt,P. Geo. 的審查和批准,也是National Instrument 43-101的合格人員,他編寫並審查了本新聞稿的內容。

The results discussed in this document are historical. An Ophir Gold Corp. qualified person has not performed sufficient work or data verification to validate these results in accordance with National Instrument 43-101. The Company nevertheless believes that they provide an indication of the property's potential and are relevant for any future exploration program.

本文檔中討論的結果是歷史性的。Ophir Gold Corp. 合格人員沒有按照國家儀器43-101進行足夠的工作或數據驗證來驗證這些結果。儘管如此,該公司認爲,它們表明了該物業的潛力,並且與未來的任何勘探計劃都息息相關。

About the Pilipas Lithium Project

關於 Pilipas 鋰項目

In December 2023, the Company entered into an option agreement to earn 70% interest in the Pilipas Property consisting of 135 claims totaling 7,100 ha situated within the La Grande Subprovince (Archean Superior Province). It is primarily underlain by volcano-sedimentary rocks (Greenstone) of the Lower Eastmain Greenstone Belt: conglomerate, sandstone, basalts and felsic to intermediate tuffs. Two regional NW-SE dextral faults transect the southwestern and northeastern parts of the Property. The Property is immediately adjacent to the newly discovered Ninaaskumuwin spodumene pegmatite made by Quebec Precious Metals on their Elmer East project, however, mineralization on Ninaaskumuwin may not necessarily be indicative to the presence of mineralization on the Pilipas Property. The Pilipas Property is a highly prospective environment for lithium-cesium-tantalum (LCT) pegmatites, as well as highly prospective for both gold and copper.

2023年12月,公司簽訂了一項期權協議,以賺取位於拉格蘭德分省(阿爾奇安蘇必利爾省)內的135份索賠,共計7,100公頃的Pilipas地產的70%權益。它主要由下東部綠巖帶的火山沉積岩(綠巖)覆蓋:礫岩、砂岩、玄武岩和長英質到中等凝灰岩。兩個區域性西北東南偏斷層橫穿該物業的西南部和東北部。該物業緊鄰魁北克貴金屬在其Elmer East項目中新發現的Ninaaskumuwin鋰輝石偉晶岩,但是,Ninaaskumuwin上的礦化不一定表示Pilipas地產上存在礦化現象。Pilipas地產是鋰-銫-鉭(LCT)偉晶岩的極具前景的環境,同時對金和銅也具有很大的前景。

About the Company


Ophir is a diversified mineral exploration company focused on the exploration and development of the Radis and Pilipas Lithium Properties in James Bay, Quebec, and the past-producing Breccia gold property located in Lemhi county, Idaho.


Ophir holds an option to earn a 100-per-cent interest in the Radis property over a three-year period from Eastmain Resources Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Fury Gold Mines Ltd., an option to earn a 70% interest in the Pilipas property over a three-year period from Azimut Exploration Inc. and an option to earn a 100-per-cent interest in the Breccia property from DG Resource Management Ltd.

奧菲爾可以選擇在三年內從Fury Gold Mines Ltd.的全資子公司Eastmain Resources Inc.獲得雷迪斯房產的100%權益,可以選擇在三年內從Azimut Exploration Inc.獲得Pilipas房產70%的權益,也可以選擇從DG Resource Management Ltd.獲得Breccia房產的100%權益。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


"Shawn Westcott"
Ophir Gold Corp.


For further information, please contact:


Shawn Westcott, CEO
Phone 1 (604) 365 6681

電話 1 (604) 365 6681

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Note


The information contained herein contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. Forward-looking statements relate to information that is based on assumptions of management, forecasts of future results, and estimates of amounts not yet determinable and include statements in this press release related to the Pilipas Property being in highly prospective greenstone terrain; the exploration and discovery potential of the Pilipas Property; the potential for a fertile LCT geological setting; interpretation of exploration results including that the Pilipas Property has the potential to host a significant number of large scale LCT pegmatites; the intention to rapidly advance any new LCT Pegmatite discoveries; and the Company's future exploration plans with respect to the Pilipas Property. Any statements that express predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be "forward-looking statements." Forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: risk related to the failure to obtain adequate financing on a timely basis and on acceptable terms; risks related to the outcome of legal proceedings; political and regulatory risks associated with mining and exploration; risks related to the maintenance of stock exchange listings; risks related to environmental regulation and liability; the potential for delays in exploration or development activities or the completion of technical reports including feasibility studies; the uncertainty of profitability; risks and uncertainties relating to the interpretation of sampling and drill results, the geology, grade and continuity of mineral deposits; risks related to the inherent uncertainty of production and cost estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses; results of preliminary economic assessments, prefeasibility and feasibility studies, and the possibility that future exploration, development or mining results will not be consistent with the Company's expectations; risks related to commodity price fluctuations; and other risks and uncertainties related to the Company's prospects, properties and business detailed elsewhere in the Company's disclosure record. Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described in forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned against attributing undue certainty to forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and the Company does not assume any obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances, except in accordance with applicable securities laws. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Company's expectations or projections.

此處包含的信息包含適用證券立法所指的 “前瞻性陳述”。前瞻性陳述涉及基於管理層假設、未來業績預測和尚未確定的金額估計的信息,包括本新聞稿中與Pilipas地產處於極具前景的綠巖地形;Pilipas地產的勘探和發現潛力;LCT地質環境肥沃的潛力;對勘探結果的解釋,包括Pilipas地產有可能容納大量大型LCT有關的聲明偉晶岩;打算迅速推進任何新的LCT偉晶岩發現;以及該公司未來對Pilipas地產的勘探計劃。任何表達預測、預期、信念、計劃、預測、目標、假設或未來事件或業績的陳述都不是歷史事實陳述,可能是 “前瞻性陳述”。前瞻性陳述受各種風險和不確定性的影響,可能導致實際事件或結果與前瞻性陳述中反映的有所不同,包括但不限於:與未能及時以可接受的條件獲得充足融資相關的風險;與法律訴訟結果相關的風險;與採礦和勘探相關的政治和監管風險;與維持證券交易所上市相關的風險;與環境監管和責任相關的風險;勘探或開發活動或包括可行性研究在內的技術報告的完成可能出現延誤;盈利能力的不確定性;與採樣和鑽探結果解釋、礦牀地質、品位和連續性有關的風險和不確定性;與生產和成本估算的固有不確定性以及可能出現意想不到的成本和支出有關的風險;初步經濟評估的結果、預可行性和可行性研究以及未來勘探的可能性,開發或採礦業績將與公司的預期不一致;與大宗商品價格波動相關的風險;以及公司披露記錄中其他地方詳述的與公司前景、財產和業務相關的其他風險和不確定性。如果其中一種或多種風險和不確定性成爲現實,或者基本假設被證明不正確,則實際結果可能與前瞻性陳述中描述的結果存在重大差異。提醒投資者不要將不必要的確定性歸因於前瞻性陳述。這些前瞻性陳述自本文發佈之日起作出,除非根據適用的證券法,否則公司不承擔任何更新或修改這些陳述以反映新事件或情況的義務。實際事件或結果可能與公司的預期或預測存在重大差異。

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